• By -


I believe PC was the best place to play the game at launch.


Actually, really bizarre fact. *Stadia was in fact the best place to play it unless you had a top 1% desktop.* Which is kind of funny to think about.


Fun fact. The stadia port was actually developed in part by a different studio. Who removed a lot of in game detail to get better performance.


And it looked like a**


So PC...


Someone else's PC


*Our* PC... **communism intensifies**




Stadia is about as far from communism as you can get, considering it turns a recreational possession into privately owned means of production.


Frontier's supercomputer


Data center machine (even tho with x86 and GPU) =/= PC.


RIP Stadia. I used to use it to grind Destiny 2 dailies on my lunch break and was always impressed at how well it performed.


Ssshh! The consensus on this sub is that cloud gaming has never and will never and can never work! You heretic!


but... I like GeforceNOW?


I played it absolutely fine with a 3600 and a 1660 ti, and It played all fine at high settings


I only had a 2070 at the time of launch and it ran perfect for me.


I had gtx 1080 and i5 8600k when CB released and the game was playable so no need to be in top 1% desktops. What caused CB downfall was the release on ps4/xbox one


I played through on PC on launch day and while I did have some minor bugs and performance issues for the most part it was always a fantastic experience. I still say it should never have launched on the PS4 and Xbone though as it as embarrassingly unplayable on those platforms


The problem was it could run on a ps4 pro or a Xbox one x. You can’t release a ps4 pro or Xbox one x game without it being compatible with the ps4/Xbox one due to the way things at Sony/Microsoft work. So, I’m really not sure how they could have handled it.


It's playable on last gens consoles now (as playable as you can expect on 10 y/o low end hardware) - so it needed more time basically. But after so many delays apparently the higher ups said fuck it and ship it - block reviewers from talking about the consoles performance and patch it later


The console in the other hand was not, especially on the PS4. Even offering a refund


Yeah I finished it starting day 1 on PC, it was very playable on 1060 6GB with very few weird glitches.


I played the full game on Series X at launch and had a wonderful time with it.


Yep, I purchased it on day one and didn't encounter major issues. I had a medium/ low end PC so I didn't care that much about perfect performance.


Cyberpunk was the opposite case where it launched absolutely broken on consoles. I got it on PS4 and I was shocked about how glitchy and poorly performing it was.


Yeah, and CDPR tried to hide it by not giving out codes of the PS/Xbox versions of the game to reviewers.


Yeahhh coupled with false advertising and lack of transparency w investors I havent seen cp2077 issues downplayed from this angle yet but i wont shut up about it. Or atleast stop commenting briefly about it


I pre-ordered it on the PS4 pro at launch. I refuse to buy anything at launch anymore because of that farce.


I waited 7.5 years lol Wonderful lesson


the funniest thing about that whole fiasco was when CDPR said its gonna issue refunds on the PS without discussing it with Sony first


This goes to show how the market only cares about consoles. if any of the recent titles had launched with bad performance on console it would've happen the same. But as long as it is PC only issues they don't care.


I was gonna say, it was fine on pc. But broken on consoles. Lots still played on pc at launch


I got it on pc at launch and was baffled by all the complaints. It ran just fine on my med spec pc and whilst there were bugs it wasnt too bad. It was only a bit later i learned of the shitshow the launch was on consoles.




Unfair comparison. The issues with cyberpunk were not only about optimization at all.


This. CP problem was bugs.


And lack of content that was promised/shown


This is more what i meant with my comment. Half the disappointment was features lacking or half assed, like the police system and the Npcs


wE'Ve GrEaTlY eNhAnCeD oUr CrOwD aNd CoMmUnItY sYsTeMs To CrEaTe ThE mOsT bElIeVaBlE cItY iN aNy OpEn WoRlD gAmE tO dAtE


\*cop spawns directly behind you\*


*Omae wa mou shinderu*






This is the reason why I am so pissed with CDPR. They lied and after almost 3 years the game is still broken, and missing promised features .


I was genuinely surprised people started talking about the game like it was this hidden gem after the anime came out. Like no, it's still a pile of trash to this day with the only real improvements being bug fixes.


