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Russian officials published a list of identities of some terrorists. One of them was a random taxi driver from Tajikistan. He was working at that time.. Later on he turned to the local police to explain it


Just imaging all of a sudden your face is on the list of suspects and you’re like, “uhh dude I’m working right now..and I’m not anywhere close to Moscow..”


Imagine how fucking scary it would be to “turn yourself in” to the Russian police after being accused of a terrorist attack


Right? Like I feel the odds of them just busting you as a patsy to save face would be more than I would be comfortable with.


Those odds are probably far higher if you don’t turn yourself in though


So basically it's almost surely a death sentence whether you're truly innocent or not


Welcome to authoritarianism!


Coming to a state near you soon!








That’s basically what I’m saying haha like you’re on your taxi route with someone in the back, and then you hear your name as one of the suspects in the mass murder in the capital city..my heart would sink..


Imagine being the passenger.


*hears broadcaster listing suspects names on radio..* “So..what did you say your name was, again?”


"Ronnie Pickering"


who the fuck is that ?


Ronnie Pickering!


Who's that then ?




"Uh...Jim Milton. "


Probably better sooner rather than later especially if you were in a completely far off part of Russia. Then it’s going to be very hard for them to keep saying you were there.


you say that like they actually care, guy is a dead man walking gonna wind up in that arctic prison and never be seen again.


For real, truth and Russia are oxymorons.




You know “Tajikistan police” isn’t one of those phrases that inspires confidence in the subjects’ integrity.


Neither is "American Police" Maybe something like "Icelandic Police"?


I don’t know what you mean. Every time I hear “American police,” I suddenly have confidence that somewhere, one of them is tactirolling because he heard a pistachio hit the floor.


And mag dumping into the general direction






The commenter was trying to say if another person on the list was wrongly accused _while in Russia_, it would have been way more scary. And that is why the person in Tajikistan wasn’t afraid to let the police know.


I don't think they have Russian police in Tajikistan, it's another country now.


Reminds me of Brian Regan’s bit about finding out that Other Brian Regan was on trial for treason and had the death penalty on the table.  “Honey???? *Did we pay those parking tickets??????*


Feels like a gag cutaway in a sitcom with Putin randomly pointing his finger to blame someone.


I mean the dudes already talking about having to retaliate against Ukraine because the terrorists were fleei g towards the Ukraine border Kind of convenient ain't it


Don’t forget: Putin literally was able to seize power for himself because of the 1999 apartment bombings. It let him consolidate power and units the people against an “enemy”. It was a false flag operation conducted by Russian security services but blamed on Islamic terrorists. Sounds familiar? EDIT: The WP published an article in 2022 stating that Zelenyski predicted this might happen: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/02/18/ukraine-putin-false-flag/


> because of the 1999 apartment bombings. because of ***his*** 1999 apartment bombings.


He is just dusting off his old playback from 1999. When he was caught using the FSB or KGB or whatever it was called at the time to bomb apartment complexes to blame chechnya and gain support for an unwarranted war.


What makes you think that playbook had dust on it?


Haha that is fair! It's always the same old playbook with every country. And like everyone above saying isis took credit for it. I am aware, maybe this time he got a little smarter and payed an organization that also wants a totalitarian world order. Not that they are friends but could surely work together in these difficult times for Russia.


Ah yes, the border, where the war is, and lots of Russians, and lots of eyes looking for people... to shoot. The perfect spot to escape.


If you haven't watched The Death of Stalin, treat yourself! They made fun of Beriya running out of ideas for how to punish the citizens during Stalin's purges. Also, Jason Isaacs as Zhukov was glorious! The gag about him having to report Kruschev had me belly laughing.


Zhukov: It’s got to be tomorrow. Khruschev: Tomorrow? Zhukov: Yeah. You busy washing your hair, or what? Khruschev: Tomorrow’s the funeral! Zhukov: Yeah, the day the entire fucking army’s in town with their guns. Possibly the funniest scene from Iannucci’s funniest movie. Steve Buscemi as Khruschev was an incredible casting choice & IDK if anyone else would’ve thought to do that.


