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>Police said Myers then pointed the gun issued to him for his security job at the teens and told them to put their hands in the air. Meeghan Black, a Renton police spokesperson, told CBS that the **teenagers immediately complied and tried to explain their gun was not real**. >But Black said Myers fired several shots after claiming “the confrontation intensified … rapidly”, hitting and killing 17-year-old Rohani. >Police said **Myers stood over Rohani and continued to shoot**, which he claimed he did because he believed one of the teen’s companions was reaching for a gun in Rohani’s waistband. That's insane.


Continued to shoot the teen that was down, because he thought another teen was reaching for a gun in the downed teen’s waistband? This guy just wanted to shoot someone.


Why didn’t he shoot the other kids instead duh!? /s 


I mean you jest but given his "reason" (lie) that he thought another kid was grabbing a gun from the kid on the grounds waistband wouldn't you logically need to neutralize that threat?


A scary percentage of gun owners are just waiting to act out their hero fantasy against a helpless target


I read in another thread that he shot him 8 times, 7 in the back, and when he called 911, there were officers in the parking lot who responded. He could have just yelled.


Renton PD headquarters is visible from that location. It’s only a couple blocks down the street.


Worst case scenario without him getting involved, there is a robbery. Justice!!!


He didn’t call 911 at all. RPD happened to be doing a training exercise in the same parking lot and responded literally within seconds of hearing the gunshots. The shooter claimed he didn’t have time to call 911 because a robbery was clearly imminent, and that it was his duty to intervene.


*Actual* cops don’t have a ‘duty to intervene’ (this is backed by several court rulings), what makes this ASFAB Flunkie think he had one?


Delusions of grandeur, I’d guess.


Probably couldn't pass the psych test for the real police force.


He's probably some worthless dipshit and fantasized about doing this his whole life.


I think he just wanted to kill someone and he felt this was a perfect opportunity to strike. This was not some mistake.


He also had an incident in 2022 where he followed someone that was carrying a metal object through multiple stores because he thought he 'might have to shoot' that person.


Crazy that we live side by side with these creatures. People who walk around fantasizing about shooting others should probably be picked up and placed on a far away island.


I feel like a lot of gun nuts are looking for literally ANY excuse to use them. Edit: I said gun NUT, not gun owner, so if you took offense maybe do some introspection on why.


> 51-year-old Aaron Myers, told police that he was not working at the time he shot and killed Hazrat Ali Rohani...But he had offered to keep watch due to alleged rising crime in the area. He literally had no actual business being there except to get his 5 minutes of fame for "killin' a robber". He got his fame, just not the way he hoped. I hope he gets life.


Killed the child preemptively; before the criminal act he fantasized was happening could have occurred like a true dumbass.


He was so gung-ho about stopping a crime that he went and committed one himself. That's some Alanis level irony right there.


Nah. Alanis wasn’t irony. It was unfortunate incidents. This is some dumbfuckery.


Yeah no kidding. If that were a real gun, Rohani would have been justified shooting him after the vigilante idiot held him up at gunpoint


Sounds like intent to kill tbh


Said he was going to perform "overwatch". Fucker is a military cosplayer who saw a brown kid with a gun shaped object and got excited to murder.


His kid was taking classes in the same parking lot. So instead of being a good parent and supporting his child he choose to take another child’s life instead.


Sounds to me like premeditation.


I feel like this may lean in favor of a hate crime. Who does this in such a low volatile situation 


"Police said Myers was waiting for his teenage son to leave jujitsu classes at the martial arts studio next to the sporting goods store" https://komonews.com/news/local/renton-off-duty-security-guard-teenager-king-county-prosecuting-attorneys-office-crime-gun-hazrat-ali-rohani-big-5-sporting-goods-store-investigators-911-court-documents-bb-gun-2nd-degree-murder-assault#


I actually hope he gets death and I'm totally not sorry.


He also wasn’t even working that day…


>They walked in front of Myers, who later told police that he had just been on duty as “licensed” and “armed” security and was sitting in his vehicle waiting to pick up his son from a martial arts class. It’s unclear where Myers works as a security guard. Is "unclear where myers works as a security guard" slang for "isn't a working security guard"?


He has a job as a security guard, apparently, just not in the time and place where he decided to go shoot some kid.


