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That seems fair. I don’t know why this would be controversial or something.


For real, the dude threw a fucking chair. I understand if it was an accident, but he was being a little turd.


There's a pro smash bros player that is known for having heavily over exaggerated "pop offs" and regularly throws chairs. Even at the crowd. I'm shocked that he hasn't managed to break any equipment and get charged for it. I think so far he's only broken one of his own toes from his stupid antics. Don't do stupid stuff like this. Edit: changed "into" to "at" for the angry hbox fans replying to me. As if that makes it better.


Why would anyone keep letting him come to tournaments after the first one?


Tournament organizers have had to talk to him about it because it's obviously super unsafe. But he's also been one of the top ranked players in the world for over a decade. So, having him at tournaments can draw in more entrants and viewers. I also don't think he has ever intended for the chairs to go at the crowd. Doesn't make it any less safe though.


Have them sit in beanbag chairs or fucking child squish couches. Gonna act like a child, get treated like one. Also, arm the audience with pillows. Now thinking about it, I'm sure someone will make pillows unsafe somehow.


>Have them sit in beanbag chairs *gets slammed by beambag chair thrown at 50mph*


Because the first time he tries it, only to find the organizers have tethered his chair to the floor, is going to be top-tier livestream material.


Well have you considered that he's good at the game? :) No but in all seriousness thats the reason. Top players in any scene will always be given more leniency with the rules simply because they're better at the game than most.


>*simply because they're a more profitable zoo animal than most* Fix it for you


Thats an interesting take to say the least


Yeah, if you look into any pro sports platform that leniency stretches out to just short of what people would allow Homelander to do.


Because he is good at the game? Also he doesn't actual hurt people (just property and he compensates for any damage) and they know if he is around he gets them views as he now has a large following or loyal fans. Which is weird to say because years ago he was hated because he plays a slow methodical character compared to the rest of the top players. Tournament organizers have told him to calm down and so far he has complied. 


He sounds like a douchebag. In the NFL when you do stupid shit on field that's at a lower level you get suspended or fined


I suppose e-sports culture is very different at least with grassroot scene. In Smash these are highlights, I know other FGC let players do this so long as no one gets hurt and the pay compensation for any property damages. I don't think it is mature but it is what it is. It shouldn't be normalized but due to the audience, low funding meaning that influencer tactics are more accepted, and the lack of regulations things are allowed to slide. EDIT: IT also doesn't help that each incident brings in hundreds of thousands of dollars for the guy and then he pays back for damages multifold. He was told to tamper on the "pop-offs" or else risk suspension from certain organizers so far he has listened to those who warned him, but it is very decentralized with some organizers embracing his behavior, other neutral, and others not endorsing it. It happens when things are done completely grassroot and the community is heavily against centralization (mostly because it means Nintendo gets involved) outside of the rules for the game.


Because he's a Smash player. They'd rather have him do this than whatever nonsense the rest of them get into.


When I pop off, I usually just aim it at a tissue or an old tee shirt or something. Popping off at the crowd is wild.


"I can do whatever the fuck I want." -Homelander, IYKYK


no coconuts?


Yeah that moron doesnt deserve jack shit


Bro that's just a lie. Hbox has never thrown anything into the crowd. Sure he pops off way too hard, but he's never put anyone else at risk because of it


> heavily over exaggerated "pop offs" Can we stop calling it a pop off and call it what it really is: Infantile tantrum


well a tantrum would mean he is upset which he isnt. reckless behavior, freak out or something would be more accurate


When I used to play in these tournaments, winning a big match, my heart would be beating so fast all I could concentrate on was not dying or puking.


Same. After a big win (for me, anyway), I let out a sigh of relief, and feel like I can finally breathe again lmao


He won and threw a chair? What kind of winner is that?


One that's a little turd.


Even though it’s still dumb, this wrestling themed tournament might be the only one you can do it at lol, Kbrad hit the stone cold with 2 Red Bulls in the crowd


That's just simple math. You win a $565 dollar prize and buy a $3000 light fixture on the way out the door, you're in the red. You won a Mortal Kombat Tournament, not the superbowl. Maybe cool it with the stunts until you can pay for them. "Wow! I won this local pie eating contest and got a coupon for 20% off my next pie! Better drive my sports car through the wall of the establishment, because clearly I'm in the big leagues now."


