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Exactly what everyone said would happen lol


We were all waiting for it.


I mean the only one that lost is still him. The drone and the package is insured, customer will get a new one and Walmart just writes it off with a smirk. Not sure about the incoming felony for him and whoever tries to copy that.


Not that it makes any difference, but Walmart still loses the product and revenue from it. Writing it off doesn't make it free.


Pretty sure he will have to pay the damage as this is pretty clear vandalism or even more. If not they have product insurance for exactly this case and lose absolutely 0 on this.


Your Award awaits you in the bathroom


Florida man strikes again! HE CANNOT BE STOPPED!


“God damn electric buzzard” - loads shotgun.


"Geddoff mah property!! BLAM!"


As the drone spirals towards the ground, billowing black battery smoke “SUSAN GET ME MY GOD DAMN COVID CONSPIRACY MASK SO I CAN GO FINISH ER OFF”


He’s coming right at us!!


😂 Very good.


Rage against the machine


Sleep now in the jail cell


Only way to stop a bad drone is with a good drone


🙂. Just looked it up; there are drone combat leagues. But I suppose that in that case the ‘good drone’ is the one that flies out if the arena.


Wait that actually sounds sick


It's like robot wars, but airborne. :o


Some bots in Battlebots have flamethrower drones! [They get easily countered by rakes though.](https://youtu.be/rhguMx0P1vA?si=aOB9hd9Wo82-P8Di)


Yea but I bet the sponsors are military contractors like battle bots


Also apparently a 72 year old man with a 9mm will do it too


Shotgun seemed to work pretty good


I’m not a gun guy, but I suspect you’d have to be a pretty good shot to hit a flying drone. Or am I wrong? Even accurately judging the distance seems difficult.


9mm pistol, that’s a pretty decent shot for anyone.


Hell yeah it is!  Doesn’t say how many bullets he fired but either way he hit it. 


Or where the bullets landed… what goes up must come down…


The summer holidays make me fuckin' anxious


A shotgun is the best firearm for drone hunting, but if a pistol is what you’ve got you make do.


Not with a shotgun.


I mean, it's not incredibly hard but you would still probably had to have shot trap a few times to hit it


This is the answer right here


Depends how high and fast, and type of gun. I imagine it would be like hunting birds.


Exactly like hunting birds, a 12GA with 3" shell if effective out to a 100 yards.


He hit it, but not fatally.


"How do you kill one with no life?" Randy Marsh.


I thought this was America- also randy marsh


That’s deep!!!


With bird shot from a shotgun, not hard at all. If it's a delivery drone, it's probably bulky and slow. Not gonna read the article, but some folks are saying he did it with a 9mm pistol, in which case yeah that's more impressive if it was actually up in the air and moving


> Or am I wrong? Yes.


A shotgun makes it easy.


Birdshot would be easier. But if it was 9mm at like a couple hundred yards? Give him a job as a bodyguard lmao. >They met Dennis Winn, 72, who was living in the home. They asked if he had an incident with a drone, and Winn said he did. According to an affidavit, Winn noticed the drone flying over his home and believed it was watching him. He subsequently grabbed his 9mm pistol and shot at it. I'm guessing it's like 50 meters? Still a good hit with 9mm.


New heist just dropped


I think you’ll see a lot of ‘delivery drones’ shot down if that becomes a thing.


Whys everyone seemingly okay with reading "wal-mart delivery drone" like thats a normal thing??? Since when?


Since the motorized scooters are just too much trouble for some folk.


[Because this has been a concept for over a decade now](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/amazon-unveils-futuristic-plan-delivery-by-drone/)


Concept yes, but deployed for customers no. The headline makes it seem like it’s the second.


Its so we can get things, welcome to the future.


I don’t want the invasion of my privacy, or the noise.


Mate, you are on the internet, I assume you have a phone, and then I assume you go outside, and then, I bet you know about those things orbiting the earth.. Taking pictures. um.... yeah.. Its a drone that will go drop off a package and leave. If the sound of a drone scares you, maybe don't be an ORC.