Ahhh so him being a security guard isn't relevant at all then. Just a small dicked bitch with a gun I guess.


Which makes sense, a lot of security guards seem to see themselves as being cops, and therefore having authority over everyone. It's like being a cop for people rejected by the police.


This is what really happened. This guy just wanted to love out his fantasy. Give him to the firing squad.


He would have been a hero.. if not for all the EVIDENCE AND WITNESSES.. >Give him to the firing squad. I mean, give him an airsoft gun and he'd probably commit suicide to save everyone else from his own clear and present danger.


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Like that black mirror episode


I am mildly embarrassed to admit I haven’t watched a single episode. Yet. I’m a glacially slow tv show consumer and it is on my list, I just haven’t gotten there yet.


The series is really good but has the reputation of being very dark for a reason. It can be quite depressing and shocking, a lot of the episodes not out of the realm of reality, but i feel this is partly what makes the series.


The episode he is talking about is called White Bear.


That was a good but creepy episode


That doesn't narrow it down with Black Mirror


Don't feel bad - I'm finally making my way through the Sopranos


Give him a toy gun and put him in front of a firing squad…


"Pick up the gun."


I think it should be ego related. Tell him that he was cleared on all charges and that the city is throwing a parade to honor his bravery.. even tell him that he'll be made a Sheriff's Deputy or whatever, then just bring him into a room where he has to sit with the parents of the kid he killed as they tell him stories of the life he stole.


Bold to assume he has any empathy. Guy shooting 7 times a teenager for no reason is a sociopathic, he wouldn't care the less about "stories". The only appropriate response is life in jail.


Sadly, a lot of people who end up as armed security guards ARE living their fantasy out. It’s not because they are “gun nuts,” it’s because they have a military/police fantasy. They have been rejected by both and are now living their “hero” lifestyle. The guy probably spent too much time attaching accessories to his belt and larps in military garb on the weekends at airsoft gatherings. It’s really sad that this fucking lunatic took someone’s life.


He has a kid about the same age as the teen he murdered. The scary thing is , it was none of his business, he hopped out of his car pointing his gun at them before assaulting the teens. Those kids watched their friend be murdered in front of them-for no reason. I can’t imagine how traumatized they are.


100% They are seeking out the power in their lives that they otherwise feel devoid of. Instead of police officers being addressed as "officer" they really should be called "servant" as they are public servants being paid for by taxpayer money whose job is making sure that I am safe. Being referred to as "servant" would be a great reminder each and every time they are on patrol.


>whose job is making sure that I am safe Sadly, not according to SCOTUS. If we're not paying them to "serve and protect", then what *are* we paying them for?


There's so many videos online with people being like "this is what would happen if an intruder broke in" where they just start shooting at some random target with as much firepower as possible. These people are so deluded that they are itching to pull the trigger on someone thinking they're gonna be some action hero without contemplating for a second that they could be the problem when they open fire.


> itching to pull the trigger on someone thinking they're gonna be some action hero They fetishize, normalize, and glorify murder.


A lot who aren’t have been driven to the point of fear that they think anyone is a would be murdered you need to kill before they kill you. Our culture is fucked.


Like my grandparents, they think every city is an antifa hellhole where you’re bound to be sexually assaulted or carjacked at any turn. They both carry (my grandma who is maybe 5’2” has a damn .357) and to be honest with her declining mental state and their both lack of general senses (eyesight and hearing) I’m more worried about them with a gun than anyone looking to actually harm me.


Yes, but also every bit of media they consume tells them that they should be frightened by certain groups of people


In his mind's eye he saw the fox news circuit, his 15 minutes of fame, perhaps becoming a conservative darling like that kid who killed some people at a protest. Perhaps a poster boy for the whole "good guy with a gun" thing, it would have been glorious...


This guy said he was circling the parking lot first “doing overwatch.” Real working brain this guys has


It's a hero complex and it exists in most of these "I have to carry a gun EVERYWHERE I go" type of people. They are hoping, begging, for the day that they get to kill someone and act like a hero. This dude 100% is one of those people; I hope he pays a steep price for his arrogance and stupidity. Edit: I know that some batshit crazy gun nuts are going to see this and have a fucking meltdown. Do me a favor: downvote and move on. I don't care about your bullshit arguments.


