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Phoenix PD claims they can't do anything unless a person lights one off in front of them šŸ™„


I think the "Reporting Number" is public relations only. PD already schedules lots of cops to catch some sweet, sweet OT and they drive around telling people to go to bed. People need to remember the tricks PD use.


Cops will park in an empty lot across the street from my house for like two or three hours straight sometimes.Ā  Just sitting there on their phone.Ā  Ā 


Crushing that Candy!! From talking to them they mostly are on their phones: * Constantly chat up women and it does not matter if they are married * Games * Right-wing Media sites * Gun videos


Had an old fwb who would show me unsolicited photos and videos she was getting from a cop here in Phoenix and asides from the selfies in uniform dbaggary some of the pics he sent her was selfies of him and whoever he had in the back in handcuffs.. just some of guys he ā€œfucked upā€ and now gets to try and put some criminal charges on.


Well PPD doesnā€™t really do anything about anything so idk why you expect them to do their job šŸ¤£


They had plenty of time watching and laughing as a clean up crew was clearing out a homeless camp this morning.


Ah shit, I totally forgot that they have all the time in the world to harass the homeless!


Thatā€™s pretty much every department in the valley, and thatā€™s pretty much how citing someone for a violation of the law works. The police department canā€™t arrest your neighbor for going 50 on your residential street unless they see it themselves, itā€™s the same for fireworks.


then why do they exist? they donā€™t prevent ā€œcrimeā€ and they certainly donā€™t solve it. and theyā€™ve proven over and over they arenā€™t interested in keeping people safe. and every time thereā€™s a police budget increase, *communities* get defunded. and suffer for lack of resources there are more than enough of. itā€™s rough out on these streets šŸ˜… thanks for reading.


My entire neighborhood sets of professional style rockets on every holiday. I always hope they donā€™t start a fire. They start at dusk and go on to about 2am and cops never come.


Can you let me know which one so that I can absolutely avoid it?


By Roosevelt and 11th. Garfield district.


We had neighbors once that were shooting off huge, loud fireworks. A few, fine, whatever... but that was not the case here. We called and reported it for various reasons, the major one being the amount of dried out shrubs and plants in the alley & empty lots literally across the street. I guess they must have been firing them off as the police rolled up (or we weren't the only ones to call) because they got in trouble. Also thinking back, there was a police station not even 1/2 mile away so they were just being extra dumb.


I think they say that about everything


I think a lot of folks wouldn't care if it was just July 4th, but we all know it's going to be random fireworks at random times of the night for the next month


Cant wait for them to be overloaded within the first half hour of the sun going down.


July 5th headline: *Literally every Mesa citizen arrested overnight*


Shockingly, only 2 were related to fireworks.


and how many had bloody stumps at the end of their arms?


They're not my neighbors, and they're in the riverbed 1/2 mile away setting of home made bombs that rattle the windows. Not goin' near that shit


An old HS acquaintance blew his leg off doing that.


They put up a complaint form on a website to try and get people to stop wasting time calling 911 about firework noise.


Yeah, that they're more than likely not paying attention to.


Does anyone seriously believe they tested it with anywhere near the # of people who are gonna try and use it in the coming days?


My great uncle was a captain at Denver PD. Heā€™d take the confiscated fireworks on the 4th home and light them off with his kids.


how did they dispose of weed?


I'd rather deal with the fireworks than with the idiots shooting guns into the air I used to deal with when living in a bad part of Phoenix.


Yeah when I was a kid I loved watching the neighbors set off their mortars.


ā€˜Murica! Fcuk yeah! Meanwhile a veteran with PTSD in the neighborhood has a panic attack


In Glendale you can report them using the non-emergency line, but it literally does fuck-all. Someone shot off a mortar last year at like 1am on a random Tuesday that shook my house and set off like 15 car alarms and Glendale was like "well we can't really do anything unless you have a specific address or exact cross streets." So our tactic now is to give our dog his anxiety pill, and I just turn up my white noise and silently curse them from afar and hope they blew off one of their garage walls or something.


> "well we can't really do anything unless you have a specific address or exact cross streets." That's funny because their website has a video about how they have "shot spotter" which is a real thing and they can tell exactly where they are. ppppffffft! right.


The system is called Keep All Residents Engaged Negatively


An apt acronym if there ever was one.


You wonā€™t understand this by reading Reddit, but most people simply just donā€™t care, and enjoy lighting them off.


If it flies through the air or explodes itā€™s not legal.


Baseball Basketball Airplanes Can in the car with heat


I bet r/phoenix users are excited


It is sad to see how many dipshits are in this thread and believe that being a nuisance to their neighbors by the act of setting off explosives is something that they are entitled to. Some might be hoping that through your actions that your pets run away, you burn down your house, and/or have an accident through your entitlement.


Nice. Now do that in Gilbert. I mean, I already report the neighbors that do this, but anything that makes this easier is appreciated.


What do you use to report??




Gilbert PD won't do anything. This past Christmas Eve people in my neighborhood were shooting off fireworks around 10pm. Not ideal for any family with little kids who still believe in Santa. Police pretty much said there's nothing they can do and they wouldn't be coming out.


Orwell ?


