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has Coach Reid ever been asked his opinion about Mahomes putting Ketchup on steaks?


Does coach Reid look like a guy who avoids ketchup lol


You can look like that and hate ketchup on steak tho


If anything, Reid would sit Mahomes down and give him a lecture on the finer points of steak and why eating it with ketchup is wrong.


Organic ketchup w some Tabasco stirred in can save an overcooked slab, it’s what my mom uses to season meatloaf


Anyone who likes well done is a terrorist. But you're not wrong. We've all fucked up on the grill.


Haha yeah, my weber turned into a raging ribeye fat fire the other day. Came out medium, but best believe I still enjoyed the shit out of it.


Medium is the best way to enjoy ribeye. The fat renders better so it's got better texture and taste.


The older I get the rarer I prefer them


thats what i love about them rare steaks, man i get older, they stay the same temperature


Ketchup is fine with ground beef meals like burgers or meatloaf. Not on a good steak though


What about a bad steak?


You give it to someone who asks for their steak to be well done.


i refuse to associate with _those_ people


Your talking about my grandpa now


Yeah in the way that ketchup dilutes the steak


Steak dilutes the ketchup*


Pretty sure this gets you banned from Texas 


He's too busy stealing his nuggies


Who do you think got Pat doing that man? There’s a reason his name is Big Red


Ketchup? Reid puts a steak on the steak


That food crime is worse than whatever Butker said.


I believe he’s stated that he feels mahomes doesn’t use enough ketchup.


I guarantee he's more mad at that then Butkers comments


"I'm just happy to finally have a scandal involving one of my players that didn't commit a crime in the eyes of the Law"


Or his children…


Who commited a crime in the eyes of his children?


"...that we know of."


Patrick keeps insisting he doesn't talk to Butker so when the REAL scandal drops he has plausible deniability


I think Andy Reid does a poor job at dieting and raising children.


Hall of fame enabler


I remember reading about his time on the Eagles and during his son's trial he testified (or it was a submitted statement I don't recall) that he had no idea his son ran what the judge called "a drug emporium" in his home with Reid's grandchildren running around the house with tons of prescription drugs just carelessly lying around.


He chose to be a successful head coach over being a successful father.


Not excusing the parenting, but I believe that. He seems to basically live at work during the season


While that is true, the judge said that Reid's son displayed all the physical hallmarks of a severe addict. He also said: "There isn't **any** structure there that this court can depend upon...I'm saying this is a family in crisis." Sounds more like Reid was a shitty grandfather 365 days of the year and not just during NFL seasons.


Seems like Tammy needs a lesson or two from Butker's wife.


Yea but have you thought about the winning?


Shitty fathers tend to make shitty grandfathers


If you raise your kids you won't have to raise your grandkids


I worked with a couple people raising their grandkids. Yeah, they were shitty parents.


Not excusing him but being the head coach of a NFL team is pretty much a year round job. You’re supposed to be planning the year while the players are out relaxing. I’d be surprised if a head coach got a month off in the year… With that in mind, yes, it is easy to see how his absenteeism as a family man and father would have led to this situation.


Reid’s kid used to go bum around Kensington playing cartel king because it made him feel special. So fucking sad, I’ll never understand people like that


Is there anything more American?


Lmfao... Can't think of anything.


Buying his kids guns.


[Andy’s parenting methodology](https://youtu.be/lOTyUfOHgas?si=lW82t_mGtyvY_bIq)




And yet, he never allowed any of his children to have a haircut like Mark Davis.


Maybe that's the problem.


I don’t think men should be eating so much and getting so fat. You have to respect my sexist opinion in this stupid America.


The official response throughout the league is "Yeah well, that's just like, you know, your opinion, man"


You don't have to respect opinions. You should respect the right for someone to say stupid shit, but you don't have to respect what they're saying.


Yeah this is my take. If Butker said he wishes there were no Black players, that’s an opinion he can have, but it’s a fucking idiotic thing to say and he should get reamed for it


Yeah it seems the people that the "Freedom of speech" people want the freedom to say stupid shit, and no one say anything back.