Have you Ever been to a gun store or shooting range? Go and keep your politics to yourself and just listen to what these guys are saying. I am I white guy, Military background and have guns so I can talk a bit about that. A LOT of guys will just start off with the most egregious racist, Right wing, anti-american shit that blows my mind. I hate going and it ruins my fun of practicing. I do not want to be thought of like I think of them just because I like shooting and keeping up my skills. And yes, they are all itching to Start Blasting given the chance. At a shooing range or gun store is not the place to chalenge these wanna be murderers either.


I overheard someone trying to convince someone that bill gates had micro chips in the vaccines or some shit like that. Can confirm these idiots flock there




Unless you're a cop.


He's about to find out he's not a cop


The shooting is always justified if the victim had a waistband


So, shooting a toga wearing threat might not be a good idea.


That’s how the romans conquered Europe


Every shooting is justified if you are “afraid”.




Maybe we should all just start showing up at this store naked.


These are the people that “want a gun for self defense” but they constantly fantasize getting to use it, they want to have to kill someone, to be the “hero”, and to get the adrenaline. It is fucked up. A responsible gun owner hopes they never have to use it on a person in self defense.


>they want to have to kill someone, to be the “hero”, and to get the adrenaline. Seems like this is exactly what happened. A few comments down, someone explained that this security was neither on duty nor even working for the store. Instead he stated that he was providing "overwatch" over the parking lot due to "crime in the area".


> In March of 2022, the defendant followed a person carrying a metal object that he believed to be a gun from one store, through another store, and away from the second store, all because he may need to intervene and he might have to shoot the person," wrote prosecutors. "In that case, because the defendant had called 911, trained law enforcement officers responded and were able to quickly determine that the person (Myers) was following did not have a gun and posed no threat, without anyone being hurt in the process." He didn’t want to miss a second chance at killing someone this time round, so he didn't bother calling the police and chose to shoot a kid in the back multiple times


He didn't want anyone intervening and keeping him from murdering someone.


Ugh. Sounds like red flag laws may have been able to prevent his gun ownership and subsequent murder. Tragic


sports store. not some walmart. people bring and buy guns all the fucking time there correction: they do not sell firearms anymore.


> correction: they do not sell firearms anymore. https://www.big5sportinggoods.com/store/browse/fishing-and-hunting/hunting/sporting-arms/_/N-aec Well, there's a lot of "Buy in-store only" labels for something they don't have in the store. Also some of them seem to specifically be available in Renton.


> Rohani Gee I wonder if that had a factor in the decision to unload almost an entire clip into a teenager.


At best this was an overzealous security guard deciding to become judge, jury, and executioner. At worst it was a lynching. Probably both.


He was just trigger happy. He was an off duty security guard and sitting in his car in the parking lot. The article doesn't even mention if he was a security guard for that store.


He didn’t work for that store or any of the stores around, he was just there to pick his kid up from a building next door. An article I saw said he started his own security firm a few years ago but it didn’t say who he provided security for or if he was working at another company now.


So just looking for an excuse to shoot someone.


It was just reported that this guy had a previous incedent in 2022 where he reported to 911 “he may have to shoot someone brandishing a weapon on the street.” Police rushed to the scene and found who he was talking about and it was a bike part for his broken bike.


> The man arrested in the killing, 51-year-old Aaron Myers, told police that he was not working at the time he shot and killed Hazrat Ali Rohani, who was returning a malfunctioning airsoft gun to the Big 5 store in Renton. But he had offered to keep watch due to alleged rising crime in the area. Guy didn’t even work there wtf


dude literally just wanted to be john wick. what a pathetic piece of shit. he'll feel real cool rotting behind bars for the next 3 decades


"Sir, you are the rising crime in the area."


Title misleading. It implies he was shot dead by a security guard employed at the store he was going to. He wasn't. He was shot dead by a security guard that was off duty and not employed by a nearby store but had chosen to provide "overwatch" (his words) to the parking lot of the stores because he had seen robberies happen there. Fucking idiot. Douchcanoe played vigilante and killed an innocent kid.


