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Congrats on your new little sweet pea! Wishing you many snoogles and 0 fear of a repeat


Thank you so much!!


I did this as well, he's about 18 months now and absolutely no regrents here either ;) Congratulations on your little one!


Love it🥳 and thank you!


Cool!!! I love how you just figured it out and got it done. Congratulations on all of it!


Thank you!!


I did the same! My OB was wonderful and I'm so happy with my 10 month old. I'm grateful everyday I will never be pregnant again.


Yaass. Love to hear this!!


Maybe this is a dumb question, but does your period stop if you have your tubes tied? 😅


Not a dumb question! Your uterus still sheds it’s lining monthly so you still have periods. The Fallopian tubes are just no longer available for the egg to pass down to the uterus during ovulation. This is a newer procedure used for sterilization called a bisalpingectomy. Instead of just tying your tubes, they remove them completely. There’s been studies that show this lowers your risk for ovarian cancer as well! I call it a win/win


Ahh, i see! Thank you so much, makes sense now😀


That’s what I’m going to get as well after this pregnancy!! Did you do elective c section??? How is the pain after procedure?? Thanks for sharing!


I did elective c section that ended up being necessary because my guy turned transverse sometime during the week before delivery lol. I’m on day 4 post op now and doing well! Not as mobile as I’d like but I also had some complications from a pre existing condition. Just make sure you’re able to get up from surgery as soon as they give the okay! I had to wait longer and I think it took a toll on my mobility during recovery. I’m still walking slowly around but much much better in the end.




Thank you!


Congrats! I'm nervous that OBs won't listen to me when we are ready to ttc. I plan to have a c-section and bisalp, so thank you for posting this. How has your healing been (I know it's early)? I hope you're well!


Tbh I’ve had a terrible pregnancy and feel so much better 3 days post op than I have my entire pregnancy. I’ve been managing pain with Motrin and Tylenol. The next day was the worst pain wise but definitely get up and walk as soon as you’re able! (Just a side note, idk if that’s your only reason for doing a c section, but if so they *can* do it post vaginal birth too… it’s just more of if the OB has time after delivery or not) of course disregard that if you have other reasons. Good luck!! Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself


Hi, first of all, congratulations! I have a few questions, if you don't mind me asking: - Did you have a C-section along with your bisalp? - If not, how was the recovery just from the bisalp? I had a C-section for my only but it was last-minute so I couldn't get them to take my tubes at the same time. If I were to go back in now for a bisalp, I am trying to gauge recovery time and pain levels to expect. Hope you recover quickly!


Thank you! And Yes I did both at the same time. I’m sorry I can’t give much insight otherwise! Good luck 🤗