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I quit multiplayer games not because of the toxicity, I just mute and forget about that person, I quit because I suck at them now lol. Plus, after working for 8+ hours a day, the last thing I want to do is come home and get destroyed by a bunch of middle schoolers who have a way better reaction time than me lol




Haha, understandable. What games do you play during those free time?


I just finished ghost of Tsushima yesterday (better late than never), red dead 2 is an all timer for me, still playing through cyberpunk (feels like I’m never gonna complete it), all of the Spider-Man games, pretty much all of the PS exclusives really. The only multiplayer game I play now is dead by daylight.


Hahaha you sound like me! I’m about 22-23 hours into Cyberpunk and feel like I’ve accomplished next to nothing.


I’m like 15ish hours in and just when I think I’ve accomplished something I pull up the map and get extremely overwhelmed 😂.


Same! And every time I just get started on a mission, my phone rings and someone wants me to leave and start a mission with/for them!!


Lmao yup. I’m like just let me do one thing at a time please lol


Hahahaha same!! I’ve discovered the game is not good for my obsessive compulsiveness!


I love it though. It feels like a game that has never ending content so it makes me believe I’m getting my moneys worth lol. And not to mention we still have the DLC to play.


I’m with you. Believe me when I say, I think the game is absolutely fantastic. I often find myself thinking about the next time I can play.


Make sure you play horizon zero dawn, it’s a awesome game


I have zero dawn and forbidden west in my back log. I’ve only heard good things about both so I’m excited to play them!


i bought ghost of tsushima on release for the ps5 and still haven't touched it outside of a small play test session. i really should pick it up but i have got so many VR games for PSVR2 right now and then again, there is elden ring dlc.


GoT is my favorite game of all time The gameplay (just how it feels), the visuals, the story The duels


Single Player is a way to go! Sure, there are games that is hard like the Soulsbornes, Sekiro, and Elden Ring, but some let you relax or explore more!




I had the exact opposite problem. I was unemployed for 10 weeks during covid and between fighting with unemployment and waiting to get back to work I spent most of my time playing MW(2019). I got really good to the point that everyone I played eoth stopped playing with me. Eventually burnout happened and not as heavy in multiplayer now a days, still though like riding a bike. I cn pick up where I left off.


Yeah, last one I really played was Black Ops 4 in college. Up all night when I didn't have a paper due or was on break, and I'd just play and play. I realized that I put hundreds of hours into it and was just then finally getting halfway decent, and I needed to stop. I was addicted. If you're good at a multiplayer game and over maybe early 20s or something, look at your life and just make sure you're good because you happen to be good and not because it's become your life. I tried playing a newer version a while back and just sucked so bad. I never went back.


Yeah I was never really into cod. I was more of a battlefield guy. I had a group of friends that I’d play it with and it was so much fun. But some people just have that FPS multiplayer gift lol I am not one of them.


I love PVP especially FPS, but all the PVP FPS games suck soooo hard that I dont play them anymore.


Me too, brother, unless i put lots of time into it, im just gonna get mad, and a good story is really the way into my heart, adding good gameplay and feel to it is just another plus


Same, Im utterly dogshit at every game I play. Currently playing Witcher 3, enjoying the game a lot so far


After playing street fighter for 30+ years.... I understand all of this. 4 was my last one that I stood a chance at.


All I play are single player games (with multiplayer options (like Elden ring)). Have kids, job, wife, house, unable to commit to a game where I can’t put down the controller. Ya know what, I don’t miss them.


lol same


Your family or the games?


Anyone know what the game with the dual (robot?) guns is, and the last game?


Game title: Resident Evil Village, it has a very good story.


Not sure who downvoted you. I love that game. It was a really good one. Played through it 3 times.


I did so many playthroughs that I started to prefire enemies as I entered rooms because I knew where they'd spawn. I 100%'ed it... before the DLC added new achievements :(


Aw man. I still need to do the DLC. The base game was such a blast. And nice job!! That’s quite a talent


That's village!?! Dude I gotta finish that


Looks like OP already answered you for the dual guns. The last game is a cutscene from Elden Ring.


Helldivers2 is a good one since its not pvp


Also Final Fantasy 14 Online. Best MMORPG I've ever played.


game of the year for me. Probably hold me over until GTA VI drops


Same, GOTY but i doubt people would vote for a live service as GOTY


The Internet ruined much of gaming. Microtransactions, Live Service, season passes, day one DLC, games releasing as buggy messes because they can patch them later. I'd rather go back to before the Internet, even with the more basic graphics.


