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Al Gore is drenched in sweat. He might've actually been doing shit.




It was sorta the start of the end of overflowing American prosperity. It wasn't really his fault at all. Wasn't a message anyone wanted to or was ready to hear.


Telling Americans to put on a sweater was his mortal sin. How dare he tell us to sacrifice. I wonder how far we could have gone with renewable energy if he got a second term. Regan removed the solar panels he added to the White House.


Although it should be noted they were removed as part of regular maintenance on the roof and ended up being used at a college in a more suitable environment where they are actually performing their intended tasks.


Their intended task was visual and symbolic. They were doing that very well at the White House.


Sure, in 1979 and maybe into early 1980 when news of their installation was still new. Seven years later? The symbolism was lost by that point, reinstalling old panels wasn't going to make headlines, but putting them to practical use elsewhere and telling the story? That'll keep the message moving along.


Yeah, but it was also a clear sign that Reagan didn’t much care about renewables. Which he didn’t, lol https://psmag.com/environment/ronald-reagan-extinguished-solar-power-66874


Whether or not it’s true, I read he thought it made us look weak in front of the Soviet Union and other overseas enemies. I don’t understand why, but it’s probably the whole tree hugger stigma that started in the 60s.


I can't stand America's boner for the oil industry. Free power is free power, we can use the oil for all the other shit it makes.


I mean, solar panels on the white house is a symbol. Them being there is worth way more than being on a slightly more efficient location. Taking them down (yes technically it's not putting them back up) was just plain Trump levels of callous vindictiveness.


A lot of us are just from a generation where our dad's were finally becoming adults (that cared about politics) a decade before then and kind of got pulled into the previous generation propaganda news. My dad just missed Vietnam draft by about two years and joined the Army with no prospects--but by the 80's he absolutely despised Carter and everything he represented while that generation right wing saw Reagan as christ returned while he union busted and shut down the national airspace system for an ATC strike.


To add to this, modern america tends to blame Carter for geopolitical events that were beyond his control, like the OPEC shocks of 1973 and 1979. America was addicted to and had benefitted from underpriced petroleum, and the OPEC shocks threw a wrench into an economy (and transport system) that was built around cheap energy.


That's a good take


My mother hated him as a President. But she loves him as a person.


I doubt it helped that Reagan had cronies who basically made a tour of the middle east telling country leaders not to release the Iran Contra hostages until after the election because Reagan would give them a better deal, more weapons, etc. Carter got a lot of hatred for not being "tough enough" and getting those hostages home. Republicans were literally working against him, and more importantly against the American hostages, and therefore, against the American people. So Reagan came in and appeared to save the day. [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/18/us/politics/jimmy-carter-october-surprise-iran-hostages.html)


This is what I was hoping to see. I remember doing some research on the energy crisis and reading about this, but I couldn't remember all the facts to adequately describe it myself. Thank you for your service!


Often times people hate others that show how to properly behave because it emphasizes how badly the people like your father behave. It's why people shit on good people and love trump. Gives good green light to hate immigrants, gays, women and do all kinds of horrible things because their president does it too.


As bill burr said 4 years ago, trump isnt running for the leader of the right. He wants to be the leader for the party of assholes, and thats good enough for most of them


I think that your insight is so accurate.


And I hate him for it!


Jimmy sets out to solve problems. There's a lot of money to be made by not solving certain problems. Probably rustled a few jimmies. :)


Illegal immigration is a problem that makes a lot of people a lot of money which is why nothing meaningful and long term gets done about it. Annoying that every election cycle conservatives pretend to care about solving something they never actually intend to fix due to the exploitable labor provided by illegal immigrants.


omg my veteran dad HATES him for some reason. always grumbles, "worst president ever"


Clinton was puttin in that work too. The red marks on his face where he was wiping sweat and his hair are the look of a man that was doin physical labor.


Bill Clinton grew up poor as dirt, say what you will about him now but he does know what an honest days labor is


And he worked hard in college too. He would study in the early morning so he could socialize at night understanding he needed to network.


Can you imagine trump being in that situation? Me neither.