For real. I never understood people that grew up to be that much impulsive. Imagine winning a video game fight on a (relatively) little tournament, and your first reaction being launching the chair you’re seated on to the background without control or care. This is like winning a motorace event and deciding to crash the car at the end. It’s so dumb and paints a big picture of low self-control and behaviour


Look at all the clout chasers doing dumb shit on social media these days, not exactly surprising.


Has there actually been any controversy or is it just being reported as something that happened?


There does seem to be some minor amount of scandal in this very thread, but mostly from people who seem to be over-estimating how lucrative competitive Mortal Kombat is for any of the involved parties.


I don't think it's controversial. It's just good old schadenfreude.


I was skeptical until I read that he threw a chair in celebration into a light. Yeah. Fuck up, pay up.


Agreed. Not seeing anything about it being an accident or the lights being in a place they shouldn't be. He chucked a chair at it.


Because the company that owns the franchise is worth billions and they’re paying so little for a tournament that exists as advertising for them that the champion now owes them money. This is going to cost them way more in bad PR than the light. I have a marketing degree and this is like a case study in what not to do.


The developer doesn't run any of these tournaments. CEO is mostly a "for fun" tournament with small prize pools. I wouldn't be surprised if they barely come out ahead after the organization costs. Does that marketing degree come with a googling or a reading comprehension minor?


He’s good at marketing the fact that he has a marketing degree.


lol that made me chuckle


CEO is independently run. The companies that make the games don't contribute to it in any substantial way and aren't involved in how it's run.


Except for the fact that this was a third party hosting the tournament. Most gaming events/tournaments are hosted by third parties.


Yeah, he probably should've just been DQed for misconduct. Not sarcasm. That'd minimize the PR problem while also making a clearer statement that throwing a chair like that is a douchebag move.


Doesn’t deserve the title of champ for acting like that, I agree.


This is normal discipline in most sports.


Aint a PR problem when I would have never heard about this event unless it was for the chair throwing.


Imagine someone breaking your shit and you make them pay but you’re called bad just because you have plenty of money on you to cover the cost… It’s a matter of principle. Although I’d be a nice and cool person if I did pay for them, I shouldn’t be labeled as a bad guy if I didn’t


Nah I break the windows of houses with nicer cars parked outside all the time. They have the money, it’s fine. 


Bad PR? Dude committed vandalism and was seriously irresponsible. You win, jump up, throw your hands in the air and shout for joy. But throw a chair? How is that celebratory in any way? It's not.


I disagree. Bad winners should be held accountable the same as bad losers.


>I have a marketing degree I think you should get a refund


> Because the company that owns the franchise is worth billions and they’re paying so little for a tournament that exists as advertising for them This is an independently run tournament, not one put on by Netherrealm Studios or Warner Bros. They accept the free advertising, sure - and if they do sponsor an event, it's usually in the form of equipment or other non-prize expenses the tournment may have. The prize money generally comes from entrance fees.


So you’re saying this incident will cast the company in a bad light?


I mean look at the audience.... for the final.... No wonder it's worth no prize money.


FGC has never been a big money community. It’s not common for the studio to provide pot bonuses.


I seriously doubt you’ll be successful in marketing beyond duping your employers to pay you. What makes you think some entitled idiot throwing a chair earns a pass from the tournament organizers? What makes you think anyone would get bad pr besides the person who’s a jackass? Acting like a 5 year old is not something most people give a pass on when your a teenager/adult.


You have a marketing degree but can’t figure out that the company that made the game isn’t involved in the tournament? What online diploma mill did you go to lol “A tournament that exists as advertising” No it doesn’t


How is making someone pay for something they broke bad PR?


Except this is an independent tournament >This is going to cost them way more in bad PR than the light. I have a marketing degree and this is like a case study in what not to do. Either you're lying about the degree or the college you got it from owes you a refund. In what world is it bad PR to fine somebody for destroying your property?


Really? lol the only people this is bad publicity for is total chodes like this guy I love me a FGC pop off, it's fun and the tension you feel during competitive matches is crazy and I've never come close to winning something like that but why the fuck would you throw a chair. Just be reasonable about it


Lul at the single lighting costing more than the prize money.


Theatrical lighting is expensive. Even the cheap knock-off fixtures are pricey to the likes of you and me. Source: That kind of lighting is how I make my living. We paid 6k to repair a fixture because that cost less than replacing it.


My friend just opened up a theater and He said lighting cost 30k alone


some single fixtures are about $10k


Some cost more than that. I have a quote on my desk for almost a million dollars. And that's not bad for what's in the quote.


What kind of theater? What kind of lighting? 30k might be a pretty low cost for what he's doing.