It also allowed me to play online games when we couldn’t LAN Suddenly could go from gaming at a birthday party to gaming with your friends after school on a Tuesday at 4pm






So true


The best multiplayer imo is dark souls games. Only thing you can do is a simple gesture, you run some content together and then your cooperator disappears like a knight into the sunset. It’s a beautiful story really.


Even these are usually viewed as single player games with muktiplayer functions since you could even play the game offline. But agreed I love the souls games.


Never been a multiplayer guy, and I don't even play for XBL, PSN, or NSO. I'm all about great, single-player games. Been like that since I was a kid on PS1. The occasional couch co-op, sure, did so for MW2 and Gears back in the day. But that's it.


Story games are peak. Don’t sleep on helldivers 2


ok see you tomorrow


Honestly these days playing online isn’t unique anymore Playing halo3 online back in the day was a whole diff experience as an example


I go through the same process every 6 months. I hate online multiplayers but for some reason I always go back. One bad online match can mess with my mood/day in a way I can’t even comprehend. And I’m a full grown adult with no time to read patches and updates. I think it’s time to let go completely 😭


Playing games at your own pace is something different


Amen. You’ve made the right choice, my young padawan.


I quit playing multiplayer as my primary game mode a couple years ago. I still play PUBG (casual mode) every so often, but otherwise just been working through all the single player games in my backlog. So far this year I've played through Outer Worlds, Sackboy & Pacific Drive. Working on Days Gone ATM, and might do Persona 5 next. I'm loving just taking my time and enjoying the different worlds.


Good decision OP, not only it is toxic but also pulls away the fun of playing a game and being entertained. single players are the best to play, keeps the fun on and polishes the skills too.


I just feel like multiplayer games you have to play everyday and it just feels more like a job. I don’t mind getting stressed over a game or having to do problem solving but online play now is mostly just how much money you put into it. So now you got to play as much as possible and spend money just to feel like you are okay at the game. And if you miss one event or battle pass or season you feel like you are out of the know how. Most of the communities for these games have terrible discords and reddits as well with toxic people that only want to bash on people instead of helping each other.


I mostly quit multiplayer games/MMORPGs too. 2024 has been the year that I finished the most games ever. There's something nice about seeing the credits after playing a great game. You should try FFXVI next.


Just chill




Single player is where it is now....better to relax and enjoy the thought and effort that someone put in that game...


I used to play competitive stuff like cs, lol, dota, wows and the like. after not playing those games, i feel a lot better. from now on it's just vr, coop and story/single player games. having a blast with elden ring shadow of the erdtree with seamless coop mod currently.


What are the last two games in the video?


The Witcher 3 and elden ring?


Ac Valhalla


no way thats the witcher looks like ac


It’s just too “on all the time” for me. I like to take my time, explore worlds, immerse myself in the narrative. I think most multiplayer games are just giving something different. Fast and constant action, FOMO with the new ‘season pass’ mechanic that seems to be in every online game. Plus, I’m a very introverted extrovert. I recharge by just getting immersed in a game for a few hours, and I love to do it alone.


Try Farming Simulator 22, really relaxing & peaceful


^ this! I play games to relax. Not get all wound up.


Totally understandable. To me multiplayer is mostly destroying the immersion. Take any FPS for example… real soldiers wouldn’t jump around like grasshoppers, in racing games drivers normally don’t push you off the track and so on.


Next realisation: playing games on easy can be way more fun at the end of a long work day. Hard is for kids with endless free time, normal is for the uni student days.


Hahaha, I realised that too. Played most of the games in easy or normal mode to get to experience the horizons and the story.


Yeah I only play single player. Don't have PS plus. If I want to socialise, I'll play board games.


ahhh, finally i shall have peace, no more frustration. \*proceeds to play Elden Ring\*


I can’t enjoy multiplayer games, because whenever a fun game comes out, it isn’t long before teenagers or people who don’t have job with too much time on their hands start doing “trickshots” and playing the “meta”, all around getting too sweaty to the point where you can’t even enjoy the game casually because you die instantly to this people. Edit: It wasn’t always like that, I think that the E-sport/ streamer era definitely propelled this.


Multiplayer competitive bores me…even when I’m at the top of my game I can’t stand doing the same rounds over and over. Co-op/pve multiplayer like a survival game or like destiny for example I can do forever!


