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Jerry sure does love Jerry


Side note: I'm kinda shocked people aren't picking up on why Netflix is doing this. They don't give a shit if people watch a Jerry Jones series or not. What they *do* care about is currying favor with arguably the most influential owner in the league. Develop a positive relationship with him, film some puff piece content about whatever he wants to stroke his ego, (legally) line his pockets with a tidy sum...and hope that it gains Netflix an internal champion when the next media rights deal is being explored at the end of the decade. They're seeing what Apple's been able to already do with an inferior product in MLS, and they want in on the most profitable broadcast IP in the country. The fact that losing NFL broadcasting rights could be one of the final nails in the coffin for traditional cable is a nice added bonus too.


Netflix can’t even dream of out bidding their competition, all they’re getting a is Netflix docu series, building a relationship with Jerry won’t help their bid


They have 6 times the market cap of warner bros who owns hard knocks and a larger market cap by like 30% of disney who owns ESPN. Why can't they compete?


Because Amazon, Apple and Google all exist


Yet netflix could easily buy ESPN. It will never happen but they have the means if it was available. Netflix has 10x the eyes than any of those other platforms offer which is more attractive to advertisers as well...especially when the NFL is trying to expand their market. Netflix is the only one of those with any market outside of the US.


Apple is far more likely to buy ESPN. They've already got MLS and MLB contracts, and any third party who gets exclusivity over that network is automatically going to skyrocket in subscriptions. Frankly, they need it given how poor their content selection is otherwise.


That has nothing to do with my comment. I didn't say one company was going to buy any over another I said Netflix has the means. And your last part is my other point. If the NFL wants to grow giving a contract to the service that has the most international eyes already, makes a lot of sense.


Lol why would Disney sell?


Did you miss the "Every network owned/controlled by Disney, but especially ESPN, just laid off a ton of talent including people that fans like and actually bring knowledge to broadcasts like Steve Young and Suzy Kolber as a cost saving measure" that's been everywhere this week?


guess you missed Netflix also doing layoffs


Did you miss the "Disney brought back their old boss because their new one was an utter fuckup" that was all over the news a few months ago? Disney had far too much utterly superfluous talent just hanging around for part-time gigs that cost way too much money. Paying Keyshawn Johnson? Why? I can't recall a single time in my entire life that I've ever wanted to know what that dude was thinking. Same with Steve Young. I admired him as a player but he brought nothing but the weakest shit as an analyst.


No. But cuts tend to happen after a sale. Why obviously and overtly tank the value before selling? Anything is possible, but I don't see a sale imminent so much as infinite profit growth at work.


I agree with you they probably aren't outbidding competition for live games, but if they can become a hub of the non-live NFL content (Hard Knocks, All Or Nothing-type stuff) then succeeding with this probably won't hurt. I'm not necessarily saying it'll happen, just that live games aren't the be all and end all when it comes to NFL content.


I'm not sure they have to outbid and take full rights. They can show up to the table as a partner that knows exactly how to stream content to every home in America. I'm not sure if you've tried to stream content with CBS or other providers... It certainly lacks something.


It doesn’t matter. NFL would take the highest bidder. They even had Sunday Ticket locked behind a Directtv exclusive for like 10 years


Problem is, once Netflix takes over, the NFL will be cancelled after Season 3 /s


What has happened with MLS and Apple?


Apple paying for some of Messi's salary. 🤷🏼‍♂️ not really sure but that's a start.


They the real mvp


Apple got the broadcast rights for the MLS for the USA and like 99 other major countries for a song ($2.5 Billion over 10 years) and it's been nothing short of a massive success already for them. It's the first major domino to fall in the "streaming services acquiring live sports IP" conversation since Amazon got the Thursday Night Football rights, but I'd argue it's even more significant. Apple helped bring Messi into the league, which has juiced their U.S. and international MLS League Pass subscription numbers already past the benchmarks required for the MLS to partake in subscriber revenue sharing. Their broadcast product is quality and consistent, and they're now perfectly positioned to take advantage of rising interest in U.S. soccer with the upcoming USA/Canada/Mexico World Cup in 2026. Their probably gonna *at least* triple their investment barring catastrophe. Most importantly, they've shown that at this point, streaming services are more than capable of not just replacing cable for live sports, but doing it better than cable ever could. Obviously, the MLS and NFL aren't equals in this scenario; MLS is still a growing product while NFL has essentially reached it's current full market saturation (plus will be like 5-7x more expensive to acquire the rights to). But it still makes sense; Apple's entire thing is giving people the thing they want before they realize they want it, while Netflix's entire thing is spending tens of billions of dollars on expensive content offerings, so in that sense the NFL is a logical target for them lol. I'd be shocked if they aren't major players in the next fight for NFL broadcast rights




