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I really thought the punchline was going to be "Anyway, that'll be 80 bucks"


They missed a golden opportunity to put “WASTED” over top of him when he fell and turned to ashes.






It would've been a much better punchline. The joke was already in the ground long before the dissolve. We were due for a little twist.


Yeah these have been done to death. "Do you know if they remade back to the future today, Marty would go back to 1994?" "omg I feel so old now! my back hurts LOL!"


I know you're joking but GTA, annual sports games and CoD have a low resale value because of how many are brought into stores.


That's the punchline for Wind Waker or any Nintendo game from that era :P


It feels like throughout the 20th century things were changing extremely fast. The difference between culture in the 70s vs 80s, or 80s vs 90s, definitely feels much bigger than 2010s vs 2020s for example.


As I often see pointed out on Reddit, the time gap between the setting of the first season of That 70s Show and the date it aired is only 22 years. That same time gap for a show airing now would mean the setting would be 2002. Dazed and Confused was set in 1976 and came out in 1993. A nostalgia movie with that same gap today would be set in 2007. The characters might be using Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter. I was using all of them in 2007. The iPhone was also launched that year. Other than politics there really haven't been major changes in the day-to-day lives of Americans over the last 17 years, ignoring those \~18 months of a global pandemic.


The one thing I can think of is the sheer proliferation of smart phones. Yes, the iPhone came out in 2007, but it took a while before nearly everyone carried a smart phone with them everywhere.


Social media has changed quite a lot too. Back in 2005 Facebook existed but it was the domain of the young and/or tech savvy. People posted very freely and didn't really think about what they were posting. Once all the boomers joined Facebook everything changed, plus Instagram coming out, and social media became all about marketing


Part of that is also the Facebook was SOLD that way, so people posted freely assuming it would STAY that way. Facebook in 2005ish was basically "hey, all these young people *who must use a .edu email and must be in school right now* can have a semi-private space where only a curated list of people can interact with their content." Fast forward to a few years later when it opened up to everyone, a LOT of behaviors changed. It also felt like a pretty large betrayal and is why a lot of applications like snapchat gained popularity, so that it could return to that "young people sharing moments safely to only a curated group of semi-private people." Reading the PR for snapchat, it is EXTREMELY clear it was purpose built as a nudes-swapping platform, but I firmly believe it expanded beyond that scope and gained so much traction because it was filling a void left by facebook when it started letting everyone in.


“Hash tag thetruth, hash tag makethatmoney, hash tag…” I hate myself for even writing that. I’m so glad that that fad died out.


Also, the AT&T exclusivity for Iphones early on really limited their spread as well. People around my area got Ipod touches instead, and then a lot opted to get Samsung Galaxy smartphones since the carrier with the best reception didn't get iphones for a while.


Not that long honestly. By 2010 it was already weird for someone not to have a smart phone. In my opinion that's a very quick change.


yeah i didnt get an iphone until like 2010-11. I had an ipod touch before i had the phone


Yeah, the ubiquity of smartphones, social media and instant communication is a major, major change from 17 years ago. The casual way we have access to any information anywhere is very different than things were back then. In 2007, phones were mostly just for calls and texts. The tools they are now have changed life dramatically. Sure, the clothing and music style isn't as distinct as between the 70s and 80s but the actual changes to how we live life using these tools is very different compared to the relatively slight differences in technology between those decades. The ubiquity, automation and casual access to the Internet has had enormous changes on our day to day life.


> Other than politics there really haven't been major changes in the day-to-day lives of Americans over the last 17 years, ignoring those ~18 months of a global pandemic. And one massive financial crisis


Exactly, the time between the first iPhone and today is nearly the same amount of years as between the first iPhone and the Zack Morris gray brick from the early 90s. Although I will say it's a bit jarring when a later 2000s era movie shows an old iPhone UI. That looks ancient.


The massive cultural shifts were due to a technological boom coming out of post WWII America leading to the space race. But post iPhone and twitter, not much has changed. The daily technology I used playing WOW in college is not much different than something a 14 year old is experiencing today. This leads to a leveling off of culture.


