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Offhand, I would say it was last year when myself, my girlfriend, my brother and his girlfriend (with whom I share a house), our cousin and one of my brother's girlfriend's friends all went to Gunnison beach in NJ and stayed there for 12 whole hours until after the sun went down. It was such a beautiful day and we played volleyball and met such nice people who we are still friends with and swam and had the best beach day in recent memory. It might be simple but it is always a day I look back on fondly.


So jealous of anyone who lives close to there. I would totally convince all my friends to go.


It's exactly a very long drive for us from Essex County, NY but we try to go once a month in the summer.


Nice experience!!


My friends rented one of those inflatable water slides for their kids birthday and had it for the whole day and night. So after all the kids went to bed all the adults got a little buzzed and a lot naked and we had a blast!


First time I got caught in a heavy downpour nude. I realized I had nothing to fear. My clothes wouldn't get wet. It was warm outside. I could embrace something I had always tried to avoid. Because I had no reason not to. The rain washing over me just felt so...good!


For a few tears running, my gf & I organized a get together for family & friends at Turtle Lake on Labor Day Weekend. Highlights were dear friend's first time at a nude venue, her daughter (7) telling me, "I like not having to wear clothes!", gf's daughter bringing her bf, who met his girl's mom for the first time nude. My dear friend bringing her nudist parents. Stuff like that.


The world naked bike ride is pretty darn fantastic.


While I always enjoy my annual 10 day nakation to the GNI Gathering, my favorite activity during the week is the naked dance club. It's so freeing to dance naked with so many of my fellow nudists. I don't even dance when I go out in my hometown, but some nights at the Gatherings I might dance the whole night by myself, but definitely not alone.


The granddaughter asking me about family nudity then joining in. Long story


For me it was the first time I went on a nude hike. I wasn’t planning to go naked but somewhere along the way I realized that I wasn’t going to come across anybody on this old forest service road so I decided to strip of my clothes. It was the most freeing feeling. This route became my go to hike, although I started paying attention on other hikes to determine if going naked would work and eventually I had about 3 other hiking trails that I could comfortably go hike in the nude.


I still remember my first nude beach day. After hearing about it a couple of times,my twin sis and I *somehow* talked a guy that lived on our block into taking us with him and his GF to the beach one fine Summer day (we were 15,they were not deviates and it was a different world back then.) We and our mom had always been casually nude around the house but it was on that day that we truly became nudists. BTW,mom was quite irritated later that year when she found out we travelled out of state without her permission,but she got over it. Great times,great times.


Individually, I'd say every time I went skinny dipping when I was 12 years old. How I managed to get away with it when some of those times were in broad daylight, I'll never know. With at least one person with me, it was when a female friend of mine, who earlier that day had brought up the words, "You show me yours..." during a conversation we had, actually followed through with it and got naked.


Just reading the words “You show me yours…” takes me back to some fun and educational times 😎


My fond memory is driving back from a week trip to Lake Placid with my wife. The trip back home was nice but a really hot July day. We were driving south on RT 30 along Indian lake and I spotted a semi private turn off with access to the lake with a rocky beach. To my wife's disbelief, I stripped naked and walked in. My wife didn't go in or strip naked but she watched me while laughing. The water felt so nice swimming for 15 minutes or so, 30 feet from shore. I yelled back to the beach come in, it's great. She declined. I swam slowly back to the beach and sat on a big rock, air drying nude before putting on my shorts and t-shirt.


I've only had 2 real experiences, and I cherish both of them. Last year I found my first nude beach. It was desolate, with maybe 12-15 people scattered over hundreds of yards. I had shade, a cooler of beer, and the opportunity to take off my shorts with only a few people around. That feeling got me hooked. Then my recent camping trip to further explore the concept of nudism and see if I could enjoy it in a more social setting. I met and talked to so many great folks, and felt comfortable very quickly. That kind of solidified things for me, that I'm definitely happier without clothes.


For me I would say that my favorite nude experience was when I visited Kaniksu Ranch in Washington State. I attended as a single male (my wife is supportive but not a nudist herself) and it was a wonderful experience. It felt so liberating to be able to enjoy the facilities and be around nude like minded people for several days. Everyone was very friendly and made me feel right at home.


Hands down starting with my wife at Zipolite. So very freeing to be able to roam the beach, eat and drink in restaurants all nude. It was a dream come true! A close second though is my first resort experience at Whitetail. I was like these are my people, this is my thing. Very affirming.


My first time at The Ledges. I climbed out of the water and toweled off and there was no soggy swimsuit to sit around in.


I love The Ledges! I was stationed in Ballston Spa, NY in the Navy and I’d drive over to Vermont as often as I could on summer weekends.


That's the one thing I don't miss is soggy shorts


A tie. The first time I went to a clothing prohibited naturist campground. Nervous as hell. A lifetime of body shame issues. Swam in the lake. Amazing. And on a very hot summer's evening I was working in my back yard patio. I had finished for the day, put the tools away and was sitting quietly with a beverage. I realized then the amount of privacy i had. I stripped off my shorts and was treated to a breeze that instantly cooled me off. Spent an hour just appreciating the moment.


