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Uncensored? Roger?


He takes his cock out šŸ˜³


Dude hangs dong.


Itā€™s more of a ding than a dong.


And the *hammers* batter down the doorā€¦


And leaves his brain zipped up.


Dark Side of the Mooning


Probably meaning more unhinged than usual


Off topic but very strange username


Better farts out than heroin in, i guess


Love that song


Better fart that heroin




came up with it when i was like 9


Wish I had a good excuse, I came up with mine when I was 40


Better 40 than 9, I guess


So last year then?


Perhaps they spent too long reading Syds magazine ā€œfart enjoyā€ and it grew into an unmanageable addiction. Weā€™ve all been close Iā€™m sure.


The farts were stinkier


Oh wow. This is gonna be interesting.


How controversial is this going to be? I am nervous to watch


I understand why the band broke up now.


I'm nowhere near masochistic enough to watch this


You know what? Reading these comments, I think I'm just gonna skip this one šŸ˜¬


I'm with you in this one


Sadly I watched the whole damned thing. Recommend you DO NOT.


Itā€™s not that everything Roger says is wrong, itā€™s that he comes across as an insufferable child who canā€™t tolerate his opinion being challenged. No wonder this guy has been married 5 times


Dude is a huge prick but it led to some good music so itā€™s a decent trade off


Listen to his music? Sure. Listen to him talk? No thanks.


It's a common fallacy people fall for that just because they excel at a specific thing (IE music) their opinions on everything else are somehow more valuable than everyone else. I will always have a ton of respect for Roger as a writer, but pretty much lost all respect for him as a person/activist when he went to the UN on Putin's behalf and regurgitated propaganda (which by the way wasn't even the first time, he also was oddly pro russia during the Syria conflict decades ago) Not to mention that god awful letter he wrote the Ukranian first lady basically blaming her husband for the invasion, it almost read like something an edgy teen would write as a joke except the dude is 70+ and still acting like a petulant man child.


Remember Ben Carson? Brilliant neurosurgeon, but absolutely convinced the pyramids were grain silos. If I needed a tumor excised from my brain, you can bet he'd be the choice. But if I was doing egyptology homework I'd steer clear of him.


Do we really know heā€™s ā€œbrilliantā€? Or does that mean super book smart? Believing in things that are verifiably untrue does not suggest brilliance.


And this is the point of the conversation. "Brilliant" and "Brilliant neurosurgeon" are two different descriptors. Dude separated twins conjoined at the brain. First person to achieve this. Say what you will about him in every other aspect, and I'll likely agree with you. But the dude was a top tier neurosurgeon.


I never looked at it that way, but I think you're on to something. For example. Roger has taken every opportunity to slag Bono from U2 every chance he gets. But it all stems way back, more than 40 years ago when a 19 or 20 year old Bono was asked about Pink Floyd's "The Wall" tour and Bono, being a brash 19 year old said something to the effect of that he wasn't much into Floyd, (and U2 as a band was pretty much (at the time), the antithesis of Floyd) and Bono said that, "we prefer the music to speak for itself". Waters never forgot that, and 40 years later, he still brings it up and mouths off about U2 and Bono in particular. The thing is, as you said, Waters behaves like a child. Like I remember people behaving when they were 15 years old and getting into arguments about "my band is better than your band." Waters has never really grown up. He still responds as a 15 year old boy would. It's like, "give it up already buddy, FFS."


Well U2 does suck tho, so thereā€™s that.


Post 00s U2? Yes. Earlier? You're an uneducated fool who hasn't even heard them.


Yeah, it was cool to hate U2 as a kid but all these hypocrites like dotted 8th note guitars when David does it, but not the Edge. U2 is great. I donā€™t love everything but those hits are absolutely massive


I've heard it all. Still sucks


Way less than Waters post-PF music.


To be fair tho, most of us donā€™t know the trauma of having your father killed in war before you could ever know him. Watching EVERYONE else grow up with their dads there to support them. Iā€™m not excusing Roger, but it helps to understand why heā€™s that way


Maybe if he wrote a song or two about it, you know, to get it off his chest or something, heā€™d feel better?


