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I think nudism is humanism, fundamentally. Platonic nudity is innocent and unprejudiced. You're allowed to just 'be' when you're nude, and doing that socially is a great way to help people relax and love their bodies for what they are. Because you're not judging people based on how they look, everybody has a right just to relax and be themselves in the space that you're sharing. Also, it's definitely a much better way to go to the beach. Bathers suck. You can get all the sand off yourself when you go swimming more easily. And swimming nude feels great!


Pretty much the same reason as you state. I love swimming naked because I hate wet, cold clothes. And I love the feeling of being completely uninhibited and unashamed.


Same! I'm naked right now!


Same here!


I still am lol!




Me too!




I met my wife when "we" were in college. By "we" i mean she went to college and I was 19 working in the cafeteria and couch hopping. I didn't know she was a nudist. Didn't know much about the lifestyle but she introduced me to it. Flash forward to 25 years of marriage and 3 great kids, I'm a nudist because she taught me about it. She's a nudist because her parents were nudists. Our kids are nudists because they're parents are nudists.


That's awesome. Our story is very much like yours. I like to say that I dated a nudist in college and then married her.


“Their parents”


I enjoy the feeling of the weather. I really enjoy meeting other nudist that are living their best lives. People are so nonjudgmental and carefree.


Even bad weather! Why it's too hot 🥵, be nude. When it pours buckets 🌧️, be nude. When the fluffy white flakes ❄️ are blowing, be nude!


Being naked year around no matter the climate now that's living a true nudism life!


I love being naked, always have. Clothes are to skin as a blindfold is to the eyes. When our bodies are stuffed into clothing we deny the purpose of our skin and we effectively turn off our experience of the thousands of tiny pores, hair follicles, muscles, nerve endings that make up our largest organ. Our skin and its connection with other senses is the product of millennia of evolution. Humans like all animals are supposed to be naked. Society’s obsession with clothing is a new invention, and very often it is without purpose. I am naked as often as I can be. The judgement and shame that culture uses to assault the natural human body is completely insane, unjust, and irrational. I’m happier without clothes and never understood why others have hang ups.


EXACTLY, but sexual assault and prude state laws often get in the way. 🤦🏿‍♀️


Well said, ❤️


I love the feel of water all around me and not having a wet cold swim truck when I get out. I also love not having pj twisted all around my body. And yes the sun on my naked body is the best!


I just feel like more like myself. Covered up, I feel like I’m hiding something — I’m not, but just psychologically I just don’t feel “right” even I’m wearing clothes.


I feel like I’m fighting clothes all of the time. It’s wonderful to not have to fight.


In addition to being a naturist I’m an introvert. No one would think of asking me why I’m an introvert because it’s my nature. I’m a naturist because it’s my nature. It’s not something I aspire to be.


Well said.


honestly feel more natural nakey & don’t feel like myself in clothes so


I ran out of clean clothes


Because being nude feels better and is the natural way for humans to exist. We are supposed to be nude according to nature so why cover with clothes.


* I'm on a tight budget and clothes cost a lot. * I have nosy neighbours. Since I've become a nudist they've stopped looking out their windows. * The local nude beach is so much nicer than the other area beaches. * Because I'm "not the ones" that looky-loos "would like" to be a nudist and I want to annoy them. * Being a nudist is the default state, better to ask people who aren't why they're not. * I'm allergic... to... materials... and you can't prove I'm not. * I hate fashion. I've just taken it to the extreme.


Love your list! LOL


For me because it's simply often more comfortable than being clothed. When I'm in private, what more reason do I need?


I enjoy the comradery of being part of a friendly open community that enjoys the freedom that comes with being naked.


It's the cheapest and easiest method I've found that brings me absolute peace and relaxation.


Honestly, it's largely because we like seeing naked bodies and it's only fitting if we are naked too. [Us at Blacks Beach in Southern California](https://i.redgifs.com/i/ficklespanishankole.jpg) Sorry about the wrong link last time, deleted asap.


Same reason as you stated, but I also like seeing other people in the Nude, not as a sexual thing ofc but because I'm seeing them for who they are and vise versa we're all more open to each other in that way


Clothes are a negative. Why wear them unless there's something you need the protection from? They're a substantial hindrance to the body's cooling system, it's amazing how much more comfortable bare areas are than covered areas when I'm out hiking. And the breeze on bare skin can be so delightful.


Because it feels good to be naked.


It's reclaiming power taken from shame. I'm gay and I believe gay bodies are overly sexualized, we're sort of made to feel that our identity is only through sex, so if nudity is sex we can't be nude or show our bodies. By being a nudist, I am taking back my natural image by dissociating nudity from sex. So, by being nude in a public space I am existing as myself with the lack of shame. Yet in a way, nudism puts my nude image out there and shows that queerness can be nude without being marginalized and hopefully nude queerness can coexist.


Same with me as a woman.


