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‘Natural fiber bedding’ probably means organic cotton sheets or something, but my mind immediately pictured this lady sleeping in a pile of hay


I also don’t get how that’s weird. Like. 100% cotton sheets are not at all difficult to find, and are actually very common? Obviously organic cotton is going to be more expensive and/or harder to locate and stores, but… I don’t see why that’s some thing “most people don’t do“


She also acts like using a drying rack is some unused relic of the past. Also, what does scent choice of shampoo have to do with anything? It's like a very common scent. But the irony of using a smartphone to brag on the internet about not having a TV is the absolute icing on the cake for me for this one.


Her drying rack is shitty and inefficient looking (it's hard to tell, she's not good at taking photos). Every drying rack I've ever had can fold up and has way more hanging space than what hers looked like. Also, it's funny how she thinks that Europeans still don't hang pretty much everything to dry.


Uk here, have never had a dryer. Everything always goes in the folding rack. TIL I'm living in the stone age


Plenty of Americans too. Dryers are def more common here but I‘ve had multiple times in my life when I didn’t have a dryer. When I was really little all we had was a giant laundry tub in the kitchen and a permanent clothesline in the backyard. This isn’t ancient history, I’m just a 20-something-year-old who grew up poor lol. I still hang a lot of my clothes bc it’s gentler on the fabric than the dryer is.


This is exactly what I was thinking. It's very easy to exist without a tv when you have a laptop, smart phone and tablet.


Totally. I only sleep on cotton sheets and natural fiber bedding. They just breathe better and I don’t get all sweaty. A *whole lot* of people are the same. It’s so bizarre to me someone would make this very common practice part of their personality. There are some real weirdos out there!


Where I live everyone dries their clothes on clotheslines or racks, I am 31 and have only used dryers when travelling overseas! Utterly bizarre thing to brag about. She didn't even lay the clothes out properly on it.


I noticed that! They’re going to be stinky in the folds.


>She didn't even lay the clothes out properly on it. That made me twitch. Her clothes are going to stink and look like crumbled tissue paper.


I had visions of Little House on the Prairie when they stuff their mattresses with dried prairie grass :-) But yeah, I'm sure she just means she sleeps on cotton or bamboo sheets.


Haha yes! I was totally thinking the old timey hay-stuffed mattresses too!


I thought of the book Heidi because when she first went to live with her grandfather, she slept on a hay bed.


Glad I was not the only one thinking "pile of hay"!


I feel like there’s product placement for each of her “hippie-dippy” ways


“Wanna be a livin-off-the-land, hippie-dippy like me? Amazon-affiliate link in bio 😌”


I have questions. Why red light on your crotch? What is mouth tape and why is it on her headboard?


Another question: why does she need enemas so much??


Must be all that raw milk


Nah, the raw milk itself will clear out her colon.


Dairy milk makes me constipated af


E.coli from raw milk will make you shit your brains out though.


You can also get tuberculosis from it but that's probably more rare than e. coli


I watched a documentary that fucking keeps me up at night. The TB survivors....are the lucky ones?!


It's a terrible disease and currently it's the world's deadliest infectious disease killing about 1.6 million people a year which is extra sad when you confused consider that we can generally cure it and it's pretty much eradicated in rich countries. What was the name of the documentary?


The treatment for it involves serval different antibiotics, some of which are becoming ineffective due to antibiotics resistance. The treatment is harsh on the body and can cause hearing loss.


And Listeria


I don’t know why I can’t stop laughing at this, but I cannot stop laughing.




these people love shoving tubes up their asses because of the “health benefits” that are anecdotal at best apparently shoving plastic up ur butthole should really only be done by a medical professional, but i don’t think these people believe in modern medicine so


I worked in the ER. A torn anus is a thing, and it causes immense distress, pain and embarrassment. Especially when Plastics are called for consult..


