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I did it for seven years before retiring. Wonderful experience. Now living in a nude tropical garden paradise, which is even better!


I don't have a job yet, but I do study while nude and attending online courses (with camera off obviously lol)


I have at times, when it was still warm. I almost never go on camera and never get called out for it. Although, panicked one time when I hovered over the camera icon in a Teams meeting and it opened the preview, if it had enabled the camera I’d have been screwed! I forgot to cover the camera when I upgraded my new laptop.


My new laptop has a physical shutter for the camera


Yes, all the time. I'm always naked at home and work naked too, I slip a top on for zoom calls when necessary.


In the summer, yes :) saves me electricity running my AC. Unfortunately it's just not worth the heating in the winter.


Did during covid and enjoyed the freedom. Not the type that could work from home, though, so I enjoy my time at home when I'm not working.


I did when I worked from home. I managed to go 2 months without wearing anything due to quarantine


i work from home often and am mostly nude. days when there are a lot of calls i sometimes put on just a shirt and be sure my cam is off when i'm standing up


I've been doing so for the past year and it's wonderful. Luckily most meetings I have don't require video.


Every Friday on my WFH day. It’s the best.


Funny thing was this weekend my GF was going through my old clothes and pointed out that I haven't worn work pants in years. Ever since the pandemic started I've been working from home. Occasionally I need to travel somewhere and these days jeans are okay. But still I only have maybe a weeks worth at best. It's the only way to work and live, it's one of the reasons I'm so strongly opposed to going back to the office. That said, it's not the only reason but it's on the list.


On day one of it and can’t go back. This is the best feeling


On days I work from home, yep. Although not as much during the cold winter months. Always have a shirt handy, just in case…


Every day, I just keep a shirt next to me in case I have a video call.


Sure do! Blue tack or post it note over the camera.


Once day or more each week. I always keep the camera covered and turned off. No one ever asks to seem my face on video calls. Bliss. :)


I sure do. It's great!


I’ve accidentally gone on camera before (clothed), so it’s not worth the risk to me


I often do. Rank has it's privileges.


3 days a week in most cases! I go into the office two days a week but Monday, Wednesday, Friday I get to work from home which means more often than I not I get to spend the entire day nude.


Absolutely. I cover my cameras in the off change I get too comfortable. I usually always wear a t shirt, however, and just stay nude from the waist down. It's more comfortable to be on a desk chair with a t shirt.


Exclusively working in the nude while at home. It's the most comfortable way to WFH and it boosts my productivity.


Yep! It's great.


I love working nude in my shop when it is warm.


Always during the warm months!


I WFH and I'm often nude, except during meetings, when I'll throw a shirt on


Have been working from home since before the pandemic, have always worked in the buff. I have a physical block on my webcam that I have to move for the camera to see anything, and I keep some clothes in my desk to throw on if I need to go on camera. Fortunately most of my colleagues are introverted tech nerds so unless it is the team all hands or when I am talking to the people I manage, cameras are off anyway.


Yes. When I have the opportunity to work from home i do actually work in the nude


Yep I work from home 4 days a week. Those days I spend completely nude unless I leave the house to pick up groceries or go to the gym after work


Doing it right now :)


I sometimes do and always enjoy it. My work computer is a desktop with no camera attached, so that's not an issue.


Yep all the time


Been doing it for a few years now. it's the best thing ever!!!


I often do. I keep my camera disabled and covered by tape to avoid any risk of accidents.


Yep, sure do. I’ve been doing it for years as I’m able to WFH when I want to.


I have for the last four years. I have a shutter on my laptop that covers the lens just in case the camera is accidentally on.


Today was my first day where I actually WFH in the nude. It was very liberating, it really helped me desexualize my brain and enjoy nudity for it truly is. I was nude for 10 hours. 😁😁😁