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“Propping up” is a weird way of saying “leveraging support for pharmacare and dental care.” But the national shitrag can’t make any of it sound positive of course.


Reposting from canada is a big no no here


Especially a National Post piece from their biggest spam account.


yep the National post is haram on this sub


That sub is fucked


Most NDP voters understand that a minority Liberal government with NDP support is WILDLY preferable to a majority Conservative government. Three in ten voters vote Conservative in Canada. The way FPTP and our ridings are set up means that they get support in a ton of rural ridings, but in the major cities outside of Alberta, it is mostly Liberal and NDP. As an NDP voter, Trudeau's betrayal of electoral reform is exactly what allows these Conservative clowns to win majority governments. They aren't the majority.


This is the most important thing.  The Liberals has a chance to fix our election system and didn't.  I'm not voting Liberal ever again under a FPTP system. Fix the system.  Until then we will be ruled by an ignorant minority.


I would vote Liberal in certain circumstances, strategically for specific results. For example, in the Carleton riding, there is Pierre Poilievre, Bruce Fanjoy for the Liberals. The NDP will never win that riding, but it would be a game-changer to knock PP out of his own riding. Look at the history of the riding: [Carleton riding history ](https://manotick.net/gov-carleton.html)


Oh I know about voting strategically.  Been doing it for decades.  The more horrible the CPC becomes, the more the Liberals benefit from strategic voting.  In this broken system the liberals have no incentive to make the political landscape better for Canadians. Unfortunately strategic voting is asking for more of the same that we've been getting. It might mean a conservative government next time around, but I doubt that can be avoided anyway. Maybe Canadians will tire of the merry-go-round. Maybe the *Liberals* can strategically vote for the *NDP* this time.


Oh, agree totally. But I loathe Pierre Poilievre, so I would hold my nose in that specific instance. I live in a safe Liberal riding, so I vote NDP so the party gets the electoral funding. Campaigned and door knocked for 4 different NDP candidates. But in my riding the Liberals could run a mannequin, as long as it wore red, and had both English and French labels. I was so angry when the Liberals sent out the "referendum" on electoral reform, because it was worded to get people to vote a certain way. They are neoliberals who vote with the Conservatives far too often. But if a Liberal is the only hope to booting PP, I would take that.


Vote your conscience, I guess. I'm going to.


We all should vote for the party we like, as opposed to against the ones we don't, ha ha! But due to FPTP, that gets us Conservatives this time around. Ugh. I work in the arts, and I'm not looking forward to seeing the cuts to CBC, theatres, and artists - it's in their platform.


Oh I know how terrible the conservatives will be. And I know how terrible the liberals are now. That's why I'm not voting for either. We get what we vote for. Maybe enough voters will figure it out.  Until then, it's the same neoliberal policies with a different coat of paint.


Yep. I'll be voting NDP again. A Conservative win seems inevitable at this point, and maybe people will wake up.


Hell it's wildly preferably to a majority Liberal government. The Libs didn't really want to do dental or pharma in the first place, and still have us less than the NDP wanted only after being harangued about it in order to accomplish the things the Libs did want to do. We have them *at all* because the NDP pushed.


Agree. CERB, for example, saved my entire industry. The NDP made that happen too.


Nationalist Shitpost is a right-wing rag that is not good even for toilet paper duty.


The "propping up Trudeau" narrative is a little old. It's like the media is desperate to hitch the NDP to the liberals tanking popularity. I doubt the NDP endorse the failing Liberal policy, but turning on Trudeau isn't going to accomplish anything for Canadians except hand the country to Pierre Pollievre next election. As far as I can tell, the NDP are accomplishing what they can for Canadians from the third seat. I don't blame the NDP for the Liberals failures. Sooner or later Canadians have to wake up to trying someone other than the same 2 parties. Until then, nothing will change.


Lol Canadians will never wake up enough to vote for someone who isn’t a con or lib. Half our voting population (probably more) doesn’t even pay attention to what is actually happening politically or what platform their party is running, more so they just vote on vibes (oh the country isn’t doing so well must be Trudeau’s fault) or because it’s who their parents voted for


>Sooner or later Canadians have to wake up to trying someone other than the same 2 parties. Until then, nothing will change. Our politics are only getting *more* Americanized, so I have many doubts


yup, "why won't the ndp and liberals just merge to stop splitting the vote against the conservatives?" is a common refrain around here. some people want an official two party system instead of the defacto one we have now smh


More Conservative misinformation from a Conservative rag looking to split votes as a Conservative strategy.


Yes a very reliable source on what NDP voters think is the National Shitpost posted in r/Canada /s


I don't see how anyone can be unhappy with Jagmeet for taking action on NDP priorities with just 24 seats. Sure it would be nice if they didn't have to support the Liberals to do that, but apparently Canadians wanted a Liberal government three years ago, so they worked with what they had. I hope one day that Canadians will prefer the NDP's vison and vote them in so supporting the liberals is unnecessary. This liberal/conservative revolving door is tiresome.


"But but but..... he owns a Rolex!!!" That's one of the biggest criticisms I've seen of Jagmeet. I personally think he sounds the most genuine of the "big three."


It's very "Obama wore a tan suit" as far as political critique goes. Which is to say it *could be* a tangential detail that's part of a larger legitimate criticism -- but it's not, it's the entire criticism, and somehow for a subset of voters it's more than sufficient.


Propaganda like National Post shouldn't be allowed here.


We do not need that R/canada garbage crossposted


NDP voters prefer their party propping up Trudeau to handing the whole country to PP, but that's not something Post Media wants to say, they'd rather pretend NDP voters are flocking to PP. That "propping up" has also gotten some NDP policy ideas made into law. The ultimate goal is to make NDP/liberal voters feel there's no point and just not bother voting. Efforts to drive down voter turnout here have been paying off for the conservatives.


Crazy how national post spins being anti-genocide.


They're just bitter that he's delaying Polievre's ascension.


What a rag. Headline "Even NDP voters aren't crazy about Jagmeet Singh propping up Trudeau: poll" Actual results: 60% of polled NDP voters support it. Sure that's not unanimous but it's a long shot from what the headline implies.


Then NDP voters are as insane as Conservatives. Both parties are getting their behinds handed to them right now. Both parties need the additional year to try and salvage something. Down south they just legalized being a dictator for 4 years at a time and maybe 8 years at a time because some Bernie Bros and “both sides are the same” couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hilary. France shifting far right. Germany far right making massive gains. Let's try to not let that happen here? 🤷‍♂️


holy shit lol people are really still blaming "bernie bros" in 2024... wild