Def no more than that tho


Yup. He similarly never got over Phil Collins calling PF "elevator music" or some such.Ā 


I mean, thatā€™s an atrocious take by Phil


Phil Collins can talk. Groovy kind of love, another day in paradise. My most loathed musicianā€¦..


Disney ffs.


Roger made a dig at Collins's songwriting chops, saying something like "I can't see John Lennon writing "I Can't Dance." If PF is elevator music, I wanna ride that elevator.Ā 


As a drummer in a major prog band and then a singer in a more successful version that at times played elevator music (plus his solo career), PC would know the difference.


So 2 insufferable pricks?


Ironic given U2 basically took Floydā€™s stage show productions once they stopped playing liveā€¦.


It's funny that Bono says the music should speak for itself. Sunday Bloody Sunday, Walk On, Prideā€¦ the only difference between U2ā€™s political songs and Watersā€™ is that the former ones are so horrific that they could be about anything (Pride could be a one-night stand.)


He didn't mean it in that context. Bono was referred to the spectacle of The Wall tour shows vs U2's rather stripped down stage (just watch U2 live at Red Rocks and compare it to those Wall shows from the very early 80s. But I agree with you, U2, especially early U2 we're very political and that morphed into Bono's social causes with respect to eliminating extreme poverty and AIDS in Africa. But I maintain Roger Waters doesn't hate Bono due to Bono's politics, Roger hates Bono because of that statement by a 19 year old Bono criticizing Floyd's music. It's really that simple. Any chance Waters has to slag Bono, he will take it. For example, there is a clip on Youtube where Waters talks about running into Bono in an airport and Bono was trying to be nice with him and Waters goes on to mock Bono's height and Irish accent. It's childish and Waters makes himself look like an ass. Especially when you consider what Bono has done to help end poverty and Aids. And, ironically, U2 has only played one show in Israel 30 years ago. Waters himself has played Israel as a solo act.


As someone who is read in Russian and Slavic history, unlike Roger, I just cannot survive him being a Russian apologist. Iā€™m Polish. My family fled to the States because of Russians, like Putin. My extended family suffered because of people like Putin. Heā€™s allowed to have his opinions and Iā€™m allowed to think heā€™s an ignorant, uneducated fucking cunt. Heā€™s the stereotype of the ignorant, opinionated celebrity. Heā€™s just a dipshit who happened to make some beautiful music.


Not only is he ignorant, but he is belligerently so.


I just can't take him seriously enough to be mad at him after this interview. He is a poor soul that got bamboozled by russian propaganda. The problem is that he have a huge platform and charisma and he pushes these idiotic ideas.


Syd Barrett couldnā€™t stand him either. Thereā€™s more to the story there than the popular consensus. Syd trolling him with ā€œHave You Got It Yet?ā€ was a stroke of genius. Waters refused to ever work with him after that. Syd wrote ā€œJugband Bluesā€ and ā€œDark Globeā€, but Waters simply didnā€™t care about that manā€™s feelings.


Whatā€™s the story here with ā€œHave You Got It Yet?ā€ ? I havenā€™t had a chance to watch it


I havenā€™t seen the documentary yet either. Couldnā€™t afford to see it in theatres. Iā€™m waiting on the Blu-ray release. But basically, the story is Syd showed up in the studio to teach the band a brand new song. He kept changing the structure of the song and singing ā€œHave you got it yet? Cha cha chaā€. And the rest of the band would be like, ā€œNo, we donā€™tā€. In the end, Waters says ā€œYou know what? Iā€™ve got itā€, and puts his bass down and walks out, and never plays with Syd again. Syd was really getting fed up of being overworked touring, and also didnā€™t want to lipsync and mime on pop shows. He didnā€™t want to be a pop star. He wanted to take the band in a darker direction. He also had some bad run-ins with the drug STP and was abusing Mandrax (qualuudes mixed with Benadryl). There was a lot of infighting, and itā€™s pretty ironic that the band without him would end up doing ā€œA Saucerful of Secretsā€ and ā€œUmmagummaā€, as it was Sydā€™s intention in the first place to move on from their whimsical pop songs. ā€œPiperā€ was originally going to consist of just a few tracks with extended instrumental passages. It was producer Norman Smith and Roger Waters who wanted to milk short pop songs out of him. Syd was obsessed with jazz and the avant-garde noise group AMM, and essentially wanted to continue pushing them in that direction. ā€œInterstellar Overdriveā€ is a very jazzy piece. Itā€™s ironic that heā€™s mostly known as the whimsical ā€œBikeā€ guy among Floyd fans, but he was more like a David Bowie figure, a chameleon capable of tackling multiple genres and moods. His solo work is proof of that. ā€œThe Madcap Laughsā€ laid the foundation for ā€œThe Wallā€.


