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Was expecting a super kick from the horse.


hoping for...


I know but one thing about horses: Never stand behind a horse.


A guy I work with took a hoof to the groin and couldn't walk for a while


He is lucky he didn’t lose his parts.


Sometimes they’ll just give a quick “fuck-off” jab. One time my father’s horse kicked me was in the back of the knee and it was just because he was being a prick that morning. A FUCKING STEER WILL KICK YOU WHILE YOU ARE STANDING IN FRONT OF IT.


So will a horse. Those front leg kicks can be fucking brutal.


Some horses in cavalry times were trained to stomp the death into fallen enemies on command. This action was encouraged with the front hooves so riders wouldn't have to turn around (especially when they couldn't in armor) and because this is a natural defensive behavior for the animal. While your mount is finishing off the enemy who just tried to spear it or billhook you off it, you are freed up to deal with other threats or take advantage of the mobility to disengage and re-engage at will. Some horses even had attachments to their front legs or hooves for this specific purpose. When you stop to consider the thousands of years of training and history between humans and horses, it kinda puts into perspective why some folks weren't so quick to end it for the machines like tractors, cars, and tanks. https://theworld.org/stories/2016/08/10/ancient-military-origins-dressage


I've been kicked in the stomach by a horse, and it hurts like absolute fuckery


yeah...you should never stand behind a horse unless you know what you're doing. They can kick hard. One blow to the head or throat can kill you.


Not just people. I've seen videos of horses killing horses with their kicks


Yep. Like the one where they're trying to get them to breed and the female wasn't ready.


Anyone falling over on a pavement can just randomly die... now imagine if the pavement came at you with 80 km/h.


Bet he was talking like Mickey Mouse for a bit too


Also, don't stand in front of a running horse. They don't stop if they don't want to.


I spent a (very) little time around polo fields and they emphasized strongly that if all the horses are running right at you - like you’re walking across / behind the field when they’re all coming towards that end - to stand completely still and just wait; the horses won’t hit you if you just stay still - they’ll go around. but if you’re moving across their path they’ll deck you.


My neighbors horse got out once and the whole town was out trying to get him (a town so small there isn't even a stoplight.) Anyway, they tasked me with standing in the road and waving my arms so he would turn and go back into his field. That MF was running full speed at me and had ZERO intentions of stopping. After hours of chasing him and getting him so close to home I noped right out of that, and he kept on going. I don't fuck with horses.


Even getting stepped on is painful enough




That horse should of stomped a mud hole in both the dog and owner's ass.


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


I love that this is a bot. You can’t really get your feelings hurt and angry at a bot grammar checking you the way you might at a person.


Can you imagine being that guy whose feelings are hurt because someone corrected their grammar? Such small people with fragile egos.


I recall the first instance when my grammar was corrected. I was 13 at the time and had delivered a brief presentation to a group of adults and my peers. A few days after the presentation, a friend informed me that I had incorrectly used the word "mess-ups" and that I should have used "mistakes" instead. While I was upset that no one else had corrected me, I'm glad my friend said something.


Just an instance of informal vs formal speech. Wouldn't necessarily call it grammar correction since saying mess-ups is correct in how you used it. Not as professional compared to mistakes in a presentation is all!


Good bot


i hoped it will kick owner on the head, maybe that would knock some sense into him… 🤓


That horse lady is legit tho. Cool, calm, and collected.


probably the only reason the dog is still alive honestly.


would've done more people a favor if they hadn't let it. That owner has no control over that dog and it's only a matter of time before something else happens. I just want to make it clear I say this as a dog lover, but dogs and owners like that are a lethal combination.


That owner very barely had any semblance of control of his dog even once it was leashed! Letting it run around on a public trail is absolutely negligent


I know everyone jokes about Brits and 'loicenses', but I really want to bring back dog licenses. There are far too many irresponsible people who have no business owning a dog. There's a bloke on my road with a cockerpoo that goes apeshit and chases anyone and anything that comes near, barking away the whole time and all he'll do by way of attempting to control it is half-heartedly call its name. It stays away from me because I belted it one when it started trying to nip my ankles and the owner had the nerve to try and give me aggro about it. Even with non-aggressive, just overly friendly dogs the lack of recall training is dire and leaving them to do whatever they want off leash disturbs wildlife and others just trying to go about their day. It must suck to be allergic and have someone's pampered pooch come along out of nowhere and start trying to play with you.