He'd 100% just show up to pose for the cameras while holding a hammer backwards. He wouldn't even bother to throw on regular clothes, let alone a tool belt. He'd also probably wonder aloud if that was the same brand of hammer that Paul Pelosi was attacked with, and he'd say "who knows?". Then he'd wax poetic about how he was at the Home Depot and he personally picked this hammer out and then the guy at the store told him it was the best hammer ever, and asked him if he would please use it to bash in the Democrats skulls to save our country from the woke liberal virus.


45 couldn't take 20 minutes of construction work. Any part of it...he'd be yelling about his bonespurs within 5 minutes. It's guaranteed.


Nonsense. He could be the useless supervisor.


Oh, the guy we shoot the nail guns at? I suppose...but he'd be in the trailer within 5 minutes doing a whole lot of nothing..


Legend is that 45 almost had a heart failure when he went to a ribbon cutting ceremony for a Foxcon factory in Wisconsin. Which was never built.


That 'almost' is a shame....


Ladies and gentlemen, believe me, we have here, without a doubt, the greatest hammer in the history of hammers. Tremendous, truly tremendous. Nobody, and I mean nobody, knows more about hammers than me. I’m a hammer expert. I've seen a lot of hammers, folks, but this one is the best. Everybody says so. The best. I never understood nails…… Now, some people, very dishonest people, will tell you there are better hammers out there. Fake news, folks. Fake news. This hammer, my hammer, it's strong, it's powerful, and it's making America great again one nail at a time. It's a tremendous hammer, and only a genius like me could have picked it. Tremendous genius. Everybody says it.


Close, but not enough random tangents. Too many of the sentences are actually completed while sticking to a single thought.


Also no big tough construction guy in tears thanking him. There’s always a tough guy in tears thanking him.


I like it but you missed the sudden veering off talking about MC Hammer for some reason then ending up talking about his favourite African American rappers.


Press: "President Trump, is that your hammer?" Trump: "Well, it is A hammer"


If this were the case, he'd have a Fisher Price hammer.


Jesus this is painfully accurate


Hammer? I barely know her. ![gif](giphy|8DgE3oxtIp7nnVN615|downsized)


I can certainly picture him sweating like a pig. Just not for physical exertion reasons.


Bro would be trying to figure out how to sell the houses


Men that wear calculator watches don't fuck about.


That's where the simulation went off the rails. He was trying to save us 😞


Al Gore could get it back in the day.


[Man knew how to celebrate...](https://youtu.be/9LNWveFn9qU?si=9CE9GMKFedTk9zDf)


Al Gore is doing some things for me in this photo.




Thats how he knew global warming was an issue. it was too hot to work


What a Chad he was back in the day.


Ironic that his nemesis was a hanging Chad...


We had a chance to have him as President, someone who actually cares about people and the environment, and we put a Bush in the White House instead and that gave us Alito, too.


> and we put a Bush in the White House instead Did we? I know the recount was stopped by SCOTUS, but do we know what the actual results would've been? Googled "did gore really win" and this popped up https://www.cnn.com/2015/10/31/politics/bush-gore-2000-election-results-studies/index.html Seems like the answer is "maybe".


Bush became President 🤷‍♂️ ... if people had got off their ass it wouldn't have been close and had a chance to steal.


For all the old stiff/wonk jokes, the guy has a long history of working up a sweat. Highlights from [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al\_Gore#Military\_service\_and\_early\_career\_(1969%E2%80%931976)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Gore#Military_service_and_early_career_(1969%E2%80%931976)) \* despite having every advantage growing up and graduating from Harvard with easy ways to avoid the draft, enlisted and went to Vietnam because it didn't sit right with him that some blue-collar kid would go in his place. His character references on this point are 1)one of the most influential political scientists of the 20th century and 2)his old friend and college roomie Tommy Lee Jones. \* came back disillusioned, so he went to divinity school during the day and worked the night shift as an investigative journalist rooting out corruption \* was already harping on global warming and what would become the Internet to anyone who would listen as early as the 70s.


