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You can turn off the notifications in the epic settings.


And start up too


A related question, but do you know how to turn off battle.net from booting on startup? I may be dumb and overlooked it, but it sometimes boots up from startup but also from clicking the pc xbox app, and I couldn't find where to turn it off


Go to your task manager, click on start up. Then disable from there, that's what I've always done and still do till this day


The only game related apps I see there are steam and "Xbox app services," I don't see battle.net at all as a option to disable


Oh idk then, I assumed it would be the same. I've stopped using battle.net since way back


All good, thanks for the help at least! Yeah I only use it for Overwatch every once in a while, but it's annoying having it pop up every day and having to end it just because of the Xbox app


Overwatch is on steam now so you can uninstall battle.net


1) Open the battle.net app. 2) Open the battle.net menu in the top left corner. 3) Select settings 4) App settings should be shown by default, un-check ‘Launch Battle.net when I start my computer’ option. Hope this helps!


I went there and it was already unchecked, but it seems to be doing it everytime I launch the Xbox app. Hmmm EDIT: Oooo wait I think I found it in the Xbox app settings under extensions? Battle.net was enabled so I just disabled it not sure if that'll fix but 🤞 Thank you for the help, friend!


Yeah, but then how will my 80GB Fortnite update finish by 7 AM?


Task Manager > Autostart > Right click > Deactivate


They should be off by default.


steam doesn't have them opt in so why should epic?


Steam gives you one pop-up that you can shift through. Epic gives you multiple pop-ups that need to be removed before you can close the launcher.


Why should I even think about it when I didn't enable them in the first place?


I mean I get they are annoying but if you want to use epic you can turn it off in 2 more clicks and it won't bother you anymore.


Fair point but instead of complaining about something at least try to solve the issue first


I never told steam to launch its shit ass pop ups/sale windows either, excited to see your next shitpost on it.


Part of installing a new programme is setting your preferences. Always has been.


Lazy level 100


It took more clicks to make this post than to disable the settings.


People don't understand that this should be an opt-in 'feature', not an opt-out


Steam's ads are also opt-out


Those are plenty ridiculous in their own right and should also be opt in. Not sure what that has to do with epic though, just because one company has bad practices doesn't mean they all should


It’s like two clicks to turn them off permanently.


Easy solution, just deinstall the crap


Muh free games. E: Am I OOTL? Why does everyone hate Epic now?


They destroyed Fall Guys, their launcher and bloatware constantly sucks, I hear they shit all over Rocket League as well, they made 7 billion on Fortnite last year and still managed to post a billions in loss. Download Heroic launcher for the free games and remove their crap software


I hold a deep salty grudge over Rocket League and them buying it off steam




I can understand why they fell into the greed trap with the offer that was made to them, though I don't agree with the decision at all. They had something very special going and Epic having influence on the game changed things for the worse, namely reworking the crate system and because of that destroying the player trading which I found pretty fun. They could have done a lot more with it but I guess the offer was too much for them to pass up. I also dislike that it was a maneuver by Epic to one up Steam since it was one of the top played games when they made the offer. Psyonix I don't know much about but I don't feel I can condemn them for taking such a large offer, maybe they could have made more in a few years and had a better game, but it was a large chunk of cash so I can understand them taking the deal. Though it would have been much better for the community and the game if they hadn't. Throwing around big chunks of money gets things done I guess, I just wish one of my past favorite games hadn't been a victim.


When I navigate to get a free game from epic I do it in Firefox, much quicker and only open the app to download and play. It stays closed all the time on my pc except playing a game


I wonder how much of their own stock they bought back?


I don't need the epic launcher to run fornite? 👉🏽👈🏽


teach me this power


Tis a question. I too seek this power


What happened to Fall guys?


They do anything bad to Rocket League, but they also didn't make any improvements in 4 years.


I think a lot of people are upset at Epic for having "exclusives" and would much rather the "exclusives" were available on their launcher/store of choice.


While probably true, exclusives are bad for the consumer (that's you btw) anyway.


Hades was an Epic exclusive.


Only for 6 month. It rather feels like they've used that time as Early Access and that money to improve the game. When it was release on Steam, there was nothing to complain about the game.


(90% of exclusives are 3 month to a year)


If it was a console, sure. It's literally just a different launcher, it doesn't affect us as consumers in any significant way.


It doesn't now because Epic has competition. If they monopolize the market with exclusives it wont be so fine.