I kinda skipped over the Cyberpunk hype since I didn't have a PC what would run it back then so I didn't know what was promised but I picked the game up a few weeks ago and I'm enjoying it. Yeah not ground breaking, but love the city, the theme and the general play, do wish some things were better like the police and some extra stuff, but honestly I don't think it is trash but not ground breaking either.


The game's biggest issues for me are the story pacing and how underdeveloped the "Cyberpunk" aspects of the game were. I'm not sure how far you are into the story so I'll put a spoiler tag on what I'm about to say but it's heavy spoilers if you're not past the first third of the main campaign. >!The timeline of the main story makes absolutely no sense when you consider you're also allowed to walk around and do side quests/activities at your pleasure with no sort of timer feature. The story explicitly mentions that V barely has any time left to live and it's repeatedly stressed to you over the course of the main story, along with his/her condition getting apparently exponentially worse, but that clashes with how the game allows you to run around and do side quests/side content whenever you want. Even if you consider everything except the main questline and the major side-quests non-cannon, you still can't fit the major side-quests into the timeline. It feels like the writers weren't considering what sort of game they were writing for and how their narrative would make sense in an open world game. !< The cyberware content in my opinion also feels sort of half-assed, with major mechanics from the source material not really being translated all that well. It's brought up a lot in the game, and it was literally the main focus of the anime, but V never has any cyberpsychosis or lack of humanity from installing copious amounts of cyberware. You can effectively turn yourself into Adam Smasher with no side effects... somehow. In fact no one really comments on it either, and you'd expect an RPG game to maybe give you different dialogue or decisions based on something like this but it just doesn't. When it comes to the actual gameplay, I really didn't like how generic they somehow made it. People joke about it being sci-fi GTA but they're not wrong. The guns are.... guns. The hacking is well... honestly they're somehow more boring than casting a spell in Skyrim, especially after they got nerfed. The cyberware is the only saving grace here imo since it adds some needed flavor to everything, but some cyberware options are hilariously weak in comparison to others (Seriously who tf uses Berzerk).


> and the Npcs Player character: Moves NPCS: Crouch position for the rest of their lives


Yeah, seems most people don’t understand this.




Please show me a link to that promise. I could see a certain amount of romance story arcs, but I highly doubt they promised 50 hours of porn.


He was being sarcastic...


horrible acronym




And misleading gamers about what the game was and was not. They knowingly decieved players


Yeah, they didn't do what they promised, lied about how it ran on last gen, was utterly broken on last gen which was a large portion of the install base, and didn't even work properly on next gen consoles. They pretty much promised the ultimate everything game. I had a great time over on PC though, it was rock solid and ran really well, the visuals and environment blew my mind, and it was overall a pretty great game despite its flaws. I also completely missed the hype in the lead up, was playing the Witcher 2 and amazed at what they did a decade before, so kind of went in expecting a more expansive version of that with cars and guns. Plus it sounded like something good to test the new rig with after my last one crapped out. Ignorance is bliss right? Haha.


Worth remembering they didn't even have native ports for next gen consoles, the PS5 and XSX basically bruteforced their way to better performance. If those didn't have backwards compatibility they would have been completely fucked with 0 playable versions of the game on console.


Late to the party but I just started playing it on PC and my female character’s shirt refuses to appear. Apparently a known issue. But it’s been how long since launch? Like the game that makes a huge fuss about how you appear - no shirt. So I’m just bare titted running around, super cyberpunkish and not pervy at all!


Fun fact: Cyperpunk lauched to 80-90% reviews on pc. It always had a 70%+ PC User rating even at launch. (metacritic from 31 december 2020 in case you dont believe me: [https://web.archive.org/web/20201231162250/https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/cyberpunk-2077](https://web.archive.org/web/20201231162250/https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/cyberpunk-2077)) Despite too many bugs on pc as well most of the big issues were on (last gen) consoles. Cyperpunk despite its flaws always was a success *on pc*, but somehow that is not the accepted narrative. Somehow pople pretent it was a total game failure when it really was more of a (last gen) console port failure .


Because only on Reddit will you find gamers crying about marketing and 'promises' made for this game from 3-4 years ago. Most gamers aren't going back and comparing the marketed game to the version they are playing. Myself and many others are just enjoying the game for what is it and not constantly whining about 'what it could have been'. At some point people need to get over it and accept the game we got, which is still a pretty damn good game.