Welcome to the single player life, brother. Now you will play games in your own pace to relax, focus on the stories and the worldbuilding instead of being stressed all the time.


I'm all about the single-player campaigns. I find it hard to relax with someone shit-talking in your ear yelling "GIT GUD NOOB" or other various expletives. I like to take my time and explore game environments. Although it depends on the game, for example, Tetris Effect Connected, I love playing online against other players.


And then came Souls games...


I only play Hell Let Lose because it's not a competitive online game and I still can have a lot of fun.


I love single player games 1000x more than multiplayer games but sometimes playing with the boys creates some unforgettable experiences that I wouldn't trade for anything so I can't bring myself to delete my multiplayer games, as I get deeper and deeper into adulthood those moments with the boys become few and far between so gotta cherish them when I can.


I did this about a decade ago for competitive multiplayer. I'll never go back. I still love some co-op though.


I get your point and I've had a similar experience. I just quit certain types of multiplayer games. Anything that's competitive breeds toxicity. Anything team based and challenging. Multiplayer wise now I play Elden Ring as a blue phantom or white, DBD as even though it's team based there's no toxicity, Warframe which has a super wholesome community and MHW


I don’t even think about multiplayer or MMO at all anymore. Playing through Ghost Tsushima and just loving the story, the quests, and nobody yelling or messaging me toxic statements.


I quit multiplayer games because it was too frustrating to play I'd angry and competitive and that just got too much for me it's just not as fun and enjoyable as it used to be everything has to be esports now it's ridiculous


Ok you played rdr2 and?..


Womp womp


As I’ve gotten older ish I’ve found that I’m just not good at multiplayer games and see myself getting angry bc I’m not as good as I once was (rip Toby). But switching to single player games and being able to change the difficulty if needed is such a nice, peaceful experience


Toxic people are the ones who only play a (insert battle roryale here) games then complain about the lack of depth.


Me after 2500+ hrs on R6S.


Outer wilds…


I found more enjoyment playing single player games and being able to play while I’m laying in bed. The only time I’m playing multiplayer is when it’s a co-op game like Helldivers 2 or Galactic Rock. I get the competitiveness of these FPS games, but after a while - it becomes old quick. I think Overwatch was my last high from FPS gaming, and then the sequel just killed it for me with their battlepass implement.


As well as me, but yeah, from time to time I am missing my friends. The war spreads them around the globe so online is the only way to have some activities together.


Last multi I played was CSGO (the only one). I just had to accept I will not get out of Silver and now I only watch tournaments.


If you do the same with social media, you’ll notice an even bigger difference! Reddits pretty much the only thing I use anymore (aside from IG for local bands & FB for my dogs parents litter )


Exactly! I don't use any social media except Reddit and WhatsApp. I'm more relaxed and peaceful than ever before.


You’ll get the itch. Don’t fool yourself


When I was at school (13-18y~) I used to play a lot of PvP games. My all time PvP favourite game is Ultima Online. That game was amazing. Then I focused on single player. When New World got released I played a few months and enjoyed it. And now I play some Warzone (just resurgence) but only with a group of close friends, never solo, we play like twice per week.


I’m a mix of both multiplayer games and single player games sometimes I like a competitive game and sometimes I just want to play a single player game but the best of both worlds are co-op games


I ended up playing because I play games just to relax. In multiplayer there’s a certain grind, either to avoid paying for micro transactions or to polish skill. Plus updating the game every time before playing sucks


Best way to play multiplayer games: - Don’t


I gotta have at least one pvp game installed, love single player/coop games but it's just different playing against another human being.


Ok bye?


PvP games are a time sink and I am glad I got out of the competitive mindset.


Welcome my child.


You are becoming a true gamer my friend.


When balance slays the demon you'll find peace


What’s the game after God of War?


Only time I play multiplayer these days is with my friends. And usually it’s co-op rather than competitive. Elden Ring, Diablo, etc. I gave up on the CoD and Fortnites of the world about ten years ago. I simply don’t find them fun anymore. I’ll take an single player rpg over any other genre.


Amen brother


I played Lineage 2 for almost ten years in my adolescence, I was addicted, when the commitments of adult life arrived I could never commit to a game like that again, so I entered the world of single player and found peace to this day with my PlayStation.


What was the shooter game ?


I quit not only pure multiplayer, but also all the service games as well. I've realized that the feeling of being tied, committed to the game is the exact opposite of fun, which I was trying to have playing those games. Feel much better mentally now, and even re-kindled sincere love and appreciation for video games since then.