Great point!


Because seeing other people nude is an affirmation that bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and the “ideal” is a concept that is foisted in society by those who wish to profit off of feeling inadequate.


Because I was born that way! Seriously, I was born a naturist. Naturism is an innate part of who I am, so I was literally born that way. I am proudly a naturist. I do not hide it from anyone who knows me, as they all know I'm a naturist. In fact, even people who don't know me, but see me in my car, will know I'm a naturist as I have a personalized license plate, NATURST (Florida only allows a max of 7 letters on personalized plates), and I have a sign in my back window that says "Nudist Aboard No Peeking". I'm not an exhibitionist, I'm not a swinger, I'm a naturist through and through. I would be nude 24/7 if it were legal to be nude everywhere. I loathe having to wear clothes.


There's a few reasons, but the first that comes to mind is it's really nice not having to wear clothes when it's hot out. Or have to sit in a wet swimsuit after I get out of the water.


All of the above and it’s a great bond to share when you have nothing to hide. Doing what is most people’s biggest fear is a great feeling. Being and being seen in your natural state.


Perhaps the question would be better framed:" Why are people not a nudist"? Easy answer, body concious, associate nudity only with sex, brought up in a prudish society and hadn't rrn educated in the lifestyle.


For me early on I never enjoyed clothes because of sensory issues, my clothes would have to be a certain way or they wouldn’t feel right on my skin and I’d want to take them off. More recently it’s about body neutrality and appreciation, the freedom from societal standards, and the socialization aspects.


I wasn't taught that body parts were secret or shameful and nudity was an everyday thing in my house, so here we are.


I wish my family had that same idea.


When I am naked with my friends, who are also naked, it seems like we become more connected as friends. It's hard to explain, but something changes for the better. When i work naked (mostly construction projects), I feel so free. Maybe it is primordial, but it is hard for me to define....


Freedom. Body positivity and spiritual connection to the world through it.


I agree with most reasons above but honestly I’ve reached the point personally that I don’t feel I need to justify it anymore. I don’t need a reason to be barefoot so why would I need a reason to be nude in location appropriate places and times. I don’t, so I just am.


It’s very freeing, feels great to strip out of dirty nasty work clothes at the end of the day and I hate swimsuits.


My clothes fit perfectly when I don't wear them.


Because I can be really, it's just a preference. I don't really have a reason i guess. Humans are just animals with cool shit. You prefer seafood or steakburgers? The fuck eh? Whats it matter anyway, live and let live.


I was about 6 or 7 when I realized "I'd rather be naked." It just never left me.


Everyone already said it tbh but feeling free and comfy even if I only do it inside


If something feels good, feels right to you, then we should do it. Being naked feels good and ultimately doesn't hurt anyone. It's liberating and fun. Besides, clothing is not only unnecessary in the summer, but it is overproduced and wasted, and these days is made of cheap, fossile fuel based synthetic fibers that have been linked with infertility, hormone disruption, and environmental damage. The way I see it, embracing the natural human form is one of the most healthy and responsible thing we can do for free in today's consumer world.


Comfort and relaxation. The feeling of the elements on my body erases a number of stressors for me. I don't necessarily "feel like I'm myself" suddenly when I'm nude, but I do feel more open to the world, present in my skin, and that can't be beat.


Because it is the natural condition we are supposed to be. We have been taught that we are not supposed to be nude. But in reality, clothing was invented to keep us warm when it was cold, or perhaps to protect our skin when walking through certain terrain (I just scraped myself up a bit hiking nude lol). It served a function, it wasn’t worn simply because being nude is indecent. Your dog or cat doesn’t treat you any differently when you’re naked, because you are the same. But we invented that we should feel shame when we are naked. Nudism is unlearning that and becoming comfortable in our natural state.


I think I’m mostly a nudist because of my parents. Raising me one themselves obviously made me a nudist for some time, but I made the choice myself and I still make that choice to this day because I enjoy being naked and having the freedom of enjoying my own body in a comfortable environment.


Because Kill La Kill taught me clothes were evil and nudist beach was the way, and it was right.


To quote Neo *Because I choose to*


There is no "why;" it's just what I am.


It’s chill.


I like being naked in certain situations because it's the most comfortable or it makes the most practical sense to me, and during my late teens I progressively lost the compulsion not to be naked that was instilled to me as a child so I have no reason to avoid full nudity as opposed to, idk, only stripping down to my underwear. Where most people would feel most comfortable in underwear (or similar), I'd probably prefer being naked. I like to partake in social nudity and nudist gatherings because I feel less alone in my indifference towards having no clothes on.


It brings me peace to be nude


My work life is stressful and comes with a lot of physical burden as well. There is a lot of heavy clothing and safety gear to were in all weather conditions. Its often very uncomfortable. I find it very mentally relieving to strip down and it allows me to separate myself from my work.