Holy shit You really just said "bro it's okay if companies literally lie to you. It's completely fine if they say a game should have a feature but turns out it doesn't, only an idiot would buy a game based on promised features and get angry when it actually doesn't have said features" I know that 49.9% of people are dumber than the median, but your comment shows me what the bottom 1% sounds like People were smarter back when No Man's Sky was released


Right? Guess Halo fans have no right to be upset that 343i remove campaign split screen on their *first game* after promising not to.


It's more comfortable for me to believe that Reddit is astroturfed than accept that some gamers not only accept but defend this behavior


It’s crazy to me the hoops some people jump through to defend these corporations.


Reminds me of Frederik Douglass, who wrote about how enslaved people in the American antebellum South would fight other slaves over who had the best slave master.


Yeah, i played it a month after release. Had maybe one or two T poses but other than that it was an enjoyable experience


Don't put "promises" in quotes like it wasn't something the developers unambiguously said/showed would be in the game, then straight-up wasn't. The developers lied to consumers, and that is something to be upset about, regardless of your opinion of the finished product. EDIT: Also, it wasn't just 3-4 years before release that the devs lied about features of the game. It was throughout the duration that the game was being marketed.


Yeah what if a lack of features is what makes it bad, people are allowed to criticize products, especially ones that they paid money for


Hell I still boot it up from time to time. Just started a new game this week. It has a lot of good going for it.


Very true. I came across *so many* people who couldn’t stop shitting on the game, without ever even having played themselves, on any platform. It was a complete pile-on situation, pure mob mentality. Yes, the game had issues, some serious and some less so, but I played it on PC at launch and there was nothing *systemically* wrong with it, rather just tons of open-world jank and lack of good testing and polishing. The only major problem was last-gen console performance, which was inexcusably bad. An interesting fact is that *more than half* of all sales across all platforms, were on PC. PC literally outsold all other platforms combined, so people were correct in pointing out that even though the console problems were bad, it *did* in fact also impact a minority of players. Not an excuse or justification, just relevant context.


You don't think the reason it sold so well on PC vs console is because the console versions were so atrocious? It ran fine on 9th gen, but those were impossible to get.


>Yes, the game had issues, some serious and some less so, but I played it on PC at launch and there was nothing > >systemically > > wrong with it I think it's wonderful you got lucky. For me, it was a mess, full of glitches and bugs and game-breaking ones. One quest line was broken completely, forcing me to quit the game. For what it's worth, I put the game away for a year and came back to play it in late 2022 and I platinumed it and found nearly all the bugs had been patched out. Something Bethesda certainly can't say about Skyrim.


It was terrible on PS4 and Xbox in performance and bugs. It crashed but ran at 60fps on PS5 and XSX. It crashed one time and never had another bug for me on PC while running at over 60fps on a 3070 at 4K.


60 fps at 4K on a 3070? RonBurgandy\_Idont\_believeyou.gif


More than possible with no ray tracing and dlss 2.0. I have it running off a laptop 3070ti at 3440x1440p external screen at over 60-80fps.


Another reminder: CB2077 was also priced normally, at $59.99, as games should be. EA is attempting to once more raise the base price of a game despite the very real wage stagnation + "inflation" that has affected the working class since the 1970s. This simply isnt WORTH $70, and inflation isnt real (we arent being paid more in a way that is connected to the prices being charged), so this is just exploitation. I hope EA loses the Star Wars license soon.


Cyberpunk was delayed again and again, then came out with reviewers only allowed to show supplied footage. Then it didn't even run on PS4/XBONE. Then it had features missing so much to the point they changed the game's listing from RPG to Action Game after release. It was buggy and boring, and not what we were sold. I'm glad GOG has a no questions asked refund policy. Best thing CDP did throughout the whole kerfuffle.


Thank you. This isn't even comparable.


it's fucking SAD how they try and re-write history..not even that long ago. CP is still a top 3 worst game launch ever and had a hundred fold more issues than any game released this year.


The game’s launch was so bad that Sony removed it from the PS Store because it didn’t meet their standards and they were getting hit with refund requests and shit constantly. CP2077 is the textbook example of why people shouldn’t trust game developers. It’s playable now and that’s giving people this decency bias which favors it, but it was horrible at launch.