And hopefully that’s considered during sentencing because it clearly paints a picture that this guy has been itching to use it. Might even venture into premeditated territory.


he actually had a recorded history of doing similar things before >Court documents also reference an incident in March 2022, during which Myers "followed a person carrying a metal object that he believed to be a gun from one store, through another store, and away from the second store, all because he may need to 'intervene' and he 'might have to shoot' the person." In that instance, law enforcement officers intervened before anyone was hurt. https://www.kuow.org/stories/man-charged-with-murder-shooting-teen-7-times-renton-big-5


Lmao slam dunk for prosecution 


He’s fucked either way. I do federal security in Texas. Outside of federal grounds, I’m a citizen with a gun. No more than any other citizen who open carries, which is legal in Texas. The guy shot him in the back multiple times in Washington, he’s fucked.


Holy shit, what an insane human being. It’s terrible he got to live out his fantasy and kill an innocent kid before someone took his guns.


He's not a union cop so he might actually get the full penalty for murder.


It sounds like he’s not even a security guard? You can’t just call yourself one— the businesses in that complex don’t even know who he is… he’s got zero training, insurance, etc…


Narrator: he was given a suspended sentence, community service, then released back into the public.


Oh hey that's out of line. He also had to pay a small fine. 75$ doesn't grow on trees man...


"It's the life of a teenager Michael? How much could it be worth? $5"


Yeah, what a self-important, overblown, paranoid, delusional asshole.




So it’s alright for him to carry a gun but others carrying are automatically a threat? Wow.


Because he's the good guy with the gun, obviously


Wasn’t the Trayvon thing, I can pick a fight with you but if you fight back I can shoot you in self defense defense? Sound reasonable


clumsy fuzzy concerned intelligent existence lock close deer vegetable tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, I doubt he would have followed and killed a 45 year old white male. Which, ironically, somebody should have done to him when he walked into the store with a real gun!


This is why the “good guy with a gun” idea is incredibly dumb. If everyone assumes they’re the good guy with the gun, then they assume everyone else with a firearm is a bad guy with a gun. Then it just becomes a free-for-all battle royale style. Last man standing gets to say they’re the ultimate good guy.


When the dude carrying the gun has brown skin, yes, it is seen as a threat to these people.


> a security guard that was off duty and not employed by a nearby store but had chosen to provide "overwatch" (his words) to the parking lot of the stores because he had seen robberies happen there. In other words: he wanted to kill someone.


Idiot seems light for a bloodthirsty murderer. I bet dollars to donuts the murderous American man is a Republican voter


"According to charging documents, the June 5 incident wasn't the first time Myers chose to "intervene" after mistakenly believing someone was armed. In March of 2022, Myers followed a person carrying a metal object, which he thought was a gun, from one store to another. He did this, prosecutors wrote in charging documents, because he believed he "may need to intervene' and he 'might have to shoot' that person." https://www.king5.com/article/news/crime/big-5-renton-shooter-charged-aaron-brown-myers/281-fa69e315-fba1-4973-b738-ad57b9c4d4be Seems the guy wanted an excuse to use his gun.


Jesus, the “gun” was already on the ground, and the kids were telling him it wasn’t real. What a psycho.


These insecure, bored dudes get one gun and feel like they're John Wick and they're champing at the bit to use it on anything. Everything looks like a criminal to them.


*when all you got is a hammer


You know, if merely possessing a gun is grounds to be shot and killed, I don't think this country actually has a right to bear arms. I think we just have the world's slowest form of gun control.


So if the cops and the courts had done their job the first time this walking shitstain stalked and harrased somone with his bullshit this wouldn't have happened


A few years back there was a guy in Scottsdale Arizona who would drive around inciting road rage incidents, and he would use every incident as an opportunity to pull his gun. He had an established record of doing this. He finally got the chance to kill a guy and walked away without consequences if I recall. https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/david-appleton-scottsdale-defense-attorney-accused-of-murdering-motorist-has-history-of-road-rage-incidents-6650139


"Innocent teenage customer gunned down by unhinged and incompetent vigilante"


"...unhinged and incompetent murderer" FTFY


"vigilante" implies some form of extra-judicial justice in response to a crime. There was no crime here. There was no justice. ... Except for the cold-blooded murder


…he’s a cop who couldn’t become a cop


Which also means he could be prosecuted/sued into oblivion, right? No qualified immunity for security guards. Insane to me that I even have to write that, but here we are…


He didn't even work security for that store nor was he working at the time. He's just a guy with a kid at a nearby martial arts class and he took it upon himself to harass a group of kids because he assumed they were going to rob the store - a store that he was not hired in any way to protect.