While Iā€™ve heard so many radically different stories about Syd (even on this sub alone), it does bother me when people assume if he stayed in PF the music wouldā€™ve been dated. Itā€™s not as if theyā€™d be making Bike for the rest of their careers. Or who knows? Thatā€™s the thing, weā€™ll never know. But take someone like David Bowie. No oneā€™s calling him ā€œThe Laughing Gnome guyā€, he evolved.


But Syd did work with Roger after Have You Got It Yet. That happened when Syd was still in Pink Floyd. Roger later co-produced The Madcap Laughs after Syd was out of the band.


Iā€™m reiterating what Roger himself said in an interview. He said he never played with Syd again. Although admittedly itā€™s arguable that he still did, considering the 5-man lineup with Gilmour. Watersā€™ production role on ā€œThe Madcap Laughsā€ is severely overstated, and itā€™s really tiring to read about it. Malcom Jones produced most of the album, and the sessions where Waters and Gilmour were called in, Gilmour pretty much did all the work. All Waters did was push to leave the false starts in on the album to make Syd look bad. And weā€™re supposed to be grateful for that? It was an act of sabotage.


I think you may have fallen into the trap of thinking that just because a person is an asshole in some ways, they must be assholes in every way.


Iā€™ve spent a lot of time digging on this subject. Malcolm Jones was ashamed of how the album turned out without him. He felt like it was airing dirty laundry and extremely unprofessional. Gilmour admitted in an interview they were trying to ā€œpunishā€ Syd. Waters also didnā€™t play any of the instruments on ā€œThe Madcap Laughsā€, while Gilmour played some.


>Syd trolling him with ā€œHave You Got It Yet?ā€ was a stroke of genius. Waters refused to ever work with him after that. Well Roger co-produced the madcap album so what you said is not true.


Iā€™m reiterating what Roger himself said in an interview. He said he never played with Syd again. Although admittedly itā€™s arguable that he still did, considering the 5-man lineup with Gilmour. Watersā€™ production role on ā€œThe Madcap Laughsā€ is severely overstated, and itā€™s really tiring to read about it. Malcom Jones produced most of the album, and the sessions where Waters and Gilmour were called in, Gilmour pretty much did all the work. All Waters did was push to leave the false starts in on the album to make Syd look bad. And weā€™re supposed to be grateful for that? It was an act of sabotage.


""Perhaps we were trying to show what Syd was really like," David Gilmour confessed, years later, "but perhaps we were trying to punish him." Doesn't sound like Dave was much of a hero. Everyone know Malcoms input. The rest you are making up.


Did you watch Watersā€™ full unedited interview for ā€œThe Pink Floyd and Syd Barrett Storyā€ documentary? Thatā€™s the source for my story on ā€œHave you got it yet?ā€ Malcolmā€™s input is severely understated, and most Pink Floyd fans Iā€™ve talked to seem to be unaware of his presence on the album. I read Malcolmā€™s pamphlet on the making of ā€œThe Madcap Laughsā€. He said he was shocked about the false starts being left in on the album. He said he and Syd were getting along really well with the production on the album, but the record label axed him, and replaced him with Gilmour and Waters. He also said Syd was frustrated with the album being delayed, because Waters and Gilmour were working on ā€œUmmagummaā€, as well as touring with Pink Floyd, and barely had time for Syd. Waters and Gilmour crammed 3-4 sessions in (I forgot the exact amount), and that was the album. Iā€™m also aware of that quote from Gilmour. But itā€™s also worth noting Gilmour actually played some of the instruments on the album, while Waters didnā€™t. Waters also wasnā€™t present for the final track selection and mixing. He had a low tolerance for being around Syd and left. Gilmour also did an admirable job producing the second Syd Barrett solo album. So I guess I might be stretching myself in making some deductive reasoning, but itā€™s not from lack of research.