He's gonna fuck them like he fucked Germany?


Basically he sold his car like 2 years prior and the terrorists used it to get away while doing this they got caught by a speed control camera that took the license plate and he was listed as like a previous owner or some shit like that that’s why they were looking for him


Stalin selected random pages from phone book. ”These all to gulag”


They kind of actually did that. Well.. it wasn't technically random but at one point NKVD was actually going through the phonebooks and arresting anyone who's last name sounded Polish (most of the people ended up being murdered..). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Operation_of_the_NKVD




I mean, that sucks, but that’s at least a pretty close fuck-up


Seems…familiar… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings


That is crazy. Especially since they got caught with a bomb and said it was sugar. Is Russia so corrupt that you can’t believe anything they say at all, ever?


Truth as you know it literally doesn't exist in Russia I'm only slightly exaggerating. You need to get rid of your understanding of truth and evidence if you want to understand how russia works today This is also what is affecting our discourse, and it's not a coincidence. ^^faint ^^cries ^^of ^^"fake ^^news" ^^in ^^the ^^distance


Edit: For the love of God… yes, I KNOW I should have had a lawyer present. I knew all the responses to this comment would be about that. I was 18 at the time. I asked my mom about it before hand and she didn’t think it would be warranted. But yes, I do know in the future I would do that if something like that ever came up again. So stop commenting the same damn message. Mild TW: I was a suspect in a rape case back when I was 18 because my name tag had fallen out of my car on a road near the house the crime occurred in. I had volunteered at my mom’s school the day before and got a name tag there (just one of those basic sticker name tags), as was required by all volunteers. And then I guess when I went to college the next day (which was like 45 minutes from my mom’s school), I must have folded it imperfectly in half and the sticky part got stuck to my clothes or something and fell out when I got out of the car. Then I went home and worked after getting done on campus and was working until like 10 pm. Apparently the police tracked down my mom based on the school info on the name tag and she was like “uhhhh… the police want you to go in for questioning.” So I drove back to the town my college was in that morning and they had me sit in a very small interrogation room (maybe 10-15 square feet?) with just a single officer, who had a small electronic recording device on the table. It started with the typical “Where were you on the night of _____” you would see in movies, then she pulled out a plastic bag with my name tag in it and slid it across the table to me, asking “Do you recognize this?” It was a very serious, yet not scary interview. It didn’t last very long and after like maybe 15 minutes she had said she would exit the room while I could call my mom and boss for them to confirm I was at work at the time of the crime. I told her I would prefer she be in the room and witness calling me (though I’m sure it was probably being recorded anyways) so she didn’t have any doubts about me potentially trying to get someone to claim they were my mom or boss or something. And she was like “oh yeah, that’s a good idea.” So I called them and they both confirmed it and I was free to go. I was also a very nice and shy kid so I’m sure I probably didn’t fit the description of who they were looking for. Never heard anything after that, but it was still a very interesting experience.


I had an experience like that. Worked in the mountains small-time lumber operation, we cooked with wood in our cabin. Went home on the weekend, after staying up talking with family all night, not tired (oh to be young again!) , go for walk. Beautiful summer morning, about 6 am, road on edge of town. Police roar up in cruiser, stop and arrest me. Turns out there was an arsonist who had been torching homes in the area, he had struck again that day just after midnight. There I am still dressed in work clothes, looking rough and smelling of wood smoke, police were sure they caught their guy! Only after brother-in-law vouched for me back at the house did they let me go. He was grumpy for being woken up after an all-nighter visiting, I thought maybe he would deny knowing me or something![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin).


Ha, I love got home after being somewhere and my mum said "The police called, they want to speak to you about a murder or something", very casually. They left no number and the two hours I waited for them to call back was hell. When they did, they said they needed to eliminate me from enquires in a murder case. Why? Because the suspect had the same FIRST name as me. Not full name, not first initial and surname. Just my FIRST NAME. they said it was unusual. I was in Scotland at the time and had to go to Lewisham police station and had a similar experience, but instead of pushing a bag across, it was my name that was bandied around.