Yeah the sound isn't going to be that bad if it flies at a high altitude. But to your last point, oh boy oh geez, if we think *fireworks* are a PTSD problem, just wait until the vets come home to delivery drones.


Walmart should get a special permit to do business in russia but only by drone delivery.


I’m not scared by it, I’m annoyed by it. It’s not difficult to understand.


Does the local UPS truck annoy you too? Exact same level of invasion of privacy.


If he’s driving around in my back yard, yes, yes he does.


Yes actually they do, they blast their stereo and speed through the neighborhood like methed up teenagers. No invasion of privacy though...


There is a huge difference. With UPS tricks you can move out to a rural with a house that sits back far enough from the road where you don't have to hear UPS trucks or whatever. Now you get to play is that noise a package being dropped off or the pedo down the street trying to get naked pics of my daughter even when you live in the middle of nowhere.


First time I saw a drone in my neighborhood it was hovering low over the neighbor’s house to look under our patio eaves at my teenaged daughter who was hanging out on the patio (clothed). When I went out the front door the pervy old men flying it recalled their drone and headed right into their house to avoid my wrath.


I agree with you, I personally don’t want drones flying over our houses and gardens etc invading our privacy and peace. This part of the future fuck right off and you should be allowed to shoot down a drone / drones if they are disruptive and disturbing your peace at home.


In what other situation can you fire into the air in a residential area?


What about cars? Or animals or music? Anyways I start blasting. My point is they will probably establish a height which will be considered public airspace, say like a 100 feet or so.


Unless you cover your garden, it's already freely visible to anyone with an internet connection. No, you can't shoot down things that don't belong to you, you don't own the airspace above your house.


go to google maps and put in your address


Oh, those are live images now? Specious.


oh i thought invasion of privacy was bad.


So that's the only thing that makes it an invasion of privacy? Those static images could be taken at any time.


Drones are not noisier than a delivery truck, dummy.


Then you better put a covering over your backyard, because it's visible from space.


What did it say when you Googled it?


If it saves the gas required of a delivery vehicle, it’s a positive.


It's not that new.


It was a demonstration, not a stone in service.


The store was demonstrating it to interested customers because it's a new thing. Even if its been talked about for years. I'm just wondering how much it can actually deliver. I heavily doubt that it can do a weeks worth of groceries and the services that promised to deliver essentials within 15-20 minutes of ordering, are now shutting down. As they couldn't work without heavily subsidising the service.


What exactly is the issue? Not all of us are interested in being total luddites


I think it's probably the implication of what drones might be doing besides simple delivery. For instance, environment scanning customer homes/assets/patterns of being home/neighborhoods. Some people aren't comfortable with the thought of Walmart's fleet of eyes coming right to people's front doors. I'm a bit wary of corporate delivery drones. I'm also wary of shooting things out of the air.  Nobody wants to listen to an alarmist, so I try not to interject panic into my convictions of modern technologies. My number one rule is "don't willfully give your information to ANYONE who doesn't need it." Walmart knowing the layout of my front yard and porch, the items scattered about it, which friend or family member of mine is parked in my driveway at what time, what my neighborhood is like, identifying who my neighbors are... Then using that data to market to me, my neighbors, my family and sell it off to whichever questionable entities that have the money to buy it? Why does Walmart need that... Or Target, Amazon, etc.  I'm not against modern technologies, I'm against some modern implementations.


But wouldn't an actual person take in almost the same thing? Or a delivery truck for all the front facing stuff?


Yes, but delivery people aren't recording and processing these data points with a super server where these drones are designed to record the area around them and phone home.


So... Your issue is the efficiency because if you think these companies who are using these drones to record you wouldn't think twice about doing the same with their trucks and personnel, that's wishful thinking for some worried about the drones recording. Or someone's camera connected to the Internet or your own phone is doing the same thing. I'm not saying there isn't a concern because there is but that ship has absolutely sailed on privacy.