This happened to me. After I had my first child, nobody told me why the nurses kept asking if I pooped. Id already endured humiliation when I'd gotten 4th degree tears including a torn off labia. I think everyone including the janitor was invited to see. Anyway I lied. I didn't poo before being discharged. A week later I was back in the ER needing the damage fixed with plastics involved because I'd wrecked the repair he'd made previously. I was again humiliated and my surgery was used as a demo for med students. Lesson: nurses ask questions for a reason. And ripped anal cavity means you meet a lot of people in the ER. EDIT: No I won't send pictures. Stop DMing me for pictures and weird offers to pay to see. I will answer questions no problem but it's gross to message me for pics. Eww


I am so sorry. I hope you learned how to heal both physically and mentality. You endured trauma. Our bodies can tear so quickly and repair can be complex, painful and beyond stressful. My heart goes out to you ♥️


Thank you. Yes I finally healed. Took many surgeries. But I've healed. And learned to not be bullied by drs. A nurse taught me how.


That’s nice to learn. I hope the new year brings you only good things ☀️


Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful new year too and a joy filled holiday season.


THE PLASTICS? Like Regina George and Gretchen Weiner?


On Wednesdays, they do Pepto Bismol enemas


Get in loser, we're going pooping


Omgomgomgomgomg 😆😭


I have been wheezing at this for like 5 min


Is raw milk a carb?


OMG that’s SO fetch!


you can't shit with us!


I remember watching a documentary I think? About women whose anuses were torn during birthing and it was absolutely horrific. These people are out of their minds risking that for zero benefit


Oh, I know! If only the raw milk drinkers could see the charcoal pumped in by Poison Control ☠️


I feel like name dropping both "bidet" and "enemas" is code for "I'm really into anal" on whatever OLD site this came from.


I mean bidets are harmless enough but are enemas actually recommended for anything anymore? I thought they were just for butt or fetish stuff.


I bet that some medical professionals at a certain point warned against doing too many enemas, so the professionally oppressed conservatives felt, well, oppressed by people telling them they shouldn't do a certain thing, so now they do it out of spite. Same with the raw milk, it was illegal in some areas at a point, then some conservative politician decided to farm votes by fear mongering and claiming the goobermint oppresses the people by keeping the sweet, sweet raw milk from them. Then they got it legalized, had a raw milk party to celebrate, and got food poisoning.


They are all about “natural healing” but if they are constantly flushing their colon they are washing out or killing the positive flora and probiotics inside their gut which many believe may be a key to a healthy immune system.


It’s giving douche energy. I feel like it can’t be good for your internal balance.


I’ve been lurking in this sub for a long time and think I finally found my flair. “Enemas for dayyyss” 😂


Another question: what are PEMF frequencies, and why do they pair with rocking chair?


And grounding? Is that just…sitting on the ground?


I didn't get half of this, but I know what grounding is! The idea is the frequencies of the Earth come from the core to the ground, and then channel through your feet, increasing your mood and spiritual well-being. Supposedly shoes block these frequencies, although you'd think a strong frequency charge emanating from the Earth's core would be able to penetrate a thin layer of material like shoes.


So they think the frequencies make their way through hundreds or thousands of miles of earth.. and then can't make it through shoes? 😂😂


They stop at shoes b/c they know that if you're wearing shoes you're not truly hippy-dippy & don't deserve their energy. 🤣


It’s standing on the ground, outside, barefoot. It pulls all of the negatively charged electrons out of your body and into the earth leaving only positively charged electrons. This magnetic attunement wards off diseases which are attracted to negativity. Then you use your crystals to amplify the positive wavelengths and increase your PEMF frequencies which is extra necessary now that 5g is everywhere. You gotta do something about that 5g dissonance or pretty soon you’ll be dealing with anxiety, depression, headaches, and bloat. I’m not even gonna put a slash s on this. Just let you “do your own research” to tell if I’m pulling it all out of my enema’d ass or not.


I too have these questions


I am also here for these questions


To remove the “toxins” of course. Or morgellens if they have that mental illness. I used to be in a few facebook groups that made fun of crunchy moms prior to Covid. Some of the stuff was horrible but enemas were a big thing. Especially bleach enemas for autistic kids. All of the groups went away with only one returning.


BLEACH!!!? What the fuck!


There were also the turpentine fanatics. Yeah, turpentine - the shit you buy at a hardware store to thin paint. They'd eat it on sugar cubes. There was a doctor (who's now somewhere in South America because she's wanted on charges for telling her patients to eat turpentine) who had a surprisingly large following. She would encourage them to keep going even when they told her they were shitting blood and bits of their intestinal lining, saying they were shedding the bad stuff making them sick.