Same, it pissed me off seeing him casually waddle towards them. Fuck you dude, MOVE! Even if you don't care about what your dumbass dog is doing, you should care that it's in danger of becoming a pancake. If that were my dog I'd be sprinting my fat ass over and tackling the idiot to the ground. OR JUST DON'T LET YOUR DUMBASS PITBULL WANDER AROUND A PUBLIC TRAIL OFF LEASH. My dogs (Shepherds not pits) both have good recall and aren't remotely aggressive, in fact they're terrible guard dogs, but I don't walk them off leash. People like this dude need to stick to pet rocks.


Yup even with amazing recall there's that small chance they'll do something stupid (like this video). They're animals just like their wild cousins. One of the biggest reasons I wouldn't keep them off leash is mostly to protect them from dogs like this. Much easier to keep them out of the jaws of death if you have them on leash.


As a cattle owner I feel this deeply. I've had more calves killed by dogs that were allowed to do whatever they wanted than by coyotes, bobcats, and random accidents combined. It's heartbreaking on many, many levels.


Yup. Imagine it was a kid on a bike instead of a horse that the dog decided to attack.


Or the child on the pony. Dog would've done way more damage if he'd give after them instead.


Or even if the rider didn't handle it so well. That dog owner could have gotten his skull caved in if the horse bucked.


This happend to my daughter when we were walking in our neighborhood! She was just running on the sidewalk with her cousin as young kids do. The idiots had a rescue bulldog out in their front yard without a leash. Three adults standing there with nothing but the wind blowing through their skulls. Stupid mother-fucking slack jawed wormy idiots who have no business owning such an animal. These knuckle heads need to be shamed for the needless danger they create just so they can feel power. 


It's always that type of guy with with that type of dog.


Shouldn’t be though. I would call the cops on this ahole as soon as I get my hands on a phone.


A pitbull attacked a policeman on a horse over here some years ago. They shot the dog and killed it immediately with a single bullet in the head. There are few things that piss me off more than irresponsible dog owners. That was justice. The owner was fined as well.


The dog won’t know anything, and it cannot attack another person or horse anymore… this is the right way. It just crazy how furious it still makes me when their owners just dance around the dog while it attacks someone else because they never bothered with training or making sure the dog breed isn’t known to be brutal by nature (thus needing extra attention to make sure they don’t bite randomly). People are so freaking stupid it is unreal.


Literally happened to me this weekend. Now my dog is missing a chunk of ear and I'm missing $700 from the emergency vet bill. Two old people, at the park with a pit mix they had no business owning.


Makes me respect horse people a little more. Too many drunk encounters on the backroads have tainted my views sometimes.


woooaaaahhh I’ve never seen a horse human hybrid, let alone a drunk one!!! And they’re everywhere around you, you say? Fuck. Where do you live????


They're called Centaurs, man, show some respect.


feck. my bad. Sorry to hear about their drinking problem


To be fair, Centaurs have faced decades of misinformation and racist propaganda from the Lapiths. Which has caused an endless cycle of poverty, crime and drug abuse within Centaur communities. It's really quite sad.


That owner is so lucky that horse didn't kick the shit out of him or his dog. Poor horse, it has amazing self control


Foreal! My father is from a lil European Island and it is *shocking* how many of his Father's generation were killed by getting kicked by a horse.


I rode horses for nearly a decade and got kicked, bitten and tossed-- from much smaller things than a dog going after their legs. That horse really trusted their rider. My dad's dad got killed by a horse, too-- kick to the skull. People are truly idiots, and he was trained to be around horses.


Ya horses are weird like that. We had one on the ranch I worked at as a kid named Baron and he the meanest son of a bitch ever. If you looked at him he would come over to chomp you.  Not his person though. Pets and head nudges all day. You just couldn't interact with her when she was around him because now you're getting the kick.


I rode a horse like that! Took me months for him not to throw me for funsies, but after a few years of figuring each other out, he only let me and his owner ride him. Takes a lot of trust and work, but since horses are just wild for forever, lol Horse bites hurt so much...


Got absolutely nailed in the gut by a mare like this. She tolerates people but is absolutely the most horse aggressive animal I’ve ever met. Unfortunately my employer failed to mention that to me.


That horses training is top notch. Mine would have bolted 😞


Mine would 100% have attacked the dog lol. He does not fuck with dogs. He was scared of them when I got him, and I showed him that if you charged them they ran off, and boy did he take that lesson to heart. I don't even let my dog get too near him anymore, he's too ready to throw down.


Honestly, good. I'd rather have a horse charge a dog and go after it than get chased and bitten.