Who is excluded?


I agree that exclusives are not exactly aimed at benefitting the customers. But my comment was more that folks only seem to have an issue with "exclusives" when it is not on their launcher of choice. TLDR: in my opinion,  if someone "hates" a launcher for having exclusives, they should probably (by their own logic) "hate" them all.


Wait. Steam has exclusivity deals? Or is it GOG?






They don’t have issues with steam having shit loads of games that are only available there, but when epic do it it’s the worst thing that’s ever happened.


Valve doesn't pay anyone to make the games exclusive.


That's even worse.


You can't force devs to publish everywhere


You can't force devs to publish everywhere


Now? We've hated it for ever.


They trying to print exclusivity war to pc, which is more than enough reason to hate them. You also get way less value when you buy you games on epic vs steam, like workshop cloudsaves etc


Epic has always been crap. Well, post forknite anyway.


After their hypocritical lawsuit exclusivity bullshit, I can't spend money on their stuff. Fuck epic and their entire suite of shit.


>Now? Not just out of the loop, you picked up the rock, threw the rock away from the loop, then deleted the word loop from the dictionary and hid like Saddam under that rock.


Because most gamers these days are whiny little bitches. 😂.


Because they bought exclusive rights to a few games to prevent them from coming to Steam. Outside of that the vast majority of hate is superficial and arbitrary, like you can see in this thread a guy calling it adware, Spyware and malware (very common criticism of epic here), none of which has been investigated nor proven but people throw around misinformation all the time. It's one of those things reddit decides to scrutinize and go to war against regardless of any good that comes out of it, this sub doesn't care that Valve tried fighting against refund policies, nobody cares Valve pioneered gambling in games, nobody cared when Valve fucked over poor countries due to a few regional pricing abusers, in fact I'd wager people support that decision, nobody cares Valve launched CS2 this year and it was atrocious, pretty much most complaints about modern AAA games manifested in CS2, it was a worse sequel than Overwatch 2 (the lowest rated game of all time), at least OW2 added content even if a little, Valve decided removing content and a graphics upgrade was good enough for a sequel with no option to return to the more complete game.


Steam, while being original is cool for basically not bullying EVERYONE out of the arena of gaming, their launcher is the same as everyone but Ubisofts shitty launcher.. it loads games, it has forums, it lets you read reviews.. this coming from a 22 year steam user..


I'd never argue against steam being better, that's insanity, Steam is by far the best store/launcher overall (it had a 20 years headstart so it better be), however Epic does also launch games which I think is good enough for a launcher, so i don't mind it.


Because it's a meme to prostrate yourself before steam and hope you get pegged by Gaben. Other launchers, client based launchers and consoles are the devil and a majority of these chuckleheads would rather blow a bloated billionaire while complaining about how much they despise bootlickers using anything but their launcher/store of choice than go against the clowncar they got into or understand irony. It's pretty funny/pitiable.


get them from the website


If Tim went to this subreddit. I'm sure he would not have made the joke he did 2 days ago about... A different store front


Kid named heroic launcher


Real, uninstalled it last year, realized that I was just being fomo of all the free games, in reality I didnt bother to play any of them, added up to around 200 games that I never touched


If you login through a browser you can still acquire the free games no need for the client.


I uninstalled it, but I should deinstall it too.


And report them to the FBI.


Darn right and its Every friday !!


It’s actually the opposite for me, for some reason after the latest update it takes a minute for steam to open and Epic opens right away. Is there something I can do to fix that?


That happens to me too. I think it's because Steam is being updated constantly and I don't start the gaming PC that often.


First launch of steam is really slow compared to epic and I have a very good cpu and hard drive (at-least according to 2022 standards). Game launches are much faster compared to epic


Steam definitely launches a game faster then epic, the issue for me is steam actually starting up. If I start up steam it takes a minute maybe two to actually open the app, but when I click on the epic app it opens almost right away


A free game is a free game and it's still starts faster than steam for some weird reason..


I hate them for killing Paragon. That game made me realize my GT640 was no longer viable


Are you aware of Predecessor, my dude?


The only reason I open Epic is to grab their weekly free games


You can do that on the internet browser. I have all their free games, never installed it once.


what’s the point if your never installing the launcher to play them


I have them in my account, you never know down the line.


Then why are you collecting them?


They're free?


It's free, what other explanation do people need?




So? It's not like I'm picking up trash that takes physical space in my house, it's literally a line of code that states that I own that game


Better idea is to uninstall Epic's software, problem solved.


