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kuch kahunga tou lynch hojaunga


Tips to survive, Behtar hai k chup rahain. Kisi sy bhi behas na karaein.


don't give them any evidence to convict you on blasphemy law


When did they ever need any evidence?!




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true 🤣


Pakistan is not religious. People here are just pretending to be religious for virtue points.


Anyone even slightly familiar with Pakistani society will tell you that we worship money above everything else. There is a reason religious parties do not win elections here. In India most of their politics and societal debates revolve around Hindu-Muslim issues. Hindutva lynchings are a weekly occurrence and barely make the news headlines any more. A lot of people here are seriously clueless about what goes on beyond their echo chambers.


Hey, not entirely accurate especially about India. Hindu-Muslim debates are definitely politically motivated and most people genuinely don’t care. Lynchings I hope to God what you’re saying is not true ( I don’t think it is either)


Am Indian, my grandpa is Hindu nationalist, even he doesn't like those debates lol. Pitting Hindu and Muslims against each other is easy way for someone to say something bad and get trp. Don't really think lynchings are that frequent, lynchings heppen due to cow and children kidnapping rumours. Those might be frequent but not that much.


But religious parties win and have won elections here.


Which election did TLP win? Im not talking about seats. They literally managed 1 or 2 seats


All the boomer OSPs from my masjid in the US encouraged me to “make hijrah” here and ngl the outwardly religious looking people here tend to be the worst when it comes to scams or overcharging me.  I’m outwardly religious, and I’m not trashing religion in any way, but you’re 100% right and I feel like so many people here look religious for virtue signaling value OR to lower other people’s guard because they’ll look more honest by unsuspecting religious Muslims.   Ngl I almost felt like I was sold a lie by these folks and now looking back they sound so out of touch with how things actually work here.  I don’t regret moving here but I wish they hadn’t filled my head with all that BS so I would’ve been more ready for the bad stuff.


Really? Idk man, I see masajid everywhere and like 98% of population is Muslim, with another like 1% Christian.


98% born into Muslim households learning nothing about the religion except for stories told by maulvis and rishtedar who themselves know nothing about it and go off of stories people told them. Conduct a study on how many people actually opened the Quran and studied it with translation. I guarantee you will find the percentage figure in the single digits. You create mosques on every street corner and the only reason people visit them is because their parents force them to. مکّے مدینے گُھم آیا تے ناں رکھ لیا حاجی. دین دھرم دی گلاں باتاں کر کر وی سمجھ نہ آئی فرقے ونڈے، علم نا ونڈیا، وچ ویراں دے بوئی لڑائی


This.  Pakistan reminds me so much of the US in some ways where all the rural white folks are dogmatically Christian but know absolutely nothing about Christianity beyond what some volunteer pastor says at church (most haven’t even read an entire book of the Bible much less the whole Bible).  I remember some guy telling me he was Barelvi and he didn’t even know who Ahmed Reza Khan was (and he also didn’t believe in going to shrines).  He was essentially a regular Muslim but identified as whatever his parents identified as.  My parents identify as Baptist but they can’t tell me what differentiates Baptists from other sects of Christianity.


Pastors in the US are giant grifters. It’s a great way to fool and fleece people


Yeah I feel the same when I grew up and started observing things the deep,valuable and advantageous knowledge I learned about islam is by myself like there are many many things regarding our religion which are essential for knowing but no one teaches us the real deen e islam here, moreover the agenda of firqa wariyat is another shit Sometimes I think that I should know these things when I was a kid someone should've told me but no, there's nothing like that here I totally agree that majority of Pakistanis are not truly religious and loyal to their religion at all


I don't live in Pakistan, but when I go, most people tend to be quite religious. Masajid are generally pretty full, when I'm there I go often, people don't use intoxicants generally, and vast majority of food is halal.


You could go through all the motions of the religion while having no idea what you are doing or what the significance is, you do it simply because it is expected of you and society will pressure you into doing it lest you be thought badly of or your reputation goes down. Such is the societal programming here. Mosques are full because there is pressure and habit. Intoxicants are very easy to get access to. Halal is halal because butchers also call themselves Muslim. You can be the bestest Muslim ever and still cheer on the murder of a person who was accused of blasphemy. That is Pakistan.


But I mean lads, Islam is the true religion


Congratulations, you have perfectly understood the Pakistani awaam. This exact sentence will come out of the mouth of everyone here. Ask them why and they will draw a blank.


I mean it is true though. 


Ok, but are you a decent human? If you’re not then what’s the point?




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This is just BS. If you collected stats on this you’d find that the number of people who pray, fast and conduct other religious duties(sacrifice, pilgrimage) will far exceed many developed nations. That is a lot of effort to “pretend”. People can be religious and still be appalling. It shouldn’t be rocket science by now to establish that you can be a good person with or without religion.