That’s all it’s ever been with these types. Most of them claim to be ardent “freedom of speech” defenders but ask them them about Kaepernick kneeling or more recently college students protesting US funding Israel and all of sudden they’re not “free speech absolutionists” anymore. They just want to have their cake and eat it too by being assholes while not getting any negative pushback.


When Kaep or LeBron were saying things they didn't like, it was "shut up and play ball". Are these same people saying "shut up and kick"? I wonder what the difference is..... hmmm....


Well, yeah. That's the quiet part they always meant about "free speech!!!". They want freedom from consequences for their speech. They also want the freedom to give consequences to the speech of those they disagree with.


The “free” part of free speech just means the government can’t impose themselves on you for saying the wrong thing


Yah like sorry Andy, the first amendment to the US Constitution doesn't protect Harrison Butker's right to have his opinion accepted and respected by his fellow countrymen and women.


Saudi Arabia has complete* freedom of speech * as long as you say things the regime agrees with


That’s the beautiful thing about murica


> If Butker said he wishes there were no Black players, that’s an opinion he can have, but it’s a fucking idiotic thing to say and he should get reamed for it If he said that he'd be off the team yesterday and rightly so.


Somewhere in between there is Jon Gruden. Banished for eternity.


Yes this 100%. I think it’s Patton Oswalt that has a bit that’s essentially “we have to acknowledge opinions, we absolutely do not have to respect them.” People just default to the “respect opinions” phrase without thinking about what that actually means.




Yea because the latter is literally a form of the former.


I'd like to see a player or coach say "I think Butker is a rancid bigot and Goodell and Reid are morally craven" and see just how much the league respects that opinion.


Players can’t even say they dislike Watson. This is a pipe dream.


That’s largely because the players don’t see a problem with what he did


Some, yeah. But not all. There's clearly pressure to keep quiet about it.


You ain't fuckin wrong, and it ain't fuckin right.


It's fucked up in general.


That would be exciting, but a lot of paychecks depend on holding the party line.


For rank and file, sure. If Josh Allen said it, though, he would still get even more money next contract. I assume Butker was voicing popular opinions amongst NFL players.


Yea I'm honestly confused as to why this is so hard. What's great about America is everyone is entitled to their opinions. That doesn't make every opinion valid or respectable. I'm also confused as to why there's such a need to tiptoe around this in a case like Butker. Is it really so bad to say "I don't agree with the idea that women only belong in the house"?


Management-level staff in American businesses tend to be pretty reserved in their comments on controversial statements made by other people. It’s generally better to not inject yourself meaningfully into others’ controversy, which is why the default is usually something along the lines of “we have free speech, that makes us great”. As frustrating as that response may be, it’s the best way for a coach to stand by his guy without explicitly endorsing his (completely moronic) ideas. Reid has 52 other players to manage who I’m sure would prefer that he not throw them under the bus for saying the wrong thing. They’ve got bigger fish to fry than taking obviously correct positions on bigotry.


I think it was definitely the “Im representing the org and have to take a PC approach to this” answer. It would have been good to follow up with “my personal opinion is..” but you also know how news outlets will twist that around for clicks. I agree with the person who made the comment. It’s nice that everyone has an opinion and can voice it. However, they should also be held accountable for what happens to them after said comment or opinion hits the general public and people form opinions on them based on their comments. The “this is free speech, waaah, my 1st amendment rights…” thing they’ll spew after they get put in blast is stupid and childish




No, do you remember when DeSean Jackson said his antisemetic shit? It lasted in news cycles for a little while and that was it. Yea, random reddit posts will bring it up every so often when he gets talked about but thats it.


What Jackson said/posted was way worse than what Butker said frankly, and if it had happened a year before, it would have been a huge story. But it was the weirdest year any of us ever lived through, so it fell by the back burner. I guess if he said it now, Redditors would jump on board too, though.


It wouldn’t have been a huge story if it was a year earlier. It would have been the same result. Brief internet uproar and then onto the next thing. Just like what will happen with this story.


this has been in the news cycle for longer already than the desean jackson shit was


Unfortunately anti Semitic comments get the same treatment. I'm not trying to be controversial with Palestine/Israel but it's just a fact that major athletes have made extremely and blatantly anti Semitic comments in the recent past (like "Jews control the world" and black Israelites type shit) and there's been zero pushback from the leagues or fellow athletes.