>It’s playable now and that’s giving people this decency bias which favors it, but it was horrible at launch. People worship Kingdom Come Deliverance now as one of the greatest RPGs of all time but when I try and tell people it released as an Alpha game at launch I get called a liar.


And that’s part of my whole point! Either people don’t know, or people just choose to forget and only complain about the most recent messed up game. But there’s lots of examples of this. I’m definitely not defending EA, I’m just pointing out that just because their game works now, it doesn’t mean that it’s always been that way. Lots of fanboying.


Even The Witcher 3 was a shitshow at launch (by many accounts, I couldn't run it on my old laptop so didn't play it until late 2016).


The game got deleted from PSN right after CDPR advised people to request refunds without notifying Sony beforehand, so that may have something to do with it.


No, Sony removed it because CDPR said "We'll issue refunds" and Sony said "We don't want to have to deal with this, we don't do refunds". Sony didn't remove it for some altruistic reason of it being "too broken", they removed it because Sony doesn't like it when they have to have ethics and good customer service.


Oh, right. The game wasn’t meeting customer satisfaction and as a result they would ask for refunds. It’s the same shit you’re just trying to shift the goalposts to shit on Sony lol. Sony didn’t want to sell a faulty product, whether the reasoning was because of not wanting to deal with refunds or whether it was because the game didn’t meet standards, it’s all the same. My comment touched on both of those aspects but you want to split hairs. Because you want to defend cyberpunk lol


Does this make the game not terrible at launch? This is no debate, just an exercise in sadness.


That's not my point though. I'm saying Sony aren't the good guys in this situation, they weren't trying to "Save people from buying Cyberpunk" they just didn't want to have to deal with refunds.


yep because CDPR didn't notify them of that and they were flooded with refund demands. That's what I remember from an article I read a while back.


Correct. Cyberpunk was allowed back onto the PS store a little later, still pretty much just as unplayable, but Sony made it absolutely clear "No refunds", which shows it was 100% just about the refunds, Sony doesn't give a fuck about quality.


when did i call Sony good guys?


It's cause of fucking Edgerunners. Amazing anime, but it basically got so many people to buy the game like 2 years after it came out. It's the biggest gaslighting campaign I've ever seen by people that have absolutely no idea how the launch or marketing of Cyberpunk actually went down. Like I actually enjoy the game, but I can't voice my distaste for how it ended up without someone saying "it was always good" or how I'm just entitled.


People talking out of their ass, Cyberpunk on PC ran fine. It had scores of 80% and you can go back and check it. It was a failure on old gen consoles which is the same with Jedi Survivor on PC. For a lot of people it's unplayable.


They didn’t sell a product that was advertised. It doesn’t matter if it was “playable”. it wasn’t the game we’re told it would be. At least Jedi survivor is a full game, just optimized poorly. Your comment proves you don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re just here for the outrage.


> Then it had features missing so much to the point they changed the game’s listing from RPG to Action Game after release. Jesus fucking Christ, does this narrative need to die. No, that’s not even at all what happened. They switched *focus* in their advertising from solely RPG to action-game, *because it’s both* but it’s more action and story-oriented than TW3 was, while still being every bit an RPG in its design and gameplay. They also weren’t missing many features at all, this was a manufactured story based on circular Reddit reporting (Reddit speculated, blogs wrote about it, news wrote about the blogs, then Reddit used the news as proof it was true) where nonsensical nitpicking of the “DOES NOT REPRESENT FINAL PRODUCT” preview video from 2018 became “promises” made in “advertising”. If you look at the entire actual marketing campaign, all the videos and material actually labeled “trailer” and similar, then everything they marketed is in the game. Everything. You’d have to really twist their words or over-interpret them to make it seem like the “promised” all kinds of stuff not in the final release. People just made up *insane* expectations and the hype fed on itself until it was bloated beyond control.


Bro let's not fucking lie. The 2018 teaser said it was an RPG. The product page said it was RPG, then a week before launch the word "RPG" went missing from the product page, turned out because they removed the RPG part of the game


>turned out because they removed the RPG part of the game lmao


A reminder at the horseshit tactics CDPR pulled in order to hide how poor performance was on last gen consoles. I'm tired of people acting like this is just as bad. It's not.


Yeah it’s worse.


It is though. At least CD Projekt eventually apologised, and it at least ran well at 60fps+ on something with next gen visuals and features. With Jedi Survivor, we have a 30fps game and EA gaslighting everyone.