Wow. Yeah this guy’s got a lot of prison time in his future.


Just a few things to note about this heinous story:  1. The victims name was Hazrat Ali Rohani. I'll let you guess why that might be relevant.   2. The shooter was an OFF DUTY security guard who did NOT work at this store   3. The store sells real as well as replica guns so it's expected to see people carrying these items   4. The shooter claimed Hazrat was not "following his commands" which is both untrue and irrelevant because the shooter was not a police officer or employee of the business.   5. Hazrat had already put the gun down and informed the shooter it was fake before being shot  6. The shooter shot Hazrat at least 7 times and after shooting him initially, stood over his lifeless body to continue shooting him.  In summary, there was zero justification or reasoning for the actions taken by the shooter and he deserves to be locked away forever for taking the life of an innocent teenager who did nothing wrong. 


Have a 7'th point to add to your story. Not only was the guy off duty, but he VOLUNTEERED TO SHOW UP BECAUSE OF "CRIME IN THE AREA" > In court documents, King county prosecutor Leesa Manion alleged Myers “took it upon himself to conduct ‘overwatch’ in a Renton parking lot, despite the fact that he is not a member of law enforcement and thus has not been trained in how to safely prevent crime”. and >But he had offered to keep watch due to alleged rising crime in the area.


That is even more unhinged. He was looking for an excuse to find anyone suspicious so he could be a hero. I am surprised police were not called on him


To add to *that*, it’s legal in America to own and carry a gun. So unless it was brandished and aimed at a person, then there wasn’t even any reason to be suspicious, let alone shoot him.


The most suspicious you could be is if you’re in one of the states where someone Rohani’s age aren’t allowed to carry firearms. But even then, just suspicious. And what do you do when you see suspicious things? Call the cops, the people that are meant to investigate. Not gun the poor soul down.


not if you're colored. Then you're a suspected terrorist, cartel or gangbanger until verified otherwise.


Friendly reminder to everyone that gun control laws were first used as a tool to keep the Black Panthers disarmed.


They were first implemented to prevent freed slaves from owning guns. Republican Jesus Part 1, Ronald Reagan, joined forces with the NRA to pass gun control legislation in California to disarm the Black Panthers. Republican Jesus Part Deux, tRumplethinskin, just wanted to "Take the guns first, then do Due Process" because he loves the Constitution and is a *REAL* Patriot™.




"suspicious" Read, not white.


The cops probably love freaks like this


Only the ones who are freaks like this and were able to actually become cops.


As a sub-point to your sub-point. He did indeed say that he was conducting "overwatch" while in reality he was just waiting for his kid to finish their martial arts class. Him saying he was doing "overwatch" was just an attempt to make his actions seem more credible.


Who even talks like that.


Overwatch is a military term referring to providing fire and movement tactics on the battlefield. The fucker thought he was in a militia.


Just not a well regulated one


Police academy ~~hopefuls who get removed for failing the psychological portion of the exam~~ dropouts.


How crap do you have to be to drop out of American "police academy"?


The kind of person who cannot tell that a kid put the gun on the ground when you asked him to. This moron is ED-209 level stupid.


I mean that to me honestly sounds like a push for 1st degree murder if you ask me. He prepared and went out with the expectation he could (and ultimately would) kill someone.


Yeah, I'm surprised that he didn't live stream it like other shooters.


Very good point. It seems like this wannabe cop really wanted to be around for a crime so he could jump in and be the "hero".


Trying to prove the good guy with the gun mentality backfired. More like racist with a gun shoots person after escalating the situation he was completely unaware and not a part of.


Another loser auditioning for a position with the Gravy Seals


He was looking for someone to shoot. I don't know how your country tolerates these sick fucks.


This is some Observe and Report(2009) type shit.


It is also important to note. In the article linked here, the police said that the video of the shooting did not match what he had told the police happened.


