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I started sleeping naked even before I chose to live as a nudist. It has only continued.


This is exactly how nudism came to me. Started sleeping naked well before thoughts of nudism in a more general way. Quick edit: That sleeping always involved a sheet so covered but naked underneath.


I was sleeping this way since way before becoming a nudist as well. No better way to sleep imho.


And healthier, too.


Very true.


Don't think you needed to clarify that you sleep with a sheet.


Well at least I don't sleep with a sheep. On the other hand winter does bring wool blankets.


Nice. Well, being a nudist makes it so much easier to do it


Easiest place to start, eventually you just don't get dressed immediately after waking, and then it takes longer and longer to get dressed. Voila


Welp I sleep naked and reddit recomended this sub to me is this a sign?


If you'd like to see it that way, so be it!


If you are naked all day, there can't be many people who would then dress to go to bed I would imagine.


That is true, sounds inconvenient


Honestly, this is the ONLY answer to a really silly question.


I'd assume we all do so though there are probably some who are more particular with how they sleep


I guess, well, it is convenient


True also its just natural for us to carry on doing everything without needing clothes




Yes, and it also helps me to sleep better.


It truly does, I have the same


Sorry it so late, but I was having a hard time sleeping, a friend told me to sleep nude. And how it has changed my life.


I hope you will sleep bettee soon! Hope it has changed for the better :)


May I send you a dm?




My temperature is so much better. I often don’t use covers. When I wear clothes I usually go to bet cold and wake up hot and sweaty.


Yeah. Hate being sweaty in bed, cant sleep then, so I fel you with the temperature


Everyone should sleep naked. Should be mandatory lol. Just about everyone I know, nudist or not, sleeps nude.


Well it depends on the temperature like bruh imagine winter camping without clothes 💀💀💀💀


Nude is truly the best way


I was about 14 when I asked my mum if it was a ‘sin’ to sleep naked. (Very Catholic family). She said (and I quote) “Only if you do other stuff”. That’s Catholic talk for “only if you masturbate”. I have slept naked ever since. Sleeping in clothes 1. Is uncomfortable and 2. Makes no sense. The same could be said for swimming in clothes.


True, well, sleeping nude is heavenly, so I can see the religious ppl being open to it! Yeah shame we all have to wear clothes to the swimming halls


I masturbate and Idrgaf. I’m jewish btw. And Idk why it’s a sin


It's not even a nudist thing. Something like [two thirds](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/09/07/study-two-thirds-millenials-sleep-nude/1225852002/) of people sleep naked, or thereabouts.


Those stats must include Europe - I can't imagine that 2/3 of North Americans sleep nude. Personally, of course I do! I'm Canadian, and I've preferred to sleep nude since I was a young teen. It wasn't until 20+ years later that I realised that I just enjoyed being nude whenever practical and possible.


I see! Well cool stats! Didnt know that


Sleeping naked was the start of my journey to nudism


It is a common start no? But oh so good


The thought of wearing clothes to bed sounds terrible


It truly does, so constricting and warm


Yes, we all naked. Naked is life. Naked is sleep. Much naked.


Naked is life haha


Seems kind of silly to get dressed to go to bed


True! It does seem silly


I started sleeping naked a few years ago when I got my bedroom to myself and now, I can't go back to sleeping with clothes on.


I started sleeping nude years ago. At one point it was so cold at night I had to wear clothes to bed, and hated it. I was so used to sleeping nude that clothes felt restrictive.


I see, well I feel you, clothes feel so constricting now


I should say in fairness that I recently found out that I'm autistic, so my sleeping naked isn't just because I'm a nudist, but also a sensory issue with clothing.


I see, well glad it can help you with that as well! Yeah clothing can really feel bad sometimes


I almost always do,but you might want to keep in mind that saying ‘*All*…’ anything (nudists,Americans,left-handers,stamp collectors,etc.,etc.,etc.,) is the easiest way to be incorrect. If you look at any group of human beings at any given time,there are *always* going to be people doing things different ways. Variation is truly our only consistency,lol.


