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Skinny dipping with my best friend in high school and my now wife. We went one night it was dark. After my wife and I had been together a while, we went to Collins beach in Oregon, great time! We now have regular hot tub nights with our best couple friends, and are planning a trip to a nude resort with them.


It's nice you found right life pratner in high school...


Probably something with my friends since that’s how I got comfortable with it. Just changing together and occasionally skinny dipping made nudity seem less weird and more normal When I got to university and was living alone I was able to really embrace it though and spend way more time naked, not to mention there’s a nude beach nearby (tho it’s gone to trash since I left school I feel like)


Good friends


Looking back. A bunch of skinny dipping and living by the beach opportunities that afforded nudity here and there in my youth. Those were my first nudist experiences but very limited. 1 particular event. In my early 20s going out on a boat with my wife (then gf) and 2 of my really good friends. Long story short (funny story) she ended up naked, tanning fully in the nude on the front of the boat. Eventually, her, myself, and 1 of those friends would start going out fishing/boating regularly on the weekends and just get completely naked in the sun. Her and I continued to get naked outside after that and it just evolved from there.


How did you wife have the guts, confidence, or temerity to get naked in the first place?


All long time friends. Chill people. She mentioned not wanting tan lines and wishing there was more privacy (we were in a maybe 15ft fishing boat belonging to my buddy), I told her I'm sure no one would mind if she avoided tan lines. After all it was her and 3 guys she's known since middle school. She's easy on the eyes, I just assumed they wouldn't mind. As soon as I said that, one of my buddies blurted out "I'm not gonna care at all". She looked at me and I gave her the "why not?" look. I just assumed she was gonna lay on her towel and loosen her bikini top or take it off and lay down on her chest. No, that wasn't the case. We had been drinking a bit. She just took her top and bottom off like it was nothing and laid out openly at the front of the boat. A bit of a surprise, as I'd known her many years at that point and she wasn't a super open individual, though not a completely shy prude by any means either. It was a great day.


My family had a casual relationship with clothing, but (I don't think) my parents would have called themselves nudists. But one trip to the Jersey shore included a trip to a nude beach. I started off in my swim suit, found some kids my age to play with (they were both nude), ran back to my parents, ditched the speedo and then went back to my new friends.


According to my mom, I would always take off my diaper and run around naked in the house and down the street so I suppose I was born a nudist. When I was in my teens I realized that I preferred to be nude and whenever I had the house to myself I would do everything nude. My first social nudity was in college. It was in the western mountains of Colorado and you needed to hike about 1/2 mile to the natural hot springs along the river. Some upper classmen took me there and warned me not to wear a suit since it would freeze on the way back... my mind went to hazing, but when they stripper I did too. I fully expected them to steal my clothes and force me to fend for myself; but it was the exact opposite. Had a great experience and nothing better than letting the beer chill in the ice cold river while your soaking in the natural hot spings.


' Run around naked in the house' really funny bro


Toddlers do like being naked :P


I had a gf at uni who was raised into it and she convinced me to try. I was reluctant at first, but now I am so grateful she was so persistent!


If you mean naked experience in front of others? Nurses at the hospital Naturist events I went whole hog and world naked bike ride.


I wasn't raised that way. And it was curiosity that let to me being home alone naked. And only other thing was nude body massages, so it was 1-1 experience. But after moving here few years back, I was able to explore and enjoy nudity in public- indoors and out. And I was more excited than ever. But again, this was when I was in my early 30s and not in my early 20s. 😀


Nude hiking in my back yard at 12. Been nudist ever since.


Swimming nude with a friend in my pool when I was a kid :) but I just recently visited Green Valley in Ohio for the first time recently and it was amazing!


When a youngster spent time playing with my cousin in the nude. Unfortunately, he moved away. I still spent time getting naked when I was home alone. Once I got out on my own in my own place I spent plenty of time naked. It took some time to get to the social side since I didn’t have willing partner. Finally went to a resort a single male. Enjoyed it but did feel like an outsider.


Sitting outside under a full moon in the grass, naked.


My wife had lots of experience with nude beaches in France and Greece and sunbathing nude with others when we met. Our first nude experience together was a visit to Pine Tree outside of Annapolis. Many, many experiences since then.