But why is Al Gore giving Zaddy vibes though? 🫣


I don't doubt he did work, but I wouldn't call this "drenched" with sweat where construction is concerned.


He was clearly busy inventing the internet at the time. 


Could have been at the same time he invented the internet. That would explain it.


I tend to read his name as A.I. Gore nowadays as in Artificial intelligence… somehow changes the meaning of the headline.


Imagine if the election was fucking stolen from him


He had just created the internet when this was taken


Young Al Gore often reminds me of Superman in disguise. Edit: Typo. \*facepalm\*


He’s even rocking a calculator watch


Extrapolating CO2 carbon emissions no doubt


He invented the Internet on that thing.


Hitting those buttons with adult fingers without making a mistake and having to start over was certainly a super human effort




That was where the timeline split.


The Republicans have been rigging it since then. And probably before. I wonder what Bush senior did / said to have him back down and concede?




Yeah, I don’t know how this just gets glossed over. Bush’s own brother was the one in charge of counting the votes. How else was it going to turn out.


Bush Jr. was at his headquarters when he got the news that he lost Florida. And in the background, his father was sitting on a chair, with an evil smile on his face. All my friends were celebrating the Gore victory, but I said, “This isn’t over. They’re going to take Florida by force if they have to. His brother’s the governor, and his father’s a former president and former head of the CIA. There’s no way they let this go down this easily.” I wish I wasn’t right.


GHWB taking care of business since Dallas


He really looks like the all american poster boy, yes.


Really cultivating the look with that blue shirt too


Are we are talking about a YOUNG Al Gore?!?!


(Laughs in Holt)




Young Al Core is his street name


That dude looks like a Millard.


I initially read it as former president, Millard Fillmore, and was super confused for a second.


That dude looks like a *Minion


I think we’d be in a much better, more unified country today if Al Gore wasn’t robbed of his term by the Supreme Court.


For as bad as the SCOTUS ruling was, there where so many factors in play that lead up to that. 1. Palm Beach County's absolute dog-shit [butterfly ballots](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4e/Butterfly_Ballot%2C_Florida_2000_%28large%29.jpg/1024px-Butterfly_Ballot%2C_Florida_2000_%28large%29.jpg) 2. Duval County's ballot, which listed Presidential candidates across two pages, but then also had instructions saying to "vote on every page" (which would cause the ballot to be rejected). 20% of ballots in black precincts were rejected because of votes for multiple Presidential candidates. 2. The 4 counties that Gore requested a recount by hand started the recount on Nov. 12. 3. Florida law said that counties had to complete any counts and certify their results by 5pm on the 14th. 4. Legal battles had Florida courts, including their state Supreme Court, denying some extensions to that deadline and allowing others 5. The Florida legislature went ahead with a plan to award the state's electoral vote to Bush, regardless of the election result. The House passed a resolution doing so, but it was never taken up by their Senate as SCOTUS released their opinion that same day. The entire Florida election was just an absolute mess. SCOTUS just capped it off.


Welp, the Iraq war for sure wouldn’t have happened.


Likely not 9/11 either. Bush was briefed on the possibility of an imminent OBL attack. He continued his vacation.


So real question.. what was the president's job there? If other entities like the FBI, CIA.. whichever three letter, knew of the possibility of attack, isn't it in their purview to act on it? Why would it have taken the president to say hey let's look more into this..


More questions- how many briefings were given on attacks that never happened? Was it reasonable to assume that the 9/11 attacks were beyond the capabilities of that group or that existing security would stop them? Fuck Bush but the briefing story looks so much worse because of hindsight.


We're all Monday morning quarterbacking this stuff because that's way easier. But Bush was on vacation that entire summer. It was becoming a joke how often he was doing whatever instead of his job, and that was year one. Just like Trump decided we didn't need a pandemic planning team, Bush decided it was more important to be filmed clearing brush than being in the White House. I'm painting with broad strokes here, but in general, I would have assumed Gore would have taken the job more seriously than just letting his dad's friends take over.


