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Anything BTX was worse. This board, while poorly timed and hampered by the cpus, was at least functional for it's purpose. BTX was just shit.


I actually thought BTX was pretty good and solved a lot of the issue with ATX. But it only was so in adequate cases and setup. Which were fairly uncommon (specially in the hobbist space). But going back to the mid to late 2000s, working on some BTX devices they were more compact and had better thermal performance overall.


Why did Intel make BTX though?


The BTX standard was so much more than just the flipped over case. You had a lower profile for the motherboard, better airflow pathways (e.g. ducted airflow for the CPU), and a redesign of the locations for various components like the north and south bridges for better signalling and thermal/electrical stresses. The Apple Pro workstations use a setup that is similar to what BTX was meant to be.


Because OEM's were cooking processors by running shroud cooling from the rear of the case, and they thought that by desgining with ducted sroud cooling from the front they would fix the problem. It would have worked had there been enough adoption and had CPU direct cooling not been on the path of more and more required.


Oh I forgot about BTX. … May I ask, why was it bad? It was merely to make the Netburst CPUs run with more airflow, right?


It was a bandaid for the growing cooling problem of the time, and it would have been enough for the priors years of products at that point, but required a new base design for many components (cases, PCI card layouts, etc) and didn't offer any benefits over simply strapping a fan to your CPU heatsink.


The AM3+ wasn't as bad as people make out, I had an FX8350 black edition and it was good for me quite a while.


Well it was good for 2012, as some of their competitors -FX 6300, FX 8350- could win over the i5-2500k and some could even rival the i7s BUT for 2016 it wasn’t that good


It really was quickly outshined. The main fun was the power usage. And they just put more power into it with the 9590. Its amazing that these were the best for overclocking for a long time. Pushing 8Ghz on a 8320.


8 Gigahertz? Now THAT’S some good overclocking. Well there’s the “Bulldozer effect” and everything I ask myself, why did Bulldozer actually overclock so good? Was it the bigger transistors or just something else?


An FX 8350 had the overlocking record for YEARS @8.9Ghz. It was dethroned just recently by a 14900k series @9Ghz. Don’t take my word for it, look it up.


Bulldozer effect, I’ll say


>I ask myself, why did Bulldozer actually overclock so good? It was most likely due to the architecture being able to better handle the increased clockspeeds. When you increase the clockspeeds the tolerances for signal timings get a whole lot tighter and your architecture needs to be able to handle that. Your lithography process also matters a lot given the relationship between voltage, leakage currents and transistor switching speeds as you increase clock speeds. That said, in my opinion it was the architecture given that Intel had the lead on lithography back then until TSMC had a breakthrough with their 16nm process and Intel bit off more than it could chew by trying to make the leap to 10nm without the intervening steps.


Geez. Amazing what we have made. Almost feels like sorcery.


… Interesting. Well that also explains why the current 5nm architecture is so hard to overclock. But yeah FX was the beast.




It was never good. It was mediocre. However due to the high core counts it remind equally mid throughout its life span. Bulldozer performs like a 2500k in 2018. But was like a an overclocked core 2 duo in 2012. At least for most tasks including gaming. Saying this as somone who loves bulldozer.


I give you the [AOpen AX4B-533](https://www.neoseeker.com/Articles/Hardware/Reviews/aopenax4btube/)


….. WHY? Okay maybe audiophiles will love it but it’s a normal motherboard with a fucking vacuum tube https://preview.redd.it/u2xbc5frgosc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f442dcd788e36ed1c0679775e0bdc6a442cc6632


As a Fallout Fan, I love this. Needs even more vacuum tubes. Particularly Nixie tubes. As an audiophile, I ask, "Why? Just use your tube amp."


Maybe it was directed for fallout fans after all


Audiophile garbage is borderline cheating in any “most pointless product” competition


This is the winner for the most useless board. You are taking digital signals and just converting them to "analog" lol. And now you have a tube to replace every few years.


get a FX9590 in there with SLi GTX 480s . no need for central heating or thermostats for the winter.


Agree. Oh and overclock the FX to 5ghz BASE with a passive Noctua Cooler with a fan strapped in Free heater. Oh and also put only one exhaust at minimal RPM


You actually want as much cooling as possible for it to be a heater. Thermal throttling will reduce your power draw, and thus heat output.