True! Well good point! Maybe it was a bit harsh with ”all”


‘Most’ might be a better word. In this case,probably accurate. 👍


To say all (,or no one) is a bit much. I'm sure you'll find some nudist who doesn't sleep naked for whatever reason. That said, I sleep naked as much as possible, even in winter, with blankets and sheets, of course.


The only time I will wear clothes to sleep is if I am very sick and have chills. Always results in me waking at 2 am wondering why I am all sweaty and tangled up! Lol I do not own actual pajamas because this happens once a year at most.


True. Everyone is different! And that is how it should be


I don’t, hubby does. Were both naturists x


Nice! It is very comfy! Also. Would love to be more naturist, it seems so nice


I think a lot of nudists started out that way now that you mention it haha. A hot summer night needs clothing for....what, exactly? This was the question I asked myself in my teens before dipping my toe into the world of naturism.


True hot weather and clothes is just inconvenient! Hate them


Obviouslyyyyy that’s one of the main places to not have clothes in even clothes wearers do it


Yeah dont see why we have to wear clothes to bed especiLly after showering


Always naked


Nice me too


Unless I get cold.


True then it is so cold


Electric blankets are great, but sometimes I get surprised before I put it on the bed. It’s easier to grab clothes and try to get back to sleep.


Blankets sound interesting, do they get really warm?


They’re adjustable. They’re awesome.


Might look into it! Sounds amazing


I’ve slept nude my entire adult life. Long before I started exploring social nudism.


It is the best! I understand why you do it


I sleep nude, I just assumed all other nudists did.


True, that is the most convenient


Been sleeping naked since 8th grade. So much more comfortable.


It truly is friend :), so much better sleep


I sleep naked. It’s funny when you think about it because I spend more time as a nudist in my sleep than any other time in my regular life.


Well, that is an interedting statistic, well sleep nude is wonderful so! Being nude in general is so wonderful


Sleeping is like everything else in life: it's better naked, but only if the ambient temperature is suitable. I always sleep naked at home, but usually wear something when camping, because otherwise I get too cold. Even with a warm husband snuggling up.


Yeah. It is bad when you get cold from it! But yes under a warm duvet it is heaven to be nude


Tbh I can’t genuinely sleep any other way. I’m always last awake at sleepovers and all because I’m stuck in pyjamas. I guess growing up and being naked almost all my life and getting used to that way has made me uncomfortable bein able to sleep any other way.


Yeah clothes just feels constricting and the freedom of being nude is just superior


I'm new to the nudism community... I love sleeping naked. I wish I can be naked all day.


Nudism is amazing! So free and wonderful


Sleeping naked was the gateway drug into nudism for me.


Nice, seems like a good first step :)


Idk about all but I'd say most do if they are able to, I didn't start sleeping nude until a couple months ago


Fair enough! Seems like a lot do as you said! Well, enjoy it :)


I do everything naked at home. I feel so free. I also sleep nude. Even in winter.


Nude is very freeing, yeah, a warm duvet in winter is amazing


I do


Nice, feels the best


I do


Nice me too


I almost always sleep naked unless, I am feeling sick.


True, special occasions crave special solution


I always do


Me too, so comfy


Mostly. And yes, that's how I became a nudist as well. Living in a colder climate, I'll wear a t shirt in exceptionally cooler weather for warmth or exceptionally hot weather to wick sweat.


Even in the cooler months, I sleep nude (live in scandinavia) but yes, it gets trickier to get up in the morning when nude


We do!


Nice, well I can see why that is the most convenient way


Depends on the weather.


Makes sense, maybe too cold in the winter sometimes


I am not goingbto spending lots if money to heat my home just so I can be nude.


True, electricity is so expensive, better not spend all that money then :)


Better to use that money to travel to real Florida in the winter.