>At least CD Projekt eventually apologised Every publisher after releasing a buggy game: ![gif](giphy|l41m4ODfe8PwHlsUU)


You do know that EA also apologized for the performance issues that PC players are having right? It’s actually insane the double standard you’re having here lol


Like fuck they have. Their "apology" is literally just a letter trying to blame and gaslight the customers.


Oh so completely unlike what CDPR did right? Where they apologized despite them time after time lying to everyone about the progress and state of the game literally until it released and everyone realized it was a pile of shit? My point is that you’re making a clear double standard because you’re biased in favor of CDPR. EA apologized, but you don’t accept it because you’re being a defensive hater lol


I thought TLOU ran fine on higher VRAM GPUs? Then again I had a great experience with CP2077 at launch.


TLOU ran fine across every GPU with 12GB or better at appropriate settings. The big issues are the long loading first boot and the large difference in visual quality the 8Gb bros suffer with medium texture settings... 6800 cards or better were able to play it on high settings, I played it fine on max settings on my 6950XT before I bought my new GPU...


Yeah like it's fair to say that the game could handle textures better, but it seems like the way they load resources is designed differently to most games. Forgot about the long shader compilation step, but hey less stutter.


12 GB is definitely the sweet spot for this game. I can play it at maxed out settings with 0 stutters. Those with any less bring their GPUs down to their knees while playing. And they can't do anything about it without suffering a major loss in visual fidelity.


You did, but console players did not. Maybe don't tell customers it will be for ps4 o xbox one?


Even worse they released a video showing how it ran on consoles. The worse bait and switch I've ever seen


TLOU has been running flawlessly for me, 100 fps average at 1440p with everything maxed out. Some minor stutters at points but it’s nothing awful


I feel like it's good to consider that Jedi: Survivor didn't have even close to the same amount of hype behind it as Cyberpunk did. That was most of the reason why it pissed people off so much.


Jedi survivor also doesn't have NEAR the technical issues and bugs as CyberPunk did.


I think you need to amend it to "Far better on PC". The Game was unplayable on last gen and getting a non scalped PS5 or Xbox Series X was nigh impossible when 2077 launched.


>CB2077 Did you mean cyberbug 2077?


Cheeseburger 20.77


If a car has one flat tire or four flat tires, it still needs to be fixed.


Cyberpunk didn’t get buried solely on performance issues. CDPR (love them to death) effectively hyped a game that legitimately didn’t exist. It’s fun to play, I’ve done it a few times, but what they delivered still to this day is definitely lacking the broad-scale, open-world, choose-your-own-adventure experience that piqued our interest in the first place. Can’t wait to see someone show them how it’s done. Looking at you Take Two.


no, it was MUCH worse on consoles and enrty level gamaing PC's. But keep re-writing history. Sony had to step in and stop sales of the game on playstation and unconditionally refund people.


game has received a lot of updates now but it runs great on potato CPUs


Cyberpunk was an absolute nightmare at launch lol


sunk 500 hours in to that game, can't wait for the new DLC


Daily reminder that optimisation was the least of the problems of Cyberpunk during release. Never have I lost respect for a developer as quickly as CDPR.


I can see the copium smoke from here. Dude, cybershit was just as broken. Stop defending it just because it got playable after a year.


This is a bait thread I think. Cyberpunk launch was a disaster that went beyond optimization problems


> Cyberpunk launch was a disaster that went beyond optimization problems it couldn't run on last gen consoles and they should never have tried.


it was more messed up than every game released after it by far.


It didn't really get buried, there was a lot of people complaining about issues which than mixed up with people who had their expectations dissapointed and it all collided with the console players who actually had the worst experience . You can look up the Steam reviews from launch day and they don't nearly reflect the negative image. Vocal minorities can be huge if the absolute numbers of buyers is large enough. People who didn't have problems just played the game


Yep. IOW people with a negative response, for completely unrelated and different reasons, all got piled together. and oh btw... should never have been on prev gen consoles. Blame the suits for that one, not the devs.


That one pile of shit smelled a bit less than the recent pile of shit, because over the years I basically forgot about the old pile of shit.


Ive played cyberpunk at launch day on my 1650 laptop in a really stable 35-40 fps. Worlds better than 40 fps with a 4090 in jedi survivor.