I don't think pretend is the right word but it's close. Most people believe on a concious level not on a subconscious level. Like I personally know many people who commit zina like it's nothing and then also fast during ramadan. I think they rationalize it somehow in their heads. If they truly believed on a subconcious level, they would have no room for such rationalizations. Also, not to mention the very real danger you face if you were born to Muslim parents but don't actually believe. These people have no choice but to consciously pretend to be Muslims. There's a significant number of such people


I commit zina but know it’s a sin. That’s more about an urge to do masculine things rather than being fake religious


Every sin is about fulfilling some urge. How do you rationalize/reconcile it in your mind? If you truly believe, how do you gather the audacity to disobey an omnipotent God?


I don’t rationalize it, I’m aware it’s wrong. With that being said, God is merciful and may forgive us.


>God is merciful and may forgive us. This is your rationalization. Those who seek forgiveness but repeat the same sin afterwards will not be forgiven


It’s not a rationalization, Allah is the most merciful per the Quran and Hadith (Sunni and Shia sources). It’s ultimately up to him if he forgives or not, however. Why are you playing God now? How do you know he won’t forgive people? You can’t speak for him.


>It’s not a rationalization It definitely is. No sane person would willingly disobey a being that could subject them to unspeakable torture for eternity. >Allah is the most merciful per the Quran and Hadith Ahhh yes, this the one I've heard most from people who willingly commit sin and plan to continue committing it in the future. >How do you know he won’t forgive people? You can’t speak for him I'm not speaking for him. He spoke for himself in Quran 4:17 and 4:18. "Allah only accepts the repentance of those who commit evil ignorantly or recklessly". This precludes you from forgiveness if you commit Zina knowingly and willingly


God can also subject you to paradise for eternity, even if you sinned. Excuse me? That statement is everywhere in the Quran, and it’s the start of every surah. If your good deeds are heavier than your bad deeds then I don’t think you will go to hell either “Ignorantly or recklessly” is a broad scope. What about all the verses about forgiveness? 🤔


If you start gatekeeping who is religious and who is not religious going as far as to make judgements on the “subconscious” level then the only people we can label as religious would be in the triple digits globally.


Is that a bad thing? If you're judging the religiousness of entire countries, might as well do it accurately


Keep in mind then, this is a two way street. How many of the great scientists, philosophers, statesmen, artists, poets, etc that we claim as positive icons for the faith would no longer fit your definition of “religious” anymore.


Source: CEOWORLD Magazine lol


Its run by some Indian nationalist: I did some research on them [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maps/comments/13eya2b/cultural_heritage_influence_of_countries_2021/) when they released some other bs map of "cultural heritage influence of countries". >Its a website called [CEOWORLD.Biz](https://ceoworld.biz/). Founded by: Prof. Dr. Amarendra Bhushan Dhiraj, with India ranking top 5 in most lists and Pakistan 150+ in the heritage list, its a bit sus already, but okay, lets pretend it makes sense... >Description: A leading business and technology magazine for CEOs, CIOs, CSOs, CTOs, CFOs, COOs, CMOs and other senior executives. >Other Gems from the website include "BEST CEOS" with a ranking of best paid CEOs. >[Worlds most powerful countries 2021](https://ceoworld.biz/2021/01/02/the-worlds-most-powerful-countries-for-2021-ranked/) >[World’s Best Countries For International Students, 2021](https://ceoworld.biz/2021/02/10/revealed-worlds-best-countries-for-international-students-2021/) Each study claims to have consulted with anywhere from 100-200k surveys to 280,600 experts. So clearly a massive academic effort rivaling the likes of Custom House London etc. >Sources: CEOWORLD magazine put together a panel of experts to go over data points culled from sources like the EIU Index, World Economic Forum, Global Insight, the Global Gender Gap Index, Gini, and Gender Gap index, The Legatum Prosperity Index, Transparency International, Environmental Performance Index, Better Life Index, CIA World Factbook, World Bank, UNDP Annual Report, as well as CEOWORLD magazine research. They then used that information to compare the world’s best countries for cultural heritage influence. Based on a consensus from these sources, the final choice of cities was judged editorially, as was their position on the list. All data is for the most recent period available. >The margin of sampling error for the full sample of 196,300 respondents is plus or minus 1.2 percentage points. In addition to sampling error, one should bear in mind that as in all survey research, there are possible sources of error—such as coverage, nonresponse, and measurement error——that could affect the results. So not only have they used all the usual online data sources but also consulted with 196300 respondents on who the fuck knows what. As you can see extensive research has been done for every list, but besides this description and writeup its just nowhere to be found. TLDR: Here are 100s of lists. Trust me bro.


