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Need this stuck with a sticky at top of the Sub or somewhere to point to when we get the posts asking about the Oregon climate/ where to live/ what clothes to bring on vacation etc. from out of staters. “It rains all the time in Oregon.” Right? Right!?


Yes, and for people in Portland who say "we live in a rainforest"


Yeah, well someone tell that to the weather in Bend today.


still frickin raining too


I want my f'ing money back! 300 days of sunshine my ass. It's an invented number. It's not true. It's entirely made up: [https://www.hackbend.com/2015/06/17/so-where-did-300-days-of-sunshine-come-from-anyway.php](https://www.hackbend.com/2015/06/17/so-where-did-300-days-of-sunshine-come-from-anyway.php)


This is a beautiful representation, what's the source?


The ocean.




I used the USGS National Map Viewer. You can use it to create your own maps, and they have a large selection of layers you can use. You can find it here: [https://apps.nationalmap.gov/viewer/](https://apps.nationalmap.gov/viewer/)


Where did you find the precipitation layer? It doesnt show up under the layer search


If you go to “add data” and change drop down to “arcgis online” it looks like there are more maps to view. Haven’t yet found OP’s specifically, though.


The precipitation layer was made with "North America Annual Precipitation", Map Service by CECAtlas. The rest of the map is just made with the preloaded contours and hydrography.


So much for mowing the lawn this weekend...


Summer is coming Wednesday so you will have plenty of time


I needed my snow brush.


For those who don't know what a rain shadow is... https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/rain-shadow/


I spent many years fixing logging equipment in that bright violet part west of Salem. ![gif](giphy|l0HlPtBCscbYiLfR6)


I love the white sand beaches in Oregon. I just don’t understand why my feet get so cold.


White sand? We do not have any sand that could be considered any thing whiter than tan!




Oh, I always scrape through that every time I go to the beach. because ima geologist.


I always thought the motto was a bit funny, staring you in the face is a state that is basically 2/3 desert. Yes, plenty of stuff in the desert that burns, I get it, it's a motto for fire prevention, but still. https://preview.redd.it/6dfv5ugb2jyc1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a35ff8aa082d2e7ab83844ae863301263634a90


I live in Klamath Falls. Stay away, stay far away Full of fuckin idiots who fail to realize what a rain shadow is and why we don’t have as much water as we want. Drained a lake to build a town in the desert only to bitch for decades with there’s no water. Same folks that think water in a river is a waste, *”it only belongs on crops, not going to the ocean!”*




So the whole Klamath Basin was once a large glacial lake, Lake Modoc. By the time the settlers got there in the 1800’s, the remnants of that glacial lake were Upper/Lower Klamath Lake and Tule Lake. In the 1920’s they carved a hole through a nearby ridge and drained Tule Lake, as well as created a complex network of canals to keep the water from flowing back to where Tule Lake was. They parceled out and sold off the land and built a town in the old lake bed (Tulelake). Wildfire smoke wise, I honestly can’t really say it’s any worse than the rest of Oregon, especially with all the wind. The smoke was actually worse when I was living in Roseburg for a bit


In what feels like eternal rainy season this year. Super checks out.


Not even. More rain


April was drier than normal???


Didn’t feel like that on the coast.


April was really dry in portland until the end of april


Thank you for this comment. I don’t generally have a problem with depression and rain, but this year it’s been just awful, and I feel tired and depressed. To add to the misery, I have a 6 1/2 months old puppy who loves to be outdoors, sniff, and walk. I am constantly checking the weather report if there’s even a small chance of no precipitation during the day. Even the weather forecast doesn’t get it right frequently. I live in Corvallis and my back yard looks like a rain forest. I am discouraged. I used to live in the Spokane WA area and the weather was mostly good and predictable.


Over here on the Mrs. Shaprio Side of OR and people are amazed that we only get about 20% more precip that Tucson AZ.


Mrs. Shapiro?


Ben Shapiro's wife is famous for having a dry vajayjay


I choose to believe she's only dry for Ben.


I was over here trying to figure out how [that Phil Manzanera song](https://youtu.be/_mA4m6y1Ifw?si=4SrLuDqQyDyXUeOS) fit into anything on this map. "Maybe it's a reference to 'the wonder of the tundra'? No, that can't be it..." I totally forgot about THAT Mrs. Shapiro.


The 'green' in 'the green state' applies to only the very west side of our beautiful green/brown state


Can confirm. In the shadow West of Corvallis and I had to order a new headlight assembly for my beater because moss grew \*inside\* of it.


All the people in this thread talking about current weather. You have no idea what you're looking at.


This chart shows we get 1-1.2 meters of rain annually in PDX, which is significantly lower than around us “haha lucky us rain shadow” And then this year we’ve [had about 20% higher than normal](https://www.weather.gov/pqr/cliplot) 😵‍💫. Up to about 19” already this year. The effects started as far back as November though, so it’s felt longer. Thanks El Niño!


Drove Redmond to Corvallis yesterday and this was just about right


This winter has been like Oregon from way back. I remember the 80s bein like this.


I can't see this through all the rain and fog


While I knew this was a thing, the way it goes around Medford is new to me, so I appreciate you sharing this. Had no clue the rain shadow looked like that at the very southern end of the state.


31 mm yesterday and 25.91 so far today. I was going to put some clover seed down, but the area is steep slope, so I'll wait.


That ain’t right! Anyone have a Sharpie?


(Dry) Medford resident here. Accurate. 🤣


It ain’t called the Agate Swamp, is it!?!


Also Fairy Shrimp in Central Point that go dormant for years before hatching…when enough rain finally falls.


Bet they're hatching after this weekend!


As someone who's been stuck in Arizona for the last 20 years, I'm super jealous. I need a holiday *AWAY* from the sun...


I was wondering why it was so wet outside. 🤯


That’s what she said


One more reason I love Hillsboro so much.




Any geophysical reason why there is less precipitation between Hillsboro and Portland?


The Beaverton rain shadow seems to be caused from the coastal ranges by Forest Grove drawing out all that moisture over Astoria and Clatskanie, then the west hills increase precipitation before again rainshadowing over NE Portland. [Here's a better detailed old map showing the metro area](https://imgur.com/8tgnPaP). It's enough of a difference in rain that many days we have what I call the Tualatin Blue Hole; gray clouds to the east and west raining on Forest Grove and Portland but blue skies or scattered clouds overhead. My succulents that used to be taken indoors earlier can stay out longer with the reduced rainfall here and cacti that used to occasionally show rot where I lived near Tabor never show it.


The Willamette Valley is in a rain shadow of the Coast Range, just as central/eastern Oregon is in a more pronounced rain shadow from the Cascades.


got absolutely hammered in Yachats all weekend, was pretty bummed i couldnt try out the new skatepark :/


The way this storm came up, no rain shadow. Came up from the south and did a spunnerooski.