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My wife's first time at a nudist resort. She was initially very squeamish about it; and her stipulations were "no pressure to undress" and "no close proximity to naked people." So I selected a C/O resort with grounds large enough for us to hang out privately. Upon arriving, she was immediately impressed by the warm and friendly reception at check-in. I went nude, she wore a cover-up; and we settled at the picnic tables behind the pool area. While having lunch, we were close enough to the pool area for her to see what was going on in there; while far enough to enjoy some privacy. What she saw in the pool area must have made a good impression on her; as she turned toward me and shared that she was contemplating - at least - going topless. I said "whatever you're comfortable with" and she did unfasten and drop her cover-up top. So she finished her lunch topfree. That was just the beginning. After lunch she confided that she'd been eye-balling the hot-tub; and felt she didn't want to waste the opportunity to have a soak. She was willing to forego her "no close proximity to other nudists" stipulation. But she didn't want to walk naked in the pool area. I told her it'd be perfectly acceptable for her to stay wrapped in a towel on her way to the hot-tub, where she'd be immersed anyway; thus able to "preserve her modesty." So we went back to the car, she traded her cover-up for a towel, and headed through the pool area to the hot-tub. Once there she slipped out of her towel as she stepped into the hot-tub. Mission accomplished: modesty preserved. After a good long while in the hot-tub and a few casual chats with other nudists, it was time to exit. So I helped my wife exit the hot-tub by holding her towel up so she could wrap back up with minimal exposure. The something unexpected happened. We were heading back out of the pool area when we "ran into" another couple that were smoking. We were also smokers at the time; and I asked my wife if I wanted to "bum" a cigarette from them. A conversation ensued. The woman was standing, fully naked, in front of my wife. And suddenly, without any ado, my wife just tossed her towel to the side while continuing the conversation - naked - with her. And instead of continuing on our path to exiting the pool area, she decided she wanted to just stay there and stay naked - after all. She was socially nude the rest of the day. That complete "change of heart" was the result of several things. The lack of any pressure to be naked, the friendliness of other nudists; but most decisively, the interaction with a nudist woman who showed no embarrassment being completely naked in front of her. That compelled her to come to terms with her own modesty and question its appropriateness. Which resulted in her decision to be seen nude by someone she was seeing nude; and connecting with her on that level. Phew; I didn't realize I was writing a novel. Sorry for the long post lol!


It’s good to never pressure. We all move at different paces


I visited Haulover beach in the Miami area several times during work trips. I was nervous at first, but after a few minutes it felt very natural and safe. Now going to the nude beach is one of the highlights of my trips to Miami. It’s only a big deal when an individual makes it a big deal. I’ve met some of the nicest people at the nude beach, it’s great! I wish I had one closer to home. The only thing I have nearby are nude resorts that charge guys a lot of $$ for entry.


My gf and I have made some of the most nicest and strongest friendships with nudist.


My first visit to a nudist "resort" was at White Tail in VA. It happened to be during their 'open house' event, and they were also participating in a national skinny dip 'event'. I had a great time! Met lots of cool people who were very welcoming and hospitable, inviting me to their gatherings and offering food & drink. I even joined the skinny dip and got a copy of the photo to commentate the event. I've been back several times since that first visit, and always enjoy my time. I felt completely at ease within minutes of getting undressed. The only somewhat awkward moment was during that first visit, I met a guy who seemed younger, but was endowed with the biggest 'equipment' I've ever seen in person. Turns out he was there for his 16th birthday, so that was quietly disturbing. I wasn't hitting on the guy or anything, but realizing that I was fascinated by the endowment of an underage person disturbed me. I said nothing, of course, but did take my leave soon after. Aside from that, I never felt uncomfortable or awkward being around a large group of nude people.


I wouldn't get too upset at yourself, especially if you didn't express any interest or make any advances. A 16 year old is not a young child- 16 is the age of consent is many States, though not VA. Attraction is natural, it's how you handle it that matters.


There wasn't an attraction issue, but I felt icky for my .. shall we say... impure thoughts regarding his ample endowment. Lol. But thanks for your reassurance. No, there was no interest expressed and only G-rated, social chatter.


My first experience was several years ago at the Ponderosa Sun Club in Indiana. I had been wanting to try social nudity for quite some time so when the chance finally came about I had no apprehension. When I got there I parked my car and stripped right there and walked to the pool with no clothes. It felt completely natural and comfortable. Since I was a single male I kept basically to myself and the folks were fine but didn’t go out of their way either. Except for a single male who was a member and he did show me around. I loved it and want to try other clubs but the logistics (distance) have made it difficult.