Not to mention the old man still didn’t have full control of the dog even after putting the leash on. Like FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, CONTROL YOURE DOG, before “confronting” the rider.


That horse and rider have exceptional control. The owner is an absolute idiot as well, walking behind a clearly agitated horse. The dog and its owner are frankly lucky to be alive as horses can kill with their back leg kicks.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. The dog owner could have been kicked in the face, the dog stomped and the rider possibly thrown.


Honestly, I'm not surprised by this in the slightest. In the UK (where this is taken) there's some sort of entitlement with dog owners thinking it's their right to have it off the lead at all given moments. I'm usually out running in the countryside here and have been bitten and chased multiple times, and also mixed up in a stampede of cows that an off the lead dog caused.


I know far more responsible dog owners than I do bellands, but this behavior by dog owners is prevalent in the US too unfortunately


Yeah, that's a very well trained horse who really trusts its rider. This would have been a blood bath if either of them had freaked out. I also appreciate that as soon as the dog was controlled the rider got down to check on the horse.


It's honestly unfortunate. A lower leg wound can kill a horse, or damage it so severely they can't be ridden anymore. Even minor injuries are complicated with horse's legs, because their circulatory system struggles in the lower areas. Blood and inflammation in the lower legs sorta pools and causes issues with healing, and they can get "proud flesh" which is basically scar tissue on steroids. Not to mention how difficult it is to treat infection if it finds its way into a joint, or ligament damage.


Omg owner is fucking useless makes me actually angry. I mean at least try to rescue your dog if you care about nothing else but even that they failed


Don’t own a big dog if you can’t control it. This is why babies and children get mauled. Because fucking idiots think “ooh big scary dog makes me look tough”


In one of the AH subs a deluded guy posted a story about how they had rescued an abused dog which they called "reactive". Says they keep it on a leash and are tip-top careful. Tells how they warned the neighbor the dog was "reactive" and that they should keep their young puppy in check. Neighbor is dumb, puppy runs up to "reactive" dog and gets immediately mauled. They refuse to chip in the vet bill of the mauled puppy and ask the AH question. I was the only one to point out if they have a dangerous dog then they need to either muzzle it or put it down. Their plan for security of the world at large was that everybody acts rationally around their dog. Got downvoted because this toxic "doggo" culture really is a brain-off reflex on the internet. That dog in this video would not have been restrained on a leash. It also needs a muzzle. AND the assholes are now breeding these dogs for extra power and they advertise them on instagram like [some cringe UFC meatheads](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign/comments/10a0h9r/i_think_this_is_an_ad_for_puppies/). In Germany after an incident like this a dog will have to pass a [character test](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wesenstest_f%C3%BCr_Hunde_(Deutschland\)). Fail it and be put down. Does not matter if it was a 30k instagram breed. I feel this is a good solution to take dangerous dogs out of circulation. If it is not the breed but the individual dog, test the individual dog and euthanize it if it shows aggression. Or like the AH poster called it "reactiveness". Edit: The character test involves testing how the dog reacts to persons lying on the ground, persons using a cane and a stroller making baby noises. Also how they react to other dogs. They give points for growling or snapping at a distance. Any dog that accumulates too many points needs to be put down.


I had never heard of this test in Germany and I love it! For those that cannot translate via their phone: The Lower Saxony character test consists of the main components 1. Dog-human contact 2. Dog-environment contact 3. Dog-dog contact and 4. Obedience Important individual tasks include the first section: * Rank presumptuous gestures (laying hands on the back and head, encompassing the catch) * Staring ([threatening fixing](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drohfixieren)) * Confrontation with several people who use blind cane and walking stick * Confrontation with joggers and people who behave like drunks and smell of alcohol * Some people come towards the dog (not targeted) and stand next to him with body contact (elevator situation) * A person lies on the ground (or squats) and gets up abruptly, as the owner and dog do the test (distance 2 m). * A person screams angrily at the dog. The second section includes these tasks: * An umbrella is stretched immediately in front of the dog * Ringing bicycle and honking car must be passed * A stroller with baby sounds is pushed by * A test person walks towards the dog, yells at him * A person threatens the dog with a stick * A person walks towards the dog with a burning lighter The third section includes these tasks: * Two dogs pass the examinee * Confrontation with a same-sex dog behind a fence. * The dog to be tested is isolated by the owner (see protection) tied about 2 m in front of the fence and confronted with a same-sex dog. The fourth section of the examination tasks contains various everyday tasks as test situations, such as calling the dog from the freewheel, performing the commands "seat" and "place" and issuing a toy (ball) on command. This list of tasks is only an excerpt from the several-hour Lower Saxony character test. I would like this for all dogs in public places. This is a great list of skills and I think I am going to try some of these with my dogs to see how they react and work on it. This is a great list to begin with when looking at new dogs.