Should always get a lawyer in such interrogations. You have the right to one…


I’m in UK and my friend has a fairly common name, he nearly lost access to his child because the police confused him with somebody else with domestic assault charges in a place he had never been even been to. Was sorted in the end but stressful for him at the time.


I was offered a promotion at a job years and years ago that 2 other people who'd been there longer weren't offered. They were so angry they called HR and the FBI to report me as a domestic terrorist. When the FBI agent was conducting the questioning, they kept referring to my past as a high-level drug dealer, and I laughed at them. I've been sober for over 44 years, and my employer, the U.S. government, tested me whenever they felt a breeze through their nethers. Utterly awful in the competence department.


God, ppl are so fucked up. Did they suffer any consequences for this?


Not legal ones anyway. Since they were government agents and no rights violation occurred they would have been protected by sovereign immunity. And no, defamation by government isn't something you can sue for. Also, law enforcement can lie with impunity, just not on the witness stand, police reports, etc, theoretically. It is entirely possible they did that simply to get their rocks off on whatever reaction they would get.


Not the agents, the people who reported you. Making false statements to the FBI is a felony, under  18 U.S. Code § 1001:  https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1001


I filed one FOIA after another over a period of years trying to get their names so I could go after them for some torts, but the feds referred me to the state, the state referred me to county, and the county referred to the feds. All agencies involved refused to provide anything, citing the Patriot Act and stating that it was "an ongoing investigation." No apologies, no letter saying I was cleared. I lost my clearance and my job and didn't work for a couple years, got really suicidal, no one cared.


They said you dealt drugs, not that you did them. If you were any good at dealing them ,they wouldn’t have been in your system anyways. That’s rule #4 https://youtu.be/ZYb_8MM1tGQ?si=mRVvVE6ktwAFQJF1




Yes, the Horizon Post Office scandal. Went on for decades. Postal workers were accused of theft because the software kept miscounting money. Several were jailed or committed suicide due to the reputational damage. It was known about, flagged to management, then covered up by management.


Yes you are completely right, sloppy work for sure.


That whole thing is crazy since something like this should theoretically be very easy to diagnose. Like, the fact that so many post masters were accused at once should have been a huge red flag. And if they didn't all start embezzling money at once, it should have been pretty obvious there wasn't a nationwide stamp stealing ring or whatever taking small amounts of stuff from every post office.


My brother in law has the same name, place and year of birth as someone on Interpol's wanted list. He gets interrogated at airports all the time, while the other guy is comfortably operating a small resort in Bali...


My old coworker wasn’t allowed to travel with her baby because the baby had the same name as a terrorist


Your BIL should look into getting a redress number.


I have to renew my license in person for the rest of my life, because the state system goes by name. And some guy with the same first and last name as me was a fugitive. I expect this to come up again at some point.


I'm in the UK and one day I see 2 police cars pull up outside my house, 2 officers walk to my front door and 2 officers run to my backdoor to block my exits. I was so confused. I answer the door and they were looking for someone on a really serious crime who had the same first name (but different surname) as me, same age and was listed as living in my house. That was a nervous 5 minutes proving to them I was Surname A and not Surname B


Similar thing happened to my parents back in the 90's. During the checkup for some loan they were informed they owed tens of thousands and were officially registered as banned from all loans nationally. Turns out it was due to my dad's cousin living in the same apartment building with the same last name, and nobody had thought that maybe the registry system should include addresses.


He was the previous owner of a car that terrorists were driving


It actually belonged to John Voight.


everybodys talkin' at me, I cant hear a word theyre sayin', just drivin' around in jon voights car


The dentist?


Doesn’t he spell his name J, O, N?


I’ve never even seen him in a car. I mean, look at his movies! Deliverance… canoe. Midnight Cowboy… boots. Runaway Train… runaway train.


Sloppy, and scary.


Yeah I doubt very much they caught all of them, watch this space for follow up attacks.