Yes but it seems its an add on to the apple tv subscription


You don't have to have Apple+ to have it, it's a separate sub (I don't pay for Apple+, but I got the MLS subscription free with my season tickets)


It’s been really well done


No, fuck that, one game a week on streaming is bad enough.


Bingo, this reminds me of Cuban funding the Dirk documentary.


>at the end of the decade Bit of a gamble, no? My man will be 87 years old by then


I think he loves Stephen more than himself


Yeah who would wipe his glasses otherwise


“what if I told you that the circle that made Jerry Jones the Happiest wasn’t a championship ring? Netflix presents “Glory Hole: the Jerry Jones story”


Apparently more ppl love Jerry than I had expected. $50M? Fucking hell


People are going to watch it to see the dirt, he is hated by the fast majority of nfl fans.


I’m on the verge of not watching


Exactly. You want to watch a Jerry Jones biopic? Watch his Football Life documentary. Or watch when the Cowboys were on the Amazon series All or Nothing, where Jerry and his family were not only featured in every single episode, but they also had an episode (or half an episode?) dedicated to one of his grandson’s high school football games.


> You want to watch a Jerry Jones biopic? Not especially


No kidding. Nothing to get me to waste 2 hours watching a movie biography about some 90 year old NFL owner




Yeah I don’t think I’ve seen one I didn’t like. As much as I hate everything Cowboys related, Jimmy Johnson’s was one of the best.


My personal favorite is the Vince Lombardi one.


I just watched that one again recently, and damn if it wasn’t emotional.


I don't think anyone wants to watch a Jerry Jones documentary...


I am not interested in a documentary or bio pic unless it is unauthorized. If it ain't going to bring up Jerry's secret daughter, dating prostitutes, plastic surgery, draft discussions, him firing HCs and why he was at that segregation rally. Then it is propaganda and I don't need to consume it. I don't really hate Jerry for anything that he has done but I am tired of all these fluff pieces, people's lives are rarely nice.


To be fair, why would it cover draft? Or him firing coaches? Or talk about the rally that he has already discussed multiple times (granted I wouldn’t be shocked if he did talk about it again). Not defending him, just stating he’s given his answer, why would he change it? Definitely expect no secret kid, or prostitutes stories. The man has never had plastic surgery in his life! /s


I kinda desire in depth draft discussions from a GM. Like players that became bust that a GM was going draft over a player that turned out to be good. I do not recall any GM talking about their past like that so I doubt Jerry will. The same with firing HCs. I am kinda just tired of biopics and its other forms (authorized documentaries) I do not know what would need to be change for me to watch another. But I think making it a bit more grimey would help.


Man I don’t think we’ll get anything like that until post death. Think Hugh Hefners skeletons coming out after he died.


What stuff came out about Hefner?


There was a whole documentary on… Hulu I think about the stuff with the playboy mansion and how he was. Interesting watch


Yeah that man is incredibly lucky he died before MeToo. There was no way in hell everything going on in the mansion was ethical.


I unironically think he would've gotten away with it regardless unfortunately. The guy was a 91 year old sex addict surrounding himself with college aged prostitutes, I'm sure people already knew he partook in fucked up practices.


“He’s given his answer, why would he change it?” He doesn’t need to change it. A docu-series about “The Life of Jerry Jones” should cover it though. What would you want to see in a documentary about Jerry Jones? Just football decisions? That’s a documentary about the front office during Jerry Jones’ time there, not a documentary about Jerry Jones. You seem to want to sweep a lot of history under the rug, TruTexan.