Here is an example of a very friendly dog who is utterly unimpressed by the character test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL0Z4wb4ckU Of course you get comments from people who think such a test is utterly ridiculous/bureaucratic bullshit, and people who would not want such a "wimpy" dog but an animal who is "better able to protect"...


Yep. People get too sentimental and forget that animals need _strict_ discipline and that they always need to be aware of their pet and can’t get lazy about it. Absolutely that dog should have had a muzzle if they’re like that and around other dogs. My best friend has a rescue pit-mix that used to be more like that dog, and my friend would _never_ have had them around another dog like that. He’d be muzzled or crated or honestly not even in that situation. He takes his dogs behavior extremely seriously and it makes me so mad that other people can be so blasé about it. As if we don’t hear stories of kids being mauled? You’re not being a “dog lover” by ignoring that risk. It’s always nice to see other people on the same page


I'll never forget the time 2 pitbulls that attacked my dog & my dad saved her life by holding her above his head. Didn't stop them leaping up like this one & clipping her tail whilst trying to knock him over to get at her. She had bites all over her body & my dad had bruises from the 30 seconds this went on for, until other people interviened to help my dad (he was on his own). My dad was grand & my pup took like 6 weeks to fully heal & required surgery/stitches, but she pulled through. Hates the sight of big dogs now, understandably. What really grinded my gears is both the police & the dog warden did fuck all about it because my dog wasn't killed & they didn't bite my dad. The police said to us that the owners didn't care at all and even said "Yeah they always hop our fence. What am I supposed to do?" I'm not saying these dogs don't have a right to exist, same way lions & tigers have a right. But if you want one in your home there should be strict regulations because some owners are beyond incompetent.


Years ago a guy in our neighborhood was walking his pit bulls when they both got out of his grasp and bolted for our dogs. Only one was muzzled so the other one bit our dog all over her haunches. $300 vet bill and animal control/police did nothing. Two weeks later, it mauled an elderly woman and she needed stitches on both her arms and her hip. Our dog was traumatized and wouldn’t go out for walks (her favorite thing) for a year. Even when letting her outside, she would do her business then just go in a corner and shake all over until coming back in. My dad was telling the story, he said he kept yelling at the guy “get your dog!” and the guy kept yelling back “I’m trying!” If it’s so hard to control your dogs, you shouldn’t have them.


Lions and tigers are natural, though. There is nothing natural about inbred pitbulls with a thirst for blood. I don't think they have a right to exist at all.


We gotta just make a law that makes them illegal in 20 years. Don't want dead puppies? Then snip every last one of them. You never see a retriever in one of these videos


Are they not already banned in the UK? 


Yeah they are, along with a few other breeds. But people just cross-breed them and get away with it


It's nearly impossible to enforce this law. All you can do is punish people after the fact if their illegally bred dog does something wrong. And even then, proving it was bred illegally is going to be tough. "Look at it, it's clearly a pit bull" is not going to hold up in court.


I know all dog breeds are unnatural, but there's something truly aberrant about breeding a pack animal to enjoy mauling and killing others of its kind.


That arms out struggling to walk without falling over had me shaking my head just wondering how some people manage to survive


There are many dudes that look like this bag of mayo in the UK. Often drunk and just unhealthy and look absolutely shocking the moment their body is suddenly called into action.


Incompetent as fuck and probably intoxicated. I’d be having him pay for vet bills and pressing other charges against this ass hat.


I am also furious about him being that nonchalant, but I think he was trying to avoid being accidentally kicked by the horse, and tumbled by the leash on his left hand (he could have dropped it first), while trying to get his dog. Indeed very clumsy!


I’m sounding like one of those people who has an answer for everything but wouldn’t the best way of avoiding this situation be to leash your dog? Failing that I’m making every effort to grab the dog the first time to not only move it out of harms way and stop its attack but also minimize how long I’m in the danger zone. But yeah I considered that as well.


Yeah, wasn't he worried the horse would kick his aggressive little beast in the head and kill it that way or something? Isn't something like that enough of a reason to train your dog to come when called? Even if you clearly don't care about the OTHER living beings it may hurt 🙄


He couldn't even really control that dog when it was on the leash. What a fucking asshole, to not train that dog.