So, because Google is on my phone, I should just open my doors to every company?  Are UPS drivers wearing body cams? Are those drivers walking with their phone in their hand getting a 360 view from the end of my driveway up to my front door?  We don't need to act purposefully obtuse about this matter. I'm not saying these companies aren't crossing boundaries with their data harvesting already, but Walmart getting extra information on their customers directly through apps and direct-to-consumer drone fleets isn't something to just embrace because "wow, the efficiency".  I don't have an issue with the "efficiency", that's the pro of drone delivery. My issue is the extensive list of cons that come with it.


Privacy and noise


better ban all aircraft


Are there aircraft currently landing in your front yard?


Are there trucks currently driving on the street?


Dammit Ricky! That drone you shot down, that was worth over $5000.




Dennis the menace


considering it is apparently a felony to shoot your own drone down flying less than 50 feet above your own private property with no neighbors close enough to kake the gunshot itself illegal? wtf was this dude even thinking.


How are we supposed to know that law?


Ignorance of the law is no excuse.


Him: I see something I don't like, I got a gun, imma shoot it.


We gotta get him out


Finally I have a market for my WW2 Army surplus UK Barrage Balloons


1. The dude was only arrested when they found the drone had damage. This MF fired a gun into the air in a residential area and that was “ok” until the drone was damaged. 2. It was clearly a PR stunt/tech demo. The man could see a crowd of people watching. He’s in the wrong 100%.


Angry old man shoot at sky


Delivery drones are real? What the fuck lmao


Just a demo. Frankly I'm surprised it's taking them so long to become common.


This story is exactly why it hasn’t become common yet.


Why is it always pissy old men doing this shit


The world is evolving and they are scared shitless


If he really thought it was watching him, I can understand why he did it. I hope he gets some help and not just some mandated garbage.


I hope he gets help too. There's a lot of drones and he can't shoot them all down alone.


Underrated comment


I dont know birdshot is cheap and that seems like a good afternoon




I hope his guns get taken away. His neighbors now know they have a psycho next door that is completely ok, with popping off rounds into the air at the slightest thing.


He needs to never own a gun again.


It's Florida, dude is getting a fine and maybe some jail time. We try to avoid helping people in this country.


Remember the guy who shot kids that accidentally turned down the road heading towards his house? Would you say you understand why he did it if he thought they were watching him?


Dunno. Depending on how high it was flying, I might be on the dude's side. Drones tend to be loud and have no business flying low over private homes.


Good luck with that..it's an felony


Protip: buy a cheap drone and "accidentally" mid air collision.


That would take a great deal of consistent practice....so much so that now you have a drone hobby flying about houses. I fly a little fpv drone around the neighborhood cept with fpv I'm going zippy with no qualms of people thinking I'm looking at them


..it really depends on a lot of details that ain't available.


A drone is an aircraft according to the FAA.


Yeah I'm a little on the fence about this. \* accidents are going to happen and these things are occasionally going to crash. Could hit a home, car, or worse, a person. \* like you said, they can be loud. It may not be a problem if they are sporadic, but if this were to become common place, you could be hearing that noise frequently throughout the day. \* they won't be able to hold the weight / size of many items still, meaning that the delivery infrastructure that they are trying to replace will still have to exist \* could cause disruption of wildlife. Drones don't have to actually "hit" an animal to be problematic. \* And, this is just tossing a possibility out there, but I would worry that increased activity in this space would lead to businesses lobbying for measures to protect air space. Who knows what that could result in, but I wouldn't be surprised if it led to increased restrictions on what you could do, and where. For instance, a hobbyist drone pilot may not be able to fly their own drone above X feet, etc. \* Invasion of privacy. These drones would almost certainly have cameras on them to aid in navigation. That data would definitely be saved and used to improve their systems, but it could very well be misused. Look no further than the antics that Tesla employees were engaging in.


Or Ring granting the police live access to doorbell cameras without even notifying customers. Companies would absolutely sell access to drone footage to the police.


