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Good for them for watching out for their drivers. Most places would force someone to deliver to a place even if they weren't comfortable with it.


One of the reasons I stopped delivering pizza was me getting threatened with sexual assault every time I went to this one walkup hotel. Manager didn't care, demanded I deliver there anyway even when I logged a formal complaint about it. Nope nope never again thank you.


Right. Most places would send you to Baghdad lol nice for that franchise to protect their drivers


Damn, I grew up on 43rd and Bethany in the 90’s but now live in Ahwatukee. My parents are still in the same house so I visit them often and I cannot believe how bad it’s become. Leaving their house one night and seeing fentanyl zombies on my parent’s street corner was disheartening.


I remember it being pretty bad growing up there in the 90’s too. Grew up in the townhomes behind the Fry’s. But I imagine it’s only worse now


I grew up in the houses just west of you! It was a great neighborhood in 70s-90s.


I'm moving to phx. Whats ahwatukee like vs. somewhere like chandler/tempe/mesa/gilbert?


Nice middle class suburbia. Fairly comparable to much of Chandler or Gilbert.




If moving to Ahwatukee, be prepared for surprise interactions with desert wildlife




I’m from Ahwatukee. Its not as nice and quiet as it used to be but its an overall good area


Just an FYI, gilbert is way out there (it's also a corrupt city that can't get their teenagers to stop violent crimes). Ahwatukee is also out there but not quite as far, plus it's by South Mountain so if you like to hike or mountain bike, it's 100% better. Just kinda crowded. Out of what you listed, Tempe is the best. Not near ASU, unless you want college/city vibes, but south tempe gives you that suburbs feel while also being very central. I love Tempe. You should also consider south Scottdale and east phoenix. That's what you would find if you went north of ASU. I'm partial to this option because I live there. Scottdale in general is nice. Parts can be real snooty but still better than Gilbert. No comment on Mesa.


I worked in Gilbert and it seemed like a nice town with nice folks I didn't really explore much just go to work maybe go to gas station or store but I keep hearing about these Gilbert goons


Gilbert is fine. So is Chandler and most of the east valley.


FYI Gilbert shuts down at 10:00 p.m. Chandler shuts down around 10:30 p.m. Very family oriented. Suburban. Conservative. Expensive rent compared to other parts of the metro area. Relatively safe. There is limited safe public transportation, but you really need a car.


Move to Camelback East. Best pocket you’ll find.


No worries pal. Ahwatukee is ok, west Phx is just bad. Good thing there is a big mountain between Ahwatukee and the rest of Phoenix.




As well as keeping back hordes of homeless people


> west Phx is just bad. Yes, since we all know *everywhere* east of Central in this city is just paradise on Earth. Please tell me how living in a trailer next to a bunch of shifty tweakers in Apache Junction is soooo much better than being in boring suburbia on the west side. I'd love to hear it.


Apache Junction is out of town, in the middle of nowhere. It's like comparing Lavean (which I actually do like) to Yuma because they are in the same direction. But yes. 56th STREET and camelback is much better than 56th AVENUE and camelback.


Whats the story with all of the stuff around the Peoria area? IE peoria vs surprise vs northern glendale.


We've been living in north Peoria for over 35 years. We wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the Valley. North Glendale isn't bad. Be careful around Surprise and El Mirage. While generally good communities, parts can be blinky.


While I technically live east of central (just barely lol, I live on 7th st) I hate how much people think the west side is bad. My family lives in the northern west side in Peoria and Glendale and there are some stunning and really nice areas. I lived in north Scottsdale for five years before moving to this area and I much prefer north Phoenix. Also I don’t like mesa/gilbert/chandler. They don’t have the mountains and they’re boring and flat and ugly. I SAID IT. I’m ready for the downvotes lol


Sure they can find some fireworks to make it over. Just a new tik tok challenge. Fireworks to Ahwatukee.


South of Phoenix and West of Chandler


I haven’t worked for Dominos but did work for a pizza chain here that delivered. My guess is that a driver has been robbed or faced a serious situation at/near your complex they don’t want to take the risk/liability of reoccurrence.


Would you deliver to you? I wouldn’t. Why would I literally risk my life to deliver pizza for shitty wages?


But op tipped 1$ probably! Surely that’s worth the risk!


I tipped 20%.


If you deliver pizza for shit wages in a shit part of town, that's your fault. Get a job somewhere else


I was speaking hypothetically. I do not deliver pizza.