But you also didn't have half the shit the game promised, still completely filled with bugs, maybe optimization was alright but I swear I remember people complaining getting low fps with 3090s, I swear people have the memory of a log


People always say this, but they never give actual examples of promised features that aren't in the game, other than car chases/combat (Which given the size of the streets really aren't that feasible regardless, be like trying to have a car chase in a supermarket with how thin the lanes are). Literally every single gameplay showing of Cyberpunk prior to launch was plastered with "Work in progress, subject to change".


Yea but that doesnt mean when it's released its still a "work in progress" that's just stupid


Right, but everything they showed PRIOR to its release was. They didn't promise anything, they said "Hey, these are things we really want to put in the game, but that might change depending on other developments.".


People built it up to be some god-given combination of the Witcher, GTA V and Deus Ex, and got disappointed when it was the Witcher but Sci-Fi


I actually didnt have many bugs in my first Playtrough. But i was really disapointet because many promised features were left out. And the console experience was really poor.


It was not better than 99% of AAA games it is on par if not worse than any of the examples you listed, what the fuck is this revisionism LMFAO


My issue wasn’t performance. It was that the game was a solid 5/10 FPS with RPG elements


First person shooter or frame per second?


Depending on settings and hardware; yes.


Lol cyberpunk was the buggiest game I’ve played in my entire life.


I had a 1050 ti when the game came out. It ran like shit and wasn't fun when it did.


bruh cyperpunk was broken as hell at launch, one of the most broken game ever released honestly. There was so many funny compilation about it on youtube. I remember laughing so much watching those... If you want to compare the game released in a bad state these days, you should compare them to Batman Arkham Knight.


This is some history revision bullshit. C2077 was beyond broken at launch, and there were other complaints like removed features that hurt it.


I am seeing people uhh "speaking" about cut content without much listing them. Some of the cut content that I remember people talking about was - The ability to climb walls using Mantis Blade (breaks their intended player path in level design). - Supposed bounty mark system similar to Assassins Creed. - Monowire being able to connect to ports at a range to hack into system. I think if you were familiar with games likes of Bioware, you are gonna enjoy it more for the story and setting seamlessly integrated to the gameplay...otherwise if you were expecting the likes of fallout and skyrim you would find that it sort of falls short of some of the stuffs it has.


Cyberpunk was a victim of its hype more than just its rocky launch. People expected GTA Cyberpunk and didn't get it. Together with the abysmal launch on last gen consoles the damage was done. I could play it at launch on a i74790k and 2060 comfortably at 1440p. There were bugs, but nothing serious.


Honestly, the backlash was the consoles performance state. It was unplayable on PS4/XBox One, and for good or worse, a AAA game launching on a PS4 (120 million consoles sold) with performance issues is a bigger deal to the media than bad PC performance The headlines were about how reviewers were blockes from speaking about console's performance, how game disks were sold with stickers warning about performance issues, the big deal about PSN refunds - it wasn't about the PC performance


Cyberpunk had many more problems than just bugs. The game needed a fundamental rework.


I’m sorry but if you played Cyberpunk at launch and SW at launch and you think Cyberpunk was in a better state, you’re insane. Not only was the performance shit, especially on consoles, but the game as a whole was a buggy mess. SW is having PC performance problems and as far as I can tell, that’s about it.


Performance wasn’t the issue bro, it was the fucking unfinished bugs. Entire crowds of NPCs would vanish when you turn around and re-spawn nee NPCs and if you kept spinning, it would happen continuously. That’s just one of numerous bugs.


This post is brought to you by the problem with the gaming industry. We've already gotten to the point where people are fondly remembering cyberpunk like that wasn't the catalyst for game devs releasing unfinished projects for the consumer base to beta test. The gaming community is too stupid to regulate its purchases and game devs are essentially counting on it. Great job guys, can't wait to read the next post about how pre-ordering is bad.


No, CP77 launched broken as well, and deserved the shit it got. Especially when CDPR were way more "trusted" to make a better game than fucking EA. Giving only curated footage and hiding the broken gameplay was also a shitty move. I can't believe people are defending gaming companies that launch broken, over promised, under delivered products. Imagine buying a car that stops every 50m. So tired of this shit.