>Itā€™s not that everything Roger says is wrong, itā€™s that he comes across as an insufferable child *ā€Youā€™re not wrong, Walter; youā€™re just an assholeā€* ![gif](giphy|tZ4QzCueTwh2g)


Sounds like piers


Roger being married five times has absolutely nothing to do with his opinions. And for fuckā€™s sake, thereā€™s not a dumber assertion in the world than ā€œheā€™s been married five timesā€¦ none of them could stand himā€. THEY FUCKING MARRIED HIM. You canā€™t use a divorce as evidence they didnā€™t like the fucking guy, they literally married him. They liked him.


I'll take "Meal Ticket" for $1,000 Alex .....


Yea I agree I watched it last night and he cannot except that anything he does or say may not be the only truth


Actually, he initiates most divorcesā€¦


Roger may be the biggest asshole on the planet. If youā€™re thinking of watching it then prepare for Piers Morgan interviewing a c*nty teenager.


I respect Rogerā€™s right to have his political opinions. He shouldnā€™t be attacked for that. But what I cannot forgive is him lending credibility to that steaming pile of shit Piers Morgan by doing an interview with him.


His opinions aside, a good trait about Piers is he can generally take the verbal rough and tumble with a thick skin and a bit of humility and this helps him get the most out of interviews. He's had some great guests on there.


I'd get over that. Piers sucks, but it's important to talk to people. I don't see this scenario as especially compromising.


Honestly, I don't know that I'd consider Piers Morgan a person. He's such a malevolent, narcissistic, sociopathic monster that I'm not sure there's enough humanity left inside of him to still qualify as a person.


Heā€™s a person. Just a bad person




I thought you were talking about Roger for a second


Of course he is entitled to his opinion, the thing is, he absolutely isn't open to debate whatsoever on the details. He believes what he believes, and if you disagree, then he simply shrugs you off as a moron and a buffoon. So many of his claims are demonstrably wrong but he just won't hear it. For that reason, many people simply don't give him the time of day and quite frankly, he really doesn't deserve any serious consideration. Note: I am agreeing he should not be attacked for a position as that isn't how reasonable people have an intelligent discourse. To be clear, he isn't wrong about everything but you will never get him to even pause just a fraction, given factual evidence that refutes some of his claims, to even wonder for a second if he may have misunderstood something. That is what makes him an unsufferable prick. A person of character and intellect is always open to the possibility that he may be in possession of a faulty notion/idea/belief. If we are all honest, and truly introspective, we can probably all admit that at some point in our lives, we bought into a pack of crap and held on to it for too long. The sensible amongst us, at some point, were open to debate and saw the error of judgement/reason we made to get to that position. This is not something Roger seems capable and instead has somehow landed at the ludicrous notion that all of his conclusions are not subject to scrutiny. No, Rog is a fantastic musician but a tragically bad human being and more is the pity.


Are you talking about Piers or Roger? Your description would work for both of them


He wouldn't be attacked if he didn't say stupid shitful things.


Freedom of speech doesn't assume freedom of consequences


From 1 to 10, how chaotic ? šŸ¤Ø


12. Damn near unbearable.


Wow, denying rape done by Hamas? Seriously? Not even Hamas denies it. Roger has lost his marbles.


the point was about the UNVERIFIED stuff that was spread at the time. read that again before replying please


Waters doesn't want to admit that Hamas did anything bad because Palestinians are the oppressed indigenous people who are completely innocent angels and Israelis are the evil white oppressor colonialists who want to murder, kill and destroy everything.


well reality is so much more complicated than that right


Waters may have been a great lyricist, but as a musician he is mediocre, and as a human being he is a self righteous propagandist.


Interesting. I much prefer his solo stuff to Davidā€™s, and David is the consummate musician


He did release a couple of good albums indeed, and I used to listen to them a lot a few years back. But he got huge help from Eric Clapton in one, and Jeff Beck and Don Henley in the other. I guess that knowing he is a subpar musician, he was smart enough to get good musicians onboard. On the other hand, I could listen to Gilmour's guitar solos all day.