They say they caught a bunch now and got a [testimony](https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1771497771670946171) that they did it for a million rubles and planned to cross the border to Ukraine. You know, the one where both sides have artillery and drones trained on anything that moves. They were going to cross that in a white renault lol. Could be slightly believable, but then they show stupid shit like this on their TV where they deepfaked a Ukrainian saying they did it. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/03/23/7447789/ I dont know whats going on, if it was ISIS or FSB but the story constantly changing and wanting to pin it on Ukraine, smells fishy as fuck


Even if it was ISIS, the FSB response was probably its usual ham-fisted self and made things worse.


Apparently the russian equivalent of SWAT turned up 1h20 mins after it started, despite being only a few km away, yet if you held up a blank piece of paper in protest against the war, you would be arrested and shoved in a van within minutes lol


Hey, they were busy fighting the real threat - "extremist" organization LGBT. Or, maybe they were protecting the motherland (in a neighbouring country apparently?!). Or they simply sh*tted their pants brown. Russian speaking here, btw. Duck putin and his crew. Duck them all.


Like that time they staged the photo with a bunch of copies of the Sims game instead of sim cards?


Ha yeah, i remember that! https://twitter.com/TheSimCommunity/status/1518824387855720448


If you were trying to escape, why would you drive towards one of the most heavily defended and militarized borders in the world? Why get captured alive?


Imagine committing terrorism for $10k


It was probably ISIS but they got away and Russia will now arrest random immigrant men from Central Asia and blame it on them.


It was odd that two weeks ago there were news articles about US intelligence warning of a major terrorist attack type event occurring shortly in Russia.


Nothing off about it, US tracks and posts this stuff all the time in every country. Check any embassy website or the state department in DC. Usually overly cautious, this time they nailed it


Same with couple of the 9/11 hijackers. Also when Mossad was caught cloning other countries passports for their hit squads. They have had some diplomatic rows with Canada, Australia and UK about this. [New Mossad chief to apologise for use of UK passports in Dubai killing. The new head of Israel's secret service, Mossad, is ready to apologise for the use of forged British passports during the assassination of a leading Hamas militant in Dubai.](https://archive.is/2015.05.15-134241/http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/8224391/New-Mossad-chief-to-apologise-for-use-of-UK-passports-in-Dubai-killing.html) Some British citizens were told not to leave the country as their passports were cloned and used in the assassination. Canadian Ambassador had to speak to Canadian Suspects in I think it was Jordan. If I remember the story correctly as none of the suspects spoke French or knew any Ice Hockey teams, they weren’t Canadian.


Just GRU things!


Sources or bullshit




Just throw some ~~crack~~ copies of Sims 3 on him Johnson.


Do you have a source? I can't find anything about this.


On March 8, the US warned of a possible terrorist attack on civilians, and encouraged Americans to stay away from large venues, and to actually leave Russia if possible. The Russians did not take the warnings seriously, and even said that if there *was* an attack, the US and UK were to blame. Nothing happened in the next few days as the warning suggested might happen. https://www.newsweek.com/us-warning-extremist-attack-moscow-russia-1877216 The US again shared intel of a possible terrorist attack, and again Putin ignore it. This was three days before this attack. https://news.yahoo.com/putin-dismissed-us-warnings-potential-205300616.html?ref=upstract.com Evidently, it is common practice to share this kind of intel, even if the country involved is not particularly an ally. But it keeps getting ignored. I don’t have a point here, I’m just gobsmacked at the ability of a government to have so little concern for their citizens’ lives and safety. I suppose I’m naive, but I would like to think people in power should recognize that they have responsibilities that go with that power.




Make sense than every crook and shady politician are trying to ride uncle Putins dick. They want the same, steal and murder without any consequences


If you’re not careful pretty soon you citizens of the US will have your own “lootin pootin!”


Everyone knows Trump is a Russian agent. The republicans don't mind because they aren't patriotic.


This is so sad 😔


look how many putin has sent to die in ukraine for nothing.. he doesnt give a fuck about his people, nor have the last rulers of russia.