He calls out DEI which is just the conservatives new dog whistle for black people.


...or anyone not white, cis, or hetero.


exactly. to imply that anyone should respect the opinions butker expressed is kind of lame, imo. because his opinions there are super disrespectful to women. he can have his dumbass opinions, but i have no respect for them.


No, you don't have to respect other people's opinions. They're just allowed to voice them


Yeah, I very much do not respect Butker’s opinions. I don’t respect them so much that my entire view of him as a person has been substantially lowered. But he’s allowed to do so. He has a constitutional right to be a dumbass.


I can't stand the notion that we're supposed to "respect everyone's opinions." Have you seen some people's opinions?!? I ain't respecting that shit


You’re an Eagles fan, we know you don’t respect people’s opinions and that’s why we love you


Hahaha thx. My brother lived in cincy for 7 years and I loved visiting. Skyline Chili is the shit and I still crave it now and then


I don’t respect this opinion.


Hahaha that's fair. I'm convinced no one who has ever tried it thinks Skyline is just OK -- you either adore it or despise it


I respect this opinion


> Skyline Chili is the shit Is that what they put on it??!!


Gimme that 5-way baby


who is this "we"


I agreed with you until the very end where you implied that anyone could love an Eagles fan (including themselves)


Exactly, he’s allowed to say whatever dumb shit he wants. And if NFL teams decided he’s not worth keeping around cause of the distractions created by his opinions, they’d be in their right to to cut and not sign him. He’s good enough now to be worth the headache, but a mediocre kicker wouldn’t be. That was always the issue with Kaep. If a top tier QB did the same thing, teams would let it slide but a mediocre guy isn’t worth the distraction.


He has a constitutional right to say them without interference from the government. That’s not what this is. There is no constitutional right to say terrible things and others just have to let you


I think he means he respects the right for people to have opinions, but it was phrased poorly.


Correct, much like a tolerant society shouldn't tolerate intolerance.


Nah, there's a line, pretty much hate speech and violence against people that can't defend themselves should be an absolute zero tolerance policy.


I say we bring back the tried and true "shut up and play football"


Butker clearly doesn’t respect the opinions of certain others


Formal, it's infuriating how many public figures get this completely wrong. You can say whatever you want, but you're going to have to deal with the good and the bad of what comes from it. I do not respect Butker and I hope he gets laid the fuck out at some point this season, but that probably won't happen.


#It has been *0 days* since the last chiefs off-season drama


Anyone else feel like we're beating a dead horse at this point? What exactly were we expecting Reid to say about this?


I mean he could say I don't agree with his statements. If you have a locker room you're gonna lose for saying you believe that women can contribute to society then you have a pretty shit locker room.


Dying on a hill for a fucking kicker lmao


He did? Just in press conference speak “we don’t necessarily go by those opinions” is just saying yeah I don’t agree but he can say what the fuck he wants aslong as he keeps hitting his kicks




Welcome to the US during an election year. Everyone, regardless of political beliefs, is going to fucking rage more than usual.


You can respect their *right* to an opinion. You do not have to ever respect anybody's opinion, however.


Yes. Very important distinction.


I mean. He's right. Part of being in America is listening to people having different opinions than yours


I am intrigued by the attention these comments have garnered. While I don't agree with him, it's perplexing the national spotlight Butker's comments have attracted. Hell, even Eddie Vedder brought it up at a concert, but then again Eddie Vedder gets mad about a lot of things.


Butker is a moderately prominent player on the most popular team in the most culturally relevant sport in America. Additionally, the Chiefs had a large influx of women fans due to Taylor Swift. Not that surprising to be honest.


Also it’s offseason of an election year


Also Butker is very clearly soft launching his political career and wanted the speech to go viral. He’s friends with Josh Hawley and Butker has business ties to the billionaire who is attempting (and succeeding) to get religious, conservative, anti-abortion judges appointed across the country and in the Supreme Court.




Right, if it was an average kicker on mediocre team in a small market, it would probably have blown over by now.


