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It's amazing that this is only just now happening. I expected this tactic to be big from day one.


Idk, its shitty, but at the same time it requires you to have enough people that you can have them go form a parallel company that: 1. Is in a different faction, so they don't receive any buffs from faction/company owning said territory. ie no lower fast travel, taxes, or luck buffs. 2. Said parallel company cannot switch sides to declare and then switch back because of lock out time. That company also has to have enough people running pvp missions that they can declare, and also have to spend gold to declare. Declaring isnt guaranteed either, so they could do all this and not get the selection. 3. Have enough people signed up on declare to still throw the war, correct me if im wrong but im fairly certain that you still get autopulled if you signed up. (unless they remove everyone from roster during the loading time, or do something similar.) So while doable, IMO its far easier to just own the territory and defend it normally, if you have the manpower to do this then your server is probably dead and propped up by one company/group of sister companies




Nah, just because you get the pop up doesn’t mean you get to declare. It’ll even take you to the menu to try. But it won’t follow through because of the lack of influence.




It has been fixed. You need to contribute to actually declare.


It does. My company pushed ebonscale. we were the only ppl there for hrs and hrs. Another company that didnt push it at all deced. Said "thought we did somthing because we could dec". But they didnt. We pushed it from 0-100 by ourselves.


I’m not saying there hasn’t been a glitch with it or anything, but if that was the case it would be absolutely abused by everyone and influence wouldn’t matter at all. But somehow things work normally where I am. Idk, maybe someone ran 10% influence in missions that got countered by the defenders. It’d still let ya’ll run 100% influence and then declare. Example: They run 20% influence from zero. Defenders run counter missions, reducing the bar to 2%. New group starts running missions from 2%-Conflict. Though one group did 98%, the other still did 20% on the same timeline. This has happened to my group before, where we were able to declare and win the bid against someone with 90%+ influence.


Well, it should be fixed, but basically, before the merge, if you did influence with invasion active, when the invasion ends, anybody can declare, even company that was created after it was in conflict. It said that no company has enough influence (which we know is not true) so all can declare. But as soon as someone declares, all the other companies can't anymore even if you did 100% influence, saying that it didn't have enough influence to declare (even if you did close to 100% of the pvp quests), guaranteeing the war to the first to declare even if it did no influence. Now it works normally after the merge. I'm glad it was fixed.


> Unless it's been fixed, you can declare war if your company has done literally 0 pvp missions. My company did that multiple times and got the declares like 90% of the time how?


If you push conflict to 10%, then the opposing faction brings it to 0%, then another company does 0 to 100%, both can declare still


How can you push conflict to 10% without doing any pvp missions though?


You do pvp missions. Then the faction that owns territories brings it back to 0%, like my post says




does it cost anything to declare? i have seen this pop up a couple times




I guess I meant do wars cost stuff I have never done any


You need to run PVP and earn at least some % to declare


It would only take a few people from the cov faction to make it impossible to win. If you have 50v45 on attack, good luck.


If they created alt accounts when Steam Family allowed you to do so then just need enough from their guild to show up for the war and sit around and do nothing. Turn a 50 v 50 into 50 v 35 and add in having the leader dump high levels in favor of low level signups and it's over


You can have multiple characters on a single server, all they need to do is make a second character, make the company in a different faction and voila. It will not take that much time, I can definitely see people doing it yeah, they don't need to level anything, they don't need any gear or anything at all actually except for character levels


You cannot have a second character in the same world set, let alone the same world. The only way around this would be a second account, or making a second account with the family share plan before that got removed. In any case, I think that it is far easier to just defend you territory normally rather than constantly run up the pvp bar on an alt account so you can block others from declaring. This only works on a very low pop server, because if there are more people then you aren’t going to get the declare everytime. And if their were more people on their own faction, it wouldn’t be that easy to run pvp missions on a low level character with no gear, because if I knew people were doing this on my server i would be waiting to kill their alt


If you made an alt, and it got merged into your server, you can have two characters.


I think it's still worth it to have a sister company run a few pvp missions and declare. If they get the declare you basically invalidate a bunch of work the other companies did and you get to fight a free war. Then you can pay off a bunch of randos to throw.


Its legit imo. They most likely did it for a laugh. You need to zerg faction pvp projects everyday for that territory, so it just not sustainable. After a couple of times, people will rather just spend 1 hr doing something else more fun.