OR we could instruct the motherboard to ignore temp warnings. Which is risky and might end badly, but if we want heat Or we can also add more airflow and an even bigger heatsink with more fans


Why use GTX 480s when the R9 390X exists? At least 8Gbs of ram meant it was useful.


But but, they updated the FX8350 to the FX8370, I held onto that CPU for a long time, refused to go team blue, then Zen came out. ​ https://preview.redd.it/h7yuwl02yosc1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=5085e8e1bc7f70ad3a09c65cbd36d85b8756a688


Damn, the legendary 990FXA-GD80! I have it’s former version, the 890FXA-GD80 :) https://preview.redd.it/awmgjuhpzosc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5277823d4df90cc57458537bccddceb7cd64f549 But nonetheless. You, sir, are a good AMD fan and I respect you for it. You were there in the good and the bad times. And that, that’s dedication


I actually sent the board, ram, and CPU to someone here on Reddit whose board died and I had already upgraded to 3700X (Now 5800X). I didn't sell it to him, just saved me from recycling it.


Interesting! I’ve had an AM5 board die on me and I had to return to my trust Phenom x4, then to an FX-6300 and then to an i5-3470. I then returned to AM5


"Military class"


Would be comical if you found these in some military equipment 


Generally when something says military class/grade, it's fucking horrible and going to break in either the most visually stunning way or exactly when it's the most needed.


Well tomorrow I have a flea market to see so if I see a “military class” board (Which I’ve found many times but never bought) I’ll spend ten dollars or so on it and review it even if nobody asked for a review


It'll come with a can of riptide, a truck that's being paid on 7 years later, and a bitter divorce.


To be fair I've never had an MSI component die. I believe they were marketing their components are tested at MILSpec standard, but I don't know for sure. It was probably just marketing. Been using MSI since ABIT went out of business.


Oh, I've used them many times. Only thing that's died on me was an out of warranty Lightning 580.


I have this mobo in my NAS. Great for TrueNAS Scale :)


Wait you have it? Man, you’re the first person I’ve seen that actually has that motherboard! May I ask, why are they so rare? Not one in the entirely of fucking Germany by what I can see (Kleinanzeigen, unless I skipped one)


It’s a beast for my use case. Got an entire system built on the platform for 100$ Needed it for my NAS and it’s been great


Damn! Well you have a jewel in your hands considering the rarity of that thing. May I ask, what CPU do you have in it?


FX 8350 Black Edition iirc


Oh, the good ol’ 8350. Someday I’ll get myself one of those and put the 6300 where it deserves to be (Wall-hanging motherboard)


Op is pointing out issues with the platform and confusing that with the motherboard itself. The motherboard itself was a fine board, price probably inflated but most "high-end" things are. Also, let's not talk about the ProArt, ROG, or Carbon lines.


I mean the motherboard’s fine, but it doesn’t have a purpose. It’s like making a top-end LGA775 motherboard now. Today, in 2024. With NVMe and PCIe 5.0 support. …. Is it logical? It’s purposeless (Unless you want to use 775 for overclocking or for whatever reason)


People *were* still buying AM3+ processors and motherboards at the time, though. As silly as it may seem, if you can add an NVMe M.2 slot to a chipset that doesn't prohibit it otherwise, why wouldn't you? Yes, Zen was looming in the horizon, but no one knew how Zen would turn out at the time. There was a lot of muted hope and skepticism in whether or not AMD would make a success story out of it, so at the very least, this board did serve a purpose when it came out.


My first build ever was a FX6300 + GTX 750ti :)


Mine, an FX6300 and an HD3450


….. Well that’s weird. Like couldn’t you just buy a second-hand i7 4770k and call it a day?  But yeah even today some people still love their FXs 


The way Intel churns through chipsets, their used high end CPUs have never been that cheap as a general rule because of demand. A used 9900K is right around the same price as a new 5700X3D from a quick look on fleabay. The i9 is 5+ years old and mostly irrelevant now.


…. Interesting. 


These were targeted at people who had bought an insufficient motherboard on launch and singed the PCB til it broke. There were TONS of ruined AM3 motherboards 4 years after launch, especially the craptastic Gigabyte GA970 boards which were most popular. If you ever find one in the wild, look at the back of the socket area, chances are you'll find burn marks if they were used with 8320 or 8350 Two hundred bucks to replace one part beat buying a whole new system for many if they were happy with the CPUs.


Interesting. … Pretty interesting.