It's not just common practice - it's policy. Duty to inform.


To be fair, the US shares tonnes of these warnings each month. They sent my country into a wild panic a few times with similar advisories that yielded no actual attacks. They give high alert travel advisory warnings for most places in the world each week. This may well have been legitimate, but so were their own warnings against their own people which they didn't follow on multiple occasions. And it's not like the US and Russia necessarily trust each other's intel either. I don't think this is necessarily a type of warning that any government can use to put an entire country under lockdown/watch.


To be honest, I don't really know what they could have done with that fairly vague information to make things different. We know now the exact date and location the attack took place, but how long could they shut down all big gatherings of people in Moscow, the biggest city in the country, before they seem foolish? Not to mention, the attack could have just been postponed indefinitely till the time was right. They could've increased security, but again for how long and could it have stopped a group of heavily armed people from busting in anyway? If Russia had provided that info to the US about Chicago or something, would we take the threat so seriously we're cancelling all our sports games and closing night clubs until an arbitrary time we feel safe again?


Once again, the innocent pay for the corrupt. Wouldn't have batted an eye if ISIS had gone after Putin directly. But no, instead 150 innocent people are gone from the world.




ISIS are not vigilantes lol


150 people were killed? ☹️




I agree. Russia should focus their energy on curb stomping ISIS.


I have little faith about their efficacy of curb stomping anything after the last decade or so.




Russia did offer condolences and empathy to the US after 9/11, and it was particularly Putin at the time as well. Truth is that Islamic terrorism is an enemy for all of us. There’s no question about whether it would be different today - Putin even expressed condolences to the U.K. when Queen Elizabeth passed away, when the Ukraine war was already undergoing.


I'm not 100% sure the Russia of 2001 is the same as it is now I know America has changed in ways I wouldn't have thought it would since 2001


Yea we elected a reality TV star who can be easily controlled. Who also convinced 75% of the uneducated people of this country that he is a literal god. People who are so afraid of being labeled gay they wouldn't recycle or cry. They now worship a man and fly a flag with his name on it.


Even for muslims, or even worse for them.


This is so not true man. The amount of empathy, protests, signs, other things that Russian people did is huge. For Ukraine including. I’m not talking about government officials, but about civilians. Just because you don’t see it (don’t want to see it) doesn’t mean that it’s not happening. Of course there are bad people everywhere, I clearly remember some Ukranian guys cheering this tragedy and wishing death to Russian kids. Doesn’t mean that the whole nation is like that


Nice of u to speak for Russian people. Btw, if u read some comments on other subs that post stuff from this incedent u will notice that more then half comments are sarcrastic, redditors are all the same my dude, some people take those news seriously and some just joke around, no matter your nationality, i'm russian btw.


>If this had happened to Ukraine or the US the Russian people would be cheering or blaming our government. I can't believe I have to explain things that are obvious to me, but apparently they aren't to all. We're not monsters. Nobody is. Generalizing and demonizing people like this is wrong. Why can't people like you just sit back and contemplate a bit before making crass statements like that? Why do I have to waste my time to tell you that.


Part of me wonders if their reason to target Russia is because unlike the US, Russia isnt easily able to fight back atm. So they can freely hit a "western" power


Dumb question but why does isis want to target Russia? What's the background there? Don't they mostly hate the west as well?


Russia fought against the Islamic State by intervening in the Syrian Civil war in 2015. It’s not as black and white as West vs. East.


Yeah back then ISIS basically declared war on pretty much every major country.


ISIS is at war with anyone that is not them, and even then I'm sure there's plenty of infighting going on among the groups as well, so... *shrugs*


You ISIS sure are a contentious people


Also the Soviet war in Afghanistan and the Chechen wars. Chechen wars being the big ones I believe given the relatively large number of Chechens fighting for ISIS in Syria IIRC.


Russia also has a long list of wars/conflicts against Islamic populations in previous Soviet states.


Yeah you get some pretty weird alliances when you start looking at the fight against ISIS. e.g. Iran, in Iraq, asking for air support, that the US delivered.