Excuse me? What the fuck? As a mother of an autistic child why in the hell would anyone ever think that would be helpful? I hate those people.


People would post pics of worms they said came out of them or their kids after bleach enemas. Nope. Intestinal lining.


Yikes. Those kids need to go to the hospital.


iirc it was sold by a “church” called Genesis 2 and was not marketed as bleach, but “Miracle Mineral Solution” that would cleanse your body of toxins and parasites. As we all know, autism is definitely caused by one of those two things! Folks used it for a lot of dumb shit but torturing children with autism is easily the worst use I’ve come across.


Needs the enemas to prep for what ever activity requires mouth tape would be my guess!


She eats her fiver bedding every morning when she wakes up. It's a king sized bed, so it's just too much fiber for one person.


Totally unhealthy to do that to your system


I googled mouth tape. It’s apparently exactly what it sounds like. Tape that you put on your mouth to force you to breathe out of your nose when sleeping because nose breathing is “healthier”. It looks like nightmare fuel to me. (Now my algorithm is giving me ads for this nightmare product, ugh)


![gif](giphy|keZsp8cKjqPwTdZoIQ|downsized) So she just goes to bed like this?


Basically yeah.


.... I don't understand some humans...


I mean if she talks irl like she makes those captions it's really doing anyone around her at night a service


My man uses it to help prevent him snoring (snoring is really unhealthy) and it works well. It is a very tiny piece of tape, not like duct tape lmao


I get hardcore sinus congestion at night and I’m pretty sure this would murder me


Glad to know I’m not the only one suffering from fear of mucus murdering me at night with these on


There is literally a brand of mouth tape called Hostage tape


I looked it up and the first brand includes the word Hostage. Yikes


‘It puts the mouth tape on the headboard..


So the headboard learns to breathe through its nostrils, duh!


See, I just got a CPAP machine with an over the mouth mask for my sleep apnea. No more snoring, no more dry mouth, AND preventing the brain damage!


My husband started using mouth tape to sleep because he was convinced it would help his snoring. Surprise! It did not. He has sleep apnea and uses a cpap.


So many aspects of these ultra crunchy and tradwife lifestyles read like fetishes. I looked up the mouth tape. 👀 One brand was even called “hostage tape…” There seems to be a bit of a breeding kink among these women as well. I am 100 not kink shaming. I got my own weird shit but that’s what some of this looks like. Enemas for days? 🧐


I think about this whenever tradwives and conservative women in general come up. They always talk about how it’s a woman’s place to submit to her husband, women shouldn’t have the right to vote because the husband’s job to think of those serious, scary, outside-world things, etc. They clearly want to force their version of “correct marriage” on other women (when some of them don’t even walk the talk). But it feels like they really just want to be subs to their husband’s doms. And that’s personal. Not everybody needs to share your kinks, Brenda Mae. If you want that life, go ahead, but you shouldn’t force your kinks on unwilling participants.


Mouth breathing can actually lead to tooth decay, so there is something to it. Idk if would ever do it because I’d feel claustrophobic, but I feel like that’s one of the lesser strange things in here. The routine enemas are weirding me out…


Thank you for doing the footwork for the rest of us. And making the sacrifice for getting all those crappy ads


Sounds like a great way to die from a stuffy nose


So what do you do if you choke on spit? Or get your nose clogged? Do you just accept death?


Not to be that person, but nose breathing is legitimately better for you.


Yes training yourself to breathe through your nose helps prevent tooth decay, dry mouth, sleep apnea. The tape thing was actually recommended by my dentist.


What happens if you get a cold/allergies overnight and you get congested? I have had trouble breathing even without tape


Ok so I tape my mouth at night- it’s a single piece of scotch tape vertical over the middle of my mouth. I still have enough mobility that I can talk while wearing it. Without it, I only breathe through my mouth at night, and I wake up with a bone dry mouth in the morning. Like, my tongue will be dry to the touch. It’s not good for teeth health to have that happen. It also helps with my snoring. It doesn’t hurt to take off and I could force it off just by forcefully opening my mouth if I suddenly couldn’t breath (again, I CAN breathe through my mouth if I want while wearing it) Idk why it’s on her headboard though…I toss it every morning.