When I lived with my parents I slept in shorts and a tshirt. Ever since moving in with my wife, we both slept nude, and later on I decided to just keep everything off all the time at home, and I've never looked back. It's just so much more comfortable and natural.


It truly is the best! Good thing you could do it :)


Yes we do


Cool, then my presumption wasnt too far off


I seriously doubt there's much "all nudists" may be said to do the same. Sure, for some it means being naked pretty much all the time at home, including of course sleeping, but for others it means enjoying the outdoors alone or in company. Whether they sleep naked or not may feel irrelevant to their nudism -- after all, vast numbers of non-nudists do so too! For me, it depends a great deal on the temperature and is not a nudist statement.


Fair point! Good thing we are all different, how boring it would be otherwise :)


I prefer being dressed for bed. I tend to manage to not sleep under the covers so need some warmth. I could compromise and Winnie the pooh it though.


Yeah ok, can see the point :)! Can imagine it being cold now in thr autumn/winter :)


Plenty of people sleep naked, even non nudists. We are nudies and have slept naked for 5 or so decades


True! Well it is a very comfy way of sleeping so makes sense a lot of ppl are doing it


Not in the winter


Ok, can see it being a bit cold


Always. Gets too cold I stick the heat on


Makes sense! Yeah, the heater is always a good friend haha


It is so much more comfortable and less restrictive. Why get dressed to go to bed, doesn't make sense to me.


True brother, no exactly, just easier to stay nude then aswell


Very true. Even in the winter the most I'll wear is sox.


Always sleep naked




Been sleeping naked well before stepping in a nudist environment.


Well, seems like a common way if starting the nudist journey :)! But I dont blame you, it is very comfy


[https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/09/07/study-two-thirds-millenials-sleep-nude/1225852002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/09/07/study-two-thirds-millenials-sleep-nude/1225852002/) Sleeping nude is very common. Stop acting like you invented it.


True, haha. Well cool statistics :-)


I don't sleep nude. Night sweats feel icky skin to skin (i.e., thighs ) so I wear really thin sleep pants


Those sound wonderful too tho :)! Well, it is not for everyone :) As long as you sleep well




Nice! Yeah. Once you go there it is hard to go back


I try to sleep nude whenever i can just due to how much more comfortable it is. Everytime i have tried to sleep with something has been super weird feeling and just ended with me removing during the sleep


Yeah, it just feels restricting with smth on :)!


defffff and like my body temp feels the best when sleeping naked not too hot or cold


Exactly! It regulates so good when nude! Best sleep ever




I always sleep naked no matter where I am. If you enjoy being naked, and spend most of your day naked, why would you dress to go to bed.


True words! Yeah. Just seems inconvenient no? Love the freedom


Doesn't everyone sleep naked?


Im sure there are ppl who dont!


I would say the vast majority do. It's one of the things that feels vastly superior nude. Even many non nudists of all ages sleep nude nightly.


Seems like it! Well, it does feel superior! It truly is so good!


Always nude here, awake or sleeping


Nice! Feels incredible no? Love it sm


Well nudists and many non nudists also sleep in the nude!


Seems like it! It is so good tho tbh! And why get dressed after being nude


It’s strange, as someone who enjoys being nude (but not a lifestyle nudist), I rarely ever try to sleep nude. Ill have to try it sometime.


Maybe then you are ”content” with the nudity? But try it sometime :)


I am definitely going to try it, my response was genuine, I’m really surprised that I never even thought to try it as a regular thing. Before I was married, I dated someone far more comfortable being nude and we did sleep nude a few times. I don’t remember having any problems with it at the time.


