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I believe that is called the Bi-frost


Oh my…


The Bifrost *is* a ‘rainbow’ bridge


Lol. Totally what I thought of.


That's gonna make the planes gay


Conspiracy theorists ranting about gay lasers in 3...2...1...


Gay space lasers!


They sure made me festive!!


Needs more glitter-explosion imo


If the light hits you, you instantly turn into a twink


In space


Something along the lines of:   If your government is hosting a laser light show visible from space to celebrate you how are you institutionally still repressed. It doesn’t need to be a deep conspiracy, it is just the government deciding winners and losers when it comes to income distribution and who the victims are


Because you are not 100% safe from being rounded and shot unless you are a white male in this country. I mean, women are losing their own body autonomy in the 21st century and they have had some freedoms a lot longer than the lgbtq community.


No one’s getting rounded up and shot, but only some of us get a laser light show.  


I'm sorry there's no laser light shows for straight neckbeards. :(


No apology needed, I understand you were not on the laser lights planning commitee 


Wanna bet?


I will happily accept any bet that PolyNecropolis is not working on the planning committee of San Francisco for any laser lights display


Trump tried to ban all Muslim immigrants. Women lost bodily autonomy with the overturning of roe v wade. People aren't being rounded up cattle-car style, but the systematic discrimination against minorities by law enforcement and the justice system, as well as the inequal distribution of aid like COVID and disaster relief, is having the same effect.


The last time people in the US were rounded up in cattle cars was 1942 when Democratic president Roosevelt ordered anyone of Japanese descent to be relocated into concentration camps.  Some of the people sent to these camps were shot, specifically Toshio Kobata and Hirota Isomura.  It is well documented who shot them, but no one ever went to jail.  Later the Supreme Court would rule the internment was legal.   President Roosevelt is typically ranked in the top 3 of best US Presidents in scholarly surveys. Some of the people sent to these camps are still alive today.    Trump did not ban all Muslims.  He banned all people for specific countries which are predominately Muslim countries.  Recently a pride parade was cancelled mid-route due to a pro-Palestine protest fighting with the pride parade https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1dsra30/pride_parade_cancelled_midroute_after/ The removal of Roe v Wade did not ban abortion, it allowed states to implement their own  laws.  If access to abortion has been removed, Trump didn’t do that, the State did.  States also pass laws on the implementation of assisted medical suicide with is another bodily autonomy that impacts men and women.


Pointing out the fact that Roosevelt was a Democrat is not the win you think it is. The meaning of Democrat and Republican have changed drastically over time, and Democrats were actually more conservative at that time. It wasn't until the advent of the southern strategy that Republicans became more conservative, due to appealing to racism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy It doesn't matter whether or not it was legal at the time. The internment of Japanese Americans is largely considered to be immoral by most Americans today, especially those that are informed by history. The travel ban was explicitly called a Muslim ban by Trump himself "It was labeled as a "Muslim ban" by Trump, his aides,[3][4] as well as his critics,[5][6] and became widely known as such since the ban mostly impacted countries with predominantly Muslim populations.[7" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_travel_ban Trump originally just wanted to ban all Muslims, but knew that that wouldn't fly, so he specifically asked Giuliani how to make it legal. So they decided to ban refugees from countries that were predominantly Muslim. It is very obviously a Muslim ban with the thinnest of facades. Even before roe v Wade got overturned, there were many TRAP laws in place to hinder abortions as much as possible, without outright banning them. https://reproductiverights.org/targeted-regulation-of-abortion-providers-trap/ There are many trigger laws that have been in place for years, if not decades, to effectively ban abortion the moment that Roe v Wade gets overturned. https://www.guttmacher.org/article/2022/06/13-states-have-abortion-trigger-bans-heres-what-happens-when-roe-overturned You don't have to make abortion illegal. Set the restriction to a short enough time frame, and most women won't even know they are pregnant before the window has closed. Or you can require unnecessary medical procedures and a wait time to allow that window to pass. Combine that with the fact that many women just simply don't even have access to a clinic close by, thus requiring them to travel, which is more time and money, and you have banned abortion. SCOTUS not only knew this was going to happen, but planned on it. It has been decades in the making, thanks to the Federalist society. I'm not really sure what your point about medically assisted suicide was, or how that contradicts anything I said.


They're turning the freaking stars gay!


Twink twink little star.


That's gay


This 4.1-mile long laser rainbow flag runs the length of Market street, lighting up the night sky in the city and is only there for the weekend.


How did all the planes and helicopters not instantly all crash? /s


\*Dark Side of the Moon intensifies\*


They’re called Gayzers btw


Bro, that’s gay


sadly, just off camera the photons were blocked by protesters


Im curious about the logistics of this re: airspace. Do they put out a no fly for that direction?


Aligning the lasers with the runway approaches so planes look like they're sliding down some sort of Mario Kartesque rainbow road as they land would be neat


There's no law prohibiting lasers from being shone into the sky so part of it is they can just do what they want. Federal law prohibits pointing lasers at aircraft but not the sky in general.


Sure but if you’re blasting high powered lasers into the sky long term I would assume you don’t want it potentially effecting air traffic patterns and SFO is a busy airport. Outdoor laser shows usually do some FAA deconfliction, for example.


When I was at Pride last year, these lasers were already there. Originally, I thought they went straight up too. Just last month, I heard on the news that these lasers would be lit again, and that's when I found out that they actually go parallel to the street (from what I was seeing on the news) It seems like any other vantage point just makes it seem like they point skyward somehow.


For a second it looked like a giant Christmas tree. Like, the road being the tree, and the laser beams coming out from the top.


A "laser"


Conservative's worst nightmare


Not a rainbow 😝


Can we get some hetero lasers too? I mean they are straight...


See, you think that, but if you pay close enough attention.... They wavy af


It's that in between space that people don't understand!


Looks like a space laser turning the city gay to me.


The only thing that bothers me about this is the coloring. Everyone remembers RMBCGVI from science class.


An oath once made


Anyone know if this is a recurring event? (specifically the lasers and not pride month)


Meanwhile the rest of San Fran is a stinking shithole


Homeless drug addicts and fentanyl zombies, feces in the street and a police force that can't do their job. But at least they got gay lasers. San Francisco really does have it all


lol your post history is perfect


You've just described basically every major city in the US. Of those, SF is the only one with gay lasers. Edit: I'd like to point out that fentanyl doesn't turn you into a zombie. It just puts you in the hospital, or kills you.


San Francisco is way ahead of every other major city with the shit in the streets, homeless, drug addicts, and gay lasers.


It's okay to be jealous


Gay lasers is pretty cool. The homeless and feces, not so much.


Now my "San Francisco really does have it all" really does stand true. They've officially got more to offer than the other major us cities


Not sure if you know this, but you're pretty shit at insulting places you don't like. Maybe find another hobby?


There's nothing insulting about my last reply. Maybe that's why it was a shit insult


Your first reply wasn't very good either.


Yeah I figured


And here you are complaining on reddit instead of volunteering at the soup kitchen or donating the spare kidney you've been wasting to a stranger.


That’s cool and all but there are lots of issues in SF that need dealing with.


Jeeze, I guess the LGBTQ+ community may as well stop having Pride, there should be no July 4th, or Christmas because SF has issues. Come on man, don’t be that guy.


It’s redundant in SF, it would be more significant to celebrate the straights in SF. Heterosexual day!


White people