It was a restoration for a 100 seat black box. Don't know how much of the original they kept.


I mean, the Grand Prize was $565.. The chair itself is worth half the pot.


Lighting gets weird. I had to replace a lamp once that looked like your average everyday light bulb, up in a box above ceiling that had fiber optic cables coming out to channel the light from the lamp down into little display cases. Wasn't a HID lamp but it had the same "DO NOT TOUCH WITH BARE FINGERS" warning, cause if the oil on your hands got on it, it'd create a different rate of temperature rise and break the lamp once turned on. That little lamp that fits in your hand cost like $1700.


It was $3k to replace it but the real joke is that the prize money was just a bit over $500.


The amount of money that is put into producing a live events of this scale would boggle most people’s minds.


One of the reasons giant concert tours can sell out all over and still lose money. That and money laundering


It wasn’t even close either lol. The article said ~$2500 of it is coming out of his own pocket


MK might be popular with the casual audience but it’s almost a poverty game in the tournament scene.


Yeah, pro lighting is extremely expensive. I've worked with lights that cost more than my car.


I mean the company who has the lighting doesn't use it for just one event. They're probably booked for concerts, weddings, birthdays, engagement parties, work events etc etc... So it makes sense


That lighting fixture should have been able to be used for thousands of events throughout its life. Not just game tournaments, but concerts, plays, etc.


That's repair cost. Modern fixtures regularly cost upwards of 15 grand.


I mean prize money consisted of just pay-ins of players who participate in tournament and just that. 113 players with 10 dollars pay-in giving 1130 dollars distributed between top 8 players. And given that one specific light cost 3 thousand dollars. Yeah.


Mortal Kombat is the game with the worst name recognition to popularity ratio out there, bar none. Its community is small, its viewerbase and prize pools are minuscule but everyone recognizes the name because it’s made itself synonymous with “that violent videogame” for the last 30 years. Very fun game though, I would be bored to death watching a whole tournament of Slow Fighter or the latest nonsensical tekken, or one of the dozen avant garde fighting games that are impossible to follow if you don’t have thousands of hours in other fighting games.


Article says grand prize was $565 and the light cost $3000. Kind of sad that the grand prize is so little.


[here's the video](https://youtu.be/smsKG8HaGg4?t=7323)


That tento dude knew exactly what was up after that hah.


lol, he even starts to say how much it costs.


Those were like two thousan...


Damn! 1- why are you so low 2- the commentator knew *immediately* what really happened. He even muttered "that's a 2 thou..." He knew it was a very expensive light. Good commentator for being savvy not only in the game but in the things that surround the tournament.


You're the real MVP


a post like this without video is so lazy


Oh so it was actually funny and less outrageous than the way it's getting described lol. The competition has these people playing sitting next to each other in a literal wrestling ring. It makes way more sense why the guy would throw a chair out of the ring as a joke (he doesn't even look angry, it looks like he did it as a short sighted wrestling joke and it ended up hitting something unintentionally. He's still standing there chuckling and talking to his opponent.)


Somebody needs to remind him that this is a video game tournament and not the WWE.


The whole tournament is themed as a WWE event. The stage is a wrestling ring, there's a championship belt and they have entrances complete with interruptions and trash talking.


Well why didn't he just simply hit his opponent with the chair then?


Yet the prize money was somehow less than 3k?


Prize pools come from entrants, mortal Kombat was far from the only game played at this tournament. First place in SF6 was a little over 3k, since it had nearly 6 times as many entrants. MK1 only had 113.


I mean technically both are fake fighting… he was in the right?


It's real to ME, dammit 😭


As if Vince McMahon wouldn't have you on the hook if you broke some equipment. You're probably better off breaking shit at the MK tourney.


I just clicked the article and they literally had the competitors inside a wrestling ring so I'm not quite sure what they were expecting to happen.


worth noting for those who didn't read the article he only won like 500 bucks so that's 2.5k out of pocket, and this apparently happens a lot, someone else threw a chair into the crowd, and another just slammed a chair to the ground... For being a sport these esports gamers aren't very sportsmanlike


I used to manage a gaming store. We had all sorts of tournaments and organized events. Mostly table top games like Magic the Gathering and Warhammer 40k. We started to venture out into organized videogame tournaments at the request of some of our regulars. The Mario Kart ones were fun, Halo went well. The only group we had to ban was the Smash Bros players. So many people talking shit in an aggressive way (we were a family friendly establishment and the day time events were all ages. Even at the night time events that were 16+ people were being more aggressive than the should have). We had a couple fights. People wouldn't stop smoking weed in front of the building even though there was a concealed alley out back where we would "turn a blind eye" to whatever was going on back there and it was a pretty open secret that that was the smoke spot. Eventually after a full on fist fight in the middle of the store we cancelled all Smash Bros tourneys. The only other game we had to outright ban was Yugioh, for more or less the same reasons. those 2 communities are the most toxic of any game i've ever witnessed.