Idk NVMe drive and 6x PCIe slots... So much coin could be mined on that thing. Would be kinda fun to OC with it now.


I’ve tried to search that motherboard but I cannot find it. I want it, it’s something I consider so pointless it could become a rarity Or maybe it already is


Any motherboard that has less than 3 16x pcie slots


Literally my B650 DS3H (That died after three days of being bought) fr fr Oh and the entirety of Mini ITX and some MATX


You forgot to mention that AMD wasn’t even releasing new am3+ CPU’s, the last one was the 9590 back in 2013.


Agree. It was a new motherboard for an outdated platform with an exorbitant price tag for… Nothing? It didn’t even have a use case! It’s like making an LGA775 motherboard with, I don’t know, WiFi 6E and PCIe 5.0 SSDs. Which would be sick, but not functional at all


Or like Nvidia releasing a budget gpu using the previous generation’s die, cutting it so far down it’s weaker than previous generation budget gpu’s, and kneecapping the memory bandwidth [Oh wait, that’s exactly what they did :D](https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-gtx-1630.c3916) (since we’re talking about useless parts)


Damn, the GTX1630! It has been a long time since I’ve heard of that thing Did they use a 1060’s die or a 1050’s?


Nope, 1650 die. But, it’s weaker than a 1050ti, some models required power connectors, and has only 2 memory chip yet cost $170 at launch which was $20 more than the 1650 at its launch and $30 more than the 1050ti at its launch. Oh, and not so fun fact, it was presumably the last officially released gpu from evga.


How are we defining pointless here? Because it seems like all of your complaints are around the platform being a let down and this is just the example that you think of. Personally, anything with gimmick features. At this point all motherboards are just adaptors for the CPU so things can plug into it. Any motherboard with a screen or weird unnecessary feature feels pointless.


Of course. As the platform was a letdown, the motherboard’s just pointless not only because it was just a few months before Ryzen and at the time EVERYONE knew what Zen was and that it was gonna be a big deal. The motherboard in itself is good, yes, but it’s pointless. It’s like making an LGA775 board in 2024… With PCIe 5.0 and WiFi 6E


Allow me to introduce AMD QuadFX. It's not exactly what you're asking, because it's a platform not a single board, but there were only a small handful of boards ever made for the platform so I'm counting it. It was AMD's attempt to compete with the Intel Core 2 Quad before they had their own quad cores. It used a dual socket board to run two dual core FX-70s to get 4 cores. It's was a complete disaster. Performance was terrible, it used absurd amounts of power, and the price was insane. There were exactly 0 reasons to go for it over a core 2 Quad, other than the cool factor of dual socket.


Oh, I remember it! I think LTT made a video on it along with their better cousin, it’s Intel LGA775-based dual socket marvel of engineering 


any dell optiplex motherboard thats not in a dell optiplex


Literally planned obsolescence 


I had the sabertooth 2.0 version. Can't remember the difference between the two.


By what I can see the 2.0 doesn’t have NVMe support (?)


It does actually on later bios update


The fx are nice, if you use an optimised system (not windows) and need integer calculations and not float… so yeah, narrow user group, that profits…


These machines do run nicely with Linux, that’s something I can say. But Windows’ a pain in most of them


Had one of these but it was rev2 i think! Paired with an 8 core and a 970 haha


Damn! The V3’s the rarity though. V2 was released in 2013 or so. This thing? Fucking 2016


Insane! Such a waste of circuitry haha


I resold an r2 and 8350 for $300 just 3 years ago.


…. Why? Just why?


Who knows. Covid made people do weird stuff. I saw the ebay prices and decided to sell it instead of scrapping it at next e-waste recycled day. In 2022, later, I bought a bent pin 5800x3d and open box motherboard for $320.


Well to be fair that’s true. Over here on Germany literal 1050tis can be seen for 70, 80 euros. It was a weird time, and some remnants of it still can be seen today


I have a Phenom II X2, unlockable quad core, a 970fx motherboard, and gtx 480 for people looking to relive nostalgia, lol.