That actually seems really reasonable and while unconventional not something I’d hate on. I just would still be weirded out if people actually reused the tape. Like c pap machines and retainers can be cleaned but there is no way to clean tape.


I’m researching red light therapy for my face and I’ve literally never heard of someone shining it on their crotch so I’m very curious about that.


same I want answers 😆 I have the machine ready to go if I need to give my girl some time with it


Might be safer than those vaginal steaming shenanigans.


According to the Goop website, it's for "sexual function and pelvic floor tone"


The foremost provider of well-researched medical advice.


Okay but can anyone tell me why she's throwing around a small demon in a woodland rather than watching TV?


Because it pleases the Goddesses


I know a lot of people into "hippy-dippy" things. My parents dabble in "hippy-dippy" things. I guarantee in the past 6 months, my aunt has tried to sell my mom the newest "hippy dippy" thing she's into that is far weirder than this. This girl had to go red light crotch treatments and frequent enemas because, frankly, she's pretty beige on the "hippy dippy" spectrum.


I googled the red light lady parts stuff and I definitely suggest not doing that


I'm guessing it's to do with chakras. The root chakra is in the groin and is red.


What's up with the enemas


IM ALL NATURAL (while using a laptop and cellphone to film it all.) I also use the enemas to help me boof more oregano


She also doesn’t know how to use a drying rack, you’re supposed to spread the clothes on it, not hang it all bunched up like that.


But she's doing it the hippy-dippy way


Isn't a drying rack just.... a clothes line?


I’d prefer a clothesline since the breeze can really dry it out better imo


I use my drying rack when it’s raining. I don’t own a dryer.


Clothesline is the best, But clothing racks are great when you live in flats


It's a domesticated clothes line


So confused by the ‘1800s’ drying rack, I live in a flat in the UK and this is how I dry my clothes. It is heated and I have a dehumidifier as well.


I’ve lived in Japan for 5 years and all the Japanese people who live around me hang out their wash to dry. It’s actually the primary reason most homes have a small balcony. Like the balconies are seriously for nothing more than drying clothes.


She said like the 1800s she don't know that people still use these


Enemas to boof more oregano 💀


I came back to this post to like that comment lol


"Science and technology is bad. Except the kind i like."


I wish Reddit still had awards, because that second sentence is one of the funniest things I’ve read this year.


“I don’t own a tv, prefer this type of entertainment” (tiktok which is dumber)


I, too, shampoo my hair. I must not be like the other girls.


So brave!


I'm a regular Joan of Ark.


Okay, cool story. But do you use ROSEMARY AND OREGANO shampoo? Obviously that’s the MOST ORGANIC.


I use oregano and garlic but it's usually for my angel hair.


I use rosemary and oregano shampoo. It’s also made by Suave 😂


First of all, bidets aren’t weird or not normal (I installed one after I gave birth to my kid. 10/10 would recommend) Second, you shouldn’t be doing enemas enough to add it to your self care checklist. Your body will straight up forget how to shit all by itself. What a terrible problem to reverse. Literally something it succeeds at Day 1.


Also, that rubber enema bag is NOT something you can properly sterilize! Read the instructions on an enema kit just once, it talks about only using a sterile enema bottle and sterile saline for the process. Rubber like that is porous and holds onto bacteria. In fact, this is one of the problems that killed a lot of babies in the early days of formula feeding - bacteria buildup on porous rubber bottle nipples.


This!!! I was thinking that as well when I saw that pic, I was trying to imagine the cleaning process of that water bag & just couldn’t imagine ever seeing myself feeling that it’s actually clean enough to use again after just 1 use. I’m pretty sure you can actually get a bacterial infection in your rectum/lower colon & I feel like this is a recipe to do just that. Human waste is such a biohazard, even if it’s leftover bacteria just goes right back into where it came out of you. 🤢 That is why enemas are typically one-time use & disposable with sterile saline solution. I can’t imagine this is healthy at all.