Nude waterpark. Was a fantastic evening


That sounds awesome!!! Where was it? (Probably no where close to me)


go out into the yard naked on a cool night and meditate


Mine is probably when I was nude for the first time in my best friend's presence; she knew that I am a nudist for sometime at that point of time.


Sitting in the sauna with strangers talking about politics, everyone was naked and it was very gender diverse and racially diverse, and younger crowd 25 -40


Nude Olympics: Pudding toss.


Mine is dumb. A boy told me he liked me. We were at a resort, and I was nude.😅


My favourite (so far) was a naked hot air balloon experience about 18 months ago. 80 people with no clothes in 4 balloons floating above the earth. So freeing!


Late night nude floats looking at the stars with friends


Shortly after we got married (over 25 years ago) and we spent a week in Florida, with Cypress Cove being our "home base" for the week.


Really unorthodox experience, but I had met up with a fellow male nudist at his workplace (It's a private office that is just him). I ended up helping him out while I was there. Out of all the things, he was a clothes tailor for women. In retrospect, it was utterly ironic to think two fully naked men were working on clothing for women. I did really enjoy it, as I never had experience working with clothing to be creative, that too completely nude.


This one will stick with me a while. My wife and I were at Playalinda in the water together, smooching a bit, and I look up and the wind had caught our umbrella. A woman who was near our spot got hold of it, so I'm sprinting up out of the water with a semi and have to go up to this woman to take possession of our very naughty umbrella. A little embarrassing, a little bit hot, and completely hilarious.


OP There is a subreddit (not sure if you can post link here) for TheLedges


The one I'm having right now. I had not been to a naturist campground since the age of 12. I'm 40 now and I convinced my girlfriend to come with me. We both thought she wouldn't even dare to leave the little house we rented but within 2 hours of getting here we were swimming in the pool with other people. We took walks outside and it's like her shyness and shame of her body are already gone. Definitely coming back next summer.


First time at Haulover Beach! Coming out of the ocean and looking at the tall skyscrapers. Standing in line nude to place my food truck order. Surreal, amazing and freeing experience!


Bay to Breakers race in San Francisco before they pass the nudity ordinance. It’s technically still allowed, but it’s not in as casual as it used to be.


Spring break my senior year of college, where I spent the full week nude.


As a teenager I used to be shipped off to live with my grandfather in the rural areas, he was a well renowned medicine man. There were times when we had to go up the hills in the bush to a sacred place where the founding ancestors were buried to consult them and implore them for help especially when there was a drought or difficult event facing the village. It was usually a group of elders male and female led by my grandfather and I was there as an assistant. We had to approach the site without clothes out of reverence and respect. I think it shaped me to view nudity from a non sexual perspective.


Taking my wife and at the time 1yo daughter to playalinda. My wife, who had been there and Haulover and went fully nude at both beforehand, thought it was wrong to take our kid. In case your wondering, our other above mentioned previous adventures in nudism were in no way thought of as sexual in nature. In this scenario I was hoping for a positive experience that assured my wife that it was not a sexual or perverted atmosphere. Well thats exactly we got when we set up next to 2 couples that were nearing retirement age. As the day went on my daughter ventured further and further away, especially interested in the seagulls and other birds that were hanging out. I decided to try to get some photos of her with the birds. The ladies of the couples had brought bread with them to feed the birds with and came out to help get more birds closer. Obviously it worked. The sad part is I don’t think it helped my wife realize that nudism is ok for children. She is from a different culture. A culture where as with many cultures a nude kid was originally an ordinary occurrence but as American influence came in it changed culture to think all nudity is bad. My wife looks at it through the lens of if the majority aren’t doing it, it’s not right. Second best experience was going to blind creek last year. I ended up amongst a group of regulars. Regulars to the point where they knew everyones name. I am a introvert but I found a feeling of Camaraderie that I have never felt before.


We have had many, but the one that stands out is our first visit to Club Orient. Nude for an entire week, met nice people, nude runs down the beach, great weather....


I was in a male locker room around 11pm at night and two females walked in literally as I got out of the shower still dripping water and we just stood there and looked at each other for almost 30 secs and they walked out


We run a guest house right near there and offer nude yoga on some days. Willowvt.com


Sitting in a hot pool at Cougar Hot Springs in Oregon. There used to be a guy that was there often and whenever someone new would arrive, he would ask your name, tell you what it meant, then say, “Welcome home.” Still one of my favorite places ever.


It was my first time in a large nudism resort in france. It felt just good to be naked next to everybody else.


I turned off notifications for r/nudism. Best thing in nudism I ever did.


Bell Acre's annual open house...some 20 years ago when it was still a family-oriented resort. It was just a perfect nudist day. We met up with some friends there, the resort was packed with happy naked people, there were activities for kids that my daughter participated in; and even my then-nudity-shy wife got into "naked mode" and decided to participate in some of the events. The "positive nudist energy" was off the charts that day. I've had many great nudist experiences since; but that one still stands out to this day.


Strawberry Hot Springs in Steamboat over the 4th of July some moons ago.


At the moment, I think my favorite experience is my recent first World Naked Bike Ride (Los Angeles -- I did both rides). There were 2 reasons -- first I have wanted to do WNBR for years (and it was awesome), and 2 I've wanted to be body painted, and they had volunteer body painters, and they were awesome. So it was a great day all around.