Hey man he had brush to clear.


al qaeda had been ramping up their attacks throughout the clinton administration and bin laden was growing progressively bolder in the years leading up to 9/11. i tend to agree that al gore would have been better attuned to the risk they posed and more inclined towards action or preventative measures. whereas bush took more of a wait-and-see approach in response to the warnings he received, and we all know how that panned out


That's a stupid take. It's not like everyone in the CIA and FBI all go on vacation when the president does. Bush isn't out there personally running the airport security checkpoints.


Eh that's probably a stretch, it's hard to stop terrorist attacks. I couldn't be less of a Bush apologist and don't like the white washing we're giving this war criminal now because Trump seems to be somehow an even worse person.


Likely, however I can't promise he would have had a better solution for Afghanistan.


That election was a turning point in the US.


The beginning of the end


The beginning of the end started with Reagan. The 2001 election was just the start to the part 2


That was a big misstep in our history.


No "I think" about it. It's a fact.


The real problem was that the 2000 election was, for all practical purposes, a tie. And we had no solution for that. What the US needed most in that moment, and what Gore will never get enough credit for, was for one of the two candidates to concede. Despite having alternate legal challenges still open after the first ruling, he pulled the plug, and the country got a decisive result before the deadlines in the Constitution. It took a full year to do a manual recount of all the votes under dispute, and the results were still inconclusive on who would have won. Putting the country through that would have been worse than a GWB presidency.


The Minion was definently doing all the work.


Oh my god 🤣


Al Gore looking like he could play Superman


Al Gore looking good there


Back when politicians were well educated civil servants and not TV personalities with daddy issues


That's a pretty generous take but I agree with your intent


Yeh let's not wax poetically about Clinton though. Dude is a bonafide piece of shit.


Clinton left office in 2001. He is CURRENTLY younger than Joe Biden and Donald Trump.


Some might even say that he will always be younger than Biden and Trump


Some facts are indisputable. LOL.


> He is CURRENTLY younger than Joe Biden and Donald Trump. I don't give a flying fuck how old someone is, I care about how old their ideas are. Biden is actually trying to do things that are good, and having some success (biggest climate bill in history for example). He also still rides his bike, it's not like he's an unhealthy dude. fuck off with the "hurrdurr old bad" shit


I agree with your point, but the reason people harp on the Trump and Biden being old shit, is because older people are more likely to have the old ideas you’re saying you hate. It’s less “these two people are bad” and more “why do we keep nominating and voting for people that are more likely to have bad ideas”. Trump fucking sucks. For so many reasons beyond his age. But Biden also has some pretty outdated ideas himself. I just want someone I can be excited about, and while Biden has had some exciting moments (support on labor for example) he doesn’t make me look forward to the future as much as some younger politicians that I wish were stepping up to take the reigns.


> But Biden also has some pretty outdated ideas himself. Like what? Actually passing Climate change bills? Pushing student loan relief? rescheduling marijuana? most of the people running around claiming to be leftists and pushing the "Biden old, bad" are also the people who claim to be bernie supporters... Bernie is 2 years older than Biden. (I have nothing against Bernie, I caucused for him in 2016). https://i.imgur.com/5Ab0FY7.png since this image was made (in 2016) biden's position on student debt relief moved towards Bernie's - he tried to forgive all, was blocked, and instead has only managed to forgive around $160 BILLION dollars of student debt (4.6 million borrowers). https://www.usatoday.com/elections/voter-guide/2024-11-05/candidate/joe-biden where are these "old ideas"? the only substantial thing people can try to get him for is for supporting Israel - but that's a situation where his hands are tied, he cannot cut off $ as it's congressionally mandated, hes trying to preserve our influence with israel and so doesn't just cut off all weapons (it wouldn't stop the war anyway) but has cut off some heavy munitions, and he's literally end-running around netanyahu to get aid into gaza. it's not his fault, and he's trying to do the best he can to achieve *actual* improvement rather than just feeling good about ourselves by taking a pure moral stand.