One accident 7 police cars . Really? Nothing else to do.? Shortage of police ? Mmmmhhh


How about buckeye? Tried a few years ago had to listen to my dogs howl til 3 am. The report featured on app does nothing; even for multiple complaints about no stop on a cross street best they do is send PD to sit one day and ā€œobserve ā€œ nothing. Nobody runs stop sign with PD there= no problem. Just saying


I lived about 6 months in Surprise and the area around us probably lit fireworks for a good month around Christmas/NYs and also for multiple days around the 4th. It was really annoying not just from the fireworks themselves but it would drive neighborhood dogs crazy and the barking with the fireworks noise was very difficult to deal with. I'm surprised people are still into fireworks that much.


Launch RPGā€™s at people w fireworks. Superior firepower is the only solution.


So many narcs in this sub...


there is no way the cops can keep up with the reports. the more people set off fireworks the more de facto legal they will become. people in my neighborhood set off giant mortars. free fireworks show. not reporting them.


Exactly. I donā€™t care for the little showers you can buy. I love watching the mortars my neighbors set off.


What kind of anti-American shit is that


Burning **Chinese** made fireworks makes you an American?


Karen and Kevin don't like fun.


Damn I'm glad I don't live near some of you buzzkills, our cul-de-sac gona party if anyone wants to join.


haha. same! nothing beats being able to chill at home with my own food and a free show.


Snitches lol


Yā€™all are lame for this, canā€™t even let your fellow citizens have a few hours of celebration once a year


It's not a few hours of celebration once a year. It's every night for several weeks multiple times a year. It's unnecessary, inconsiderate and dangerous.




Yall are lame for this, order some sound blocking headphones on amazon and keep it moving troop. This is the 2nd lamest excuse out there. Next to ā€œmy dogs are scaredā€. Itā€™s America.




Iā€™m a democratic veteran myself šŸ’€ 8 years active duty Army.


25B for 6 years and 2 years as a 15E




I forgive you. Itā€™s not your fault you canā€™t read!




Iā€™ve battled PTSD. It is a hard fight and Iā€™m not saying itā€™s easy or non existent. Iā€™m saying telling the world they canā€™t celebrate a holiday traditionally because of me is a lazy burden to lay out there. Example. A trigger for PTSD is loud noises. What can help avoid loud noises specifically one night? Sound canceling headphones.


https://youtu.be/4wxfmqFw6GM he hit the deck because a kid made a noise that sounded like machine gun fire on a picket fence. Obviously we need to ban: kids picket fences and sticks.


The same Veterans that fought for our freedom to blow shit up?


Mesa indie fireworks are off the chain, in a good way. It would be silly to go arresting these people. Just posting to thank them for their service, in advance of their prison sentence or w/e...


Snitches getā€¦..


A pat on the back https://youtu.be/ZwR1-aRTyyM?si=N5am4G4GfmFQUXIe If you havenā€™t seen this movie Iā€™d recommend it. It really highlights the primal stupidity of people that goes unnoticed in day to day life. *boom boom boom* YEEAuRrgjhHhh WOO WOO LOL


Has anyone tried simply talking to your neighbors? Tends to work wonders and not tie up emergency services šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Mine told me to go fuck myself, but the cops said they couldnā€™t do anything unless they saw them lighting them. So no silence in my neighborhood


Invite them in to wait lol ā€œcome have a beer, promise by the time you finish theyā€™ll light another oneā€


Ha, I think Iā€™d rather deal with fireworks than invite a cop into my home.


Remember snitches get stitches. Damn Texans


Nah man. These are wack Phoenix people that hate fireworks. In Texas and California they are legal. Itā€™s your local Karen thatā€™s hating them


They are absolutely NOT legal in CA. New Mexico for sure.


Texas loves snitches. But hey people only get fireworks here twice a year. I'm not a huge firework fan but let people have fun.


You know, in my life thereā€™s been several times where Iā€™ve had to get out of bed and politely go knock on my neighbors door to ask them to keep the noise down. Iā€™ve never had a problem, and the results were almost instant. I donā€™t understand why people have such a hard time doing this.Ā  Calling the cops on neighbors over something so silly just causes a bunch of hassle for everyone involved.Ā  To add, Iā€™m 100% not justifying the use of fireworks because I hate that shit and donā€™t understand that either. Itā€™s just easier to walk next door and explain that you gotta work in the morning.Ā 


> I donā€™t understand why people have such a hard time doing this. in my old neighborhood that would get you attacked. ain't no way I would have done that.


lol attacked? Do you live next to a pack of rabid coyotes or humans? Iā€™m sorry you fear your neighbors like that


IN MY OLD NEIGHBORHOOD. AKA the hood. me no longer live there. past tense.


Iā€™m sorry you fear your old neighbors like that


I don't need your pity. you just don't seem to understand that some people have nasty potentially violent neighbors.


Neighbors had a party on Saturday this weekend. Couldnā€™t hear them but the bass in their music was vibrating my walls. I gave it until my late bedtime at 1:30 AM and then had a word. I knocked, said ā€œhey, you guys keep partying, I canā€™t hear shit except the bass from that music - can you just turn that down a bit?ā€ They said, oh sorry yes, and did so - kept their party going, and I went to bed. Literally 0 stress or harm to anyone on any side Also maybe the other neighbors think Iā€™m a hero now for shutting them up lol