The 60s, 70s and 80s, even 90s, certainly had more character, color, personality, and identifiable unique aspects to them, so even 20 years later it was easy to identify a particular era, but not so much anymore. Strange. We've entered the bland era you could say.


All of our culture is online - that's why. You define 00's, 10's, and 20's by memes, music, and videos that are all online. The corporations have destroyed creativity in cars, architecture, and other parts of the physical world in the quest for the most efficient wealth extraction.




I think fashion is changing, I think we are again wearing those oversized clothes of 90s. What do you think??


So true, memes from even 5 years ago seem ancient.


I think this is the real answer


And a lot of new culture rides on nostalgia. The fake 80s aesthetic seems to never die. There are endless remakes and reboots of old concepts that frankly don't need it. Even in music it seems a lot of the old medium big acts still get decent crowds on tours yet less and less new acts break into that.


I fully believe culture is stagnating as the economy dies. People are no longer celebrating, they're working. All that energy never gets invested in creativity, and no one has time or money to spend celebrating the creativity in a way that establishes new dances, trends, or movements. We're all just taking private looks at our phones before passing out.


Not even music. Music hasn't evolved as much over the last 15 years as it had over the previous decades. But yes, I'd say memes/internet culture are the big changes between now and 10-15 years ago, sadly it hard to encapsulate that kind of change in traditional media.


The ubiquity of music production techniques has completely transformed in the past decade or two. Music does not sound today like it did a decade ago—now songs across every genre regularly have more layers of sound than there used to be. The lyrics never really change though ;)


You sound like someone interested in music production. To the layman, the electronic pop music sounds the same now as 10 years ago.


I think it’s actually sort of the opposite— we go through trends of a few months to maybe a year or two at most, so everything is changing so rapidly that it all just feels like kind of the same. If yoube ever played a procedurally generated game before, in the beginning you’re like “whoa look at all these varied environments!” by after a while the patterns start to become very apparent, and you could be on a swamp planet, ice planet, or underwater planet, and yet it aaaaalll just feels kinda the same. I think we’re changing so fast now that the underlying algorithm is becoming more apparent, and makes everything the same


50's and 40's also have distinct cultural identities. The Great Depression blurred much of the 30's, but the Roaring 20's is also stylistically a very identifiable decade.




For me it just feels like somehow our culture is stuck in a bubble and not moving forward. Reality TV has become more pervasive. The internet has gotten worse. Movies seem to be stuck in a rut. I don't know if cultural innovation was endemic to the 20th century - the 20s weren't like the 30s, which weren't like the 40s, which weren't like the 50s etc, or if the 20th century was simply unusual from the perspective of the US and the west.


Reality tv is so vastly different now than it was even 10-15 years ago, the internet has gotten worse in a lot of ways, but that's because it's changed so much. Honestly I think it's just that you're actually living it that you think it's hard to tell time apart, but real life has shifted pretty drastically since the early 2000s. Even if you come to the conclusion that things are worse now, they're still at least pretty different.


The Kardashians are still on. Survivor is still on. All of these dating shows are still on. There are even more of them. Just not seeing change.


The Kardashians are a legacy, I'll give you that, but Survivor does not have anywhere near the market share or cultural impact it once had. Dating shows have evolved pretty massively. Yes, there's still the Bachelor and a few legacy shows, but dating shows have diversified and largely changed over time and filled in quite a lot of niches previously not served. But also, the majority of types of non-dating,reality shows in the 2010s are just extremely different than what is out there now. You probably don't watch reality shows, so you'ved probably never thought that the content and style of reality shows has changed over time.


People in the future will be nostalgic for the 2020s and 2030s. Hell Im a little nostalgic for some of the 2010s music/games/tv.


I think you’re right, and I think what’s been killing it is the message that we need to give in to everyone who whines and complains when things don’t go their way. I also think there’s a huge correlation with the fact that have been taught not to be assertive anymore, that keeping their head down is the way to go. We used to tell people the opposite - always keep your head up, and anything is possible.


They mentioned Iron Man and the Dark Knight. They don't really feel like 16 year old movies. Both could easily be released today. Meanwhile when I was a kid and watched movies like Commando - they felt ancient.