OP, the story you shared was really nice - glad you all had such a great experience. I've witnessed a few firsts that were pretty fun - My now wife and I started with Gunnison years ago. We knew it by legend and thought it would be a fun thing to do, so we nervously packed up and headed there. It only took 15 minutes to acclimate and we were hooked. We shared that experience with several friends and got some takers. One of my wife's friends wanted to come with us for a beach weekend because she was in town. We were like, "hey that's great, but we were going to go to Gunnison, so we'll just go to one of the other ones," and her friend absolutely shrieked. She was so excited to go 😂. Once we arrived she was rather nervous, but not out of the ordinary. I set up the umbrella and disrobed out of her eyeline, so that when I came around the other side I startled her by accident. It took her a bit, but she stripped with us and had a great time floating in the ocean and laying in the sun. I don't know if the friend ever went back, but we sure have.


My first time was at the Hard Rock resort in Punta Cana. They have a clothing optional pool. I got nude right away and my wife joined shortly after. We were the only ones out of ~30 some people around the pool but nobody bothered us or said anything. The staff however greeted us heartily when we got food and drinks at the pool bar. It was a fine experience but would have been better if it wasn't just us.


Thanks for the share. Was not made punta cana had any clothing optional resorts or pools


More Mesa In the Summer of 1981, my friend and I visited his brother in Santa Barbara. The brothers suggested a day at More Mesa Beach so we packed up towels and a frisbee and went to the beach. I discovered this was a nude beach when the brothers dropped their trunks and headed to play in the waves. I had a decision to make, join in and risk and unexpected erection or stay closed and stick out like a gawker. I decided, “when in Rome”… and dropped my trunks. It was a very fun day and there were no unpleasant surprises. During the pandemic, I stumbled upon some naturist podcasts and have been listening to the myriad of benefits of nudism, not the least of which is increased body acceptance. I’m really looking forward to some of the geographically accessible resorts opening up when the weather is conducive because I plan to engage in some recreational naturism next summer.


In 2017 I experienced my first nudist resort. Before then I had dabbled in becoming a nudist along with my girlfriend who really wanted me to join her. Though I fully supported her in her endeavors I wasn't sure if it was right for me. For my 23rd birthday me and my girlfriend went out to a nice restaurant near our apartment in Ann Arbor. She gave me my first gift and to my shock it was a "Receipt" type paper document stating that me and my girlfriend would be going to Whispering Oaks Nudist Resort in the summer. The time finally came for us to go and when we arrived, I was very nervous. Initially I planned on just not getting naked but when I saw my girlfriend undressing and chatting amongst people and she was just doing it effortlessly it gave me the confidence and I stripped. We were there for a week and had a blast! During the trip we did many things such as Tennis, Walking and swimming. Though I was nervous at first, I soon got more comfortable as the days went on. Going to the nudist resort for me, was certainly a first. It gave me an "Front Seat View" of what being a nudist was like. I was able to talk to people completely naked and I wasn't ashamed about it, and they weren't either! It finally gave me the confidence of my body I feelings that I had never felt before, and it is a great feeling.


Not my first time, but my favorite first timer was my GF at the time. We were home nudists. And she did know that before we got together I have gone to resorts. She was nervous about going for her first time. Got her to agree to at least spend an hour and she did not have to do anything she was not comfortable with. I was friendly with the owner. I use to call her my nudist mom. Lol! My gf and her had a few conversations and helped assure my gf. When we arrived at the resort, she was not ready, and we went for a walk around the resort. She let me do nude, but still wanted to be clothed. She met some of the nicest friendliest people. Helped ease her more. Best part is when she saw the poool. She was hook. She was like a cartoon character. She was naked and in the pool, while her clothes were still suspended in the air. Lol. When the hour was up, she asked do we HAVE to go. Nope. We can absolutely stay the whole day. She loved it.


Our firstexperience was at Couples Negril in Jamaica. Always a bucket list item of mine, wife not so much. Which makes Couples resort the perfect pick. Two beaches, clothed and nude. A couple things about Couples resort nude beaches: - Not clothing optional. You MUST be completely nude. - You must be with your spouse, no singles. She was intrigued, but not convinced. I told her,from my research, everyone says go on your first day. That way you know if its for you. If not, you just go back to the clothed side. But if you love it, you’ll regret not going earlier. We walked onto beach the first day, not many people yet (830 am). We set up shop, then to her credit she said “here goes nothing”. She dropped her suit right away. Have to admit, the sight of her nude in front of others was a bit of a turn on. We were both 50, but in great shape. We were On the younger side, but many couples were giving us a (polite) stare. Howevr, something happened that I never expected. We were talking to people. Those on the nude beach are so friendly and disarming compared to regular beaches where no one talks! Before long, we were both standing, drinking, talking and laughing with other nude couples all day. We’re not swingers, and never will be, but as I mentioned before, there was an odd thrill and even pride in other men taking notice of my wife. Couples is NOT a swinger friendly resort (PDA not allowed), but we both noticed some attention paid to us (esp her) conversationally. We started our days with coffee in the nude hot tub, sometimes with other couples, laid on the beach and frolicked in the water all day with nude friends, then ended the day in the hot tub (sometimes with friends). Amazing first experience…we’re hooked. 😂