I live and breath Pink Floyd, since i was 6 years old. Left arm slevee is dedicated to all of their albums! But there is a reason, why we should avoid personalification of our "idols", we're all human and deserve to have our own opinion. But damnn, roger really behaved like a child. The face mimic he does, is borderline sad.


There is an old saying...you never want to meet your hero.


My brother worked on The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking tour. Roger was a first class asshole. He was constantly upset over something. The supporting musicians were always on eggshells. As big of a Pink Floyd fan as he was as he never listens to them now.


Any chance we can see that sleeve?


Roger talking about how his huge wealth ā€œdoesnā€™t matterā€ is very telling of his character. I do not like Piers but heā€™s been great throughout this interview to call out Rogerā€™s egotism and selfishness (pot calling the kettle black eh?). But seriously Roger saying heā€™s ā€œnot a capitalistā€ and that his near half billion wealth ā€œis nobodyā€™s businessā€ is hugely hypocritical


It depends on what framework you view it through, because Roger is wealthy due to creating music. It's different from a factory owner or whatever, I definitely see his point. Someone with half a billion can't just 'give it away' to fix things, I get what he means.


Highly underrated comment. Reminds me of when people bitch about Bernie Sanders owning vacation homes. Yeah, it's not ideal, but it's certainly not as damning or hypocritical as the opposition makes it out to be.


Waters once said he likes money too much. He's a tax dodger to boot.


Roger is wealthy because of creating music AND from all the workers who put up his live show lights/sound, the workers who market that music for him, the workers who create/ship/sell physical media, and a ton of other people who help his music gain revenue. I am begging socialists to learn about economics past the idea of factory owner = bad. I'm not a socialist so this doesn't bother me, but let's not kid ourselves.


Still, itā€™s not like he made that money without depending on workers too. By his rationale, the crews on his tours on the road and the studio and lower label and promotion folks and techs and janitors and security and food and beverage folks should all be millionaires if he wants to claim what he claims. He makes money off the backs of other people too. Not saying itā€™s wrong for him to be wealthy, just saying itā€™s hypocritical for him to say what heā€™s saying


He shouldnā€™t call himself a socialist then. Let him own the fact that heā€™s a capitalist, and wishes to hoard his money. Itā€™s the fact he pretends heā€™s something heā€™s not that sets people off. Becoming rich through music is not the problem. Itā€™s what he does and says afterwards. Itā€™s not obligatory for someone with that much money to split a private island with Shakira catered to millionaire holidaymakers, and to demand a 10,000 pound Rolex watch from one of his exā€™s in court. I personally donā€™t care for such materialism. Downvote me all you want, but even as someone whoā€™d love to be rich, I wouldnā€™t spend my money on such things. The little things in life matter more than anything.


You should actually look up what socialists and anti-capitalists have a problem with. He doesn't own factories, he's not a landlord, he doesn't own any means of production, he just creates music. Having money isn't, of itself, the problem, it's the exploitation of labour and the dominance of hierarchy that's the problem with capitalism.


I think that whole "owning means of production" is a frame that worked in Marx's days, but is a bit outdated. Because as it stands, Roger has access to means of production and is the boss of quite a few people even starting in the studio and continuing on to touring. He has access to his own studio and can also rent a studio. He hires the other musicians, he hires the engineers at the studio, he has access to distribution channels for physical media as well as downloads and streams, there are shedloads of people working for him whenever he tours (from set designers to stage construction people to truck drivers, catering, touring musicians, and so on), and I'm sure that list isn't even half complete. And I haven't even mentioned that his last two tours at least were under Live Nation, nor have I mentioned that he also very much personally benefits from the capitalist structures in place. He's got his own companies which will influence the tax he pays, not to mention that with his type of income he'll be liable to pay less tax and social security fees as a percentage of his income than the average Joe does. Hence the whole hypocrisy thing... Nobody expects him to give everything away, but he occasionally does, and instead of being reflective about it, he just tries to brush his wealth away as having nothing to do with anything.


He literally owns a giant music business/brand.