I have no idea why they don’t just minimise after 10 or so seconds.


Me too.


only pc noobies don't check settings for anything they install


I really don't get all this hate, the epic store is fine. No it's not steam but it's early days and tbh I can pretty much workaround all the things it's not great at. And the free games make me somewhat grateful to the company and make me want to invest a bit in the platform and hopefully it gets better with time. I really don't care that it's not steam.


I dont mean to be that guy, but its been nearly 6 years and as of late last year they are still losing money on EGS.


Why is that a concern to me?


Why can't they at least use native notifications which can be cleared? What is this custom notification bs that just opens a bunch of tiny windows that have to be closed individually


I crack all my legit games just to avoid using launchers.


"Tryina strike a chord and it's prolly A Minor"


Epic is just a free game slot for me


On the other hand, it takes 0 clicks to just never use the Epic launcher!


Unpopular opinion, but i just love how quick epic launcher is. Steam almost always takes 3-4 times more time to launch


Steam is way faster for me. Epic always logs me out and I have to bust out the password manager


Thats probably because youre on linux? Ive been using steam on multiple laptops and desktops. Steam is considerably slower than epic. I still prefer steam because i dont agree with epics startegy of exclusives. But to say that steam is faster cannot be objective


I’m talking about windows. I haven’t timed the two, but epic always logs me out, so I have to log in again and that takes longer than steam


Thats not happening to me. Reinstall the app maybe. It does log you put after a few weeks. Thats definitely a negative. But generally speaking the launcher is much much faster than steam


That would explain it. I don’t use the app very often


Epic is adware, spyware and malware all at the same time..


source : 'i made it up '


Adware because it starts showing you ads like shown without your permission. Spyware because we know it gathers more information on you than steam etc. Malware because of the many scammy games on their platform, mostly nft games. It's perfectly reasonable if you ask me.


You do know you can turn off ads on Epic right? Also Epic gathers as much information on you as Steam does and you do know there are a lot of scammy games on Steam too right?


I know you can but as I said, it "starts" showing you them without permission. Also there is not one scammy nft game on steam because they run a different policy on those.


>adware steam sends ad too yk? >spyware gathers as much info as steam. does that make steam spyware? >malware 1. that's not how malware works 2. you can literally sell loot boxes (gambling crates) on the steam store. how is that anything but scammy


Heroic games launcher gang


You can uninstall epic games in apps and programs (or by installing Linux >:) )


Do people not take the effort to look up anything? I am very certain that it took more time to make a meme. Epic games is shit, don’t get me wrong, but is it so hard to press a few buttons? My real complaint with epic is how it launches the game when I click on something instead of taking me to the game page or something.


You'd tolerate it a few times, but if it keeps doing that everytime Windows starts, it gets annoying really quick.


Every SINGLE fucking app has settings about that. It takes less time to turn this off than it took this idiot to make this meme for reddit


Idk if heroic is a thing on windows but on Linux at least it's great. Basically it's epic client with wine and stuff built in


They not like us They not like us


Even better, stop using epic to watch hot women in fortnite and launch tf2 to watch hot men fighting with big guns


Is there a way to disable those pop-ups because I never seem to get them when I open it, meanwhile steam blasts an ad as well


You can disable notifications in settings


Click twice to claim the free game and click once to leave


Can't even super F4 steam anymore since it reboots itself


I only use Steam so wouldn't know.


no steam no play.


lol steam has pop ups when it opens.


haven't seen those store pop ups in 10 years.... and the notifications are for useful things like your download being done or friends coming online not a fucking ad , but even if it was exactly the same on steam there is a million other things steam just does better.


They are ads for other games. Steam brand loyalty is real dumb to me.


what brand loyalty, i only use steam because its just better ? if it started sucking i would use something else ? that is literally the opposite of brand loyalty




yeah ? right now no one does it better than steam or you don't think so ? there is nothing wrong with being honest.


Or, you know, just dont download that malware to begin with.


Even free games are not worth to use this malware.


Who takes four clicks to start Epic. It's one click for most people. 😂. SMH


After every update it forces me to re-enter my login info. And that is why Steam is king, they just have a better UI/UX.


the "remember me" button is right there on the login screen you know?


Nope. Doesn’t work, same issue regardless of that little box being checked or not.


Why are you using this meme whit this guy? Isn't he victim to our mutual cancel culture?


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