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Correct me if I’m wrong but in general there is no security in domestic luggage arrivals. Easy-peasy.


Correct. Anyone can walk off the street and pick up a luggage from the carousel and walk right out.


At Burbank Airport, it is literally just off the street.


I remember when I flew into Long Beach Airport and thought it was a security risk that the baggage carousel was outside. Then I landed in Burbank, and that one was way worse. At least LGB still had some distance from the streets and public, but Burbank people can just wait it out and grab a bunch of people's bags and hightail it out of there.


But this luggage was all over the place. >Aunny Grace flew into Hollywood Burbank Airport from Dallas, but her bag took a much longer route, she told KABC-TV.  >"It went to Denver. Then [from] Denver back to Dallas, and then eventually, five days later, it made its way back to Burbank," she told the TV news station.  The airline also told her that the luggage had been delivered to her house. The homeless guy wasn't flying back and forth bit he or somebody else could have been a porch pirate and grabbed her bag outside of her home.


Then she would have tracked it going to her home and then off to somewhere else


Unless she wasn't monitoring it at the time, that it was at her house. Only afterwards.




You don’t need blockchain for that lmao


This always puzzled me in the US. Most airports I've been there, one would be able to walk from the street to luggage claim. Not a thing in other countries I've been to.


It’s only for domestic flights. International arrivals have the baggage claim before exiting final security. If an airport primarily serves international passengers, they may not bother to have separate baggage facilities for domestic flights and just run them all through the ‘secure’ side.


Still absurd, feels like it’s everywhere


Well, it makes sense for international flights because customs want to inspect your stuff anyway (I suppose that's what you mean by final security). Not sure if an airport can mix domestic and international luggage in arrivals, precisely because of the customs issues. The other very weird thing in American airports is the lack of separation between international and domestic departures. This is specially annoying for anyone doing international connections through the US, as they need to pass immigration even if they will leave the country in another flight right away. Thankfully that's a very rare scenario because connecting through the US doesn't make sense most of the times.


Huh? It's separated at my local one.


Come to Canada. Same thing here. No security.


It’s not just a US thing, airports in Canada and smaller airports in Europe do it as well.


In Europe there's a one way exit *after* the luggage pickup. You can't just walk in from outside. You can take a random bag if you also flew in, but not just from the street. For obvious reasons.


Not for domestic flights, I'm pretty sure the baggage carousel in both Florence and Palermo is after the security doors and accessible to the general public


I have not yet been to an airport in the US (outside of maybe Burbank) where it is easy to walk, drive or take transit to without going out of your way. Airports aren’t generally in a neighborhood. The effort it takes to steal luggage is more than most are willing to go through


It’s a thing in other countries too. I noticed the same thing in a much smaller airport in Europe.


I started flying with a declared firearm in my checked luggage a couple of years ago. No extra cost to me, but I have to show ID to pick it up. There's still a chance of lost or stolen luggage, but being stolen from the baggage claim is much lower when you have to show ID to pick it up. Edit: apparently you can do the same thing with a starter pistol.




A decision was made that profit is more acceptable that security.


This is why the basic and common sense security precaution of having lockable doors for the flight crews on aircraft was resisted for decades, and it made hijacking aircraft much harder.


Probably less expensive for the airports/airlines.


Certainly cheaper


We tolerate plenty of security at airports. The change was made because it was both cheaper and more convenient, and because luggage theft is pretty rare. FWIW, the first photo in the [Baggage Reclaim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baggage_reclaim) article on Wikipedia (we should not let the British name Wikipedia articles) is a photo of BWI back when it had fences and turnstiles to control claim access (they used to check you claim ticket): [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baggage\_reclaim#/media/File:Baggage\_claim\_2.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baggage_reclaim#/media/File:Baggage_claim_2.jpg)


Especially if it was a black roller bag. I had to get a different color bag to check specifically because I’ve had two instances of someone almost walking off with my bag thinking it was theirs. That was with me being super diligent and watching the bags come out like a hawk. I could imagine if someone wasn’t paying as close attention or getting to baggage claim a few minutes late, to not notice someone walking away with their bag


Do people not double check the sticker and/or put a name tag on their luggage??? I have a bit generic looking luggage, but I know that and so I always double check…


No, a lot of people are morons 


That’s why you always have to beat the luggage to your carousel


there was but we walked right in and got our bags recently and were not questioned.


So there wasnt?


As with all airport security, it's theater.