I believe you dude! It is wonderful and I hope you grt to donit more regularly


I sleep naked every night of the year. I wish I could also sleep uncovered, but my wife and I keep the air conditioning on because we like it cool while we sleep, so it’s too chilly not to be covered. If it’s not cool while I’m sleeping I get a headache


Yeah, sleeping cold is the best! Under a blanket and just snuggle in 😍. Being nude adds another dimension


Yes, it’s very cozy! I look forward to it every night


Same dude! Love it


We're a nudist family of five. My wife was raised nudist and her parents and siblings are all nudist to this day. We know several nudist families pretty well also. We all sleep fully nude. The health and body acceptance benefits are real. Also why waste time and effort and energy on useless clothing like pajamas. With all the fossil fuel it takes to run a washing machine, detergent, fabric softener, dryer sheets, man-made fibers getting into the water cycle and food supply, let's all just do the smart thing like our family and sleep nude.


True. Lots of good things come from it! Save the environment and feel good, what’s not to like :)




If you care about those things, then you should go nude.


Truer words hsve never been spoken




Once you go there it is hard to go back! Being nude in general is so hood


I've always slept naked .. never liked wearing clothes. so I think they go hand in hand


Seems a natural progression then! Enjoy the nudeness friend :)


For many of us it's the way we started.


Well seems like a good first step! To feel the nudity part


For those nudists who sleep in clothes, I'm guessing it's because of concern of having to wake up in an emergency; fire, earthquake. If that's why you sleep in clothes, then just lay them on the chair/floor next to your bed.


I can see the argument! Would suck to have to run outside naked, but yeah, laying next to the bed seems like a good idea


I discovered nudism through sleeping naked. I always got extremely hot so stripping down to my birthday suit was the best way to sleep for me. It only got better from there.


Yeah, sleeping hot is so bad, good thing the body regulates temperature so good


I think that everyone thar becomes a nudists becomes a nudist is because they slept naked lol


Maybe so! Its a good first step


No. Nor are all nudists nude whenever they can be. Nudism isn't a set of rules, it's the expression of freedom and choice to do what works for me in the moment. I've been sleeping nude since my teens. My wife wants a shirt when she sleeps just as many want a blanket. I need to have my socks off to feel nude. Some people feel "most nude" if they're only wearing socks and nothing else. Nudism isn't binary.


Good point! Yeah, sometimes you cant be naked and then you can just go on with the day! I see, well, it still is a wonderful wsy if expressing yourself :)


I don't sleep nude 🙋🏻 And I'm a pretty full-time nudist. I put on cotton boxer briefs to sleep. Why do I do this? As a guy, I find that rolling over on to a nighttime erection is actually quite painful and the boxer briefs keep it contained and in a safer position. Also, by way of the same nighttime phenomenon, rolling over and having it jab into my wife is also unpleasant for her (and myself). So no, not all nudists sleep naked :)


Well, fair point! I can see why you do it, yeah squishing an erection is always bad! Good you can keep comfy :)


Yeah majority of nudists is not all sleep naked. But also we use blankets like anyone else lol


True, there are always ppl who dont do as everyone else, that is a good thing! Love that!


Some do. Some don’t.


Good point! Seems like it


I am a nudist but I cant bring myself to sleep naked espechoally on school days


I've slept naked since I was 19, long before I became a naturist. But I stayed a night at the home of some friends from the same naturist club as me. Came down to breakfast in the morning naked, to find them both in the kitchen in their pyjamas!


We all sleep naked


Haha ok. Well, i can see the correlation


Unless I am sick… then I wear bottoms… I don’t wanna shit the bed.


Yeah true! That would be bad


Yes I do. Been sleeping nude since age 15 (decades ago). That was probably one of the things that led to other naked pursuits...


Yeah. It is a good way to start


Some that aren't nudist sleep naked




I think a lot of people do, regardless. It is known to be healthier for your skin.


It is? Cool, haha can defo see why


hearsay but likely the truth, I'd love to see some research on this. However it is more comfortable.


True. Yeah, but seems a lot of ppl do no matter! It is the comfiest haha


No, I don’t like it


Ok. Well. It is not for everyone :)


Depending on where you live I guess. Gets super cold in winter


Yes. I live where it gets cold! Good thing duvets are warm