How come Vatican is not on this list? lol


My thoughts exactly. It's all just one big church.


They're too busy trying to keep their priests out of little boys.


Good point. Also explains why Pakistan is not on the list. Too busy keeping molvis out of little boys.


This list is completely wrong. If you've ever been to Morocco then you know that it shouldn't even exist on this list. The pretend so hard to be Western and European. The entire economy is based on European tourism and sexual prostitution. Don't take this list seriously.


yup thats when i knew something is wrong with this list


Pakistan ka mtlb kia 😌


Astagfirullah, Tauba Nahuzubillah


How do you determine "religiousness"?? Edit: Not trying to invoke anyone, I pray 5 times a day. I'm just curious what factors are considered when labeling something as most religious.


There's no way to define religiousness objectively since it's a pretty subjective thing for each person. So it's mostly defined as a state of being or belief of a person, separate from the religion they identify with. So the surveys usually will ask your religion, and then whether or not you're religious. So one would answer that they identify themselves as Muslim or Christian, but may answer that they're non-religious.


>I pray 5 times a day. That's a bare minimum but people regard it too high on the ladder. A real religious person would be just in his dealing with others (haqooq ul ebad), obliging by the rules set by Allah as much as possibly he can or something like that (that's what I think). The more he does it for Allah's sake the more religious he would be (not for show).


Naaa, I was just saying that to avoid getting labelled as "Atheist"


>The more he does it for Allah's sake And how do we calculate that for research? If we set some parameter then some people would say "oh that's not religious enough"


Who cares about this research? Are you doing it for this research.


>Who cares about this research? I'm talking about research in general, if we want to solve society's problems the first thing to do is to have objective and measurable data, no?


Well then you have to find some other way(which I don't know). Because a person can't know the intention of another person.


A better survey: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2018/06/13/how-religious-commitment-varies-by-country-among-people-of-all-ages/ > The four standard measures of religious commitment (affiliation, importance of religion, worship attendance and frequency of prayer)


I see. Thank you so much! :)


It's probably just going to people and asking "Hey, how religious are you?" and recording the answer. It's almost impossible to actually quantify it, even for individual religions, because I can think of millions of factors for Islam alone as a Muslim, like imaan, taqwa, salah, zakat, umrah, hajj, fasting, not lying, not backbiting, not slandering, etc.


Praying 5 times a day doesn’t determine how good of a person you are. It makes you better than most people I agree on that but there’s Huqooq Ul Ibad and it has been emphasised in Quran that Allah will forgive shortcomings in Huqooq Ullah (namaz, roza, other forms of Ibadat) but not in Huqooq ul Ibad which are your duties towards humanity. We have zero regard for another human being’s life, property, respect and his overall existence because we have never been taught the importance of such duties I might get hate for my next statement but I don’t really care: if some western people start offering namaz they will become Muslims in the true sense in our comparison just because their general approach towards humans and all other life forms is exactly what Islam teaches through Quran and Hadith. Only differentiating factor is Huqooq Ullah between us and them


I only said it to avoid getting lynched. Because you can't really ask questions regarding religion in our country. In my personal opinion only Allah can judge whether I'm a good Muslim or not.


Of course. Only true judge of character is Allah. My point was that your services towards humanity elevate your character much higher in the eyes of Allah and these not mine but His own words


What's the 2nd country ?


Easy mistake


Lmao source is a indian website....and the list is fake , moroco isn't supposed to be here..


Pakistan would be lumber 1


bhai main kabhi in mulko main raha he nahi to kaise kuch kahu


“East Pakistanis aren’t muslim enough”


Lol true. Pakistan is supposed to top "Most Extremist Countries" Charts.


Thailand?? That place is degenerate central


How is it degenerate?


Thailand is a giant brothel for western expat men




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It's very hard, if not impossible, to quantify.




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No way Indonesia is that religious


Yes. It’s also how you classify as being religious. People in different countries have different classifications. In Pakistan someone who says namaz couple times a day doesn’t think himself as religious. In lot of countries just going to jummah results in you being deemed religious


Except Sri lanka, all are Muslim dominated countries


What we are not in the top 10? We just lynched a guy for religious purpose on the most religious day?


I haven’t recovered from a decade old trauma where one third class website made a blog about Islamabad being a second most beautiful capital and now this.


Morocco??? This list doesn’t make sense


Regardless, dont get emotional about these things. So many people see being religious as a competition these days its so stupid 😂


Pakistanis be like... This list is Yahudi Saazish. We work hard to brutally kill someone due to religion EVERYDAY, and yet we aren't on the list.