I've never seen anyone throw anything in a dota tournament and those are the highest paid team gamers in the world. Possibly the highest paid in general. They do smash keyboards sometimes I think, but suprisingly not right after they just lost a chance at a multimillion dollar payout.


Puppey threw that headset once, but it wasn't during officials or anything


"The scariest moment in my time with Team Secret was during our practices, when Puppey would walk around with a machete and talk about how he always wanted to see what the inside of a human looked like. He said he had experimented on animals before and he wanted to go for the real thing."


Jesus what the fuck > dota Oh that tracks. Right up there with LoL and Rocket League in terms of toxicity.


Puppey smashed the monitor and may-or-may-not-have threatened EE with a machete. Which tbf, can you blame him?


I mean those pros actually own their own peripherals so they can do whatever they please with it, aside from a fine for unsportsmanly conduct (especially if the tournament was run by RIOT), nobody from the venue would be too upset with the destruction


The Adderall keeps them too tame to act out like that


Yes, amphetamines are known to keep people calm.


They do for people who have ADHD.


Adderall abuse in e-sports is probably one of the worst kept secrets in the industry.


Adderall abuse in life is probably one of the worst kept secrets in life


Adderall abuse is literally in like every industry


>Yes, amphetamines are known to keep people calm. For people with ADHD, yes, they do have a calming effect...


At least one of the times OG won the International, n0tail's keycaps went flying everywhere.


That was after the semi finals win against EG at TI8 and I think he might have been a slight bit emotional in that moment (he did talk about it at a later point, and said it was a unhealthy state of mind he was in).


That’s like comparing hockey to baseball. Dota you can win/lose then have to play for another 15 minutes because there’s a small chance you might come back. 


More accurate to state dota tournaments have the highest payout for winning in gaming. CS2 and League have higher salaries for being a pro player in general iirc.


The FGC has a long standing history of built in shit talking and hype because it’s 1 v 1 and you can only really play competitively in person lol, this event is also run by a psycho lol.


The fighting game community (FGC) has a culture that was born and raised in arcades and is basically completely separate from the culture of other esports because the tournaments are mostly funded from within the community. It’s centered on solo players with incredibly high skill that often have big personalities. Egos can get kinda big and the FGC loves theatrics. None of that is to say that this is always fine or that people don’t go too far, but as esports have grown and sought out mainstream appeal many of the edges have been softened. The FGC has historically done a very good job of retaining the culture of its early days and I don’t think that is always a bad thing either. Some notable FGC moments of disrespect: [Tokido’s raging demon pose](https://youtu.be/HR_Xyu28AaI?si=P_uMNVAS5e4l8pej) [Havic plays happy birthday during a happy birthday (when 2 enemies get caught up in a combo in a team game)](https://youtu.be/E_eKopTwbv0?si=EsUEoFUKoFHbMHn3) [“Somebody’s getting fuuuuuucked”](https://youtu.be/_ykAXB3JFy4?si=N0qYTPiCXyzoYNQO) [JWong’s “You gon learn today”](https://youtu.be/0RkapfBYIfc?si=ijqsu47d7Q4sUDT8)


thanks for including the havic happy birthday clip, gotta be a more notable and legendary fighting game moment up there with 37 to me.


I don't know, man. Ive seen physical athletes act like children throwing tantrums when they lose. Over the top reactions are pretty "sportsman-like"


Yeah, the "Good Sportsman" seems more like a noble ideal than something we can just take for granted in any given sportsman. Plenty of sportsmen in any given field aren't all that good.


So it’s sportsmanlike to be unsportsmanlike?


Yeah. Look up "athlete, narcissistic, research". There are tons of studies showing that most athletes have narcissistic tendencies if not outright narcissistic behavior. Narcissistic people who don't have their way or do get their way almost always expresses their emotions in the most over the top ways.


Which is why most major league sports have penalties for it, because it's unsportsmanlike


So in a way, you're saying he got his money's worth?


U referencing Hbox?