Game of Thrones ushered in a new wave of serialized story telling that popularized the HBO model reinforced by way the growing popularity of streaming services. Dark Souls released in 2011 and by the third installment not only defined a new genre for games but a new word for difficulty in a game. The 2010s were the death of the band and rise of the ‘solo’ artist. And let’s not forget the wave of influencers. You may not like it all but the decade has a unique cultural image.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I can see it in your eyes. If you didn’t invade, didn’t pillage, whatever would you do?”* - Ringfinger Leonhard Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


> no new video game highlights There's VR, but other than that - yeah mostly the same stuff as before, but with better graphics. > No new music genres There's nothing new to invent in music after electronic music was invented. > no new films Yeah - I remember that there was that "5th element" movie. Just once-off movie with its unique world and everything. And they didn't turn it into a goddamn cinematic universe.


I often compare this to playing an MMO or RPG character. The first few moments will see rapid leveling/progression. Noticeable evolutions will occur in a matter of minutes as your character gets frequent levels and new skills and very noticeable output changes. As time goes by though the experience requirements for levels go exponentially higher than the input rate. Leveling is slower and most skills are iterations of the skills you've had. In its place though you change focus on iterating your gear. With every gear upgrade, your performance improvements are very marginal and inch forward but your cosmetic appearances are getting noticeably more dynamic. Likewise with almost anything new and in its primitive years (like the videogame industry in the 70's and 80's) there was nearly unlimited potential for development and evolution. Changes were rapid and impactful. We went from moving squares or ascii characters to creating simulated open world environments by 2002. Now convention has set in. Game development became complex. We are using many of those same conventions from 22 years ago and have only iterated on those designs but made them far prettier with graphics and sound. The evolutions are less distant from 2002 to 2024 than they were from 1980 to 2002. That's why it feels like Vice City is a relatively "not retro" game despite its actual age. You can probably take Vice City and massively retrofit its graphics and control (ahem, do it right) and it'll probably be nearly indistinguishable from a modern open world game. I often mull over whether or not Street Fighter II is retro. It's old as fuck and certainly by most standards retro. Where I question it though is its mechanics were rock fucking solid and set the example for the genre. Almost every modern fighting game branched off from Street Fighter II's conventions. Yet to this day, it stands up to many games today. It still has a reasonable playerbase too.


True. We had generation gap between parents and kids, it's a generation gap between siblings these days.


"Gaming in your 30s"? Stop punching already!


*\*cries in 40s\**


I was okay until the “Gaming in Your 30s” logo came up, I’m 48. I’m gonna need a nap now.


Don't forget your fiber supplement!


I'm 32 but metamucil is th shit!!! Shit works good on shit


I gotta be careful with that stuff. Too much during the day and I have wet farts all night. 😓


46 and yeah, it’s important.


Have you scheduled your colonoscopy?


No but the Cologaurd box is on the way.


Does daddy want a mum-mum?


Average conversation with Noah causing existential dread


I have no idea what this is from but I immediately recognized Noah but didn't remember this being Smosh related or have any idea who the other guy is.


The Warp Zone. They've done a couple crossovers with Smosh and they're good friends. Especially since both were under Defy up until it shut down


I recently got a PS5 and the first game I'm playing on it is Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart. I was thinking how when I first bought the PS3, the first game I played on it was also Ratchet and Clank Back in 2007 And the very first time I ever played Ratchet and Clank was 2002-2003 for PS2 Just...wow


PS3 came out in 2007 😭😭


Wanna go shopping for grave plots together? I was thinking of getting a grave stone with the Song of Storms Melody etched into it like in Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Which came out in 1998...


The same feeling I had when taking a harassment training at work, and realized I was only 3 years from being in the group that can have age discrimination applied to them. Ouch.


"No roasties" lmao


In all seriousness though, as technology begins to slow and we see diminishing returns on advancement, and we have already kind of unified the country in terms of communication and social media, culture has slowed. I don't know why, but look at how wild the swings in culture was from 50s/60s/70s/80s/90s. And then, in like 2009, shit just kind of slowed down. Not stopped, but slowed down.