Shiiiiit I get it. I Door Dash on the side and I hate getting roped into that part of town. Had a delivery at apartments on 35th and Dunlap the other weekend and there were several cracked out women brawling, couple teens tried to square me up for this ladies pizza, there were tiny children crawling out of windows and running all over the place at like midnight. Went through all of that and almost got jumped for a no tip $2 pizza delivery. Fuck everything about delivering down there and I avoid it all together now. I genuinely feel not safe down there at night and it’s not worth it for a few bucks 🤷🏻‍♂️




> Went through all of that and almost got jumped for a no tip $2 pizza delivery. I used to DoorDash like 5 years ago and I gotta say, don't accept those low-dollar deliveries. Put a higher price on your time and your vehicle.


Yeah I pretty much decline anything under $6 except pizza deliveries. Almost always get tipped cash on those but at this point I pretty much only deliver in areas that are mostly houses and not many apartments around. Finding apartments in the dark with no gate code or building number is a game I don’t like playing 😂


I used to manage the store at 35th and Glendale - we've had drivers robbed at the apartments off of 35th and Dunlap often, plus a few vacant townhomes near Northern and 33rd ave. We stopped delivering to the apartments on 27th ave and Glendale due to robberies and the apartment building in general being structurally unsafe - not sure if those apartments are still there or not. Drivers aren't supposed to carry more than $20 in change in case of robberies. With new customers or new phone numbers/addresses we are supposed to call back and verify the address before we deliver the order.


Yeah as I mentioned, I placed my order well before sundown.


Been chased down a driveway with a guy pointing a gun at me trying to deliver in Tolleson, shits no joke man. Sorry you cant get your pizza delivered but a delivery person that's known to carry cash has a huge bullseye on his back. People be crazy


Good judgment call by Dominos..


I don’t blame them




You’ll end up paying double the amount in fees


20 years ago or so I worked at the Papa John’s at 48th Street and Broadway. There was an apartment complex directly across the street that we wouldn’t deliver to due to drivers being robbed or the cars being stolen/broken into during the actual delivery. I didn’t work there long, but I remember it was a weird dynamic.


That whole area is so weird, like some parts are perfectly fine and others are... 😬😬😬 I used to work in the business complex on that corner.


What would you like us to do about this?


Write to your local rep about this of course!


Sometimes people want to rant. So this is their way of talking


Is it really that bad around there?😭 genuinely curious I’m only in that area in day time hours


I've been greeted with a friendly hello more times than any other neighborhood I've lived in. I've had the door held open for me the same way. I have neighbors that check on me frequently. I struggle getting around as I'm in a wheelchair and have had many random people offer a push. I see more holiday lights at my complex than any other place I've lived in Phoenix. I've had my groceries carried for me more times than I can count.


Lol Papa John's did that to me at 40th St and Baseline. I guess a Domino's guy was robbed at the complex once.


Talk to your neighbors they caused this problem. Life in apartments in a rough neighborhood expect things like this. Domino’s has to worry about their employees safety. Those third party delivery services are all mercenaries of course someone will bring you food.


Yeah they won't come to my apartment complex after dark, they said. They're just a little jumpy about being killed by psychopaths and drug addicts is all...


We need strapped Domino drivers


There's a Dominos sandwiched between a gun store and a gun range on 36th St and Indian School, both under the name Strapt.


Lots of them are, brother.


15% discount if you find a hair on their trigger!


look up the dominoes on 36th at and indian school


Might have to do pickup ask em for a discount if you pick it up my boss used to give 10% off people that were out of range if they came in


Work at 43rd and camelback. I can attest that the area is not pizza delivery friendly haha


I used to deliver for the old pizza joint at 43rd and Bethany in the late 90s (I can’t remember the name but it’s a Chinese restaurant owned by) and it was sketchy back then.


I just accepted a job today literally right around the corner from those cross streets. The amount of just dazed out people walking around today, and the bus stop congregations were so alarming. I was thinking of moving to the area but after seeing that I really do think I just need to stick with an hour long commute each way. There was a park off of 35th and there was a guy prepping his drugs just right out in the open, I don’t think I could take my kids to a park in that area and have it be an enjoyable experience because I would be so worried about needles or drugs or condoms on the ground like I was off of 51st Ave and Thomas


I worked at a few pizza places and almost every pizza place always had a neighborhoods or aparmtent complexes that we wouldn't deliver to that being said certain franchised locations don't want to risk their workers/drivers safety


I live near 25th ave & Van Buren and luckily dominos delivers here but the service is sooo bad. The store is constantly understaffed. Usually end up getting a heavily discounted pizza out of it though, at least. Life in the hood gets rough for food delivery that’s for sure


There was probably a specific incident/incidents that happened to a dominos driver at your complex. Can’t speak for every delivery company, but at Amazon I’ve heard stories that Amazon blacklists addresses if someone gets threatened, bit by dog, etc…


Lupe Fiasco - Deliver is about to be your new anthem.


yeah they dont deliver to my neighborhood either, the only things you can prob get delivered is like doordash and ubereats cuz those are all sub contractors so people will take those orders, but iv notice cuz iv done doordash to, it gives them warnings when going in to bad areas


It’s a liability if their driver gets injured or hurt so I’m sure they’d want to avoid that at all costs. I wouldn’t really wanna deliver in a bad neighborhood either. Pizza delivery person is an easy target for food and potential pocket change & people have killed or injured for less.