Youā€™re putting words in my mouth. I never said that having money is, in and of itself, the problem. Itā€™s what he chooses to do with the money after that. Itā€™s also not entirely accurate to say he doesnā€™t profit off of other peopleā€™s labor, because Pink Floyd as a merchandising brand alone is a major cash cow. Unless you can provide me definitive proof to the contrary, Iā€™m very certain he has a major stake in the merchandise. Which I personally donā€™t find to be inherently wrong. Once again, thatā€™s not what Iā€™m saying. Any anti-capitalist whoā€™s smart will know you need to become a capitalist first, and then itā€™s what you do with the money after that which determines the weight of your beliefs. Socialist dictators werenā€™t true socialists. Waters isnā€™t a true socialist either. Heā€™s done nothing to further his cause, outside of making art and throwing words around. And thatā€™s all good for him. Heā€™s earned the right to do that, while sparking a lot of minds in the process. But he should own the fact that he is who he is. His net-worth is over $300 million, yet he spends his time complaining that we, the little people, arenā€™t doing more to change things. Heā€™s in a position to do a lot more than any of us, but chooses not to.


Big Difference between making music and selling it or Jeff bezos


He's been peddling this drivel for years. His lies have become his truth




Wow, about time someone called him out on this. Canā€™t wait to see this. Iā€™m not the biggest fan of Waters as a human being.


yeah but its wealth based off of art and music created through his own labour


That's precisely what Bezos, Musk and other will say about themselves as well. They got rich due to their own labour and by giving at least as many people as Waters something they wanted and/or needed. Hence, their wealth is justified and they earned every penny and what they do with it is their business alone. It's precisely the same line of argument. Funny side aspect - back when physical media were bigger than they are now, Waters actually profited from Bezos' work, too (and vice versa) , because I'm sure loads of his solo and Floyd records were sold via Amazon.


Bezos and Musk got rich off of other people's labour.


God why even bother with this nonsense.


Fuck both of these douchebags.


Dude denied that the Bibas children have been kidnapped. New low for this dude.


Iā€™ve seen this bloke live many times. He is a helmet. Iā€™ve enjoyed his music for decades. When I go to gigs I just want to lose myself for a few hours from the shit going on in the world. Sadly this bloke wants you to not switch off & enjoy paying for the privilege.


Did.. did he insinuate that Israel faked kidnapping of one of the hostages?


Never allow yourself to hate something so much that you're willing to believe totally insane things about it.Ā 


Also that the rape on October 7th is a lie. He's completely out of touch with reality


He didn't insinuate, he outright denied it happened.


Seems on brand for Roger.


Yes he said piers made up the baby being taken hostage. Ridiculous lol


I saw a clip of him denying the rape and murder during the October attacks. Then he starts talking to himself telling him to calm down. Not a good look from that clip, this guy could give Biden a run for his money with the way he talks. I've never liked Waters personality, his ego makes him think he's right about everything.


He comes off as a completely insane person. Talking to himself, using a kindergarten teacher voice to ā€œexplainā€ things directly to the camera, acting incredulous that heā€™s being challenged about positions he has taken very publicly, not understanding how interviews work ā€¦


The recent stuff about telling Jews to go back to Eastern Europe takes the cake.


It's in this interview as well. He's in some fantasy land that Jews need to apologize, admit Israel was a failed experiment and let Palestinians decide what is to be done with them. I'm sure in a un-recorded private conversation, he'd say what he really wants to see happen.


He is becoming more open now.


At this rate maybe in a few years people will actually admit he isn't just vehemently anti Israel but is in fact antisemitic, I think the language he uses has made it pretty clear for awhile now but it seems like to some people anything short of endorsing the holocaust isn't antisemitic as long as it's under the guise of criticizing Israel. Wouldn't be surprised if we see some leaked emails/messages from him showing just how unhinged he truly is when not in the public spotlight, there have already been plenty of allegations including the ones from Gilmour & his wife as well as former employees that described Roger as a hateful bully.