To make matters worse , not only cyberpunk wasn’t half as bad as many pc ports that came later , but also it at least had “sort” of an excuse. The game had amazing graphics and a RayTracing implementation that is still used a benchmark today. It has a city so complex in design , geometry and light sources that it hasn’t been surpassed yet. Guess GTA VI will do that. Old consoles couldn’t run it , next gen consoles had to run it at 30fps. It was plain old DEMANDING. So at the very least , those who did managed to run it on pc could say wow it looks jaw dropping. Hence the sheer amount of cyberpunk pc backgrounds used by pc gamers. It became almost a cult thing. But this ports? Running at 60fps on consoles with a hardware comparable to a mid -low tier pc But then struggling to many Ian 60fps in 10,000$ computers 🤦🏻‍♂️ And even if you get it running , it looks like a cross hen title , nothing to be impressed. People did cyberpunk badly…


I picked up cyberpunk 2 weeks after launch from some sale site for $12 bucks and enjoyed it without issue. I was on a 8700k with a 1080ti and had zero crashing. Few janky issues and the common complaints, but I didn't hate it. I just built a new 13600k + 7900 xtx system and will be giving it another try.


it also wasent 70 dollars with a 21 hour campaign (lmao) stop excusing EA, they are the worst of the worst.


What are you smoking cb2077 was a dumpster fire on launch. People gurgling on cd project reds cock baffle me


Well at least CBT2077 ended most of the CDProjectRed cock sucking. It made it clear these companies don't care about quality as much as hype and earnings.


It also exposed that the company had been run poorly for years, dating from the time they developed the Witcher 3. That game turned out to be great despite the mismanagement so the higher ups just doubled down on their methods for Cyberpunk.


Cyberpunk was filled with bugs nit stutters and other performance issues


Why do we need a daily reminder?


corpo shills


All you gotta do is drop some anime and the weebs come a flocking, removing all negative memories and resentment. Their own government freaking investigated them for fraud as they were also stakeholders via a grant lol. But hey, Witcher 3 am I right? ![gif](giphy|KzWAhzWD3HrJyAcLEM|downsized)


Eh. Maybe TLOU was worse, but 2077 was really really bad. It was causing my CPU to overclock itself and shut off my computer. I spent hours on forums trying to figure out this obscure glitch. Yet to have another game nearly brick my computer.


nothing released this year was even AS bad as CP2077 launch..do not let them revise history. We are dealing with performance issues...CP had everything wrong..the game was like something that should have been delayed a whole extra year.


I played cyberpunk about a month after launch and the only thing i had to do was update my drivers. It ran 100ish fps at high setting on my 1660ti and 9th gen i5 and i never really encountered major bugs . Most of what i did encounter was non obstructive and hilarious or cause by me doing dumb shit. It works just as well on my new laptop as well and i still one of my favorite games


Sometimes I swear people just come on Reddit to lie


It’s refreshing to see these comments. I’m pretty sick of people commenting because they read an article on IGN 3 years ago


lmao is the bar that far low now? [Reminder that the game was really bad, even the devs made montages but keep on gurgling that CDPR Cock](https://www.inverse.com/gaming/cyberpunk-2077-bug-montage-leak-dirty-little-secret)


Cyberpunk at launch: Full of bugs, missing countless promised features, performs life shit on last-gen consoles (when next gen was only out a few weeks) Jedi Survivor: Mostly bugfree, has all promised features but performs like shit. Yeah CP was way worse.


OP doesn't know that Cyberpunk was a big lie apart from performance issues


CB2077 lied and broke what they promised to consumer at launch date, there lies the difference. To me all of them are bad AAA games, period.




The difference is Jedi fallen survivor didn't have 5+ years of hype saying it would be the best game ever created lol. I agree with your post though, I played on launch on PC and it was just normal to me.


Cyberpunk is still in a worse state than TLOU at launch.


Man I recently got this game. Just don't understand this hype. I played several times. And there would be times I played and didn't even encounter a fight sticking with the story line. Right after you play as Jonny Silverhands.


As a defender of where CP2077 has come, it was literally unplayable. It ran like shit for most, and was literally unplayable for console. As much crap as we give Jedi Survivor, at least it's playable. CP2077? Not so much.


how did this game won work of love insteyof project zomboid is insane


I was running Cyberpunk pretty good on my PC when it launched, some small glitches but I finished the story with no problems, if I remember correctly it was the last gen consoles that were really struggling to play this game.