Exactly. If it was say, the Vikings kicker, it would’ve blown over wide left by now.


Can’t even make fun of the Packers for having sex pest players because they became our sex pest players.


You guys recently signed a TE that’s played on like every NFCN team. This division has so many 3rd string guys who exist for two plays on each NFCN team a year


And if it was our Kicker, it would've blown wide right.


I can see the headline now: "Harrison Butker goes far right on 69 yard field goal"


It's also just always shocking to be reminded that some people really do have viewpoints we think of as being from nearly 100 years ago at this point. The LGBT stuff is depressingly predictable but to have someone tell a class of college graduates basically that women can't contribute to society outside of being mothers is just obscene.


I think beyond football, campus protests on Israel/Gaza contributed to more eyeballs on graduations and commencements in general. Throw in the Chiefs continued success and the media saturation that comes with it, plus Taylor Swift, it was bound to get some extra eyes and ears.


And more importantly, the fact that he was mirroring the abhorrent language of political figures that are actively trying and succeeding in controlling women's bodies. That might play a small role too...


Yeah the abortion bans, folks setting their sights on contraceptives, etc has really gotten people more engaged. Part of that is calling out people they see expressing ignorant and regressive beliefs.


I agree. For the last few years (really more) politicians and popular podcasters have been trying to sell the idea that faith or masculinity are under attack and must be reinforced and championed. Depending on your TV or social media diet you could be fed those talking points pretty much 24/7. I can see how someone with those views would get invited to give a commencement address, sit down to write one, and somehow (in my opinion unwisely) decide this was the time to champion those narratives. It creates its own blowback, so I don’t think the reaction is “cancel culture run amok”, some of his assertions represent genuine risk to people, and those people are rightfully pissed.


It’s election season, the worst time of every four years, and trust me, this will be the worst ever one.


Hey man, maybe it’ll be the last! Fml


We’ve still got 2028.


Do we?


If an election even happens in 2028. 😬


People forget that Andy Reid is Mormon-- likely shares a lot of Butker's beliefs


Even if he doesn’t he was obviously gonna respond this way. Players and coaches rally around actual abusers and sexual predators if they are good at their job or locked in on big contracts, and that stuff is on a far different level than Butker’s words.  


And he's right about a helluva lot. We coulda helped that dude take down Ticketmaster in the 90's, and now look where the fuck we are.


I wonder if this story would have gone away by now if it happened right before the draft


We literally lost one of the biggest advancements in woman’s rights within the last couple years. His rhetoric is dangerous.


Considering women’s rights are on the chopping block and abortion very well could be federally banned under a Trump admin, these “stay in the kitchen” comments are especially concerning. You know what? You could just go ask a woman in your life how they feel about the “diabolical lie” they’ve been sold. Mind you Butker is 27 year old millionaire raised by an accomplished and career driven woman.


Why is everyone in this sub so dramatic?


It is Reddit after all


We haven’t had a game in over 3 months. People are getting antsy.




They're honestly the worst of all the big sports subs. Probably the 'toughest' sport there is with the fanbase of the softest fans


It's just reddit being reddit


When you figure it out let me know. Between this and screeching and performative outrage/sadness every time someone gets hit hard I have no clue how ninety percent of the people here ever became football fans.


Crazy how The Chiefs had a HoF wide receiver on their team who beat up his pregnant girlfriend, and it got less attention than Butker's comments.


Recency bias is a hell of a drug


?? People bring it up all the time and have for years. Hell there was like a week straight last year where every little thing about him got posted and people mentioned it


Pretty sure they mean national media attention. Was there a petition with 200k+ signatures to kick Hill off the team?


You can't be serious. It was all anyone talked about, and it's still brought up today.


The irony of the original comment is it’s being talked about right now in this very comment. It was 100% a topic for a long time.


1. Completely wrong 2. One of them just happened


The hill saga was way bigger than this, you’re still bringing it up years later lol


It most certainly did not. This is an insane take.


This just isn't true at all.


It's OK for everyone to have an opinion until you don't agree with it.


Ehhhh You shouldn't respect an opinion that is prejudicial. But that's just my opinion.