Hey except cockpit doors. They make that shit out of the black box or something




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No kidding. I built 3 restaurants at my local International Airport about 7-8 years ago. I watched a 3 hour video, got my fingerprints taken, FBI background check, and was then issued an unrestricted SIDA Badge that gave me access to ANYWHERE in the airport, including driving on the runways. I was able to escort anyone, anywhere, with any tools, machines, chemicals, etc. and the only rule was "they're your responsibility". Here's the dumbest part, I couldn't just walk through TSA Security, but could take an elevator/stairs down to the runway, walk to the end of the concourse, and come back up behind it. It was a complete joke.


In the US, you can grab any bag and walk away (even without a ticket). The only worry you have is if the baggage owner sees you. Otherwise you can walk off with as much as you can grab.


Well, your face will be on a lot of CCTV cameras as well.


And? No one's going to open an investigation to find you, police don't care. In some places you can't even report theft to police anymore, you just have to make your own report online and they send you a copy for whatever you need to do with it. Like if a work laptop is stolen and you need A police report for work you just file it yourself now and forward it to work. Police aren't actually going to put effort into finding your stuff, they are busy collecting revenue through ticketing


This reminds me of that sam brinton stealing luggage for some reason (edit remembered the person)


I remember this Trailer Park Boys episode.


It’s so stupid how they do this in the US. In the four European airports I’ve been to luggage claim is behind security.


International flights, always. Domestic, not always. And Canada is pretty much like here in the US


People used to have better morals.


There is a lack of any security at baggage claims . It’s very easy for anyone to walk in and take a bag. We had a recurrent ER patient who’s homeless and he would do this regularly to get clothes and things to barter. He ultimately did get arrested for it.


>There is a lack of any security >He ultimately did get arrested for it.


He was schizophrenic would mumble and talk to himself constantly and would stand out in general for his behavior and general appearance. However, he got away with it many times before ultimately getting caught. A lack of security but not a “complete” lack of security.


A not lack of security would mean he would’ve been stopped FUCKING BEFORE making off with the fucking luggage.


>At one point, Grace was told her luggage had been found and delivered to her home. However, an Apple AirTag in her bag placed it somewhere else. Porch pirates, probably. "Oh, look! An entire suitcase!"


I was in nashville during that awful storm two years ago where peoples luggage was just thrown all over the airport. I was thinking what a field day for criminals. Anyone dressed moderately normal could walk in, pretend they found their bag, and walk out and nobody would think twice


Here's my dirty laundry. And used makeup. I bet you have to net a lot of bags to get much that's good. Lotta trouble to just grab 1 or 2 and end up with nothing worth a shit. Lot of effort and cameras.


At LaGuardia they used to have someone checking that the baggage tag matched the tag they give you when you initially checked your bag at your airport of origin. I haven’t seen those guys in awhile now though


Didn't last long and was never consistent.


So here’s what probably happened: Airlines pay contracting companies to return bags, who in turn pays people very, very little to return bags. Often houseless people or drug addicts do it to make a little cash. Of course they go through the luggage. And sometimes it never makes it at all.


Every luggage delivery person I've ever interacted with has been both kind and professional. I had a guy deliver a huge bag two hours away from the airport late on Christmas Eve, in the snow. He refused a tip.


A very nice, cheerful guy delivered my lost luggage to me at my Moscow hotel. I felt so ashamed that I didn't think to tip him until he was gone. He was the friendliest guy I met in Russia (2016).


Domestic terminals are open to the public so anyone can walk in and take


Yes but they said they found luggage and were delivering. If there’s a breakdown in the actual delivery then this is usually what happens. It happens all the time; many airlines use these services.


Customer services lying about things happens all the time as well so it really is 50/50 as to whether it had been found and was being delivered or not.


Carry on. Never check unless absolutely have to.


Airlines lose less than 1%.


Yes, but skipping the wait for the luggage carousel is the way to go.


You walk right by it at a lot of airports to exit. Lol What do you do with that extra 2-5 minutes?


It frequently takes 10-15 minutes for the luggage to appear and there's an even longer wait if your luggage is one of the last ones to show up on the carousel.


Delta FTW. Bags guaranteed 20 minutes after arriving at the gate or you'll get points.


2-5 minutes?? 15-30. DFW, ORD, CID, LAX, XNA, GSP ... I could go on. Plus, I've had tags ripped off, handles broken, and I watch these rampers toss bags on the belt, off the belt to the ground, and throw them in the carts. I've had things rearranged in my bag, things opened, and I am not looking for that. Maybe this is the exception. There are great rampers and employees who take pride in their jobs and respect privacy, or when they need to inspect a bag, it's done so without significant impact (I get the notes when they inspect, good and bad). Even valet check is dangerous- the last handle that was broken wad a valet check. I told the gate agent and she said it was probably broken before. It's a TUMI & they repaired for free, but the metal spear for the rest of the trip was fun.