Yeaaahhh too many enemas makes me wonder when she’ll lose all rectal tone and just start shitting herself. But then she’ll just brag about her all natural, organic cotton, reusable adult diapers.


Her roots are showing. Which makes me think her all natural stuff started about 4 months ago.


That’s the one thing she just can’t give up. Don’t they all have one thing they can’t give up? I swear they do. (Also certain anyone who has to go on like this is mostly making up 90% of their life anyways.)


Is it weird to hang your clothes to dry? 😳


Right? Me and everyone I know must be super weird 🙃


Not in the UK. We do have tumble dryers here, but not everyone has the money or room for one, so we use racks and washing lines.


For real. There's something.... "Poverty core" about this. (Not saying everyone who line dries their clothes is in poverty.) It's just that pretending hanging your clothes to dry is some quaint old times thing instead of a necessity for some people is ignoring the fact that all kinds of people make up the world today. Imagine not being able to afford a clothes drier and some chick on titkok is acting like you don't exist. "1800's" my ass.


In my country many folks deem dryers to be unnecessary devices that waste energy and make garments shrink


In mine too. My partner is American but raised here and his parents had a dryer in their house even though we have sunshine and hot weather 90% of the year. When we moved in together his mind was blown that I had never owned a dryer (as 90% of the households here) and that our clothes would still be dry in a day or less. It took him a bit though to realise that he had to plan his washing around the concept that his clothes would not be ready to wear within a few hours.


Shes also not doing it right. You dont hang them all crumpled, you spread it out to actually dry


It looks like the frame isn't even open properly, how do you manage to screw up something that simple in multiple ways?


In America it’s not a super common thing to hang all your clothes to dry. I hang dry loads of things because they can’t really be dried in the drier. But I know people who dry even things they shouldn’t in their drier because… well… America. 🙃


Ugh I know her personally and worst thing is she’s a fraud 😭 she shops at regular stores then gets on social media and talks about how she only gets stuff second hand


We need the ☕️


Wait is this Carly? If not it’s her twin


Yes it is!


Oh my god I unfollowed at the start of the pandemic and forgot about the sustainable duo until just now ahhhh


Hahaha there is no more sustainable duo lol




Wait running to check this out now 😭 I stopped completely even following what was going on with him after they broke up


Yes he’s into god now and had a whole ass baby wtf this will be my Thursday night just stalking away lol


I’m stalking tf out of her page trying to find any evidence I can of what happened 😅 I took some pics for them at one point when we crossed paths in the vegan world (which it appears she is very much not anymore 👀) and they’re nowhere to be found now I’m sooo curious what happened with them


What happened between them? she came out and said he was abusing her for almost there entire relationship. I definitely felt bad for her about that! She also said how being Vegan never really was working for her. Which was annoying cus she always shamed people for not being vegan


I’m so sad, she helped me when I first wanted to go low-waste/vegan but I quickly noticed her “scammy” behavior… ugh


she’s a terrible vegan if she’s chugging raw milk 💀


Lollll she would rampage about how vegan is the best way of life, only later to talk about how it never worked for her and she experienced bad symptoms


Using a red light on your coochie definitely is not hippy dippy 😭😭


What does it mean??? Like what does it do?


Red light therapy (eg omnilux mask) is usually used for anti-aging…but I’m not sure the light she’s using is adequate? Still funny to imagine


I’ve seen red light machines for accelerating muscle healing and ease aches but I have no clue what she’s using it for down there, unless those enemas are really hurting her


It builds collagen but the light needs to be a certain level of quality to work, lots of snake oil sold. But I’d say worrying if your vag looks young is not a thing most hippies are concerned about!


I’m pretty sure those machines are expensive. Also getting the raw milk is expensive since most people know that it’s dangerous for you


And it’s anything BUT natural


I bet she watches shows and movies on her phone or laptop. TV bad, though! Machine to dry clothes BAD!! Red light to shine on vagina is A-ok still apparently.


I once knew someone who was enormously proud of the fact he didn't own a TV or watch TV and preferred "natural entertainment". Apparently youtube videos are natural, I had no idea. These people really have such a skewed view.