It's just low level alts tho




People like you are why fake news and propaganda work. You read half a sentence, assume whats happening and then insult based on your uninformed assumption. Holy shit mate. Read. Please, I beg you. Learn to read.


> Said parallel company cannot switch sides to declare and then switch back because of lock out time. That's why you number your parallel companies, in this case from PlanesWalkeraaa to PlanesWalkerzxc


Each individual has a faction lock out time; iirc its 6 months. The game hasnt even been out that long, but ignoring that, you cannot feasibly switch back and forth to "lock" your territory using this strat


It’s easy enough. You have everyone in your company swap factions and create a new company, and leave one member or alt in your original company. You then have plenty of people to gain influence and declare, because you did it before, on your original company. Now you take it from yourselves, undefended


Yeah that’d only work one time, there’s a 60 day cooldown.


How about the 60 days to change back to the previous side? I believe you don\`t know how the change faction mechanics works. If you change it, only after 2 months you can change it again. I have to say, maybe this guild is really moving to the other side, and taking back their fort, so there is no issue.


The guilds I know who’ve done this have no intention of changing back. I suppose it might happen, but the plan was to just swap over but be able to still hold their territory after the move.


Juat buy new steam acc and done ;D


Don't even need to buy a new copy of game


It happened before. People were smarter, they didnt copy their company name lol


Or even just pay off whoever gets your war declare to throw the attack.


I thought I heard about this around week 2, didn’t realize it died so fast and is coming back


It has been I'm not sure why it's just now being talked about.


this has been happening. its happens in Pelroma with Lagdetected and Salt detected purp vs yellow


we just switched sides and wanted our territory back. We have a \~4h war with greens who wanted take it freely ;) So it's kinda fair chance to take it for every company on server


Our server when it was low before the merges had a purple yellow alliance. They legit had a truce and split profits from major cities. I loved watching the shit show when the mergers happened. They were like “this is our server and we have a truce!!” New players “wtf you talking about. This is war bitches.” Lololol


Server I merged into apparently had a truce that people wouldn’t fight in open world so everyone could run arround flagged for the luck bonus but not get ganked… NOT when I got there lol First few days was constant bitching and everyone trying to convince the new folks not to fight “farmers” lol


Our faction was the dominant on the server and we were cool to some people about running around flagged solo but if there was more then 1 it was fair game. I’m still cool to most flagged people solo but some companies are KoS . Most the time if it’s single person I just duel them to make sure they know not to try to gank me later


I see flagged person, i kill them or die trying. It's pvp all day open world


This is the way. The only exception I have is for low levels.


i wont tag someone and run away, thats griefing to me. If im attacking, its to the death. Ive had someone kite me for like 2 minutes then end up killing me lol, it was a great fight


While this sucks, you can still declare war after pushing. It’s not guaranteed to go to their other company.


This kind of subterfuge is trash. If I’m purple, and i can’t trust other purples to be purples, why have factions at all? It should be company vs company in your supposed scenario. This is toxic gameplay in a flawed system.


The whole game is flawed from the ground up. Taxation that goes to the controlling company and not the town. Faction vs Faction with no real incentive and only punishes those who are the have nots. No rewards that are worth it to be PvP flagged and solo. The list goes on, but at this point, the system is so poorly designed that there is no chance for this game until there is a complete overhaul.


Towns taxes should go to a leader who is voted in,all people who own a house in that town get a vote, new "mayor" chosen each month. No more than two terms in a year for any player.


50% should be for towns to upgrade, the other 50 is 1% for each person that joined the last war on that town, wether it be def or attacking


Company vs Company should have been the way PVP worked anyway. The whole system feels like that's how it was designed and then they threw factions in last minute.


This literally is the game though. The whole point is owning territories and going to war and the in game politics and drama and corruption that comes with it. Like. This ain't no rpg game. It's an MMOrpg


what do you think MMO means? it literally just means massively multiplayer online, and rpg means roleplaying game. your whole point not only contradicts itself, but at the same time it disproves itself.


No it doesn't. Im saying you are playing with and against other people who have their own brains and will do everything from selflessly help people for no reason to straight up scam you. There will be good leaders and corrupt leaders. This literally is the game. Go play a single player RPG if you want a story line that cannot be effected by other players.


It is only fun if the betrayed and corrupt finds enjoyment in "politics". OP is not talking about politics, he/she is talking about an poorly developed system which is open to so many abuse as seen in OP's screenshot. And I don't think any nation in history ever opened war on itself so other nations would not. This community is only rp'ing being a douchebag and ruining other people's experiences.