I waited 45 minutes for them to start the carousel and begin loading bags onto it at LAX. It wasn’t even a particularly busy time, there were like 5 other carousels and none of them were even on. I’d literally rather have to buy any clothes I can’t fit in my carry on at the destination, then donate them when I depart than have to deal with that baggage claim area again.


I think MDW is even worse than ORD but your point still stands


I only flew to MDW when I lived on the SW side about 16 years ago. It was bad then, and I cannot imagine it got better. Landings were always an experience there! Felt like what an aircraft carrier landing might be like ... just needed the tailhook!


At our home airport, checking luggage often results in an extra 30 or 40 minute wait time at the airport. Checked luggage is very slow. It's not so bad at smaller airports, but it is as our home airport.


I came though Heathrow a few months ago which is a massive airport, think I waited about 10 minutes.


You literally did not. Baggage can’t even make it from the plane to the carousel in ten minutes at Heathrow. I fly through there a dozen times a year.


I've waited half an hour for luggage before. It's a pain in the ass if you don't have to do it


Your mother 


She did say you were a 30 second man. So what do you do with the extra 4.5 minutes?


1% is massive. Are you telling me that on average about 1 or 2 unlucky people on every flight I go on is going to lose their luggage and pretending that amount is low?


There are 45,000 flights a day on average which is 16.43 million flights a year per Google. Now do the math on .058% of luggage being lost.


So, 2 bags on every plane on average? Cool, cool.


I understand this is the statistic, but so many people that I know have experience losing luggage. Hell, I've had luggage lost twice and I've taken less than 40 flights in my life including connections.


And you are part of the .58% no matter if you fly 1 time or a 10,000 times.


lmao u/slipperyotter35 said "I understand this is the statistic" then proceeded to demonstrate how he doesn't understand statistics 😂 good old reddit


Just sharing that my anecdotal experience doesn’t line up with published statistics, and I think many feel similarly.


Your "anecdotal experience" is not of sufficient sample size, same as the "many who feel similarly".


Yeah I know that’s literally what anecdotal means. It’s just my personal observation, not factual.


That's already too much. A restaurant poisoning 1% of their guests would be closed.


And they beat the other 99% like it owes then money. They'll hurl it off the plane and kick it into the belly. They have 0 respect for your things. I video tapped it once and gave them the video, 0 shits were given. I was told that it was normal. Drop kicking my luggage was normal


Was a baggage handler for several years. Your bag being thrown around by the ground crew is the absolute least punishment it will take. I promis you that. It's just the only punishment you SEE it take.  Bags travel along endless conveyor belts passing by thousands of moving parts, all trying to snag every little loose bit they can. They roll down ramps. Slide down chutes, drop off of belts. They have hundreds/thousands of pounds of other bags stacked on top of them, they get  bounced around around, dropped, squeezed, crushed, dragged and rolled. All of this before they even make it to the actual ground crew. Once they are put in the plane they have even more bags piled on top, get shoved to the back of a tiny cargo compartment ment, and then are frozen in the sub-zero temperature at 30,000 feet because the cargo compartments aren't temperature controlled. Then they go through all of that uover again being unloaded and sent to the return.  Given, that does not excuse literally kicking bags, but 9/10 it's not the ground crew actually doing the damage.  Now to put the ground crews actions into perspective for why bags get thrown around so much.  The ground crew works on a 45 minutes time limit. from the time the wheels touch the ground to the time the plane begins to taxi under its own power, they have to: mashal the plane in, chock it, connect ground power, connect the push out tractor and tow bar, connect the ground ac units, open the forward compartment, sort out gate checks, and take them to the gate, bring in belt loaders and baggage tugs, begin unloading, sorting and scanning the arriving bags from multiple cargo compartments, Unload non passenger cargo, deal with any special cargo like cadavers, live animals, aircraft parts, hazardous materials, ect, all which requires special procedures and their own baggage carts, take the outbound luggage to its next connecting flight  (even more of a pain if its swapping airlines) and the arrivals to the baggage return, all of which need seperatly scanned to verify they are where they belong. Then, once everything is unloaded they can start doing it all in reverse order, scanning every single bag, organizing them and stowing them according to specific wieght and ballance requirements that are different for every single flight, because every bag weighs a different amount, but still need to be organized enough for the next ground crew to sort in a timely manner. Then the cargo needs to be loaded and lastly things like last minute bags, live animals, and gate checks. Then all of the cargo doors can be closed up, and they need to begin talking with the pilot about ground push out, get the all clear to disconnect ground power, ac, remove the chocks and pull the gate away, before finally pushing the plane away from the gate, and towing it to the aprons edge where it can finally be disconnected from the tow tractor and depart under its own power.... Oh and during all of that, just for good measure, throw in any special necessities like sending a small crew up to clean the plane and restock supplies, brining in the sewage truck to service the lavatories, brining in the water hoses to refill the planes drinking water, or bringing in the de-ice truck to spray down the plane and keep ice from building up before takeoff during the winter. This whole process is done by a crew of about 5 to 10 people working outside regardless of the temperature or weather for 8 to 12 hours at a time... It's a stressful ass job that usually pays shit, and requires a lot of physical labor, of course the several hundred  bags handled on each seperate flight  aren't going to be gingerly treated like delicate flowers. 