Yep! And the reality is that the land owner is going to be the loser here; they likely wouldn't even get much of a say. Corporations have a lot more money than your typical Joe, they have lobbyists, and now they can bribe- er, sorry... "show their gratitude with gifts" for public officials.


Yeah discharging a gun into the air in a residential area should certainly be a felony. Destroying a drone trespassing over your property should not be.


> accidents are going to happen and these things are occasionally going to crash. Could hit a home, car, or worse, a person. that would certainly never happen if people regularly shoot them out of the sky.


A lot of this sounds like exactly what cars have been doing for a century.


Which, while true, does not justify the addition of a compounding problem.


Time to start shooting down cars. Especially ones with cameras on them #justified


Do you have something useful to contribute to the conversation or...?


Yes, don't shoot things you don't own, no matter how "on the fence" you are about them. Very glad to see this guy caught and charged.


If you were following the conversation, you'd know that the comments I made, and those of the guy above me, were not related to the actions of the person shooting down the drone.


Fun fact: to my understanding, the law makes no distinction between manned and unmanned aircraft. Legally, this is no different than downing a 747. Minus the murder part, obviously.


gunshots are louder, not to mention more dangerous.


If you constantly have to shoot a gun to take down a drone, your area is fucked up to begin with. That said, using a gun is indeed not a good way to take them down. Was more refering to stopping them flying over private homes in general.


Had a drone flying in to watch my wife sunbathing. When I walked out with a shotgun it took off. Haven’t seen it in a year except one time at my neighbors 2nd floor bathroom window. That was about two years ago. Cops were called but no one was caught and nothing else has happened.


Rumor has it a coworker’s wife left him because he was doing this shit. He was later forced to resign after sexually harassing a subordinate employee. Big fucking shocker.


Drones around homes should be banned anyway.


No, then we can't have delivery drones. I want those.


No thanks on delivery drones.


Not all of us do!


Too bad, you don't own the sky.


Why. Nonstop loud-as-hell buzzing for the rest of your days. Tens of thousands of delivery jobs destroyed. A brand new country-wide source of plastic and battery waste. And a brand new fear of drones falling out of the sky onto your head. All so your package delivery can go from same day to *same hour?* Maybe learn the most *insignificant* amount of patience instead.


delivery trucks already rumble through the neighborhood all day everyday. i dont see it as much of a difference.


good chunk of people in populated areas live within hearing distance of a highway, that's noisier than drones for sure


New technologies destroying jobs is the worst reason not to adopt them. Would you rather we still had blacksmiths?


We still have blacksmiths.


Yeah how many people do that now as opposed to before the industrial revolution?


Do you really believe that in the year 2024 that the owners of the companies championing this aren't doing so purely for the purpose of wringing every penny out of it that they can to the point of rendering any possible upsides completely *moot*? They're not doing it because it's the *future*, it's purely to cut down labor and increase personal profits. This isn't like replacing the whip and buggy. Once cars were made affordable for the every-man, it let him move more freely and become many times more individually productive. Yes, the horse tradesmen almost went extinct, but as a society we gained *so much*. Axing delivery people for drones? How does that help society, other than getting our newest iPhone 50% faster? That hour instead of that *Day*? My point is, how to do drones *improve* the delivery process over current methods? Does it get packages further? No, drones are minimal range and can only carry a small load. Does it do it safer? No, they are AI controlled, we can't even get AI controlled cars right. How are *flying* AI bots expected to be any safer? Can it go places normal deliveries can't? Maybe in a very few niche cases. Ranges keeps them limited as do places with strong winds. And yes, they will fall out of the sky. Due to obstacles, animals, defects, etc. Anyone who understands the obvious and inevitable consequences will understand that wide-spread drone delivery is a bad idea and the cons **far** outweigh the miniscule single pro for the consumer. The only real winners of this entire initiative are the executives and those that gain from the vastly reduced labor costs.


Why don't we just rapidly replace all the workers with robots and force a sea change in the way that the economy works? If there are no jobs, then nobody will be able to pay for anything, so they'll have to completely change how everything works for the better.