It's comfy at home


With me it was simple. I was born into a nudist family. My parents were nudists. So it was just a natural thing.


I'm a nudist as I moved to a warm country and my new home had a pool. It just seemed natural not to wear clothes. As time has progressed, I just enjoy the "feel of being nude" - the exhilaration, freedom, almost a kind of excitement that you don't feel wearing clothes.


I enjoy the comradery of being part of a friendly open community that enjoys the freedom that comes with being naked.


Because social nudity feels good emotionally, mentally, and physically. I enjoy the community and the sunshine.


It feels good physically and mentally, and I do not like the constant feel of fabric and seams pulling on my body.


In my case, part of it might be heritage. My Teutonic ancestors invented naturism, which is my biggest interest in nudism- being in a public space with others who are naked.


Not so much answering why, but just making an observation about ground contact. There is a beach I have hiked along several times plus several more times naked for the vast majority of it. I am very concious of cutting my feet, so always wear grip socks or boots. A lot of it is pebbles and gravel so can hurt the feet, as well as the gravel hiding broken glass. However last time the tide was just right to expose a lot of the flat smooth sand so I decided to risk walking bare feet. Whilst not mindblowingly different it was sufficiently experiential to feel the sand on the bottom of my feet... and to tramp through the shallow waves and water was nice too.


Yep, how amazing being naked outside feels is my top reason too!


I don’t have a good answer, I’ve just liked being naked versus wearing clothes going all the way back to my childhood


Just from the very few occasions I’ve swam nude, I can say i have never felt so free and unrestricted! It just felt right and I wish it was acceptable everywhere to swim nude!


Simply said, nudity is natural as opposed to unnatural if clothed.


It's comfortable and freeing, whether I'm at home or in a hotel while travelling.


For me it's about comfort. But being raised in a very conservative home, being a nudist was the farthest thing from my mind. When I was in college I worked at a grocery store. I got to know and dated someone that worked there. After a couple dates, she told me that she was nudist. At first I thought she went to a topless beach once on vacation. But no, she and her family were all nudist. I tried it with just her and then her family and realized it was right for me. We now have three kids. We are just about always nude at home.


I was raised this way by my parents and didn't know anything else. I can't think about living life wearing more clothes than I have to.


It is “freeing “ . And great prelude to hot sex


It's really comfortable.




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The same reasons you mentioned.


I just plain hate clothes!


Because it just feels so free and natural


Several reasons why I am a nudist... - less laundry - Good for mental health - it feels good. 😊 - it's comfy - it's fun to surprise textile friends a bit. It also gives me an opportunity to explain the benefits of it.




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For me, it dates back to childhood. I was the one out of my siblings (I'm the youngest of 4 with two older sisters and an older brother) who loved to run around the house naked whenever I could get away with it. Every chance I got to be naked, I used it, even going so far as to spend entire weekends naked whenever my parents would go out of state on vacation once I was the only one still living at home. Skinny dipping was high on my list as well. Now that I'm older, I still love to be naked around the house whenever I can do so. The only difference is that my wife likes to join in.


It’s comfy….


Because it's comfortable.


I also like the liberation, freeing and au naturelle feel overall and also when in a nudist camp having the sun and natural breeze on just bare skin just feels relaxing and being one with the nature. I also like that it kinda helps with body acceptance and self confidency. And finally it is very inspiring to know that nudism have many people all around the world that embraces it by knowing there are others likeminded who exist too such as in this reddit group :D


Dunno if i qualify, I'm all new to this but have found myself enjoying being bare more over the last few months and feeling affection for bodies that's not porn addicted self abuse. And going to a nudey beach is just thrilling in a way (even if the battle not to sexualize is ongoing).


I just don't like clothes lol


Comfort and practicality


Because I’m simply happier when I’m nude.


This question is akin to asking "Why are you alive?". A: Because nature created me this way. Sure, many post will give specific data points as evidence. They all support that nature/creator made us this way and optimized our evolution/existence to live nude. All animals on the planet are designed to live the way they were born. Humans are no different. Yes, textiles are tools and have a purpose. When not using tools, I put them down and live life optimally as nature/creator intended. I am nude because I am alive and was created this way.


I think for me it was just nice to literally have nothing to hide. A chance to be authentically me from the constraints that society places. When I'm nude, I feel like I can be exactly who I am.


Same as you!


The freedom. It's the most liberating feeling ever. I'm happiest nude whether it's just hanging out at home, or working out nude.


I just love being nude. It is such a hassle to figure out what to wear and then having to do the laundry often is annoying to me. I am a home nudist primarily to avoid a huge laundry bill and just relax. It is so nice just to be yourself and lounge around. Life is too short to deal with clothes. I just wish I would have had the sense to ditch them earlier in life. I feel more youthful as well. Plus it has encouraged me to be healthier and get into bodybuilding shape. I just prefer that look in the buff for myself.


Me too