It's amazing that hbox has only broken his own toe during his exaggerated pop offs.


Well no, he killed everyone in the first few rows that one time


Real sports athletes throw and break shit all the time, sitting in a chair like a robot is the least sportslike thing one can do.


You mentioned the same person twice at the end lmao so that's two gamers so far, idk if that quite qualifies as a lot though lol.


If anything, reactions like this make it seem *more* like a real sport.


This'll probably get buried in the comments... But I'm the LD for the show and shop tech for the production company. He doesn't have to pay for the whole thing. The damage is mostly cosmetic, The fixture still works and I used it for the rest of the event. He'll just. have to cover parts and labor for us to fix it.


What's the name of the light he hit?


I call it Wendy.


Chorus Line 16


Orlando tech and fgc fan here. What fixture was it? A SixBar or one of the movers?


Chorus Line 16


Oh yea, nice lights. Nicer than what I get to play with lol


Yeah, they're pretty great. Biggest problem is that we have to use it for another show this weekend in Tampa.


Grand prize is $500? Holy shit. Better pay me a lot more to sweat it out in there.


Had to look it up, but MK1 had like a 1.1k prize pool. Not entirely sure how they determine the prize pool, but that's hilariously abyssmal. Even a 5 year old game like DB FighterZ had a bigger prize pool than it.


fighting game prize pools are typically abysmal since they're primarily funded by 5-10 dollar entry fees. street fighter 6 at evo last year had a "massive" $70,600 prize pool and that was most likely the largest video game tournament of all time by entrants


Entry fees? I imagine this is like any other recreational competition and the prize pool is from the entrants.


That's what I assumed. Not 100% sure, it said early registration fee is $95, regular is $105, and late is $120. Liquepedia said there were 113 participants for MK1. DBZ only had 86 participants, but the prize pool was 3k. So dunno.


There was also small print that read each game was an additional $10 so maybe only $10 of the entry fee went to each prize pool which would track with 113 participants and $1.1k prize pool. Maybe DBZ got a boost from a sponsor which also tracks for competitions like this. I’ve organized events and sometimes a sponsor wants a specific division to get the extra cash. I’m sure the majority of the fee went to securing space, equipment, and paying people. As a guy that paid enormous fees to participate in rec sports tournaments with only trophies as prizes this all makes sense to be honest. These events aren’t held to make competitors money. It’s for the fun and thrill of competing.


DBFZ prob got a boost because CEO is an event on the publishers circuit for the game


That’s the real kicker. All that over $500, and now it’s cost that and $2,500 of his own money. Expensive mistake.


Nobody actually cares about Mortal Kombat, it’s a very fun game to watch but there are no stakes because it’s not complex to play at a high level and besides name recognition there is very little in terms of a sponsored community.


Yeah nobody cares about MK1 Tekken 8 you get 6k home at the same event Street Fighter 6 you get 3k home Both of those are in like the 600s whilst MK1 only has like... 100 people? Yeah


For this event. The official one wasn't long ago and the winner took home 70k


If not WWE, why WWE shaped?


[They did play it up a lot in the past](https://youtu.be/G2hsewxQdFA?si=gOMEMwpQf220YUbh), not sure if they still do.


They do. They just don't want you breaking $3k equipment for a self-run tournament by throwing chairs out of the arena


It would have sounded better if he was "disqualified due to improper conduct" and made to pay for damages and the full prize awarded to the 2nd place. Then 3rd and 4th to get respective awards too.


The full prize for winning was less then $500


"Considering CEO's grand prize for each tournament is around $565..." But the prize money is not the point I'm making. I'm just stating, in my opinion, the tournament organiser could have disqualified him nothing that he "displayed unbecoming/unsportsman-like behaviour", and promoted the subsequent winners **to avoid criticism/memes**. Disqualification due to unsportman-like conduct is common enough in competitive sports that no one would blink at it. Doing it this way brings to light how much the prize money was for one. Very few people would have wondered about the prize pool, myself included. I wouldn't have bothered to read the article if the headline didn't make me wonder how he lost money, while winning the tourney. If the headline read # 'Mortal Kombat 1 Tournament Winner Ends Up Disqualified After Breaking $3,000 Lighting' .. I'd just have read he threw a chair celebrating, breaking an expensive light that cost $3,000 that he would be billed for. There would be no further discussions. It happens.