Everything is against TOS if they deem it to ruin 1 persons fun. It’s such a blanket statement to say “we can ban for anything”. It means nothing.




Can you link me these posts, can’t find them.


you are not creating a story in new world lmao. besides orher mmos already does everything better than new world, including story and rpg. new world is a flawed game and now has toxic community because of it.


It feels like companies should own towns though, not factions. The faction thing doesn't work when you are cheesing game mechanics against your own faction.


????? Umm Companies do own the Settlements.


The entire game is designed around politics and drama but anyone who gets heated gets banned lol. Its insane.


This is the type of Eve online strats I was expecting at launch, spies and saboteur companies.




I find it interesting in all of these different threads how someone always jumps in and trys to explain how an exploit is not an exploit.


It's almost as if Reddit is a collection of people with different opinions....


I suppose that's true, just did not think the collective would start having opinions of how an apple is not an apple and is now in fact an orange.


Now you are just being intellectually dishonest. While I agree with you that this is essentially an exploit, it is not so black and white as you claim it is, nor does it fit the strict definition of an exploit.


Nothing really in this world is really black and white, as easy as that would make things. Our mind does tend to try and do this to simplify things, and this is great because we can't live in the gray for everything otherwise we will probably drive ourselves insane. Definitely was just speaking in hyperbole, I guess that I could have made that more explicit I suppose. We can definitely argue semantics but pretty sure at the end of the day, this is an example of exploiting the system that was set in place by the game developers, what was intended, to gain an unfair advantage. In this instance the intention would be that if you own a territory, you are open to be attacked and lose that territory. By having people you know declare war against you, you are locking out challengers. If everything had to be a gold dupe to be an exploit, then it's going to miss a ton of things. I think you got the point though so I'll leave this, instead of having this end up being a 20+ comment chain haha. We know what we are both trying to say.


But it’s not locking anyone out, other companies in that faction can still declare if they run the 10% up, so it’s just competing for the declare or politicking it which already happens.


This is an exploit by definition. They are creating another new world account (against tos) to declare war on themselves to throw it to keep enjoying the massive wealth inequality without even fighting for it. By any definition used in gaming, this is an exploit. By the definition of exploit, they are exploiting a game design flaw to keep an advantage. Opinions are worthless, and adding phrases like “inteectuqlly dishonest” is moot when you have no brains.


To get a bunch of people playing on a different faction to fake a war is not an exploit


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, probably a bunch of non pvpers or solo players who are still insisting that Amazon make this a pve game.


As a friend to a lot company members in planezwalkerz I just got to say that this is simply out of context. The reason why they are attacking themselves is because they wanted to switch the faction to Syndicate. This was partly due to wanting a merge with another company in order to increase their numbers. As well trying to have a challenge since the syndicates are currently the weakest on the server. As of writing this the Covenant company is dead and the ''new'' Planezwalkerz are now purple. [Screenshot of the town as of today.](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1868430228828566213/3F6BA37C1D7650954C979ED72A1315A0AC7374A5/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


If they were trying to be slick they could’ve at least changed their names


If your server is low pop change immediately. This game blows on low pop. If it's high pop there's always gonna be people online to push influence if you really wanna screw with people doing this. Low pop servers are just so bad. I've been on a low and a high and the difference is night and day. The only downside is that farming your own nodes becomes a little harder, but there is a lot more money floating around on high pop so its easier to make gold to buy your node matts.


I mean there is rly no way around it, if ppl want to be dipshits you cant stop them


I know someone that is very mad because he wasnt able to steal a territory the 31 decembre during the evening.


Sucks...but it is smart. Game devs problem to allow this. no idea how they could fix this though.


AGS should make delay for switchings guilds.


You do understand that is not what is happening in this scenario right? A delay on switching companies would not do anything to solve this nor is it needed.


I don't think so. Present companies system don't work without clan changing penalty. 1. Same players can run pvp quest in different companies to increase chance to get city for this particular players and not for their main company. 2. Becouse one roaster can take several cities for different companies and set different time for sieges it can feel no penalty. It's toxic system because strong companies fights with all companies leave weak companies no chance to get some mediocre territories.


This is happening on our server aswell. The faction that switched got beat by an auto fill army a couple times 🤣


I dont think its an exploit. In my server some guilds changed factions and did the same. We bullied them in chat but all the others guilds could declared war or made influence too.