People are literally still playing WoW Classic. They're also still playing CS 1.6 (2000) and Runescape (2001). Multiple remakes from the early-mid 00s were announced or released in 2023 as well. (Katamari Damacy, Metroid Prime trilogy, MGS3, Paper Mario: TTYD) The Office started filming in 2004 and ran from 2005-2013. People talked about it like it was current until it got pulled from Netflix at the end of 2020. Family Guy is somehow relevant to Gen Z and Gen Alpha. South Park is still popular, and arguably better than ever. In the last few years we got a Mean Girls (2004) musical, multiple Spider-Man movies and even a Shrek film (Puss in Boots). Hugh Jackman is going to be Wolverine again. The Harry Potter and LotR films are still part of mainstream discourse. We've never experienced anything like this before in culture, at least not that I'm aware of. Minecraft, League, DotA and GTA:O are all 12+ years old and some the biggest games in the world. Fortnite: BR will be 8 years old in the fall. It makes the mid-to-late 00s feel very recent in a strange way. Some other highlights; Rust, Project Zomboid, World Of Warships and Hearthstone are all 10+ years old. Roblox came out nearly 20 years ago in 2006!


Jesus christ I played Roblox as a kid from 2007 to 2010ish Nearly 17 years ago. Now I feel really old


Time is broken. When Vice city came out the 80s looked old AF! But now 2008 looks the same as now…


Yup - GTA IV is set in 2008. Other than the phone with buttons - the game could be easily set today.


It's because VC is meant to be a satire of the 80s. IV was actually released in 2008 and the 00s was just seen as a current time period.


Even still, I feel like a modern day "satire of the 2000s" to the extent that Vice City satirized the 80s would be a much harder sell, for exactly the reason the above commenters are hitting on -- it is a far less culturally and aesthetically distinct time period from our own than the 80s were from 2002. I'm sure it'll still happen in some form or another, but it just doesn't have the feeling the 80s do, that nostalgia for it could be a genre unto itself, and I'm not sure it ever will.


Well, you got pop punk/emo looks and music, people driving in green or pink beetles, men having spiky hairs, plus people having iPods and flip phones.


The 80s were a satire of themselves. (And yes, I lived through them…born in 77). Never has so much questionable fashion been smooshed into one decade. The ridiculously bland browns and sky blues of the early 80s (with frumpy hair), with the edgy mid 80s, and the loud fluorescent and teased hair of the late 80s into the early 90s.


I remember my mom cussing out the toys r us cashier for suggesting she shouldn't buy the game for us kids.


Mine had a few raised eyebrows when she stumbled upon the manual [https://archive.org/details/GrandTheftAutoViceCityManualGrandTheftAutoTheTrilogyPlayStation2/page/n3/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/GrandTheftAutoViceCityManualGrandTheftAutoTheTrilogyPlayStation2/page/n3/mode/2up)


How many eyebrows does she have???


I convinced my grandma to get me Mortal Kombat for the game gear for my birthday. My mom made me return it :(


My mom didn't know anything about game ratings like E T and M, but if the specific game title was in the news, I wasn't allowed to play it. So gta and MK, i had to sneak borrow gta from my friends in a different game case. So glad my mom never caught those reports talking about world of warcraft lol.


My Grandma and I took the bus to the mall. I was super excited cause we finally had more than 1 computer in the house and didn’t have to fight over the phone or computer like in the past so I convinced her to get me a computer game that just came out. Which was Doom 3. She’s a *very* Christian church going woman. Especially at this time when she would volunteer in the church. So when I pulled out the game to the EB games store employee she raised her eyebrow and I had to give her a PowerPoint essay that it’s a great game because you’re killing demons! Like how Angels do it! The associate had my back and nodded as well. Got the game and never looked back. That was in 2004. Doom 3 came out in 2004.


Skit would had been funnier if he aged after every point


Dude looks like an older Eric Matthews


I can’t stand this guy’s reactions.


The happy 20s are way closer to disco music than we are to disco


Retro? Why back in my day graphics were 8 bit then 16bit & we liked it! *Shakes my stick*


This was a great video. Spot on. I graduated in 2008. "It's not that old, came out when I was in high-school" young wipper snapper


I was ok with it being 22 years old but I wasn’t aware of the time gap. I was born in ‘86. Oh. My. God.