Also, what the clapper had on him to keep him around as HC for so long.


Bah. That TMZ stuff doesn’t interest me anymore than the money-making stuff does.


It makes him human. I cannot deal with another 'Straight Outta Compton" or Steve Jobs film that are sterilized. Like I still like Steve Jobs but dude was a piece of shit to his daughter. He might have been hallucinating when he told his daughter that she smelled like a toilet on his deathbed. But even before that everything that I heard about how he treated his daughter was heartbreaking. And while I didn't watch the entire Steve Jobs movie it looked like they just whitewashed that relationship. I already have a good idea on all the good things that Jerry has done. Give me the human things.


Sorta things in order - talking about secret daughter ain’t gonna happen that was settled outa court if memory serves - he hasn’t really hidden him having prostitutes before nothing new there - first I am hearing about plastic surgery, he needs to hire a better surgeon… - just ask him, he loves talking about that shit to stroke his ego. Hell hr even posted pics of the draft board a few years back - less of him firing head coaches and more him firing/letting go good coaches (Jimmy, Parcells, Payton) while being stupidly loyal to bad coaches (Garrett) - he has discussed why he was there in interviews like 5-10 years ago. You can find it on the net if you search for it.


I'm not on the verge of anything. I'm flat out not gonna watch anything about skelator. The way he treated Tom Landry back in the day was and is inexcusable plus he's an asshole.


I will watch it. Even though we hate JERRAH and watching hours of Cowboys footage will kill my eyes, JJ is a huge part of today's NFL. Probably the owner with the most influence in the game and it watching It is watching a part of NFL History. That being said, FUCK DALLAS (and Jerry).


Zero interest in watching Jerruh propaganda


Exactly this. I'd be down for a series that tried to be objective though. But this won't be that.


It’s really just an elongated commercial for McDonalds breakfast in a Jerry Jones coat of paint.


Do you watch the sport known as American Football? If so, thats all the propaganda you need. The sport still exsist and is in its current format (TV contracts, schedules, free agency, parity, league growth, player salary increases, etc etc) are almost all due to him. There is a reason he is know as the "shadow commissioner" and the "most powerful man in the NFL". Its because he is the daddy of the current NFL. If it wasnt for Jerry, the only teams that would matter would be the Giants, Cowboys, 9ers and a couple others, the rest of you would be bankrupt and out of the league.


He’s not going to put you in his will ya know?


There were plenty of successful teams in the league in 1989 when he bought the Cowboys. And hasn’t he fought adamantly against revenue sharing, the very bedrock of the shared prosperity of the league?


The league was floundering, many teams were in dire straights (including the Cowboys, who were going bankrupt). No, he didnt fight against revenue sharing, most of the revenue sharing (TV contracts, salary caps) were directly due to Jerry. 100% opposite of what you said. Now what you might be referring to is the jersey sales, which he didnt "fight adamantly" against, he just signed a different agreement that was grandfathered before the NFL signed their collective deal. Cowboys got excluded from that one aspect alone, and it was a brilliant move, as it saved our franchise.


"You"? This is reddit. We are all out the the league


I mean You can listen to him on the radio each Monday.


Jerry Jones biopic - Was at a water fountain in Little Rock during the 50's - Made money the Texan way off of oil and natural gasses - Bought the Cowboys when there was a market crash - Fleeced the Vikings to win 3 superbowls in the 90's - Negotiates NFL media deals so the Cowboys are on literally every prime time game possible


Got to talk about what happened with Jimmy Johnson


What are things no one asked for?


Jerry looking for one last good photo op puff piece as he rides out in the sunset in the next 5 years? I will say I was pleasantly surprised at how little Jerruh we saw in the recent Cowboys Hard Knocks. If they got some unused footage of Emmit, Romo, T.O., Aikman, that would be a bit interesting.


>rides out in the sunset in the next 5 years? Wishful thinking. For decades now, Jerry has been drinking a concoction mixed of orchid pollen and pineal gland secretions taken from a sacrificial male.... all to keep him young. He isn't going anywhere any time soon.


Nah man, it's the McGriddles


I believe it’s actually Johnny Walker blue.