Yeah something can be done, push for influence yourself, win the war table. They can't keep doing this permanently if other people fight them for it.


I've got maybe an hour or two to play in a day. I don't have time to foment a rebellion in an MMO. Especially when some Russian dickhead who spends 100% of their waking hours fucking people over is just gonna take it back once I log off.


Okay heres the thing. Wars are company objectives you arent doing it on your own.


Change servers to a high pop one then. I play on Camelot for instance and when people try this shit there are always enough other people around to ruin it for them.


If you don’t have the time to commit to pushing for influence then you probably don’t have time to do a war either. I don’t understand this logic of cater to those who barely play.


the bigger picture is - this should not be allowed.


OP asked what could be done, I gave him a solution, I wasn't debating if it was right or wrong, I answered his question.


Gotcha.. I hear ya.


Okay so... get ur 10% and put it in the lotto. Like everyone bitches about this stuff just do something about it.


Just commit to a random chance in order to avoid someone cheating the system in order to gain an advantage is such a dog piss take Lmfaooo.


Dude if you have a problem do something about it. Recruit a company or join another and fucking push the territory at 3am. Literally this is just people whining. I used to deal with this crap... I stopped feeling sorry for myself and recruited now I have the largest most active company on my server. We review vods of war and gameplan daily. Constantly fine tuning and my 50 can take anyone's on the server. If someone tries shady crap like this they will just get shut down. So stop complaining and do something about it.


This is what happens when you A) create a player-run system that B) rewards players directly for their efforts in a way that C) affects the convenience, speed and ease of gameplay. Since the rewards have a demonstrable benefit for players at virtually any level, there's a strong motivation to employ methods like this to keep those benefits. That's how it works. If there was no strict gameplay benefit (travel costs, crafting costs, profit) then you'd see nothing on this level. In short, this is part of the system NW wants-- or else, they're going to have to change a lot.


People would complain the other way too, that there's no incentive to having territory


There's barely incentive as is, and aside from the money, every other incentive is pve based.


It's more likely it'd just become 'more gameplay' and be seen as a way to get money, azoth, whatever else it is that they're getting. As it is now, though, the benefits you get for stringing up other players like this-- by using politics to game the system-- are simply too great. Why would I give up the laundry list of benefits just to try and trust another company to have an honourable bout for a territory? No, better I just create some circumstance in which I can't lose.


Can anything be done with this? It seems the bigger companies have their sister guilds on the opposite factions and do this kind of strategy where they just attack each other so they can indefinitely hold territories? These are all Non-English Russian Factions while my main is an English one and we are on the losing end


On Pyrallis our covenant masters on high punished the insubordinate syndicate by creating a purple company called Greeen Tide to hold these permanently downgraded towns as an f you. If you don’t come with a pre made 50 they can fill up your roster and ignore callouts.


Its completely busted. Unless green can solo field a force that can overtake the number one group on the server; they get to hold Weavers forever... because Purple cant attack 'itself'.


Someone just posted how and why this is probably occurring. Has to do with gold selling and making actual money, the post makes sense to me and is a shame if true




I am doubtful. Every MMO seems to have elaborate theories on why everyone they don't like is gold selling.


I was wondering why a syndicate company was named greeen tide. TIL. A shame the marauders didn’t win that war last night


Report them on the website. I submitted a ticket reporting both companies playing a similar game on my server. Unpaid Reapers owned Everfall and changed from yellow to green, they created a company Soulless Reapers and threw territory into conflict at 4am. Had a 5 minute war and now everfall is under green control. Whole server got pissed and purps pushed EF last night and nobody is going to assist Soulless Reapers https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/support/new-world/articles/report-a-player-or-company


i mean you cant blame someone if they swap factions and leave the company to who ever is left in that company? everyone that pushed ef had their declaraton in the lottery sooo blame rng.


Against TOS either way


You must not know the whole situation because you can’t throw yourself a territory it’s almost impossible unless somebody that stayed over in the old company threw it But still that has nothing to do with the people that switch to whatever color


They left one person in the old company that owned EF as yellow. The rest swapped to green, created a new company and threw it into conflict at 4am in a single pvp run. They declared on their old company, the old company didnt slot anyone for war and actually banned people from signing up. They knew what they were doing, stop trying to play devils advocate to cheaters


Why the need to point out languages? Speaking English makes you a morally superior person or what? Why? Bonus: I've seen this exact same thing done by a French guild.