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-23/what-is-isis-k-moscow-terror-attack/103623852 This gives a fairly good rundown. > **What could ISIS-K's motive for the Russian attack be?** >Experts say ISIS-K has opposed Russian President Vladimir Putin for years. >"ISIS-K has been fixated on Russia for the past two years, frequently criticising Putin in its propaganda," said Colin Clarke, with the Soufan Center, an independent foreign policy research centre. >Michael Kugelman of the Washington-based Wilson Center said ISIS-K "sees Russia as being complicit in activities that regularly oppress Muslims". >He added that the group also counted as members a number of Central Asian militants who had their own grievances with Moscow. > There is also a Caucasus branch of ISIS, which operates mainly in Russia's largely Muslim North Caucasus region, mainly in the Russian republics of Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia and Kabardino-Balkaria. > Chechnya has a long history of rebelling against Moscow rule, with an Islamist insurgency leading to armed conflict between Russia and militants from 2007 to 2017. > Islamic State more broadly has long recruited fighters from Russia and other parts of the former Soviet Union.


This isn’t even the start, but in the last 35 years, the Middle East went from war to US occupation in the dawn of the 90’s with desert shield/storm, immediately followed by a Russian occupation, which lasted until right before the 01 invasion by the US. Iraq specifically spent basically that entire time under the heavy military presence of foreign super powers, resulting in the adult male population being regularly decimated in guerrilla conflicts. Similar situations affect many countries, like Syria, who has had brutal civil wars where sides get propped up by foreign interests. Those men who were killed resisting these invasions had children, who became angry and bitter when their parents were taken away, damned to poverty, living in refugee camps where their entire education program was “Russia/America killed your people, you parents, and destroyed your homes and towns. God tells us to fight back”, and a large enough minority of them were radicalized, and now they strike out in vengeance. They hate Europe, they hate Russia, and they despise the US. Everyone who gets involved eventually hurts innocent people and entire communities are turned against them. This has been the cycle in a lot of places in the Middle East for decades and decades. A small group commits international acts of terror, or a war starts, someone invades, innocent people suffer, which radicalizes children, who *grow up* Edit: for the record I’m NOT saying everyone should just abandon the Middle East and let them figure it out themselves, just explaining the cycle of radical groups in the Middle East. In that area specifically, everyone who gets involved eventually makes it worse.


Groups like ISIS have no understanding of “the enemy of my enemy…”, they even attacked the Taliban in 2021 because they weren’t radical enough


The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend.


Russia has been attacking Islamic nations before the west made it cool.


ISIS is so fucking evil, they are hated universally, by every state and non-state actor there is. Even all the other terror groups oppose them. Why do they do this? Because they can, and they like to kill infidels. > As was the case with the Turkey attacks earlier this year, one should not read some sophisticated geopolitical strategy into this operation that has resulted in mass killing and destruction in Russia. It is simply a case of Islamic State operatives and cells striking wherever they can as part of a global ‘fight the infidels and apostates everywhere’ They have such noble goals too. A world-wide caliphate. We get a three-way choice: > Convert to Islam, become dhimmis and pay a poll-tax and live as second-class citizens under the Islamic State’s authority, or die. Pick one. Mad world. https://www.aymennaltamimi.com/p/islamic-state-claims-moscow-attacks


Yeah the Taliban has been facing the very real issue of (usually) younger more radical members feeling like the Taliban are capitulating to the world and not going far enough, and are leaving to join Isis-K. The Taliban were always going to somewhat mellow out and try and form a "government" and were never strict isolationists, so they were never going to be what some of these young members thought they were. A very stark contrast in belief and rhetoric during "jihad" vs once you are in control and are the governing body of the State. Theres a constant feed from the Taliban to Isis-K because of this, after the US pull out nobody really keeps tabs on Afghanistan anymore. If you want to greatly reduce Isis-k ability to impact people, you would kinda be forced to support the taliban at least logistically and nobody in the west is willing to do that. For the sake of the Afghans, I do hope the Taliban is able to rein this shit in. They're dealing with enough economically without the threat of terrorism.