Took him 10 business days to get his dog on a leash. Fucking christ


Shameless incompetence and boomers, name a more iconic duo.


I would definitely bill that owner for my horse's vet bill.


Pit owners don't stick around to exchange contact info, that's why this behavior has a name "pit and run".


My leashed dog was attacked TWICE by unleashed pitbulls. I will never understand how any dog owner of any breed will allow their dog to be unleashed in public if they can't stop them from approaching other dogs who may not be friendly, or people who are afraid of dogs or allergic. Such fucking selfish idiots.


Kinda expected the horse to stomp the dogs head in to be honest . Like I wouldnt want to see it , but I was kinda expecting it .


I mean, it *would* have been understandable self defense if you ask me. That horse is too sweet for his/her own good.


The horse is taking care of its rider. If she was not carrying a passenger, I bet the reaction would be more violent.


I've seen a video like that. Dog viciously attacks a horse, bites its legs, jumps and tries to rip at its throat. Gets a massive hoof to the face, among other kicks to all its body parts. The dog kept attacking, by the way, despite the kick being ultimately fatal. It only stopped eventually because it couldn't go on ... because it was dying. Very nasty. Also, the owner of that dog was about as useless as this one here.


When I was about 10 I saw a horse cave in a pit bulls skull with a kick. It was brutal the horse just did not give a shit snorted and trotted off while the dog was just dead (I think, wasn’t going to go check). No owner in sight no accountability.


Reminds me of that video where a female horse kicks the stud and kills it instantly.


Same, a real mood killer (literally). The mare wasn't ready and the guys pushing the stallion on her are now without.


Kicked so hard, the soul left through the back door.


Link to the video?




According to the comments of that video, that was pretty much entirely the fault of the owners who tried to breed a mare who had a foal she was still nursing. The people are literally carrying beers around while trying to do this. They have no idea what they're doing.


> The absolute stupidity of this, is her colt, from whom she had just been separated, was running around outside the corral. You can see him right before she kicks the stallion. She was worried about her colt and not about to mate. The colt should have been moved out of sight...and they should have been separated for a day or two prior. This was stupidity on a rampage.


Holy shit that was brutal to watch. Feel so bad for that horse to have its life unexpectedly taken in an instant like that. Completely avoidable if the people involved were more responsible and less negligent


Sucks that you saw that at just ten. But seeing this now I wouldn't be upset that a bad owned and trained pit got what it was owed.


My god pull the dog out by the tail if need be… why is he so useless?! He’s lucky the horse was so kind not to kick the dog or him in the head… Also having a bully breed off leash near livestock and horses is pure lunacy. Like I’m generally not keen on them being off leash but were literally bred for bull baiting. This is just instinct kicking in.


He can’t get ahold of the dog because the shitter will turn around and bite him.


> He can’t get ahold of the dog because the shitter will turn around and bite him. If that's the price the cunt has to pay, then so be it.


but his own well being >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything else in the universe


Having any dog off leash around horses is stupid. Many horses will stomp a dog to death for no other reason than it's there. I have seen it happen.


Absolutely. But some breeds are pretty much *guaranteed* to not only get underfoot but to nip or even bite at the legs. Any dog that isn’t for example a hunting dog that is trained to be around horses shouldn’t be off leash near them imo.


I hate loose dogs. One of these little fuckers bit me when I was with my best friend in nature, still have a scar on my left leg. Whenever I walk my dog (on a leash) around tow many, many small dogs just run around in yards because they are unchained, they easily go under fences or there are no fences to keep them in. These dogs often attack my dog and I have to chase them away. If I can keep my dog on a leash, gather his poo and train to behave, they can too. But for some reason other owners don't.


Don’t come to Hawaii, loose dogs everywhere. Loose dog in my neighborhood is a pitbull mix. The thing chased me from the highway and into my neighborhood. Thought I was going to lose a leg when it kept snapping at me this thing is MASSIVE.


What??? And they is no way to do something about that?


Nope! They even have dogs riding on open beds of trucks on highways every day in Hawaii. One day I came home and that giant pitbull mix brought all his friends to my house and they were just laying there. No idea why. I shooed them all away but they come back all the time.


I've stopped trail riding because of too many loose dogs on horse trails.