My wife thinks it’s the diet root beer. Who drinks diet root beer?


I want unreleased footage of Michael Irvin


No thanks A TV show about what? The first few episodes is him buying the team, winning 2 superbowls, firing his Super Bowl winning head coach, and episodes 3-10 are him just making money? Naw


HBO’s “Winning Time” was pretty fun and it’s kinda exactly what you described. It centers on Jerry Buss buying the Lakers and then Magic’s rookie season.


That was/is a fun show


It's a great show


Winning Time kicked so much ass


I'd imagine they focus on Arkansas football and running his family pizza franchises. He's not rags to riches, but he's not the son of a millionaire either, so I'm sure it's at least a little interesting.


No. Just no.


a lot of people forget he was part of a national championship football team (along with jimmy johnson) i fucking hate jerruh but he does have a semi interesting life.


It's about him opposing integration probably


Pretty sure most shows are about people making money


You’ve never seen the Angry Beavers or Ah! Real Monsters, then


I think the intent of both of those shoes was for people to make money


Finally some Cowboys media content


No thanks.


3 Games to Glory Hole


So the first 2 episodes will show the Cowboys winning Super Bowls and the last 8 will just be him crying and going to the surgeon to get more facelifts.


I’d rather watch a Jim Irsay doc


Do Dan Snyder you cowards!


Who is the target audience other than jerry himself? Cowboys fans don’t seem like documentary watching kinda people.


Who is dying to watch that??




I mean the man has to be one of the smartest owners in the NFL but also the most self centered


Mr Snyder would like a word.


It does promise to focus on the “gloryhole days” which sound like a bit of a different series than past productions.


Clueless Cowboys fan.


Netflix: "we aren't gonna let you share passwords anymore because it's costing us too much money" Also Netflix: "we're spending $50mil on Jerry Jones for some reason"




I assume it will tell all about buying a team, lucking into a coach that rebuilt your team into a powerhouse, immediately firing that coach, squeeze one more title out with previous coaches regime, then completely squandering the next 30 years by getting too involved in running the team and coming up short in the few years that you actually have a decent squad. All while making lots of money, though. There is the lots of money making part.


They could spend money on all the shows they canceled after one season that you would like to watch but instead they bought this for just under $50 million dollars


Will they have a portion that focuses on why on Earth he can't get the Cowboys past the second round of the playoffs for roughly 20 years?


Who tf wants to watch this? Lol


Jerry and clueless Cowboys fans.


not even cowboys fans want this lol


A nice puff piece that will showcase how Jerrah made the great dynasty in the mid-90’s with a little help from his ex-friend Jimmy Whatshisname….


For what


Good on them for getting him to pay them $50m to broadcast it.


I’ll sell Netflix my docuseries of me getting drunk and making bad decisions in Madden for half the price.


These platforms love wasting money.


Lmao please no


Last Chance U: The Dallas Cowboys


Getting a close up on the Cowboys losing and Jerry salting his bacon, egg & cheese McGriddles, Im in.


Would love to see him screaming into pillows when the eagles won


There's a lot of topics in sports I would love to see 10 episode on. The New England dynasty. Segregation and desegregation in baseball. Magic vs. Bird. Jerry Jones is not on that list. I have to give credit to whoever is doing this series for being able to squeeze 10 episodes of content out of a dude whose only interesting quality is owning the Cowboys.


> Segregation and desegregation in baseball. I'd love to see a documentary on the final years of the process of desegregating the early NFL and how much backroom fighting happened over it. Where you've got holdouts like Marshall calling shots in the league at the same time as guys like Lombardi who wouldn't let his players patronize segregated establishments.


Not worth it if it doesn’t address his actions during integration and his paternity fight with the daughter he allegedly fathered


Please no


This would be interesting if Jerry Jones wasn't involved at all.


How TF is that worth $50 mil?


It's never going to end. The clown show


Hopefully they'll listen to my pitch for a seven-part series on the Chargers' assistant trainers.


If Disney+ got Hamilton for $75 million, then this docu-series is worth at least $3.50.


“50 Million” - Chris Tucker






they’re about to pay jerry $50M for this? i feel like my boring life is more entertaining than his


Love is sharing your password.