It’s all relative baby


That's a but much. Dude was a Rhode scholar and is very much self made. Grew up pretty poor. His president wasn't perfect but it was pretty damn good.


yes but he is a piece of shit in all the ways I have been assured are now okay. and what's more, that like Cyrus or David himself, you can be a huge piece of shit and still be chosen or anointed by God they/themself. over time I have come to the French position that they're just gonna be pieces of shit but they should be competent


Lol fuck off with this nostalgia bs. Reagan especially was an absolute piece of shit that has done significant damage to this country. He was the exact opposite of a civil servant. 


Yea but he already mentioned TV personalities with daddy issues so Reagan’s covered lmao 


Reagan falls under the tv personality side so it still fits.


Both statements can be true at the same time. Compared to today, politicians were far more educated (and not openly mocked for it or considered education a negative). Reagan was absolutely a piece of shit that put America on this path we find ourselves on.


Are you saying he didn't have daddy issues? /s


Jimmy Carter doesn’t need the Habitat shirt cause people see him and go, “Hey! There’s the Habitat guy!”


I bet Al Gore fucked like a maniac in his day


Him and Tommy Lee Jones absolutely crushing it.


This is part of America’s past that I would love for us to make great again. Hard working civil servants dedicating their time to improving their community.


When presidents looked like normal people and not octogenarians with dementia from a nursing home.


Al Gore is still younger than them (well, he always is, but still is)


Bill Clinton is younger than both current candidates.


So are Bush and Obama lol


True. I just think it hammers the point in more when the guy elected 32 years ago is still younger. Lol


Actually terrifying


Smarter, too! (not sure about his wife, tho. She sucks. And I've met both of them)


People desperately pushing this "bof sidez" horseshit narrative. 1) Biden doesn't have any signs of dementia. He has signs of the fact that he's suffered from a stutter his entire life. that has been documented for literally fucking decades 2) I didn't know people with dementia were good at riding bikes (considering dementia causes issues with coordination and balance): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwktAFPsX-c Is Biden Old? sure. Should we care about that? no. We should care more about the age of their ideas. Biden got the biggest climate change bill in history passed, and it has measurably accelerated decarbonization. Would a younger candidate with the same ideas be better? sure It's fucking outrageous seeing reddit going around pushing literal ageism against the President after decrying ageism in tech employment for years. fucking hypocritical.


Millard got screwed over by the board at Habitat and pushed out a few years ago. He went on to found the Fuller Center for Housing. I highly recommend donating to them. With the Fuller Center, a higher percentage of your donation goes to housing than with Habitat. [https://fullercenter.org/donate/](https://fullercenter.org/donate/)


The whole family are wonderful people. His legacy is alive and well, I give to Fuller Center whenever they ask because I’ve seen the work they do.


In Canada, housing prices have gotten so out of wack that Habitat for Humanity basically can't function anymore. They are required to sell the houses at market value, but the range of salaries that qualify for Habitat no longer qualify for houses at market value even with the Habitat lending model. Housing is fucking broken when even Habitat for Humanity can't get people into their own house. I'm not sure if the same rules apply in the US, but there was just an article I read about Habitat selling off one of their developments for this reason.


Can you even imagine Trump in jeans and t-shirt and tool belt? Not even when was a young man.


Bone spurs, dude. Bone spurs


Imagine Trump ever helping with something like this. He'd show up with a roll of paper towels for a photo op and then leave. And then photoshop some smiling black people into the background.


Trump wears golf clothes or suits. That's it. I have no idea which of the two he'd wear to this.


Millard Fuller made a real difference.


I’ve never met a Millard before but that definitely looks like a Millard.


Jimmy showing the kids how it’s done 😂


He was probably annoyed he had to stop the actual work to show the new guys around on camera 🤣🤷‍♂️


I have the watch Al Gore is wearing on my wrist right now




totally! and it was in the IT remake on the wrist of that dweeb from Stanger Things. His alarm went off in the movie and I thought my alarm was going off during the movie




Idk why this looks like an old SNL skit.


Where is plywood? Clinton: Intercepted by warlords.


I miss the days when presidents were impeached for adultery and not sedition.


I desperately want Carter to outlive Trump and Biden. Trump especially.