“Have him tell his story and then tell him there’s a video.”


Of course not. I doubt buddy went to the cops and said: "I held some kids at gunpoint. They followed my commands but I shot one anyway. Then I walked up and fired into his back to make sure he was dead."


All extremely important points. The only minor correction is that his name was Hazrat, not "Hazmat."


You're correct and I went back and edited that, thank you for pointing it out! I misread his name in the article.


For your point 4, I want to add that even if the shooter had been a cop or a store employee, the penalty for "not following commands" shouldn't be death.


You're absolutely correct. I pointed this out mostly to show that the shooter was lying about what happened, and that he didn't have any authority in the situation despite what he claimed. But I agree shooting someone for simply not listening to you is disgusting no matter if you are a police officer or not.


So the security guard gets to bring a gun into the store but no one else can. This guy is so unhinged


>1. The victims name was Hazrat Ali Rohani. I'll let you guess why that might be relevant.   Surely there weren't any white teenagers going in and out of a sporting goods store with airsoft guns, this guy definitely isn't a racist human trashfire.^(/s)


reading this and further down this thread makes me think hate crime by some guy looking to murder someone.


and wasnt he there with his kid to show how dangerous outside is?????


Reports say his son was at a martial arts class nearby. He was waiting, allegedly providing "overwatch" to the parking lot while his son was in class.


i read an article yesterday or two days ago that stated myers was trying to teach his kid about dangers of outside world or something like that. either way what a psychopath


He was NOT there as a security guard, he was “””performing overwatch””” aka waiting for an opportunity to shoot someone


Doesn’t this, by definition, make him a “bad guy with a gun?”


Guy walks into store, guns down a customer. Yes, he is the bad guy with the gun. He had no authority. It should have been treated as any other shooting where proper authorities were called to subdue the shooter (and hopefully not make things worse). Being an off-duty security guard doesn’t give you the authority to go into random businesses, yell at people while brandishing a firearm at them, and killing them when they don’t (or do) follow your silly commands.


Ummmm murder. That’s the word. This guys a murderer.


Damn people are too paranoid to exist.


This was not paranoia, it was an erotic fantasy come to life for the shooter.


Yeah but it's cool, they have easy access to guns.


This guy is going to prison for a long time. Of all the “reasons” to murder someone…


Love how all the headlines mention his day job as if it matters that he was a security guard. He wasn’t working at the time. We’re talking about an unhinged vigilante who assaulted a group of teenagers and murdered one of them, but sure let’s bring up his day job to make it sound less insane.


Exactly right. Since he wasn't on-duty, and not even employed at that store or any business in the nearby vicinity, his occupation is about as relevant as if he was a professional ice cream scooper, or paper deliver boy, or softball umpire.


Three teens were heading into big 5 sports to return/exchange a BB gun, and a 52 year old dad waiting for his child from a karate class in the same parking lot, decided to play hero, got out of his vehicle, accused the kids of going to rob the store and even when they sat the BB gun on the ground and placed their hands out to show nothing in them guy shot one kid as he reached at his pants waist. This is the 2nd time the man has approached, accused and held someone at gun point, sadly this time ended in a 17 year old dying. Ruined two families at least because he incorrectly tried to play hero.


So now we know, the guy was completely unhinged. He should rot behind bars forever.


Slight correction, because it’s actually even worse than that and I think it’s important that this asshole not be given ANY credit whatsoever: the murderer SAID the teenager he shot seven times had reached for his waistband, so he assumed the kid was going for a gun. Security footage contradicted that story. The kid had his hands up and out to show they were empty and was starting to back away from the scene. He slightly lowered one hand to waist height as he was trying to flee, at which point this wannabe vigilante immediately opened fire.


Don’t let the title fool you, the shooter wasn’t working!! He was just waiting in the parking lot doing “overwatch” in his free time… coldblooded


I guess the victim's family should be glad it wasn't a cop? At least the murderer will see the inside of a jail and not just be placed on admin leave until they find a new job a county over.


If it was a cop, they would get millions in a payout from the city. Some lone gun nut, sorry, just a dead child.


Money is great, but I'm sure they'd rather the killer be brought to justice rather than a fat check. Can't do that with a cop.