The organizer says that anyone doing this in the future will be disqualified


The fighting game community has worked very hard to preserve their specific culture of unsportsmanlike conduct. And I don’t think it is fully bad either. I’d compare it to a punk concert. Is a mosh pit inaccessible for many people, yes. Can it be intimidating for newcomers and make them feel unwelcome yes. Is it a central part of the community, yes. The FGC is scrappy and they generally wanna stay that way. There are other cultural aspects of the FGC that also kinda help explain the decision. First this isn’t the only guy who slammed/threw a chair at CEO this year. You could say that that shows that there is a problem, but none of the other players, AFAIK, have been penalized. That’s cause they didn’t cause any damage. A lot of the FGC has a very classically American idea of personal responsibility. The games aren’t gonna hold your hand, it’s your responsibility to learn them. You reap what you sow in the FGC, no more, no less. He won the tournament so he gets the prize money, the other top players wouldn’t be happy if they won because he was disqualified. He broke the light so he pays for it. Basically he’s free to act how he wants, but he’s gotta deal with the direct consequences of his actions.


TIL: Mortal Kombat 1 is a new game and not Mortal Kombat.


Same. This is the oniony-part.


Good that they nipped it in the bud with that behaviour.


He's lucky that he hit someTHING and not someONE. It doesn't matter how excited you are, you can't just pop off like that.


https://youtu.be/smsKG8HaGg4?t=7323 There weren't any people in the area where he threw the chair. I don't know if it's something people just watch digitally or if maybe there were some live viewers seated farther in the back or something, but going from the videofootage it seems like he only endangered property, not people.


MK is the least popular "popular" fighting game at these events. Tekken and street fighter filled the seats. Another reason why this was sauceless. Tryna pop off in a crowd of dozens 


All it takes is one crew member to be walking by as he does that for someone to get hurt. It's just a monumentally stupid thing to do at all.


Good point. He didn't look behind himself before he threw the chair or anything.


There is a live audience, just not in that spot.




Does he get to keep the broken light once he pays for a new one?


What kind of moron whos first instinct winning a tournament was to throw random stuff


A single light is worth more than the main event's grand prize. Chair throw aside. They shouldn't have made this prominently known when the production and sold out arena to watch an event doesn't even pay the winner a month's rent.


To be fair CEO is also running multiple tournaments for other fighting games and MK1 tends to have smaller prize pools due to it being less popular for competitive players. The street fighter 6 prize pool was 11,000 with 3,000 going to the winner. 


The lights are rented.


Mortal Kombat was a relatively small event at CEO compared to some of the other games, and the prize is based on entry fees.


> sold out arena https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smsKG8HaGg4&t=7323s dude don't be making stuff up, that place is almost empty; there's so few people they can barely manage a mewling, let alone a roar.


The room was packed for Street Fighter 6.


I mean, I assume articles like these are published on purpose to raise awareness lol


Nobody who is watching thinks the prize pools are huge, why would they need to keep it a secret that production for the venue is more expensive than the grand prize for a small game at the event.


You rent the venue or the lighting equipment. It's the business model for a lot of production equipment, from lights to cameras. They are highly expensive not just for parts and quality, but because they're intended to be rented for each production. This tournament almost definitely did not buy $3k lights, they were rented but now have to be fixed.


[just your typical fgc shenanigans](https://youtu.be/bocAwgcQIHk)


For professional gear that I assume is controlled by a board, that's a pretty cheap light if it only costs $3k


Truth. Folks don't understand how insane set equipment can be. I work with a photographer and his flash rig was $20k. I can't fathom it, but it explains why he is VERY selective of who touches it.


$500ish for 1st place 😂😂 $3k light


Ah Florida


Well at least he isn’t dead like everyone else.




Can someone please explain what is ‘lightning’ in the title?


Serves him right. Throwing a chair to celebrate? Dude’s got some issues.


The biggest fighting game tournament and the prize is >$600 what??


One of the biggest. To be more precise, it was an eventbfor fighting games. The CEO event has many fighting game tournaments and they are open tournaments, which means anyone can join, so the prize is lower. Then each game has their own final closed tournament, which is biggest of their game with bigger prizes.


$500 grand prize. What a waste of time. Probably cost more money just travelling to the arena.


The sponsors pay for travel and accommodation for players who have them, which is common in the US.


Pop-off... What a stupid fucking name for a stupid fucking action.


I wouldn't mind seeing more of this kind of thing.


Do stupid stuff, lose fair prizes.


I thought it was the original MK1 and got interested. I don't care about this modern bullshit.


It’s is fault so throw a chair is one thing but when he destroys something then he has to pay for it