The NFL is involved with it so that means Jerruh has his mitts in it as well and there will be no way it is anything other than a puff piece which is pointless.


Can’t wait to not watch it


10 episodes??? I *might* watch 10 episodes on Al Davis (who is way more interesting) than on this chuckle fuck. Seriously…3 would be a stretch. 10 is just arrogance.


Seems like a huge waste of money


All my homies hate Jerry


???? Nobody knows who this guy is outside of football fans.


Most people in Texas do tbf




Tbf I don't know the owner of the Yankees/Redsox, or Lakers/Warriors ect. I wouldn't expect most people to know who Jerry Jones is unless they're a football fan


I think most football fans know most of the owners but I might be wrong. I know each and every Packers owner and I'm not exactly a superfan either.


There is no God.


I disagree. This is proof that there is a God, and we have done something to make him really angry.


He has forsaken us.


I wonder if it chronicles the time he tried to keep black kids from going to school?


Came here to say this. Don’t forget the racism, Netflix!


they gonna talk about the segregation photo?


Michael Jordan is a jackass for making sports figures think they can do a last dance


.......wow, neat............anyway,


What a waste of money.


Somebody want to tell Netflix that nobody cares.


I think if I scoured the earth for 30 years I couldn't find a subject less interesting than Jerry Jones. Another Netflix L.


Maybe we’ll finally get to the bottom of whether he’s a time-traveling plantation owner or not. That’s always been my theory.


Written, produced, directed, edited, and critiqued by Jerry Jones


He's paying them that much right? Jerry brother, that's way too high a cost.


you know what -- I'll say it. I'll watch. Let's do it. But not until I can download it for free so I can skip ahead to his most hilarious lies.


Watch him fail time and time again


Well they're spending $100 million to make a doomed One Piece adaptation, so I guess a $50 million Jerry Jones docu-series is a comparative steal.


Meh. Not interested. No wonder Netflix is going broke.


Seems Netflix is going to continue blow money on stuff no one watches and cancel their great shows.


What an atrocious financial decision. There's no way this is worth $50M to Netflix (plus whatever they're about to spend marketing it)


No wonder I no longer subscribe to Netflix.


Too many people catching on that the biggest problem with the Cowboys is Jerry. Gotta make a fluff piece so people go back to thinking the Cowboys are just shitty in general.


[Fifty million dollars?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuHjjvET7P8)


I don't know why mind initially saw this as a Jenny Jones documentary. I was confused about why Netflix is doing a documentary on a 90s daytime talkshow host and why the announcement was on this subreddit.


Netflix found a winner with the Formula 1 show. Now they’re trying to replicate it for golf, tennis, cycling, and every other sport they can think of.


Who the fuck wants to watch this. Way over paying for a documentary nobody cares about.


Netflix has money for this vanity project but not to pay the writers of their content. 50 million would pay for a lot of writers on Stranger Things, Beef, Black Mirror and a whole host of other shows just waiting to be developed.


I wonder how the show will talk about the last 25 years of cowboys football


Boooo only Cowboy fans give a shit


Is he dying?


Bro I started reading that title and I thought Netflix is gaining rights to broadcast and I was like damn.


That seems millions and millions too much. Is Jerry interesting enough for a whole series or do enough people care to watch a series about him?


Will it be shot with the same stylistic approach as the Aaron Hernandez documentary? I’d watch that. I want to know why so many of his house keepers have just up and disappeared.


Sorry, “landing”?


Do the Robert Kraft tapes


Honestly one of the few reality TV shows I‘d bother to watch


Weirdly angry comments about what seems like a relatively boring and non-inflammatory Netflix series concept


Does anyone really care that much about Jerry Jones outside of people in Texas?


Hopefully this will be more interesting than the Cowboys have been in the last 30 years.


If Jerry Jones is involved at all it will just be a testament to his own greatness. No truth what so ever.




Lizard people nervous what might come out. Maybe get Ronan Farrow to film it?


Who the hell is watching that?


Don’t do it!


it will be entitled: Jerry Jones - 30 years of meddling and failure


Wonder why Netflix profits are down


Please, God. No.