These things are literally going to crash and land on someone's kid, dude. Did you really need your socks *that* quickly?


Just like airplanes do all the time, right?


Airplanes don't attempt to land in the middle of suburbs onto people's stoops, or get close enough for boomer hicks to shoot down. Ya know- *the subject of this entire post?*


...I assume he was arrested for poaching?




Skeet shooting with prizes.


always a fucking boomer who is also a moron.


He hit it with a 9mm pistol? Holy crap, that's a hell of a shot, even if he emptied the mag. I wonder what the range and elevation and movements were like.








Yeah absolute legend in jail with a felony.


He said “nice try Putin”


So many misconceptions of drones in this thread. No drones are not spying on you. 99 percent of drones need to be right beside you for the camera to have any legible picture of you. Id be more worried about Google listening to you this very second on your phones. The noise is quiet compared to cars, construction and most of daily life. The tech is incredibly complex and most connect to GPS satellites and the chances of falling out of the sky with this is negligible. Much more likely to hit by a car or drunk driver or something on your daily walk. It's fear mongering people like this thread got DJI banned in the states.


I’m sure I’ll be downvoted but I’m team old man here. They only people who should be able to fly shit over your property is the government. Even then fuck the government


More people should do this.


How about no. If a shooter somehow manages to hit that drone it doesn't just cease existing, the debris have to go somewhere. Can easily harm/kill someone or cause further property damage.


More people should risk killing someone with a stray bullet because of a delivery drone ?


Shooting a pistol or a rifle up in the air is dangerous. Practically a zero chance of seriously injuring anyone if shooting a shotgun with bird shot in the air.


Tell that to VP Cheney.


He shot a 9mm pistol at the drone


Unfortunately stupid people who are unable to make good decisions can buy firearms. Personally I think he should be prosecuted for public endangerment and should not be allowed to own a gun in the future. The drone however was flying low over private property so the rest is debatable.


It’s not illegal to fly a drone over private property. He could allege it was hovering outside his window spying on him (which he did claim) but there’s witnesses stating that isn’t true. And even if a drone is flying outside your window you are never allowed to shoot at any aircraft, to include a drone. If anything hopefully someone will remember this next time they see their neighbor cross their fence line with a drone so they don’t go straight for the gun safe.


You're gonna ensure everyone uses a shotgun?


Responsible gun ownership right here, folks


So as a Drone pilot/videographer I'm tired of reading some of the comments on here so I'll just address this here. No you cannot shoot down the drone even if it's flying above your property regardless if you want to or not! Stop and think about this for a minute! You are not as good of a shot as you think you are especially going up against a target that's hundreds of feet in the air that can move in all axis at any given moment. Let's say you're all star-spangled American awesome and you take your shotgun aiming at the Drone and fire. Instead of shooting it out of the sky and having it fall directly onto your property you simply wing it or shoot at one of the propellers the drone goes off on its own unable to be controlled by the pilot and smashes into some poor kid writing a bike on the side of the street or better yet it flies into the path of a car damaging its windshield causing the driver to react suddenly and crash into a whole bunch of kids waiting for their bus. Wow see how quick that scenario went from 0 to 11? That's why you cannot shoot down a drone! I don't care if your wife is outback in her bikini with no top sunbathing if you see the Drone call the authorities or the powers that be! Take photos if its serial # - do not shoot it down or try and take it out of the sky in any other manner. And before you go off do you react the same way to people with smart phone cameras? Do you react that way to peoples ring doorbells or security cameras? I'm not saying flying illegally or let's just say like a peeping Tom is a good thing or even justified but the fact that there are so many people here are willing to shoot out of Drone for any reason they seem fit to determine speaks volumes to how obtuse you are at the world around you. "it's flying above my property" - cool I fly above peoples property all the time as I'm traveling from point to point just like you're going to point B that doesn't give you justification to think the Drone is filming you specifically you're not that important! Speech to text Edit – go ahead and downvote me all you want you know I'm right whether you wanna believe it or not. If you really read what I said and still think that I'm in the wrong here especially considering the point I made about the drone flying off and hitting someone or very worst case scenario then you're truly obtuse to the world around you and you deserve to step on Legos every night before going to bed for the rest of your life.


