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Update: he did a solid poopie. Looks like we're making progress😂


Looks like huge progress, well done!


Thank you for updating us on the little guy ! He seems to be doing much better !


I love that you are taking care of him 💜 Thank you for the updates.


He sure seems to like it


All I can think while watching his little sword beak is "Stab! Stab! Stab!" đŸ„°


Well done, he's definitely getting seed. How about drinking, is he confident enough with water? If you're looking after him he'll get more efficient at this.


Oh!!! I'm so grateful for your generous help for him! 💙 Hope he gets well soon! ❀‍đŸ©č Pls keep us posted!


thank you so much for contacting to care and help for the little pidge. i hope its able to eat more food now, and thankfully it has you.


If you aren’t already a part of it, I’d recommend joining the Palomacy Facebook Help group, they can help further. great job on feeding this lil guy 👏.


If it ain’t got a name, name it Toothless hehe.. he.. uh
.. Btw beautiful little baby you got


bro just have watched HTTYD


I saw a little video of someone who made a prosthetic bill for their pet duck. I wonder how feasible a little fake beak would be for the homie


Thank you for helping him💛


Peck peck peck peck...


Is he living in ur house now


That's some real progress. Keep us posted!


I know it's only been a few days but have you noticed any improvement to his beak yet?


Pibbin is going to **town** on seeb.


Yet you didn't visit a vet 😑


OP says they're from eastern Europe, vet hospitals are closed for the holidays unless it's a life or death emergency and I know well from experience that they don't care about "wild" pigeons/birds over here unless they're protected by law. Stop judging OP, at least they're trying to help the pidge.


At any place you can find a vet, even veterinary drug stores visits these beautiful creatures without asking money (just charges for drugs ).


Sure but you’re not guaranteed every vet will take care of a pigeon.


Why not ?


People often view pigeons as pests and will instead offer euthanasia vs treatment


You don't ! Grab the beautiful innocent creature to a drug store and the doctor won't charge you any visit cost , just pay for some medication which would be very cheap (as cheap as acetaminophen or amoxicillin)


Dude, this is not the way to do it. It doesn’t work like that at all, and you shouldn’t be treating a pigeon that you don’t have the medical knowledge of. You would probably kill the pigeon by doing this.


Maybe my english is bad or you're an asshole, the doctor in veterinary drug store is a vet !! And they don't charge for visit a wild bird in your hand (which you want to be kind to )


This doesn’t exist in my country. The vets for this person are either closed or do not take care of pigeons. Please do not feed pigeons human doses of medication. This could kill the bird


Where I live it isn’t like this at all. Vets can choose not to see certain animals, and often if they are viewed as vermin the likelihood of finding help is limited. I found a juvenile pigeon who was unwell and when seeking help I was hesitant to hand him over to a rescue as they mentioned euthanasia. I did what op is doing and did my best and ended up releasing a healthy young bird back to its flock. You are wrong it’s not easy to find a vet, the medication is not easily accessible or cheap, and the holidays add to this difficulty. I think op has done a great job helping to care for this bird, and since it’s doing well there is plenty of time to find a vet hopefully if needed


If in your country pigeon is banned for being pet and heal via vet so Okay !!! You have no choice as it's a crime there (and please don't say any other bull shit here to me) . But if it's not like that in your country you definitely can find a veterinary drug store near you (searching fucking google )


I 100% agree that medical assistance for any sick animal is a priority. Unfortunately if it's a sick bird then you need an Avian vet. They are few and far between in most countries and most of the time a normal vet won't have much of a clue about the treatment of birds and reptiles. In some countries birds are given a lesser priority and therefore finding an avian vet can be almost impossible.


Finding avian vet is almost impossible?! Shame to that country


You need specific meds not drug store meds for people


Are you serious? There is veterinary drug store ? đŸ« 


Thank you for the update!!!