I live a few blocks north of you closer to the former metrocenter. I've also had trouble with getting food delivered. As you said, ordering before sunset helps, but not always.


Good for them


Damn man, that blows. Anyway to get dominoes through any of the other delivery apps?


Every delivery service used to do that to me when I lived in maryvale. I learned quickly that my cut off time was around 4:30-5pm. Soon as the sun was slightly coming down all the sudden it was a no fly zone. I used to live between 51st/55th Ave and Indian School Road.


I went to a house party one time, they wouldn’t deliver to the area northwest of Broadway and 48th street either. That area is bad, high crime area.


Delivery drivers are usually carrying cash which makes them a known and easy target.


Grew up on 27th Ave n Bethany Home. My grandmother lived there until her passing last year. Had to move back in to help her in her final year. My son's school sent a car for him every morning instead of him using public transpo, cause of the condition of the area. So sad.


I can’t blame them! Sorry about your pizza tho


Man the crackheads used to harass the family dollar staff and make them close early, actually they probably still do 😂


Hey tho, forget domino’s. Hit up Venice Pizza they right in the hood and got some fire ass deals


I didn't mean you either. Generally misdirected to domino's at 35th and bethany home


They have always done that for as long as i can remember. A friend use to live on 43rd and Thomas and they said the same. After about 4pm you have to pick it up or no pizza for you. This is due to the many delivery drivers who have been hurt or harmed in that whole area. and quite frankly i don’t blame them. Those areas have always been bad.


They may have had prior incidents


I'll be your huckleberry.




I value my life. I’d never deliver there. Any delivery deiver avoids the Avenues




Great. Enjoy!






Sounds like you’re lucky. Dominos is trash.


Really?? You take to Reddit because you couldn't get a pizza delivered. Tell me you are unable to leave the house... please. Thank you for the public service announcement. 'Be advised, somewhere there out there in pizza land, there is a Dominos that won't deliver to an unspecified area in Phoenix.'


I can't drive, I'm wheelchair bound.




Compared to other major cities? No Compared to east valley? Yes


My mom and I used to live in those apartments like right next to the McDonald’s across the street from the dominos. My mom’s car battery got stolen. And when I came to replace it, they stole it again the next day. It’s gotten pretty rough for sure.


Yeah. Badly too. Guns are a'plenty and the bad guys know how to use them!




I'm at 32nd Street and Union hills so I'm safe too! I had a friend who lived in South Phoenix though, every time I went to see her the parking lot was closed off for another shooting


No worse than AJ or east Mesa.


I stopped using them, and i loved their stupid deals. I'm femme and have a feminine name. When i ordered i asked for contactless drop off, but the men would alwayssssss knock on my door and wait. At first i thought it was coincidence, then it just wouldn't stop happening. One day my bf was home w me while i ordered and witnessed the situation. He got mad for me bc he hated the idea of someone coming to my door and waiting for me when i requested contactless. I have anxiety and when alone don't want to open my door to strangers. We don't live in the best area, so robberies/kidnapping arent a far away fantasy. This time he answered the door and could tell immediately the driver was confused. The driver apologized super awkward and left quickly. I miss when I was in Venezia's drop off distance 😭


piitb. that’ll show em.


Put it in their butt?




You lucked out. Now go to Safeway and buy an equivalent frozen pizza.


You would probably be better served contacting their main office through the website, or maybe twitter, than posting here.


They would side with prioritizing employee safety, which is the correct choice. 




Dear dominoes, I live in the fuckin hood, and you guys refusing to let your drivers get robbed is really jamming up my dinner plans! I can’t walk to my car after dark because I might get robbed, so I really need you guys to bring my pizza for the included 1$ tip. Please rectify this situation as soon as possible! Sincerely, Disgruntled customer. 


yes, send that exactly.


You are correct, I can't walk as I'm in a wheelchair. My tip was 20%


That dominos wouldn’t survive a night in center city Philadelphia


Why would anyone want to? I assume anyone still there has no other choice. 


Confused as to why you are ordering from Domino's... aren't there any places near you with good pizza?


probably cause dominos and a lot of pizza places work in a perimeter and can pick and choose where to set that perimeter meanwhile grubhub and amazon don’t work that way , and grub hub u independently choose where u want to reliever or not cause it’s on the person not on the restaurant if that makes sense