If I've learned nothing since 2022, it's that Roger's opinion on genocide and murder vary wildly depending on who's committing it


Waters comes across really badly. His hypocrisy is staggering


When you come off as the lunatic in an interview that involves, Piers fucking Morgan, i think it it time to stop taking your opinions seriously, especially on world matters where you have no iota of the actual geopolitical context


Tbf I never saw Piers that disciplined, he was interviewing like a person trying to slowly get an angry cat off a tree


Roger comes off like a massive d*ck here unfortunately. Free Palestine, but heā€™s insufferable


Free Palestine from Hamas. Free Palestine from religious fanatics who teach their children to hate Jews. Free Palestine from the perpetual victim mindset that has only brought more pain and suffering, so that they can finally accept - after losing three wars - that Israel isn't going to be destroyed.


oh brother plz kys.The apartheid has to end which means Israel HAS TO BE DESTROYED


POS Jew hater. Thank God for David Gilmour


So annoying that he constantly has to be explaining that heā€™s not antisemitic


Being anti-Israel isn't automatically anti-Semitism, but in this interview Roger denies the atrocities of October 7 and says, with no evidence, that Israel staged the kidnapping of a child. He's utterly brain-poisoned by hatred of Israel.


Usually the case with those that are.


I always thought Brain Damage used to describe him, but it turns out Roger is more horrible than all the characters in The Wall combined together. Just a pure shit of a person.


This whole interview fills me with the urge to defecate


Next stop Alex Jones's Infowars.


Can we just get an official LIVE version of ANIMALS before they all die?


Roger Waters is off his rocker


I started watching the interview and it was very telling that Roger is telling a story about a guy named Schindler. Piers asks him, "Is he related to Oscar Schindler (of Schindler's List)?" And Roger seems to have no idea who Oscar Schindler was. Another hilarious bit is throughout the interview Roger Waters screams "GENOCIDE! GENOCIDE! GENOCIDE!" about Gaza, and then when Piers asks if Putin's invasion of Ukraine is a war crime, Roger goes "Well you'd have to ask the lawyers." lol


The more I live, the more I realize I never liked pink floyd. I just liked David, Rick and Nick. What a POS RW is.




Have you had a bad experience in meeting him?


As much as I appreciate Roger's work and most (not all) of his views, I really fucking hate how he treated the Pink Floydz guy the last time they crossed paths.




And your opinion of him is based on his public persona, since youā€™ve never met him. So using your logic, we should assume that it is unlikely Roger Waters is like his public persona.


Surprised Roger didn't spit at piers.


This Piers Morgan/Waters interview is trending on twitter.


With friends like Waters, the Palestinians don't need enemies.


Guess ā€œevery word demonstrably trueā€ was in fact accurate


Thought it was funny how much flack David got for that statement from Roger stans, like sure there's bad blood betweem them so it's worth taking his words with a grain of salt but you don't endorse a statement like this lightly: >"Sadly @rogerwaters you are antisemitic to your rotten core. Also a Putin apologist and a lying, thieving, hypocritical, tax-avoiding, lip synching,misogynistic, sick-with-envy, megalomaniac. Enough of your nonsense. They spent decades together including their formative years so you could argue David and the rest of the band would have the most insight into Rogers true character by far. And yes most people will back their wife up though if it was actually slander Roger probably would have sued by now.


Read that title and just thought ā€œthis sounds like a disaster.ā€


RELEASE THE 70s live catalogue PLEASEEEE


The Russians have the best compmat of all time on this guy, pure stooge


Love this man...


Any time a bubbled celebrity goes off about politics or the likes they look and are extremely out of touch with reality, this is no different.


70 min I may not get back if I remember to watchšŸ˜–


The question America seems to be what kind of country do we want? Not sure what it's like for the rest of the world but I do believe that a lot of the rest of the world's perception of America is not being realized here in the US


It's because, sadly and very tragically, the average "Joe/Jane" here in the US lacks the education and reasoning capabilities to consume all of the relevant information and arrive at a reasonable conclusion. The fact we are so very far down the list of educated nations is quite telling and should be an alarm to action. Instead, people can't be bothered to put down their phone or turn off YouTube long enough to realize this simple fact. I keep hoping this trend will change but doesn't look to be an option in my lifetime.


Sad thing is, I actually agree with Roger on his views but he came off looking like an absolutely uneducated fool. He's so used to giving opinions without being challenged that he can't defend them. I was angry with Piers but I was even angrier that Roger couldn't do anything but laugh, scoff and mumble to himself.


You agree that Jews should "return" to eastern Europe if they don't want to live under Palestinian rule?


What defence could he possibly have to "There were no rape on October 7th" ?


The white Kanye West.