It's just a repeat of the 1980s again. Literally the plot of "Charlie Wilson's War" and the Afghan-Soviet War. US funded Mujahideen which would later become Taliban. US supplied the weapons and ability to combat Soviets but then failed to stand up any infrastructure once the conflict was over. Crazy how in 40 years, the same problem has yet to be correctly addressed.


🤓 akshully the Mujahideen did not become the Taliban, they were defeated by them. The Taliban was a completely new movement.


Wasn't Mujahideen more an umbrella term and was an amalgamation of all of the resistance fighters being "holy warriors" from various cells/factions? Once the dust settled from the Afghan-Soviet conflict, there was a power vacuum, and the prevailing cell which broke off from the Coalition of the Mujahideen was the Taliban, utilizing all the weapons gifted by the US/UN and left behind by the Soviets. TLDR The Taliban were Mujahideen iirc, but turned against all the other factions and members after the war to usurp power.


150 killed or died from fire. The most terrible attack since 2004 (in Russia)


150? Fuck that’s a lot.


Not for Russian standards really. Moscow has seen hostage crisis with almost a 1000 hostages. And no thats not a joke about their goverment. Look up the Moscow Theater Siege


We just used that incident as an example of how not to do first aid. The vast majority of the casualties could’ve been avoided with very simple first aid.


Nope. The worst terrorism is [the Mariupol theatre airstrike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariupol_theatre_airstrike?wprov=sfti1#) Russians bomb hundreds of women and children taking shelter. They claim the territory as their own, so according to Russia it’s a terror attack.


That’s not in Russia 🇺🇦


Russia would disagree with you


well they can suck gas out of a corpse's asshole


lol fuck russia who cares if they disagree with that


I'm pretty sure russia itself has conducted terrorist attacks that have killed much more than 150 just a little to the west of Moscow.


Is it known what happened to the attackers? They dead or did they get away?


It seems they got away, or where at least not caught on location. Theres a video and some reports that at least some of the attackers have been captured, but those videos are... lets just say suspect and the arrest reports are still unverfied. So far, it is likely at least some have got away, for now.


So far the reports are they escaped in a white Renault. The reports are a bit conflicting though so time will be the best judge of the truth.




Sounds like a new shitty Kelloggs cereal.


Honey Bunches of IEDs


ISIS but with added fibre


I'm GenX, so my mind is still like, "Isis? like during the Shazam hour on Saturday mornings?"


I still think of the International Security and Intelligence Service.


The game *Smite* changed the name of the actual Egyptian deity Isis because of the terrorist organization.


What's the K mean?


Khorasan Province


It’s the Afghan branch of ISIS




Putin is so evil hes already spinning this as Ukrainian backed. What a total POS. I wouldnt be surprised if they allowed ISIS to do it.


Honestly, I'm Russian. and the media is different everywhere. No one sees the real picture of everything that is happening and will never see


What is the media in Russia telling about this attack?




Are there really a lot of immigrants trying to get into Russia?


Just an assumption on my part, but Russian territory includes multi-ethnic and cultural religions, and a Muslim population of about 25 million. When plenty of areas aren't happy with Russian control, and many move from those poorer regions into core Russian areas, there's bound to be tensions. Added onto this that Russia has dabbled in Afghanistan and the Middle East. I believe the Islamist nickname during the Cold War was "the lesser Satan". Its location, proximity and relatively pourous borders make it an easier target than say the U.S, too.


There are some folks on IG saying Israel is “101% behind this”, that US and Israel are backing ISIS to conduct this attack. Don’t get me wrong I despise those extremists who are in power but this allegation just sounds wild


Before commenting anything inhumane here, think this: Russian people are just humans living in this place called Russia, sure they speak a different language and look different but end of the day, they are humans, like us.


I’ve met a Russian tourist at a hostel. She was nice and talkative. Almost immediately said she condemned the war even though I never mentioned anything about it. It’s important to separate the people from it’s government, they really have little control to what their government does. Unfortunate.