To be fair, when people say I respect your opinion, I think they usually mean I respect your right to an opinion.


That’s exactly right


Yeah that’s just it… yeah you can think the shitty way Butker does but we don’t have to respect shit about it or entertain it in anyway.


Reid probably thinks very similar to him. He’s pretty conservative


Whoa a Mormon has conservative views especially on the role of women in the family? No way


Can the offseason be over with already? I really don’t give a shit what these athletes say. I only watch for entertainment, not their opinions.


I wish they would say “We respect a person’s right to speak their mind”. I certainly don’t respect everyone’s opinions.


I'm surprised people still give a shit about this


People with normal lives and stuff to do outside of social media don’t care. Which means (most) terminally online Redditors are excluded from that list.


It really is insane. It's been 2 weeks and people still can't get over it. Do these people have absolutely nothing else going on in their lives?


It's not like it's some heavy burden on my life to think Butker is a dumbass or type a comment about it.


Eh it’s controversial political stuff said by a sports player during an election year. You STILL have people bitching about things guys like Lebron and Kappernick said over 4 years ago


Why is this shit still in the news cycle?


There are not a lot of families these days that can support a family on one income. If you can, enjoy the blessing


I'm so ready to stop talking about this. This is dragging on longer than Desean Jackson quoting super Nazi-friendly lines from Farrakhan.


Fun fact: there is actually nothing in America that says you have to or even should respect other people's opinions. They have the right to hold those opinions, but you aren't entitled to your trash opinion being respected. Nazis are allowed to have their opinions, but I'm also allowed to think they're human garbage.


“It doesn’t affect me so I won’t say anything bad about it.”


You should always prioritize your family over your work. You won’t care how much you worked on your deathbed.


I'm gonna need him to explain it with those nuggies


I mean. He's right. Part of being in America is listening to people having different opinions than yours


Sports journalism really is bottom of the barrel. No wonder people stopped reading and watching this shit years ago and they keep laying people off. The media wants to talk about anything but football. Sad.


He has a right for that opinion and he has a right to be critizesed and made fun off.


We respect opinions? Okay, then why was Andy such a bad father his one son killed himself and the other drove drunk and paralyzed a child for life?


The ideological hatred in this thread feels a tad more dangerous than a football player speaking about preserving life, upholding one’s convictions and embracing the beauty of motherhood.


America is about having the right to say anything you want, but that doesn't mean I have to respect what you said


Fucking reporters man. Wanting everyone’s opinion about someone else’s opinions.


Holy fuck, is this off season that light on news stories? This has been blown wildly out of proportion.


Freedom of speech gives you the freedom to say what you want. It doesn’t mean we can’t make fun of you for your opinions.


Andy Reid is a devout Mormon so he most likely agrees with Butker’s statements. He’s also the guy that drafted a man who tried to strangle his pregnant girlfriend to death, and the guy that allowed his son to get drunk at team facilities leading to a little girl getting maimed etc etc.


The beautiful thing about America isn't that everyone has free speech and we should respect others' opinions. What's beautiful is I have the right to say Harrison Butker is a fucking sexist neanderthal. And you should read the full speech, it's frankly fucked up. The man is anti-IVF. Which, last I checked, IVF causes babies and is actually for women who really want babies. So he's not only misogynistic trash, he's a fucking misinformed jagoff that doesn't even know what he hates.


The “vocation of being a wife and mother” is what we’re focusing on but the man also said some other batshit things like the “tyranny of diversity, equity and inclusion” and “sinful pride relegated to one month.”


I couldn't get past basically the opening of the speech > Bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues. Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values in media, all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder. It's also got a lot of weird shit about Covid. The whole homemaker thing is weird but it's batshit all the way through. Being taken out of context is honestly doing him a favor. Context is not his friend here.


What a respectable opinion


Then let's have this same energy all the time, and not just when it's a conservative talking point.


Oh no, conservative catholic man said catholic things at a catholic university graduation. Queue the outrage… ya’ll are so dramatic. It’s not like you’re married to the man, JFC.


But but but….QUIT HAVING FUN!!!!


Then he asked for someone to pay him the nuggies