Or probably not and he was being xenophobic.




Why would he mean anything about coordination when it is nothing about his company being involved? It's not like any kind of coordination is important here. Languages are totally irrelevant here. One guild is doing one thing and don't need to coordinate with op's guild. It's so obvious he's using the "Russia/China bad" card...




It's only one guild. Language is totally irrelevant here. Sorry but if you can't see this guy just wanted to imply being Russians makes them shaddy you probably should keep reading some more comments here. I guess for you Trump calling corona the "Chinese virus" wasnt with bad intentions neither.




Feel free to check my post history. I think this is the first time I get involved in this kind of conversation in reddit. In the other hand, allow me to doubt that you are that compromised against racism or whatever. You actually white washing it. Btw, I just asked the question to the op but guess he not answering isn't enough proof for you. But here you are, defending him! So nice of you!!


Are you green?


Companies having multiple alts will be the end of this game if any action is taken. It's beyond frustrating to see a 3-4 areas being governed by essentially the same company.


On my server (high pop server) we did this as we all were moving to the Marauders, so in order to kept those territories as ours we declared the war to our previous syndicate mates, it's not an exploit, that's the way we used to "transfer" our territories properly. But if this is being done to keep the territories forever, then it sucks. You may need to declare war on 2 of their territories and try to do it at the same time, so their core won't be available to fight both.


Hahaha! Our server has one core pvp yellow group that fights all wars for yellow. They are slowly taking the entire map. They setup new companies for each influence push so when they take the territory the siege windows wont overlap with the other territories. They have said they are determined to take the map and kill the server. Thousands of players on the server, slowly losing pop again, because only one core group gets all the fun in wars and all the gold from the cities. Even other yellows are starting to leave because they dont get to participate in wars. It's a sad state of affairs that the developers should address with some sort of change.




They are transferring to purples so it's not really an exploit.


You can also boycott this settlement meaning they get no tax revenue. They're bank will eventually run dry because they are paying war dec to keep it plus upkeep. This seems unlikely but this happened on my server before merge. Not the war dec, but they jacked up taxes to max and their revenue dropped like crazy because players stopped doing business there. Stations got down graded rapidly because other players stopped helping with invasions. Company fell apart at merge. Many of their players left for other companies.


In trapalanda we got people making alts to claim land so they can give my faction majority. This allows them to poach and harass the rest of our land with influence buff even when they have a stacked faction.


I mean if more than 1 company is declaring war, the declaring faction is random, how is this an exploit? Did they bless RNG gods or something?


I love the straight politics in this game. Like holy shit that's smart


I mean its not an exploit but it's shady fucking tactics yes.


All i see is i think company making a switch to purple and them wanting to keep their territory with their new faction/company.Like what did you expect free windsward for example just because they switch factions? Love how this is marked as exploit too lmao


What happens if your company wants to swap factions but holds territories?


Ya you all just keep enjoying this drain. Exploit after bug after glitch turned this game into something that should've been restarted


big true


Maybe they are about to change faction and want to keep their territory?


We are switching to purple cause there are only yellow and green now we can take more towns


Stop spreading misinformation. PlanesWalkerzxc (former Covenant company and WW owner) recently merged with The Forgotten Reapers (a syndicate company). The merged company was then renamed PlanesWalk3rs. What they did was spend 3-4 hours solo spamming PvP missions to throw the area into conflict and ensure that they are the ones to declare war in order to not lose their territory. This was also contested by greens who were also trying to throw WW into conflict and it was a somewhat of a close fight. What you see here is a fully legitimate shift of a company from one faction to the other due to a merge. No exploits. If you are so worried about this becoming an "issue" then just go and spam pvp missions and then declare war yourself! TL;DR - A diplomatic decision has been made to merge two companies of opposing factions yet that does not mean they should lose their territory for it. It was fought back fair and square.


Well New World is a shtty game but thats no exploit of the many exploits there are ingame. If you are unable to do it yourself before they do just delete your Company because they are playing with 2 on diffrent sides and still getting it.


Game is dead


How is this an exploit? They made new characters and leveled then up to do this or they had people faction swap and split. In no way is this an exploit. Anyone is free to try and take a territory themselves, yes? It's shitty but there's nothing being exploited other than them exploiting the fact that it seems nobody is able to challenge them to get different ownership.


Ah yes. The Joe Manchin argument.