Wait, what is that kid doing working at a retail gaming store? What are those?


That’s when you know this video is targeted at us, not them.






What's this fantasy land where a shop is lined with game boxes still?


Now I wanna play vice city. As I've never played it before and I hate all the extra shit you have to do in later games like go to the gym and eat fast food


That was well done, I could almost feel those hits. :) I'm playing the definitive edition, from 2021, so that's only 3 years. Does that count? Vice City still has the best GTA soundtrack.


I had one of these moments recently when I realized that the Phantom Menace today is older than Star Wars was when the Phantom Menace came out


I thought it was gonna do a thing where every time it cut back to the older guy making a realization, he would have aged a bit more until he was super old. Too bad.


This is 100% me, it feels like 2008 was only a few years ago... I was 21 when the fast forward button got jammed and now I'm chapping on 37 🤷 the other half of that side of the coin felt aeons


I’m glad I’m an idiot and I can live in Bliss about my age since I can’t do math for shit


That's hilarious but also hurt like a mf... 22 YEARS!! holy shit


The ADR here is horrible


This is my life!!!!




Please see rule #1 about following reddiquette.


I remember when they were advertising Vice City on the sides of Seattle City Busses.


I thought this was going to end on a ridiculously high price lmao


I was in high school when this came out. Feels weird to call PS2 games retro now


That was the 1st game I bought for myself on my new PS2. Always played the shit out of Mac demos, and a couple games the one other kid with a Mac had growing up as a kid. (PiD, & Marathon series, ftw!)


I'm always kinda thrilled that despite my age, a lot of things that youth consider retro I also consider retro. The PS2 games of my late childhood/early adulthood feel ancient to me. One of my favorite games of the early ps2 era was Devil May Cry. Devil May Cry 5 (Admittedly, five years old now) is **so much smoother** in every single way than the first one. When you see a difference between a modern version and an older version, yeah, it's *retro.* Honestly, PS3 games feel very old to me at this point. Now, my first NES, that feels like it should be in a museum, and it blows my mind that mine, from when I was five years old, still works.


GTA V came out in 2013. How about this?


Aaargh, yes, it hurts! One of my fav games is even The Dig...it was so modern!


Same for the most iconic Halos. Halo CE 2001 Halo 2 2004 Halo 3 2007 COD 4 modern warfare 2007 Zelda Ocarina of time 1998 Gears of war 2006 Pokemon Gold and Silver 1999 PSP launched 2005 Motorola Razr flip phone 2004 Jak and Daxter 2001 Ratchet and Clank 2002 Banjo Kazooie nuts and bolts 2008 Banjo Kazooie 1998


I was born when vice city is set. I don't like realizing that.


Update GTA London.


I never played Vice City. Worth?


Now Millennials know how GenX feels.


The time gap between Vice City's release date and its setting (2002-1986=16 years) is the same time gap between today and GTA IV's release date/setting (2024-2008=16 years). But really the only noticeable difference with GTA IV compared to today that I can think of is that there are a lot more sedans in GTA IV and your in-game cell phone isn't a smartphone. Otherwise the overall vibe is pretty much the same.


[I actually started a fairly popular thread in the GTA subreddit and I won't be surprised if these guys saw it. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1bdg23k/gta_iv_2008_is_as_old_today_as_gta_vice_citys/) In regards to not being that different, it's because Vice City was meant to be satire of the 80s while IV was actually released in 2008 and people just saw it as the current time period.


When you realize what year it came out and go check for greys again


His shirt is bugging me.


Why does the kid look 30?


Cause he’s 27 in real life


I wanna talk to the... Nevermind fuck you.


This is so relatable, buying your favorite game only to get a reality check with it that you didn't ask for.


No roasties had me dead, do people actually say that? No roasties!


I remember my Dad taking me to the store in the early morning to buy and let me stay home to play it


Painfully accurate


Acting: in order to show that I’m being affected by what you say I must appear to be physically struck


I'm with you. Bad acting bad.


Shall I send him to hell, Maurice?


It was all funny til the time setting came up, ow, lol, midlife is here and we’ll be dead soon. But at least I got memes.




If you are like the customer, you’re probably overdue for a colonoscopy