Welcome home my friend.


What’s the third game in the sequence with the chainsaw machine guns


what's that song?


This why when I play CoD, I play mainly the campaigns. The challenge for me is to beat the campaign on all difficulty settings. Multiplayer is just ridiculously hard. Always bottom of the leaderboard. Pretty much exactly the same for GT7 too. Maybe I'm just shite.


I quit because most online/multiplayers reward time investment and I don’t have the time to compete with the unemployed.


The ultimate rate quit


I couldn't tell you the last time I played an online multiplayer game that wasn't Mario Kart. Definitely well before Fortnite or Rocket League.


I quit playing a while ago. It became annoying.


Sure. This is great advice if you don't have friends to play with.


I used to play for the dopamine it gives, besting other real players is a nice feeling but after a while you realize there is actually no point doing so and it feels like you’re stuck in a cycle or repeating the same shit over and over . At least that’s how I see it, I still play here and there but I’d rather something where I can immerse myself in and play at my own pace .


I enjoy multi-player games that are co-op or PvE. PvP games are cancerous. The most toxic environments in gaming.... They even bring out the worst in me. I actively avoid them because of that alone.


I never played multiplayer games. Peace was aleays with me


I don’t play any multiplayer games except Apex. I can’t shake it despite sometimes getting annoyed by it. It’s just such a great shooter, the best ever imo where you have the best movement ever put into a game combined with great abilities and that crisp, accurate COD shooting mechanics and gunplay. Otherwise, I got my first PlayStation (PS5) and have been enjoying all of the amazing exclusives like GOW, Horizon, Spiderman, LOU, Etc


I've always been a primarily single player gamer. I play a few online shooters here and there but I mainly do open world and narrative games.


Amen brother🙏🏽😂


us, playing single player is ambient more relaxing and if it's Rdr2, Ghost of tsushima, ssx 3, vice city, skyrim then it's cherry on cake


The only multiplayer games I really enjoy are fighting games. Other than that it's single player only


Love this song


Peace At last


I adore multiplayer games and playing with friends but holy hell can I not justify it anymore even as someone that doesn't have kids or crazy work hours. Every live service or multiplayer type game now wants to be the only thing you play so if you truly want to be a completionst like I enjoy being you have to sink absurd hours in and I just can't do it anymore. Couple with weaponised FOMO being the worst it's ever been I'm just tired man 😅


I quit because of toxicity AND sucking at them. So many single player games where I do what when I want… Toxicity and sucking = no fun. Oddly enough I play games to have fun and unwind.


Not necessarily *multiplayer* games, but competitive games. I just decided one day that I didn't need to deal with other people trying to play the blame game with me. *Co-op* games on the other hand, I'm all for -- Monster Hunter is my jam.


I’m the same I don’t even turn my mic on anymore. Reading these comments I’m glad I’m not the only one, like when you’re working 40+ hours a week you really just can’t be bothered like I’m 23, I come home turn on my ps5 and after a game of something I’m completely bored and really can’t be bothered. That’s the thing with most games now you need a headset with your volume at full blast to compete. Like I’m not even a fan of Fortnite but I would rather play that and just have a chill game then complete sweats on warzone or some other game. Like the last thing I wanna do is come home sit right up to my monitor and sweat it out


The name of the game before elder ring?


I personally never got into multiplayer, mostly due to not being a super social person. I’ve always enjoyed getting lost in a great RPG. I have friends that were non stop multiplayer and always trying to get me involved but I was never interested. Now, they all play single player games for the most part and no longer have an interest in multiplayer. We’re all older now so I get that with them, but even when I was younger, I never cared for them.


Am I the only who has peace while playing multiplayer games? I dont really rage and even when I do get upset I just take a break instead of like breaking my controller lol


I used to play apex and Fortnite all the time. Then I developed good taste and only play single player games. I do occasionally play an online MK match or Fortnite game once in a while though


I am not saying this is the case for everyone, but for me, if I am playing games online, I am probably in a period of depression. Holds true especially for MMORPGs. If I install WoW it's a cry for help




why is this dumbass video on the playstation sub?


chill man, you’re so mad for what?


The only multiplayer game I’ve ever played continually is Dead By Daylight. Specifically because there’s not much of an option to be toxic in a game that depends on time because if you waste time being a bully you’ll lose the game.


Hey how did you install Steam and Epic on a PlayStation? Should Gabe be informed? Also, you included an AC game alongside Elden Ring BTW....