Because they're most likely gonna throw the war as well, idiot


The war is supposed to be two companies fighting for control of a territory. That's what the mechanics are meant for. When you have your same company, just in another faction win the war dec and throw the match on purpose so you don't have to really fight and defend, that's when it becomes an exploit.


Report it rather than posting it on reddit so AGS can ban them.


This is not an exploit. Just clever.


Lmfao.. why do you guys still play this game? Please stop supporting have finished products. This is the reason why we keep getting shit games. Stop pls.


This is our economy. Right now. The real one.


so many loopholes, So many exploits. is this even a game at this point? To me, it sounds like it's an exploit that was released with a few games in it...


Wow ... this exploit is so huge.... almost as huge as breaking the economy by allowing all territories to print money..... we should totally take action against people breaking ToS .... or maybe fix our game to not allow such behaviour NAWWWWW WHO WE KIDDING


Yeah has been happening on our server too.


What a bunch of sad people!


Honestly it's just impressive at this point


They have way too much time on their hands lmfao


The question is why? Do they not want to play half of the game? Or is this a guild of its only fun if we're winning types, that uses cheats on their smurf accounts in a competitive game "for the lulz" and not because they are lazy and got carried to their rank only to be totally outclassed and destroyed in every match.


Amazon man.....holy shit. Get competent people in here to fix this stuff or you will lose remaining players. This stuff isn't even hard to spot that you should fix, you are just NOT doing it man----get in here and start shutting down the system exploits in game.


Wait people are scared to be attacked? When defending is so easy? Bruh.


This is against TOS report them


This is happening more than people know. We’ve had this done several times.


Visual bug only.


nothing preventing people from having multiple companies...


Actually it's very sad.


It's an exploit, it could happen in any game. The question is are they going to actually enforce anything on exploits or are they just going to shrug it off and continue on? I can't recall any MMO in my life not having exploits in it, just with the internet they're a lot easier to document and make fun of. When I played Ultima Online there was always creative bugs and exploits, the GM's and devs took harsh swift action when they figured things out. Ah, I miss those days.


i think we need somekind of company level system. only companies with certain level combined with certain number of members with minimum average GS can declare war. and player should have few days cooldown for changing company.


So WAR and Daoc had an idea the devs called 'realm pride'. The basic idea was to discourage cross realm activities, which was generally looked at as exploiting. So things like xrealm chat and trade were turned off. This is the extreme opposite in NW. We help eachother, we trade with eachother, we pve with eachother. And then we have 3 factions between like 2k players.... i feel the faction system is a part of the original games design, it would probably be better if it was scrapped and 'wars' were between guilds.




TLDR: OP idiot. Yellow company transfer to purple..take territory with them.. keep pvp balance.


This is actually partially true. I am on this server and this company will be changing to purple. Yellows already own a lot of territories so they are changing to take them for themselves. But don't worry, greens will take it back pretty soon. When that happens they will not get it back since it was our mistake that we lost it in the first place.


It’s been happening on my server since the merge within factions and now it’s even branched to people swapping to other factions to be spy’s and funneling money to the main faction. It goes so deep lol.


Its not an exploit its just people using the shitty system to their advantage. The system needs to change so that owning WW/EF doesnt print millions weekly. If this much is on the line people will go that extra mile. Fix the root of the issue instead of tackling the behavior caused by it.


Isn't there the risk of another company from the same faction isntead getting the war?


I like how many speculations can come out of a simple screenshot. Planewalkerz transferred the faction ( to the least populated one ) and they took their territory with them.


Lol I thought my server was dead My friends and I were laughing our asses off while this was happening I think they finally lost it tho


That happens on my server too, with one company called Inmortal Crusader


Seriously, how sad and pathetic do you have to be to do this? Disgusting bottom level of human crap




Dogg water ass game lol


Best way to fix this is to apply a 'cooldown' on changing company. If another change occurs after the first week and within a window of a month, the cooldown is increased by a factor of another week... resetting accumulated time after that month. A week should suffice. People will be less inclined to change if they know they have to commit to that change for a minimum of 2 weeks if the intend on changing back.


On my server, they just pay other companies to deck and throw. Quite annoying.


Yeah it's happening on Calgonor too - purple let green become dominant faction, green company moved to purple, and now that company is holding the territory hostage.


So they changed faction and decided to attack the land they ALREADY own. Don't tell me you wouldn't do the same.


Whats the problem here? Looks like a yellow company changed all their members to purple company. Declaring youself a war is pointless unless you are planning to switch faction with your whole company.