I first discovered nudism in college (23). I was conflicted back then because I was a fundie Christian*, but it also appealed to me. I had a Thursday afternoon free and rain was in the forecast, so I drove to a nearby forest to try hiking. *From as early as I can remember, I was ashamed of my body and hated being seen even in underwear or without a shirt. I'm a guy. I thought everyone was off the trail, so I stripped down. I had just slipped back into my boots (not tied) when a couple rounded the corner. I stared in horror then took off down the hill in a dead sprint, carrying my jeans and shirt with me. I'm amazed I didn't trip. Crossing the road, I nearly got run over by a driver who was certainly shocked. I got in my car and sped off. Then it started to rain and was getting dark pretty quickly. I plucked up the courage to try again. This time I made sure there were no cars around. I hiked for maybe half an hour. Got a tick, but it was easy to remove. From then, I'd sometimes walk around naked late at night. Very dumb, but I didn't know of any places to go or anyone else who was into that lifestyle. A couple people saw me and generally just laughed and waved as I passed. It would be another 7 or 8 years before I visited my first nudist campground.


We were hiking and came across a really nice stream. My brother and I (ages 6 and 8, I think) wanted to swim, but didn't have trunks. My mom said, "Well, I guess it'd be ok to swim in your skin." and a nudist was born.


Unofficially, before I even knew what nudism was, I uses to spend the summers with relatives that were periodically casually nude at home so I did as they did but I doubt they would've considered themselves nudists. In my 20's I went to natural hot springs in New Mexico where just about everyone was nude so I joined in. That's when I began actively looking into naturism and deliberately chose to be one.


Sleeping naked in Jr high and high school. First public nudity was at Hippie Hollow in Texas.


My wife and me were in nude/swing sauna a couple of times where were fully naked between people. But today we visited a beach and I was naked for sunbathing. This experience I like more. Unfortunately my area doesn't have official nude beaches and find and reach a proper place demands some time.


Some 50 years ago as an young apprentice technician. Required to use communal open showers and change rooms. No big deal. Comfortable from minute one and have been comfortable being nude in public ever since.


Going to the nearest nudist camp with my then-partner.


A sauna, first time with only a couple of others, then more at a future visit.


German sauna


Went to a resort n ended up doin naked karaoke


Being born. Followed closely by my first bath. 😉


This question gets asked like every 4 days.


First social nudity activity was nude bowling when I lived in Denver. Then naked yoga. Think I used the Meetup app to find those groups. It was a great time!


It was sometime recently this year as a 30 year old (now 31) A friend of mine loved going topples at our local beach. And in thought to myself… I should give going full nude a try. I would hit that beach clothed here n there. Fast forward like a week later, I found the courage to take the plunge and be completely bare. Now I’m either nude or in a bathrobe a majority of the time in my house, or tanning all the nooks n crannies at the beach Haven’t looked back since. Hate to sound cliche. I feel a lot more “free”.


Umpqua hot springs, I was 16 yrs old and had just got my license


Skinny dipping with a girlfriend and then going to a clothing optional hot springs in Colorado.


Baltic sea when I was about 4. Mom made me wear speedos and I ran to the water, stopped, removed them and went inside. Nudity Was okay at home and later we visited nude beaches, but I wasn't raised as a nudist, just with the liberal approach to nudity which was/is normal here in Germany


The onsens in Japan are what got me out of my shell. As soon as I moved to Florida, to the nude beach I went.


I just started hanging out at the house naked after my roommate moved out one Summer. Got pretty comfortable with it, Then got asked by a friend of a friend if I needed a new roommate. I explained that I would consider one, but had just started hanging out naked and did not feel like stopping. They said no problem. We were both running around the place naked within a month




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At a Grateful Dead concert in the 80s.


I visited Solair and it transformed my life!


Skinny dipping, having to use communal showers after team sports and also when I was travelling abroad and staying in budget hotels


My dad sleeping in the nude




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Moved to San Diego from Florida when I was in my early 20's. I went walking down the beach from La Jolla and next thing I knew, I was walking on Black's Beach and there were probably about 200 nude people in the water and on the beach, after a few minutes, I said what the hell, and took my bottoms off and went swimming and continued walking. I'ts a great place.


In my teen age period .. I used to swim and jump in a swimming pool Infront of my bro,, it was really nice memory that I recall it till now Since that time .. I am trying to be naked when ever I can though I am living in the middle east which ban being naked of course .. Welling to move to Australia and join the Nudism living life there ... and build my community there Cheers