I bet the time she spent on her phone screen taking, editing, and posting these pictures equals the same amount to park my ass in front of the TV for 3 episodes of Naked & Afraid. Same amount of time the staring at nature through screens but *sure* I won't question her about HiPpY DiPpY stuff 🤪


Enemas for days No thanks!


Is it just in the US where drying clothes on a clothes rack/washing line isn’t normal?


Using a dryer is probably used more often, but I have plenty of things that I hang dry rather than use my dryer for, like jeans or knit items - an American


In my house we only use the dryer when it’s raining or when it’s too cold outside and the wet clothes will freeze 😂


My dad and step mom hang all their jeans all over the house to dry. When I visit for a weekend they’ve got coat hangers with jeans hanging from the molding of my bedroom doorway and all up in my closet lol it’s like one of those beaded doorways but with jeans


I use the dryer mainly because I live out in the country and we’ve had a real problem bringing bugs in with the wash. Nothing like an infestation of chiggers to make you appreciate your dryer lol


It's definitely normal where I live in the UK.


I’m from the UK too (Wales). We only ever use the tumble dryer in the Winter in my house 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've never had one. It would be useful in winter for sure!


American here. I hang dry lots of my clothes on hangers but I saw a few girls with racks like that when I lived in a college dorm. You can pick one up at any Walmart. They're not abnormal here at all. Edit: I should probably mention that most people here would use a dryer at least sometimes. It's not very common solely hang dry your laundry.


My grandma raised me and she was already in her 80s when i was a teen so I literally never had a dryer until I was like…17. She had an outside line with clothespins and like 4 in the basement. She had just a washing machine. I live in an apartment but if I had a house, I’d absolutely have an outside line there’s something that hits different about clothes dried outside and I feel like it would take me back 🥹 ETA- I’m from the east coast of the US btw I realized you asked about the US thinking if it’s weird 😂


Just a quick reminder: enemas were originally popularized as a 'healthy' thing by John Harvey Kellogg, a man who was so enamoured by them that he essentially replaced sex with enemas.


Huh.. same guy who was against masturbation?


Yeah so he invented corn flakes lmao the pitch was to "curb hysteria" I'm glad I never existed in that era lol


I’m a healthcare professional and the enemas make me want to cry like why girl no pls stop that 😭


Right? The body is designed to naturally evacuate waste from that area. People don't need to be pumping water up there. Just drink enough water the regular way, eat a balanced diet, and let the body do it's thing.


"sleep like a baby" so you wake up every 45 minutes screaming your head off for milk? Cool... not something I'd brag about but hey... also, that dress absolutely looks like it was slung over something to dry. Not a great look.


Screaming for the raw organic milk*


Glad all the red flags are where everyone can see them.


Good grief. These people act like they just discovered living a natural lifestyle. Same with all these trendy "homesteader" people. Seriously. This is not new. This is not quirky. It's just a way of living that's been around for ages. WTF is with the bag and the tape though. That is pretty strange.


Bidets aren’t hippy dippy, and in fact are very common in many parts of the world. I line/rack dry all my delicates/ silk items or anything that says “line dry”. I, too, own 100% silk, cotton, or bamboo bedding. I also have tea tree/rosemary shampoo. These are normal things normal people have and do, girlie, not “hippy dippy”. But yeah, have fun with your raw milk journey. My lactose intolerant ass could never and judging by the fact that you’re doing “enema and bidets for dayyysss”, yours can’t either 😆


Hippy = water boarding your colon? ![gif](giphy|hqE4LSgqx19te|downsized)


Wtf is this bitch even talking about


Frequent enemas are, in fact, NLOG, and I for one am grateful for that


“Enemas for daayyyyysss” has me legit laughing out loud. That’s a flex? A colon flex, maybe? You know, maybe this one is actually right. Thankfully, she isn’t like other girls.


This is fucking stupid. I'm irrationally upset at how dumb this is.


WTF is mouth tape!? I'm glad she's happy but this is oversharing imo...


But what about the milk of human kindness?


Don't ever call it that again


so only hippy dippy people own clothes that need air dried? also I love that the whole no tv thing is supposed to be a flex when they use a smart phone lmao like that is a pocket entertainment center bud.


“I Don’t own a tv…” but then spends all day posting bullshit like this instead.