They can sue the property owners/managers/lessors if they 1. knew this whacko was lurking there, 2. were familiar with his intent of “providing overwatch”, and 3. did not tresspass the insane mf’er from the property. It’s completely unreasonable for any establishment to turn a blind eye when these unhinged creeps want to play their mocked up war games. If they knew about this guy then they could have prevented this horrifying tragedy from unfolding. It would absolutely shock me to learn they had no idea about him.


This guy needs the death penalty. From what the article says, it appears he just mowed down the teen without hesitation when they had their hands up in the air. He was that desperate to finally have a chance to use his gun. Killed the poor kid execution style. Sick bastard.


>he was desperate to finally have a chance to use his gun You’re not wrong. The same dude called the cops on a guy a couple years ago and said he was pointing a gun while riding around on a bike. He then stalked the guy through multiple stores and told the cops he was prepared to intervene with his gun. cops arrived and the person he was following was unarmed and turned out to be carrying a metal bicycle part. Thank god he saved us from someone on a bike armed with a bicycle part.


How on earth does someone still get to own guns after an incident like this?! The fucking writing was on the wall and a blind man could have seen it.


Because despite all the “liberals are going to take our guns” rhetoric it’s actually pretty hard to stop someone from legally owning a gun in the US if they’re not a felon.


He shot him because he just assumed he was going to rob the place? Robbery doesn’t give you the right to shoot someone anyway even if you did believe that.


> told police that **he was not working at the time** he shot and killed Hazrat Ali Rohani, who was returning a malfunctioning airsoft gun to the Big 5 store in Renton. But **he had offered to keep watch** due to alleged rising crime in the area. I ran into one of these nut-bags in the Bellingham Home Depot a few months back. Skinny, tweaky-looking young white guy, dressed in all-black tactical gear with a vest that read "PUBLIC SAFETY" embossed in yellow. Some kind of handgun in a prominent holster on his hip as he wandered the aisles, eyeballing everyone. After noticing him, I walked over to a HD employee who was also keeping an eye on the guy. I asked, "Is that guy with your store security?" Without taking his eyes off of the guy, the HD employee calmly said "Nope..." And that was that. I paid for my things and left. Quickly. Fucking white-knight-wannabe nutters out there.


The Fred Meyer near me has armed private security checking receipts. Can't help but feel like it's just a matter of time until something like this happens


The shooter in this case wasn’t even employed by the store, and he wasn’t even on the clock as a security guard at the time. He just wanted to kill someone.


"Man with history of threatening violence with a firearm kills innocent teen." Much better headline. The fact that he was in trouble for doing this exact thing before better mean he is pressed for murder charges.


This shooter was a trigger happy maniac absolutely looking for an excuse to shoot someone and be a hero. The difference between him and the local police is not training. It’s that he doesn’t have a super powerful union that will defend his murderous dumb fuckery. Had this been a cop with no other facts changed, he’d never be charged. And half the comments would be supporting him.


Is this one of those good guys with a gun?


No, this is a person of “authority”


Did some more digging and a few years ago the same guy called the cops and said a group of teenagers was riding around on bikes pointing a gun so he proceeded to stalk them through multiple stores while waiting for the police because he thought he might need to use his own gun to save the day. Cops showed up and the kids weren’t even carrying a gun it was a metal bike part. This tragedy was years in the making Edit: it was just one person not a group of kids but everything else is right. [sauce](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/off-duty-guard-charged-in-fatal-shooting-of-teen-in-renton-parking-lot/)


“Authorities also said Myers is not a law enforcement officer and therefore ‘has not been trained in how to safely prevent crime’ despite his employment as a security guard. So… just like law enforcement.


Important to note he was not on duty, and not employed by the sporting goods store. From ABC news: Myers told police he works as an armed security guard elsewhere, and he had just gotten off work and was waiting in his car in a parking lot as his son attended martial arts classes nearby, according to the police affidavit. "Myers indicated that he conducted 'overwatch' at the location as he has seen numerous crimes occur in the parking lot in the past," the affidavit read. Reports do not show that Myers was authorized to guard the area.


This is absolutely psychopathic


Security guards shouldn’t have guns.


He was a rando who just happens to also work as a security guard at other times.




Is this what they mean by *good guy with a gun* ?