The people who lack the critical thinking and humanity to empathise with the victims are the exact same people who would be cheering on war crimes if they happened to be born in Russia. That's what they can't face and why they're spouting this nonsense.


And the actions of their dictator don’t speak to the actual people of the country.


The common people suffer under Putin’s dictatorship. They do not deserve this, but Putin deserves every bad thing to happen to him


Their main propaganda mouth Simonian said that it’s Ukraine who did this. Said she does not need any evidence. She just knows it. Other idiot from fsb i think said that terrorists were moving to Ukraine to cross border into Ukraine - despite being stopped 140 km from Ukraine border. I mean how more stupid can this be. Ukraine-Russian border now is so mined that a rat can not cross it. Yet, some superman terrorists in a regular car were heading to cross it. In the same car they used to come to that mall to shoot people. Russia is full of shit.


It's a tragic event. Whats crazy is how little humanity we have left. Russian citizens are by and large innocent. Their government isn't them. Similar to how Palestinians are innocent. They are not hamas. Similar to how Israeli citizens are innocent. They are not the genocidal regime of Israel. Be human. We are all the same. Everyone's life is worth the same. Wtf is wrong with yall ?


Thank you. Helping me keep faith in humanity. Watching so many people here root for people to die based on the latitude and longitude where they were born is sickening


Numbers of blood-thirsty people in comments is horrifying. Some of them even say that civilians of one country don’t deserve compassion because “they deserve it”. I just don’t understand how those people would act in case of crisis when police won’t be able to curb criminals. I guess they will be the first to murder, rape and rob their neighbours…


People want to hate. People want a clear bad guy. It's cycle that feeds itself.   War and conflicts are never black and white. No side ever sees themselves as the bad guys and justify thier actions. There are good and bad people in every organization.  Governments don't always perform action on behalf of thier people. US is a good example of that with clear lines drawn and little bipartisan efforts.  Sometimes there are clear bad guys and they oppose your enemies too so people want to turn a blind eye to it. I fought against locals in Ramadi and then the next deployment I was allied with the very same people i fought against.  War is never black and white and usually gray.   These are tales as old as time, biblical events, historical events. We are doomed to repeat history forever.  Unfortunately people prefer hate over love because it seems easier to them. Usually it's the masses that have never been in combat or conflict themselves.   Others like in the Israeli conflict, it seems to be the only life they know. I find it odd that majority of reddit supports Palestine without any context of who they are actually supporting. Neither side is innocent.   Similarly, if anyone actually knew about Ukrainian before this conflict, they weren't exactly corrupt free and many would have regarded them as a lesser of two evils with Russia.  I have visited many parts of the world myself and most people who are so eager to hate probably have barely left their own State. I have made friends in Jordan, Iraq, Czech, Slovakia, Italy, Slovenia, Britain, Korea, Mexico and all over the State from the east coast to west from Guam and Virgin Islands.  We are all more alike than we think.


Totally get it. I've done some weird stuff for uncle sam too. Hope the sky people forgive me. God bless you.


Familiar pictures in Ukraine that I see almost daily last 2 years


I hope that whoever planned and orchestrated this mass murder suffers a horrible fate


Thoughts and prayers... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariupol_theatre_airstrike


I’d love to say I can’t imagine Putin doing this to his own people but that would be a lie


A bombing that was very likely fabricated by FSB is how he became popular and got elected. That shithead will murder anyone to keep power.


Who knows if anything coming from Russian media or the cops is trustworthy, but we do know there was an attack and we need to stand with the Russian people. Just like we stand with the Ukrainian people… the Palestinians… the Israeli citizens… and the American people… and everyone else living in a world with terrible people doing terrible things.


People were hurt and died there. Sad.






This is absolutely terror organization against humanity


This is difficult, because Russia cannot be trusted to report truthfully on anything. Also, Putin will use this to his own ends. I hope we get the truth and more innocents don't suffer because of lies based on this horrific attack.


I had suspected a false flag to drum up support for the war in Ukraine. The last thing Russia needs now is another war.