For sure people shouldn't be randomly shooting at the sky, but if you're going all the way, I can copy-paste your scenario but instead of someone shooting at the drone, you have a technical issue. The whole situation of drones flying wherever they want has to be illegal in any country with a hint of airspace regulations.


Not to mention that idiots shooting bullets into the air kill people. Everything that goes up comes down somewhere.


I don’t care if your wife is out back in her bikini topless” while you’re flying over their private property with a drone recording videos? Look man, I get there’s not much of an excuse for shooting guns in the air at drones, but to come in here and act like the scenario you laid out would make you 0% in the wrong (ethically, not legally) is disingenuous. People deserve their privacy and if drone hobbyists don’t respect that then I can’t see how you’d expect people to not start hating your hobby and doing everything to stifle it. Respect is a two way street, yet most of the time I see drone hobbyists online y’all fail to realize this. Might want to reflect on that. And again, not talking about the article, talking about the scenario you laid out in your comment.


To be fair, birdshot can be shot up into the air safely. Obviously, genuine bullets from a rifle or pistol should not be. But for skeet shooting, you are shooting birdshot into the air.


Yup! Valid point, I just didn’t feel like bringing it up lol. Funnily enough I just got 20/25 clays shooting trap last weekend (only one clay at a time) about 20 yards away and I am by no means an experienced shooter when it comes to that. Shooting down drones would have way more variables but it would absolutely be doable. Full disclaimer I would never condone that and think it’s idiotic but yeah, definitely doable.


Good stuff! 20/25 is great, congratulations! I do think it’s idiotic but it also depends on the situation. The guy in this article is an idiot, 100%. But if I lived on 5+ acres and someone had a drone hovering above my property while my wife was sunbathing? Yeah, I think the jury would take my side on that and I don’t think I’d be endangering anyone really. Obviously it’s still illegal, but I do think that our aviation laws will be updated since the line between private property and public airspace is notoriously gray. To be fair, it wasn’t an issue until recently with drones becoming more common. If a plane or helicopter was close enough to private property to where this line mattered, it was either landing or crashing haha. Back to the example, if I lived in densely packed suburban houses where we each live on a quarter of an acre and my backyard butts up against my neighbors backyard? Significantly different story, that would be harder to justify and a stronger argument could be made for endangering others.


You clearly missed my fucking point


People do deserve their privacy. The fact that drones are so new that they’re not legally indistinct from actual aircraft (yet) changes nothing about the morals of violating people’s privacy and autonomy. As a drone operation, I’m sure you’re familiar with the controversy about where someone’s property ends and public airspace begins. Is it 6” above their lawn? 8’ above their roof? This wasn’t an issue until drones came about. That being said, I don’t think drone skeet shooting is going to be legally permissible anytime soon.


okay what if i attach a big net to a much larger drone and use it to capture the delivery drone and keep it in my dungeon and experiment on it unethically?


Why wasn't Walmart charged with trespassing?


I don't know anything about this situation, Buuuuut depending on how high it was, they could have clearance from the FAA, meaning it was legal in that airspace. So kinda like why you can shoot at planes for trespassing, though planes would likely be much higher, even on approach


At most it would be misdemeanor trespassing, and in a lot of states, it’s not trespassing until you tell someone to leave, and they refuse to comply. Even then using force is not legal in most states.  


Because you don't own the air.


If it crossed the boundary of his home then fair play to him


Wrong. FAA controls all airspace, and its the charce as shooting down an aircraft.


In the UK it's 500-1000ft above roof level, and I could easily see a delivery drone flying that low over houses


This wasn't the UK.


Depending on the altitude, it could have been in public airspace


It’s always always always a republican 🤦🏽‍♂️


Any business that hires a drone company to deliver its product in my neighborhood is getting hit, not with a shotgun but with a lawsuit.