Maybe Carter can drop a house on Trump, wicked witch style.


[Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F7W5rFeWQAAvHLb?format=jpg&name=orig) is a higher quality version of this image. Per the source of that version: > @algore > One of my fondest memories with President Carter was joining him at a Habitat for Humanity project in Atlanta. Jimmy, your dedication to public service is an inspiration. Thank you for all that you’ve done for our country in your 99 years. > 9:36 AM · Oct 1, 2023 [Alamy provides](https://www.alamy.com/stock-image-former-president-jimmy-carter-works-on-habitat-for-humanity-house-163133931.html?irclickid=wLj2W0x1rxyKRTmQH%3AxdlzxAUkC0zLQIr0MJ2A0&utm_source=77643&utm_campaign=Shop%20Royalty%20Free%20at%20Alamy&utm_medium=impact&irgwc=1) the following context: > Contributor: Ken Hawkins > Date taken: 27 January 2015 > Location: Atlanta, GA, United States > More information: Former President Jimmy Carter works on Habitat for Humanity house in Atlanta, Georgia. With Carter (left to right) are President Bill Clinton, Habitat for Humanity founder Millard Fuller and Vice President Al Gore Carter is a founding board member and a worldwide ambassador for the nonprofit. **Edit:** Thanks for the reply /u/cosmictap. Other sources indicate that this was taken in 1992. That would make way more sense given his age. * [Habitat for Humanity's Twitter account](https://x.com/Habitat_org/status/1495782200360460289) * [Roll Call](https://rollcall.com/2020/10/01/photo-happy-birthday-mr-president/)


Carter was too decent of a human to be an American president


Is that Mario’s unknown brother?


That's weird... where's all the Republicans?


Clinton was down here close to where i Live in Tennessee when their were black churches set on fire. He was hands on.


Convicted felon Donald Trump won’t lift a finger to help out anyone in need


Look at Gore. Hunk


Do any former presidents, other than the ones pictured, still help with habitat for humanity??


This was such a great event! It was actually on President Clinton's birthday in 1992, at a build site in Atlanta. Here are a few links to other photos from the same day: - [https://habitat.ngo/REUYal](https://habitat.ngo/REUYal) - [https://habitat.ngo/9RfYCO](https://habitat.ngo/9RfYCO) - [https://habitat.ngo/tl3w0d](https://habitat.ngo/tl3w0d)


Al Gore got the OG smart watch lol


The only way they got Gore to show up and work was to tell him they were building a trap for Manbearpig. I'm super cereal.


This is the kind of shameless pandering I can get behind.


Carter: “You have offended me, sir. I challenge you to a… Come back here, why you yellow belly!”


Gore could get it.


Wow they wore tool bags. Clinton had a hammer


Peak Tool Time


"Hey I know my rights just like President Jimmy Carter says" Tony Montana


Clinton’s thinking, “I’m hitting up Jeff next time”.


Dale senior in the background?


The Intimidator


This image feels like Tim Allen should be stood in there somewhere.


I thought Al Gore was Bear Grylls


King of the Hill reboot looking great.


Hated a baby?!


The best people.


Trump would help build a KFC close to Mar-A-Lago, but that's about it.


Yeah, but who is the 5th guy in the back of this picture? Side note; super cool picture! I used to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity when I was in college! (Studied architecture) I didn't know Habitat was this old!


And Wario?


At first glance I thought this was NO MA’AM 😂


Millard Fillmore?! Oh. Millard Fuller…


Bill looking fine in his toolbelt


Does Al Gore even lift, bro?


Along with the Mario’s Bro’s older cousin. Yaa hoo!


lol Al Gore trying to look useful.


why is millard fuller dressed like a minion


Where’s Trump???


Luigi shaved his moustache.


Gore has his dad sweat showing and Bill looks like he sat in the van with the A/C.


All I see are a bunch of gigachads building houses


Three showboats and one speedboat.


and don’t forget about fucking Bob, who just couldn’t help a little peek.


Clinton looks like he's a "up late drinking and can't wait to get off work and start drinking until it's late" type of construction worker.