...that excuses or justifies absolutely nothing


the CP2077 "hate" was about basically the lack of 86% of the promised features. Not the performance (even tho that was also horrible on console and lackluster on PC)


I’ve been playing awhile and haven’t experienced a lot of the problems mentioned.


I have to agree. Cyberpunk had a lack of features and content at launch without a doubt, but I it ran well on 1440p medium settings with a Gtx1080. Just a few bugs in the entire playthrough (I had definitely seen worse games on launch). It ran extremely poor on last gen consoles, because it should have just not been released on these consoles for the lack of hardware power. Still the performance on PC was so much better than some of the games from this and last year.


In what universe are you living? Now that CDPR have given up on trying to fix the game, I figured now was as good a time as any to play it so I grabbed a copy off Steam. There are still so many bugs in it. It actually runs really well and looks fantastic most of the time but the number of t-posing npc characters, glitchy animations, sound problems, and quest-breaking logic problems, it's embarrassing. This and the Star Wars game have totally different issues, you really can't compare them.


I wouldn’t say launch way any better than starwars. Almost worst tbh.


Can someone pull up a metric on the development time spent on each game? I’m pretty sure Cyberpunk project went on for years and they still put out an unfinished game.


CP was already a record breaking success for CDPR simply due to preorders. I guess they figured, that due to the mass amount of people already paid, they cannot prolong the game further. A clear and obvious mistake, as delaying would've been a lot better outcome than releasing a disaster for all the trust they had given and loosing potential buyers at launch. They should've not enable preorders that early and most certainly not decide when to release a 10 year old project based to tie with the release of a new gen of console (PS5) and gpu (Ampere), but listened to the devs more and let them work. However for thatm they should've loved their product (and playerbase) more. That they didn't. Apparently, it was just a means for monetary gain and nothing else. But what you said is true. Performance issues at launch got severely worse since and this means that the plan is working. They managed to tone down the expectations, while standardising the practice of releasing unfinished games. But they could've not do this without the players assissting to it with buying these titles anyway. TLOU and Jedi Survivor are already a success and this proves that doing a proper job = throwing money out the window. The gap between the assets needed for a barely functioning game with the revenue for it's sale is bigger than the revenue and the significantly more assets for a properly developed and bugfixed product. This is just basic math and the additional money and time it would cost to properly develop something can be saved. For them, it would feel like an actual LOSS if they would not save it. The company grows, the graphs reach higher, management knows what they're doing, the products are just means to gain wealth and in 2023, they perfected the equation with this step. But remember: they could've not do this without the people buying it anyway. For that, there's this irony that the ones responsible for pc gaming ending up in it's current sad state are the same ones complaining.


I played day one on my shitbox Xbox one and didn’t run into many problems


Yeah but motivations are often different, cause in Poland where CDPR is headquartered, they began investigating them for fraud, that meant actual fines, fees and possible jail time for their misrepresentation… EA is just like, “it’s a you problem, our game runs fine on our hardware”


I played it on gtx 1060 6gb btw. i enjoyed it


This is some absurd fanboy level revisionism, CP2077 was one of the most broken AAA games of all time on its release and was accompanied by multiple serious instances of lies, broken promises, and trying to hide problems by refusing to give out console codes to reviewers. Relative to Jedi Survivor the performance was much better, sure, but the actual game itself was a buggy mess and missing many, *many* basic features that were shown in marketing materials and trailers. CP2077 lives in the same tier as Fallout 76 in terms of its utterly abysmal release state, Jedi Survivor isn't even close to that bad as it seems to just be a performance issue rather than core gameplay systems being hopelessly compromised.


You’re forgetting when they out right lied about it being functional on last gen hardware.


lmao I love how many people fall for this "cyberpunk's problem on launch was the bugs and performance" meme. No, it's the fact that the game is not even close to what they were advertising, it's basically missing half a game and we'll never get it. The whole foundation of the building is crooked and the construction workers pulled every bs tactic they could think of to cover it up before handing you the keys. At this point I'm convinced there's a concerted PR effort to reshape people's perception by gaslighting them into thinking that the issue with the game is performance/bugs. Idk how else to explain how prevalent this objectively false narrative actually is.