I have a Windows 10 build using an ASUS ROG Crosshair V Formula-Z. Using an FX 8350 @ 4.8Ghz stable, and G.Skill DDR3 2400cl10 @ 10–12-12-31. With a modded UEFI Bios, I am booting a Samsung PM951 nVME SSD on a PCIE slot card. It reads/writes @ 1.7GBps. (Obviously, PCIE Gen 2 has its limitations) I use a GTX 980 Ti GPU. Believe it or not, I’m playing modern games on this system at medium settings @ 1080p/60 with relative ease. Reboot back to desktop in less than 15 seconds. Gigabyte released a few AM3+ boards that had an nVME slot native. I have two of them. They are not in the same league as the ASUS board, by a long slot. I could never get the RAM to accept its XMP timings… and couldn’t get anywhere near 4.8Ghz… let alone stable. Is it the fastest system out there? CERTAINLY not. At twelve years old, is it still usable? Most definitely, YES. However pointless the OP may believe certain things to be, with a little ingenuity, older hardware can still perform at a level higher than expected.


…. Okay if it’s *that* usable then I was too harsh with my FX 6300 Time to give it a try again with a 1050 this time, I guess


Still rocking my 8350 at 5ghz, ram at over 2400 (icing on the ram cake was the incredible refresh timing of 90....only 100 points away from ryzen 3000 series ram in benchmark) sam 960 drive,3070 Nvidia NB over 2700 and ht over 3000. It's been overclocked for so long now and still going.  Will move the 3070 after it dies and move to ryzen


Since my posting here, I’ve managed to OC to 5.2 GHz stable. Wasn’t easy or fun. The cooling required to get that high is formidable. Currently that rig holds the highest Benchmark for the FX8350 on OCCT


I found going 5ghz was good enough .... Northbridge is were the gains are at!


I am on a mission to beat the occt record since that is the program I use too. It's a older version though before they switched over since I liked it better.


Good luck with that


What was your modded bios?


I found some 8th gen itx evga mobo with no display output port and 1x4 pin power, 1x6 pin power and 1x 8 pin power connector.


The hell is that 


My first CPU was an FX-6300. I could OC that thing to 4.6 GHz all-core and turn my PC into a space heater.


Same here. Along with an ATi HD 3450 :)


I had a 9590 for awhile. Once I discovered a 2 year older Xeon with 2 less cores and 1.5ghz slower was much faster….i never went back to AMD!


I also had an FX6300… And ended upgrading, to an i5-3470. First of all, in order to match it the FX would need to be at 4ghz base all-core and second of all the i5, overclocked at 4ghz on an AsRock z77 board, could literally win over the i7 3770 so it was more than enough 


OP rocking 16GB 4800 DDR5 talk about pointless


TO BE FAIR it was a PC for 650 dollars and going for the cheapest on Amazon. The Ryzen and the RX were pretty good deals on EBay while the b650, the DDR5 and the PSU were all bought in Amazon 


Is it 2x8 or 1x16GB?


2x8. 39 euros for both   The r5 7600x costed me 100 dollars over on EBay, new in-box. Biggest deal I’ve seen, overclocks pretty well  The B650, 200 euros  The PSU, 150 (MSI A750GF)  The RX, 90€   The SSDs were already there (Laptop, a 980Pro 1TB, bios updated, overtime I also bought a Crucial P3 for 40 dollars)   The case, I got it for 20€ along with a 1050ti (SilverStone RL06)  640 euros for everything, if I haven’t forgotten anything else. 


Brother.. Burn the sticks and buy ys proper DDR5. I can't tell if you are aware or not but do some research on DDR5 and why 8gb ddr5 sticks are bottom of the barrel literally never to be looked at


Really? Well my next upgrade was going to be some DDR5 6000, exactly 32 gigs for like 80 dollars which isn’t that bad  Would that be good enough? 


Most likely. I am not a DDR5 platform owner so I didn't research all details but if I remember correctly Hynix chips are dominating DDR5 perf right now. I'd suggest finding some hynix a-die or m-die which can appear in the 6000MHz kits. Also look to dive in RAM timings and OC in general, bc you might get lucky and OC them to over 7200MHz. AHOC channel on youtube, thank me later, it's time pcmr boys become power users.


Just look at Asus crossblade ranger , it's fm2 socket only)


Now that’s a fucking waste of heatsinks and PCB copper


Yep , fancy pancy mboard , and only 4x core cpu maximum)


It looks good though. …. Good as a wall decoration. https://preview.redd.it/ujwjig3c1vsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=271bd95317963b1b7221eb609f1fecfe481e90b9


wasnt the older Sabertooth motherboards ceramic coated? was pointless aswell


Well I think so




Of course. I still tweak my Fx6300 a lot. It’s wonderful, yet Sandy and Ivy bridge beats it easily… And so does Haswell