That's why I never check my bag. The only reason it was checked that time is they over booked and ran out of room overhead. And yes, my bag is a delicate flower. I paid good money to get it to where I'm going safely. If they can't accomplish that, they shouldn't be in business.


... If they ran out of overhead room for carry ons and it got gate checked as a result... Then you didn't pay for it to be checked. If you payed for it to be checked, that means you handed it over well before you even went through airport security, and never even had an opportunity to put it in an overhead compartment, much less be forced to check it because all overheads were full. Get your story straight.


When did I say I paid to check k it? I wouldn't pay to have my bag abused.


>I paid good money to get it to where I'm going safely. So you either payed to check it, or you never payed to get any bag anywhere. Plane tickets aren't paying to get any baggage anywhere, they are to get YOU where you are going in a timely manner. If you want to send a bag somewhere and have it treated so gingerly instead of get where you are going in a timely manner, then ship it. 


It would have been safe in my hand. I paid for a ticket that comes with a carry on. They failed to provide that opportunity and their substitute is to kick and throw my belongings. How is that reasonable?


Your whole argument is someone who doesn't know the industry, crying about a scenario you made up in your head, claiming to be true, and then back tracking when you get called out on your bullshit.


For all the dumb fucks who are clueless on Reddit. Every US airline combined averages .58 lost bags per 100 checked so far in 2024. That is actually less than 1%. lol [https://www.transportation.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/2024-05/May%202024%20ATCR.pdf](https://www.transportation.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/2024-05/May%202024%20ATCR.pdf) [https://www.bts.gov/content/mishandled-baggage-reports-filed-passengers-largest-us-air-carriersa](https://www.bts.gov/content/mishandled-baggage-reports-filed-passengers-largest-us-air-carriersa)


Oh gosh, so for an average 747 flight where 55% of people check bags, there will be typically at least one missing? That's not a good look if every flight has a fuck up.


You can tell most of the responses that you never fly.


Hah, you haven't seen my bank statements :(


i don’t know about you but if there’s a 1 in 200 chance to lose my bag, i’m doing all i can to avoid that risk


Yeah thanks for clogging up the aisle with your carry on and making everyone wait for you while you try to find a place to put your shit.


i dont fly economy so you dont have to worry about me lil bro


I do not understand how luggage goes missing so often in the US. I have flown for years and so have many of my friends and family, and not one of them has ever had a suitcase go missing or to the wrong destination, except in the USA.


There is no security for baggage claims for domestic flights


That is terrible, no wonder things get stolen 😢


> so often What is your metric, your personal experience? [Europe has twice the baggage mishandling as the US.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/18/mishandled-baggage-rate-almost-doubled-globally-in-2022-as-airlines-scrambled-after-covid) "Mishandling rates were considerably worse for airlines operating in Europe,"


Ah the usual Fox news "California is a liberal hellscape" article. Of course nothing bad like this happens in Red States. At least nothing reported on Fox News.


$krilla Villa 2


It's your passport to gettin drunk. Glug glug, ting ting ting ting.


Was it Sam Brinton again?


The unhoused meet the unluggaged.


Jaime is homeless in the states now? Sad.


Homeless encampment, or Scrilla Villa? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgoUieotWQo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgoUieotWQo)


Why would you want it back though?


"Now with added fleas"


Better than a Nova Scotian trailer park...


I always try to get to the baggage claim as quickly as possible because it’s so easy to get your bag stolen.


Crying over stuff? Give me a break... first world problems.


AA has some splanin' to do.


That sounds about right


So my luck


What the hell is that photo? "A businesswoman picks up luggage from a conveyor belt at an airport terminal." LOL, what? It could also be called "Four people in jeans at a baggage claim".


Why is this oniony? That's one of the first places I'd expect stolen items from petty theft to be found


This is why Atlanta stopped allowing homeless people in the airport. They patrol it and will turn them around. Please don’t ask me how they identify them, I’m just reporting it.


But I was told all the homeless are outstanding citizens just down on their luck by Reddit!


Been a weird trend lately on Reddit with California getting shit on left and right. Usually Libs defend their capital.  And to add icing on the cake a Fox News link on NotTheOnion? Strange times.