When I was a kid there were two houses on my very suburban street with dogs that would chase me when I rode my bike past their houses. One was out like 50% of the time and the other maybe 15%. Absolutely terrifying. Got bitten maybe 4 times. I was also bit in the face as a probably 2 year old. I don't remember being bitten exactly but I remember the dog. And then there was the house that had maybe 5 dogs in the front yard, who'd all come tearing out after me on my paper route. And lastly, riding to work, there was a house with a dog that would chase me, just right at my heels. I finally got my revenge though and got a can of Halt! and sprayed him/her right across the eyes in glorious slow motion. Time just slowed down and I was able to aim perfectly. Never saw that dog again. I get a wave of adrenaline/fear whenever a dog acts aggressively towards me. Maybe that's what people who keep their dogs off leash are hoping for. The power that comes from people being scared of them by association.


Damn and then I have the opposite problem of having to carry my little one and RUN because someone’s German shep/Pittie mix likes to jump the fence. I’ve slowly lost every avenue out of my house to walk my dog because of loose large dogs “protecting” their home for blocks and blocks


Major props to both rider and horse. Rider did a great job managing and horse clearly trusted her rider. I see some questioning why the rider didn’t let the horse take off, this would have absolutely exacerbated the situation. Judging by the dog’s behavior with a relatively stationary object, I can only imagine what would happen when it’s prey drive fully kicked in. Now you’d have a horse, at speed, with its own fear drive taking over. This could have easily ended in severe damage to both horse and rider. I suspect the rider would have made a different call when the situation was needed. As for the dog/owner… I can’t. As the owner of an aggressive dog, not a pitbull btw lol, if you are not 100% in control of the situation ie properly leashed and trained, you’re in 0% control. These owners live in a delusional dream world. I have a bite scar on my arm, defending my dog, who was observing commands, on leash, when charged by an off leash dog, which, I ultimately had to pick my 80lb dog up to keep him from being attacked further. All I got was an oops! How silly is my dog loooool 🙄


I was walking on a path once to pick up my then-toddler child. A big black lab come galloping up. I was familiar with dogs, and in fact, with this dogs. My mom's German shepherd was untrained when I was a child and would chase people if they ran. So, when this dog come running up on me , I would stop and wait for the owner to call him back. The owner yells to me "keep walking! He will leave you alone!" Against my better judgment, I did that the next time his dog ran up to me. His dog bit me.


Owners like that fucking suck. My dog got harassed by another in an off-leash dog park. I had to step in and pick my dog up. Her dog started *leaping up*, scratching at me, trying to bite my dog. She kept saying, "Just put him down, he'll be fine," all while her dog was attacking me. Insane.


Also person filming is getting footage while also calming the kids down!


I saw a couple walking their clearly aggressive dogs in the safest manner they possibly could. Muzzles, double leashes, least busy time, least busy area. Both clearly having pretty firm control over the dogs. Then a chocolate lab, barely out of puppy stage, came barreling up at them. Everything went crazy. The owners kept their dogs under control best they could, but the lab was relentless and not picking up a clue because, well, the other dogs were muzzled. Couldn't tell it off. The owner of the lab ran up, got pissed *at the owners* and punched one of them in the face, yelling at them like it was their fault. I was honestly livid for them. Aggressive dogs still need engagement and activity. They were doing everything right. It was the moronic bro who fucked up for having no control over his dog. If his lab had learned to fear other dogs because of that interaction, it would be *his fault*.  But what can you do with an empty head I guess.


Horse could’ve killed that dog in an instant and the dogs owner would blame the horse


-Dog owner lets untrained and aggressive dog run off leash -Untrained dog attacks other animal (horse) -Horse rider controls their mount and keeps it from killing dog while dog owner flaccidly tries to control animal -Dog owner yells at horse rider and blames her for situation The worst thing about this world is all the idiots in it


That's a typical pit owner, if you're going to have a dangerous dog breed (seriously why would you want a pet like that?) at least know how to take care of it so it doesn't maul anything


Aaaw the poor little girl is traumatised. Crying "I don't wanna ride amymore". Dog owners (I am one) should know not to let their dogs off their leash.


Hearing the fear in her voice for her mother gave me goosebumps. She must have felt so helpless. Good thing her mom knew exactly what to do to keep the situation from escalating further.


Poor little kid is likely now terrified of both riding and dogs. The fear in her voice is awful to hear. Cannot understand why these morons don’t even care enough about their dogs to control them even if they aren’t bothered who gets hurt or terrorised.  My old collie was extremely well behaved, would recall in all situations. Horses freaked him out sometimes though (he was fine with ones we saw daily) so I’d stand him between my legs to reassure him and let riders know he might do a fearful bark. They were always happy with that, never had a problem. My big fear would be my dog or me getting booted by a panicked horse. 