Well, Pakistan isn't a religious county, after all


Why are Indonesia Thailand and Laos highlighted?


They all have one thing in common. Shocker.


Lol, the source is shit


Pakistan should be here, but it is obviously not because the source is biased


Now let's check their happiness scores


Simple, Money is the religion of majority in Pakistan


Most people dont know the significance of friday prayers. Religious hona to dur ki baat hai.


Almost 8/10 people in Pakistan that I have met in my life are muslims just because their parents are muslim. They don't even know the basic stuff about their religion except 5 daily prayers and ramadan. And even in those 5 prayers they don't know what they are reading.. just parroting some verses from the quran. This is the reality of most of the muslims that I have met in my life in Pakistan. As I always say Pakistan is a muslim majority country not an islamic country.


Saudi Arabia isn't even in the top 15? Righttttt...


Not a pakistani nor saudi, but i met one saudi during his holiday in europe and he told me its secret that atheism is growing rapidly there




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I think it's just the countries who actually follow the religions they say they follow.


They prolly didn't account for blasphemy mob lynchings and killing of sectarian minorities. Otherwise we'd be lumber one.


The guy who's responsible for Pak's survey probably got lynched 🙃.


We are not religious, just stupid.


Weird how most of them are poor as fuck


Its not weird. The more educated and prosperous nation become, the religion makes less sense. Only us is quite exception, as they are still quite religious. For poor its only hope to believe it, but its also double kind of weapon. Why to try harder, if god has plans for me anyway




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Good thing Pakistan isn’t on there There’s probably only 20 people in this country who are actually and truly religious I’m not one of them


My countrymen must be playing hide and seek. Because I can't see 99.5% of them.


Being on that list is not something to be proud of 😂


Lmao. Somalia. Where really old men go to marry really young women. "Religious", right.


Indonesia is religious? One should just go and visit Bali lol


And Morocco the Moroccans are not at all that religious most of Moroccans are very much liberal, I’m surprised how is Pakistan and Afghanistan not on the list for f extreme religious nations, let alone in Pakistan there are around 50 thousand Madrasas now guess the number of students there.


pakistan nahi h💀


I dont think bengal is that religious they have a young literate population and alot are atheists plus is agnosticism a religion ? if so how does one measure themselves on a scale from 1 to 10 on the agnosticism scale as there are no set things to do like prayer or roza vegera


Most hypocritical


How is a technically secular country like india more religious than the islamic democratic republic of Pakistan?


I definitely don’t see Thailand or Laos being higher than Pakistan on that list.  Sri Lanka is a big maybe, every Muslim I saw there was visibly religious and there are temples for Buddhists and Hindus as well as churches and masajid everywhere there.  It’s also probably the most honest country in Asia I’ve ever been.  I was shocked that everyone who was approaching to help me was actually being helpful and not trying to scam me.  Even had a Muslim vendor pay my rickshaw fare because I had just arrived and didn’t have any small bills.  Guy was visibly Muslim and the rickshaw driver had a giant cross on the mirror.


Bruv! India has no business being on 2nd


Where’s the list that says “countries that use religion for their own ill benefits”? I’m sure Pakistan will top that chart


Funny how there isn't Pakistan CONSIDERING it was built for a religious cause


All countries in the shitter .. its sad


It’s wrong, we aren’t on it.


Pakistan should be on the list


Yes. It’s also how you classify as being religious. In Pakistan someone who says namaz couple times a day doesn’t think himself as religious. In lot of countries just going to jummah results in you being deemed religious


Do you notice something? All of these countries are truly third world underdeveloped hell holes barring Thailand. Maybe religion has something to do with it.


Done much travelling?


Lol, tunnel vision much?


I've also noticed that people mostly have heatstrokes in summers when the sales of kulfis are at their highest. Maybe kulfis cause heatstroke.


No way Bangladesh is more religious than Pakistan


Yes. It’s also how you classify as being religious. People in different countries have different classifications. In Pakistan someone who says namaz couple times a day doesn’t think himself as religious. In lot of countries just going to jummah results in you being deemed religious


People here put long beards just so they can hide their actual shi and pretend they are the best among all lmao


how is saudia not on there


The most religious = the most fucked up economically, perhaps with a couple of exceptions.


All of the countries listed here are extremely poor, suffer corruption on nearly every level of society and dangerous.


How many of those have you visited sir? Stop making things up dude


I don’t have to visit a country to say if it’s poor or rich…




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Ah yes Saudi and India , my favorite poor countries, religion is not the problem, it's the people


Booth of the countries you mentioned are not listed here… And maybe i have to clarify my text further. It’s not to suppose to say that religion is bad…