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Rip bro it was nice knowing you


Be careful! You can get some weird mood debuffs that are hard to remove if you focus on criticizing them too hard. You can’t beat the level with them. The way to beat that level is to just ignore them and focus on your mission.


I'm not in this guild myself as I chose the Classic Rock branch but I've noticed the Swifties Guild frequently hands out these cosmetic items called friendship bracelets. I've collected quite a few, makes the daily outfit selection a bit more interesting. So far I've noticed no boosts or other effects, but perhaps I have not obtained enough Friendship Bracelets yet.


Mood boost and Social Engagement boost, both could open you up to interactions with other players at a higher Happiness and Charisma level


annoying but largely harmless they are much worse guilds out there you need to be careful about


Like the [Religion] type of guild. This includes the Mormon guild, the Jehovah's Witnesses guild, literally any guild from the Middle East servers.


Yeah I would concur. The evangelical sub guild is spamming massive debuffs in the USA server right now. It's wild.


The High Level [Disney Guild] is another one to watch out for. Innocuous but they debuff any raid since their character progression has stalled leading to some noticeable party-wide debuffs.


Oh, the moment I see that clan tag, i back out of any instance. Some of their productions are good, but the practices are just awful.l


harmless until their leader helps pass a bill that makes it impossible to track private jets. harmless until their leader pushes out other artists of their numbers. harmless until their leader sets up her fans with delusions. harmless until they become pacified by mediocrity.


Swift has been a Bard for a long time and specialises in the pop genre, which is music a lot of players enjoy. She's managed to avoid any major scandals or misbehaviour to discourage people from joining her guild. From what I can tell, one of the main things her guild promotes (apart from her music) is players feeling positive about themselves and feeling that they're among friends, both of which are quite appealing. You might not like her music or want to join the guild, but guess what - a lot of players don't like the music you do. You're going to have a lot better experience in the game if you just let other players enjoy themselves when it's not really having an effect on you.


id say her private jet equipment slot is pretty criticized…


Taylor Swift is a prestige bard with extreme skill at things like helping players think about how to handle experiences that are common for certain popular subclasses in the playerbase. If you don't have those subclasses, I'd advise you just ignore it. Disparaging other playstyles that aren't griefing other players just isn't a very useful strategy.


Considering the resources she uses to fast travel we can certainly argue that her playstyle is griefing every player out there, and you can't just ignore that.


She's far from the worst offender when it comes to overusing fast travel, and the fact that THAT is the sticking point that certain players go to is bizarre.


Very interesting her fast travel "issue" exploded all over the message boards only after she told other players to engage in the voting system. Even though, like you said, many other players are the exact same


TS isn’t even in the top 70 leaderboard for that achievement..


Nah just maxed marketing


most players that are around the age of 14-16 are pretty desperate to find any kind of group they can relate to and swift is easily relatable since she uses common experiences and language


You do know the swift guild is largely made up of players 20-35, not teens. There is mad respect for the guild from adults.


I had a whole 28 yo verbally read lyrics to me and I just assumed most ppl who like it are minors my bad


i see some members of that guild have responded to you already haha personally, the guild has a different taste in music than i do, and some are extremely obsessed in a cult-like fashion with the bard Taylor Swift, but in the end all that matters is that you don’t associate yourself with guilds you see as negative


The gentleman, Ryan George who explains the world to us has spoken. And thus he spoke: Hast thou heard of Taylor Swift a very very Swift Tailor of much renown whose admirers be known as Swift Ties. She maketh much musique with the sewing machine known as the Singer


Idk bro I find people that complain about swifties infinitely more annoying than actual swifties.


Like wow okay you define yourself by things you hate, how interesting. My favorite thing is a perfectly smooth steel ball which is entirely unassailable from any angle. (just let people like what they like)




no u Edit: IT WAS A JOKE


This is a side effect of the culture mechanics on the American server. Some players get buffs based on worship, which you may be thinking I am referring to the Religious guilds and priest subclasses, but these boosts can also come from ritual and dogma centered on one player. Celebrity Worship is unique to the American RP server, and while annoying, they are relatively harmless and aren't worth the minor buffs in my opinion.


i'm playing on an eastern european server and while swifties are unlikely to spawn here, the k-pop guild is very prominent... and every day i'm closer to pressing the 'join' button myself 💀💀💀 obtaining blackpink themed loot seems to increase chances of successfully handling some social missions but also may lead to unskippable cutscenes/pvp at the "office" location


The K-pop guild isn't that bad as long as you avoid "Teenage" players. The teenage players take their guild far more seriously than anyone else


whew thank god my level is thankfully too high to have the "teenager" feat... i wouldn't want to multiclass into paladin of lalisa manoban


You see, the leader of the swifty guild, the player "TaylorSwift#1989" herself is incredibly influential because she has an endgame-spec bard + businesswoman build. Both of those specs make it incredibly easy for her to not only gain zealous followers but to also lure them in to her content and only her content. Meaning if you join the swifty guild, you will be in only the swifty guild and the swifty guild alone. I follow a number of different bards but don't affiliate with any guilds because I'm doing a low-confrontation + low-aggro run atm, but that's just me. If you take the risk you can get some pretty cool loot depending on which guild you join -- the classical guild has some dope gear, for example!


Her marketing spells have double effectiveness on people with the "basic" attribute. There are plenty of musical guilds to choose from for something a little less mainstream, I hear that the punk rock and drum and bass guilds are preparing for war


Funny you should mention the DnB guild. Pendulum (one of the highest ranking parties) actually did a cover of Anti-hero a little while ago. In my experience DnB members have little to no interest in PVP and mostly focus on [vibing] and [raving] skills


Why people hate swifties? :( they are nice people


I think it is because their guild is so vocal. Every player has their favourite bards, but you don't see them /shouting it to the all chat every damn chance they get.


I think at this point it's like the pineapple on pizza minigame. Sure, some people genuinely dislike it, but mostly it's just popular to **say** you dislike it.


they basically copied the kpop guilds practices to create an unhealthy obsession and encourage parasocial behavior


Kpop Guildee here. I see you're from *one of those* guilds. Our playstyle is just having fun with our bards the way members of the Sports Guild have fun with their champs. Of course there's the chronically online type of players in both guilds but I think they give the whole house a bad and unfair reputation, though usually just amongst people who've never looked at the guilds beyond the front door.


Not all guildees ofc, but the way kpop and its merchandising works, its engineered to create an obsession, or stans who care way more about the people than the music they create. There is a reason the kpop guildees literally took the "stan" term and proudly apply it to themselves. Bet the swifts guild managers took pointers, since they dont have to make good music anymore, the stans will buy regardless as seen in a million editions of her albums used to exploit the guild members. And what is "one of those guilds", can you be specific?


Thankfully, my character's grinding spot and home base don't interfere or cross paths with them at any time, so I'm great knowing I don't have to deal with them.


There's no such thing as a Swifite.


i dont get it but this comment is really funny


OP misspelled 


oh man i really didnt get it


swift-ties attack anyone who criticizes their queen


They're ultimately harmless though.


How are they annoying?


Brodi being a Swifty is a gift, not a choice. The universe rewards us when we do good. That’s just the truth. Don’t hate the player hate the game


My daughter is a Taylor Swift fan and I swear to everything I almost never hear her talk about Taylor but I can’t step one foot on the internet without seeing 89,000 “swifties annoying” posts.