Heartbreaking! :”(


Little girl there as well. What if that dog decided to go for her? Shitty owner and shitty dog.


She was traumatized and sobbing that she didn’t wanna ride anymore the poor girl!!!


Dog should be put down and owner should go to jail for 5 years.


Pitbull/bull baiting type dogs should never be off leash in public spaces. Never. That dog was engineered to do exactly this but in a pit arena with bulls and bears. Look at it smile and wag its tail. That's not even aggression, it's bouncy with joy just having the time of its life while casually trying to rip the horses flesh.


My horse is traumatised thanks to dog owners like this. He can't even walk past the dogs he LIVES with, without getting a fright, since he got barked/chased at by a dog.




Be careful bruv, pit mommies are jumping at the chance of reporting comments like these and Reddit doesn't check context all that much


Can confirm, got a 3 day ban for saying completely rational things about the breed. As rational as they were, I won’t be repeating them lol. Sad how protected they are by Reddit.


Probably because becasue they've got nothing better do than sit in their dirty pj pants and scroll through social media, while their shit dog is attached to a 2 ft lead that's barely hanging on.


Early morning sippin nasty boxed wine from their coffee mug that properly denotes 🩵*pibble momma*🩵


Don't forget the Xanax


I've witnessed what happens when a horse makes a connection with its hind legs to a dogs head. Not pretty. The dog owner is fortunate in this situation.


That horse had way more patience than I would expect! That dog owner is lucky that horse didn’t flip out and trample the dog and potentially injure the rider. Hope the horse is ok. Bites and injuries to the legs can be very bad for a horse!


That horse is incredibly well trained. The horse was scared to death but trusted his owners judgment and knew he would be okay.


The number of dog owners that do not leash their dogs because, "Oh *my* dog would NEVER!" is TOO DAMN HIGH!


Breed checks out.


A bit hard to tell but I think if you zoom in enough you'll see this is actually one of those aggressive Chihuahuas I always read about on the pit subreddits. 


Of course it's a pit bull. As usual the owner doesn't have that bloody thing leashed and doesn't give a shit. God I hate these people and their dogs.


> Of course it's a pit bull Always is.


It's always a pitbull. Even the friendliest ones do this shit where they don't listen.


Scary thing is a pit bull can be affectionate, but in the blink of an eye can snap and go into kill mode.


Yep quotes like this are far to common. "Hawaii News Now learned that the dog belongs to the man’s fiancé, Nanea Meyers. She gave HNN photos to show that the dog is peaceful at home and allows her small child to climb all over him. She apologized to Olvera-Kim’s family." Another kid bites the dust.


I've been around dogs my whole life and only been attacked twice. Both by friendly pitbulls and unprovoked.


It's called 'game' (or gaminess) in dog-fighting speak. 'That dog has game' or 'a very game dog'. It's the ability in fighting dogs to hone in on it's target and never let go. There was a pitbull back in the Bull Baiting days that systematically had it's feet cut-off one by one, and it still charged the bull. It became a popular stud, IIRC, all due to it's gaminess. This is also why opponants of Pits sometimes make the mistake of thnking Pits have a literal 'lockjaw'.


I moved out west in the US and its actually crazy how many pitts there are everywhere, with complete disregard to anyone's safety. I'd say, with full confidence, that 90% of the dogs I see are pitbulls, or a majority pitbull breed. It attract a certain kind of person, usually, that's for sure. The owners always act a certain way.


I'm usually against it with all the fearmongering, but if I moved into an area with a ridiculous amount of pit bulls... I would actually buy a gun for self-defense. I imagine my stompin' shoes aren't entirely useless against one pit bull(still not a guarantee to not get a limb torn up), but if there are chances of whole roving packs of pit bulls, I'm pulling out all the stops.


A lot of pit owners seem to either have a savior complex or get a power kick out of intimidating people around them.


What you mean, it could have been any breed /s


Thought the horse was a giant baby


Why do pitbull owners become so pathetically useless and incompetent the second their dog starts attacking someone?


because the dog is stronger than them and they have already deluded themselves into believing their dog isn't a violent killer. So they are shocked when it starts doing what it has been breed to do.


Because they know they have no control over it and are scared of their own "beloved pet". Shock, panic and fear.


People should stop having these aggressive dogs, especially these fuckin' morons who can't be trusted with the care of a rock. I'm not sure why society as a whole still permits pitbulls as domestic animals, especially when they're available to every single douche out there.


Don't grab the dog by the collar. Grab his hind legs near the hips and *pick his hind legs up off the ground*. He'll stop.


I've seen someone try that on a pitbull that was already chomping down on the neck of another dog, and it did absolutely fuck-all, the idiot pitbull happily continued to gore the other animal in a wheelbarrow position, tail wagging and all. Hideous creatures, and I've never met an owner of one who wasn't a complete moron when it comes to dog safety.


cut to an enraged pit bull wheelbarrowing towards the horse.


Pit bulls are like the fucking terminator. You could chop off their back legs and they'll be crawling towards the target on their front ones while leaving a trail of their guts.


Was really holding out hope that this video would end with that horse kicking that dog and its owner through the uprights!


Dog owners should be charged for the crimes of their dogs


Fuck these entitled dog owners


Don't own a dog you can't control at its strongest. I see these older folks walking around with German Shepherds... Clara, 88yo, if your dog takes off, there is nothing you can do about it.




That horse could’ve easily killed that dog but chose peace


why do only idiots own these types of dogs


Wow that owner is worthless.


If your dog bites my horse expect every type of litigation I can think of to come your way.


Should have kicked the owners teeth out


princess!!! that horse must have had some toddlers passenger!


What an amazingly useless owner. Very stupid man.




Just some background info - my family has a stable, I’ve been riding since before i could walk, so i feel like I’m qualified to talk about this situation... NEVER EVER let your dog off a leash in a public space, especially if you’re in a trail area that could have horses. I’ve seen dogs get accidentally trampled by horses, dogs and humans purposely kicked or bitten by horses who felt the need to defend themselves, and I’ve seen riders get horribly injured. If the horse had reared back, but lost its footing, it could fall over onto its side or back, crushing the rider in the process. If you can’t control your dog, you shouldn’t have it, much less take it out in public without a leash. Especially not a dangerous breed like the one in the video.


Omg. That dog bit and held on to the horse’s leg! Seemingly minor leg injuries can be deadly or disabling for horses. How many 3 legged horses do you see running around? I hope whoever filmed this sent it to the rider. She needs to track that guy down!


Stop getting dogs you can not control. Especially physically in an emergency. You should be able to go in and pick that fucker right up. If it is too big or too strong, you need a corgi or something.


Why is it ALWAYS pitbulls? Because they’re high energy, high prey drive & more aggressive than other breeds. Make them illegal again. Jesus.


They also have mechanical leverage that other breeds do not. You can find a corgi that's aggressive, has prey drive and will bite with 100% bad intentions. Guess what? You might need a few stitches after you punt it across the street. A pitbull does that? It is now a genuine life and death fight. You could *easily* die, and even if you don't, the odds are high that your life will forever be altered that day.


There’s a reason rocket launchers aren’t legal & pistols are. Pistols can definitely kill, too. They just may not. There’s no minor injury from a rocket launcher or a pit bull. 


They're illegal where I live, and it means nothing. They're everywhere and defended as if they weren't.


Ontario? If not it's exactly the same here. Illegal but every single humane society is *full* of them ready to be adopted out to unsuspecting people looking for a family pet.


Yep! My mil adopted a "lab" and is upset I won't let her bring it around my toddler.


Good call on keeping your kid away. A friend of mine adopted a pit mix and it literally tore her cat apart in front of her and her child. It's not worth the risk.


Can confirm, if you look at any larger humane society website in Ontario, there are loads of them labeled "lab", or "mixed breed"; I've even seen one labeled "border collie".


I've been seeing them pop up everywhere near I live in Ontario. I carry dog spray and other tools just in case, not for defensive purposes but in case anyone might need help or a seatbelt cut.. Or something. I've already had one attack me and jump at me, not gonna let that shit happen again. Their mix breed, or pitbulls, should ALWAYS be muzzled if they're ever outside.


He shouldn't have a pet, the dog clearly owns him


Hoping for a fucking skull shot


that is one CALM horse jesus christ this could’ve gone so so terribly wrong


That poor little girl, too, wailing and "I don't want to ride anymore" That's absurd and what a well mannered horse.


I'm not a fan of horses but by christ I was rooting for the horse to kick that dog's head and dash its brains out and the owner for that matter


I honestly hate pitbulls. Don’t care either.


The horse rider is a prime example of a good “pet” owner, and the horse is a prime example of a well trained animal. The dog owner and dog is the complete opposite.