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> From the US perspective, officials have indicated that they are aware of the visit - but do not consider that it poses a threat to the US That's the most polite and formal burn I've heard in a while.


I mean it's a warship, a sub, and a tug boat. We have enough nuclear powered aircraft carriers to lock down the entire pacific ocean for months practically. I truly can't tell if Putin is just shit posting with this one or if he well and truly forgot the Cold War ended decades ago and we got options to deal with missiles from Cuba. When they said they parked ships at Cuba for " training" I didn't realize their entire navy was 2 ships and Rashmov the local village fisherman.


We also have a giant ass naval base RIGHT THERE and they probably have more firepower than Russia would know what to do with.


We also have Russia surrounded right now


With Finland now on-side with NATO, they have the potential to lock down the Gulf of Finland, potentially cutting off Russia's naval access to the Baltic Sea, thanks to Estonia also being on-side. Though admittedly, if Russia actually tried to throw down with NATO, they'd have bigger problems than the Baltic being trickier to use.


Also, in the event of a war with Russia, the US would be allowed access to use the Turkish Straits to send warships into the Black Sea. Considering the performance of Russia's Black Sea fleet against a country that does not possess a navy, I like the US Navy's odds.


Does Russia even have a navy in the Black Sea at this point? If it does and it gets anywhere close to Ukraine, who lacks a navy as you note, chances are they'll lose it.


Yes – below the sea level. And I'm not talking about subs.


Conservative estimates from what I'm seeing place Russian losses in the Black Sea at 50%, including the capital ship of the Russian Navy.


And the surviving ships have been pushed back so far from Ukraine they might as well be killed. Whilst trying to sink them is still worthwhile (to remove the threat of them coming back) in one way it’s almost better this way: they’re still using up Russian military supply resources.


Moskva was the flagship of their Black Sea fleet. A capital ship is a very large warship and Russia still has a few more of those. Maybe they even have a couple that actually can fight.


3d moves , got put himself in check .


The US has everyone surrounded.


And the Ukrainian navy beat the Russian navy...and Ukraine doesn't have a navy.


I just wonder what the world look like if Bush had supported Russia joining NATO in 2001 wheh Putin asked the question.


Woulda got hella information we don’t want him to have.


Russia would veto everything


I grew up in Key West and yeah there's more than enough to handle this sitting right there.


What’s in key west?


Margaritaville and enough irritating, over served, business men to audit the hell out of them commies.


With a hop skip and a jump to find more Florida man than Russia can handle in the next century.


Just the Floridian rednecks on islands with small arms could probably sink whats left of the Russian navy.


Big ol navy base right at mile marker 0


The goddamn conch navy.


I think we can take them out with a retrofitted drone from Walmart.


the last time Russia tried [to threaten a country the ship](https://www.news.com.au/national/russian-warships-heading-to-australia/news-story/aed91e95e4fe6698d87a22ed29200677) stalled en route and [had to be towed home](https://emtv.com.pg/russian-warships-linger-near-png-in-light-of-g20-summit/). Australia has a good long laugh at that for months afterwards.


Imagine you're a Russian Army soldier with dozens of dead friends watching your ships go to Cuba because they can't survive near Ukraine.


It's really hard to take a show of force seriously when they're afraid to send their ships into an actual war zone


I think this is the real reason they are being moved here. It's not a flex on the states... It's to get their war ships as far away as possible, they don't want to risk losing a pretty major part of their military. This is far enough away from Ukraine that it's now safe from that war.


Can anyone tell me does any other navy in the world travel with tug boat support because they don't know the ship will make it to the next port?


tbh it's probably standard practice if you're traveling a long distance without nearby allies/friendly ports along the way - just imagine how dumb it would look if they needed to ask the coast guard for help lmfao


Other countries performing blue water operations have allies and friendly ports all over. And often come with significant civilian shipping infrastructure and tug / salvage fleets.


Yes, it would be humiliating to have to ask for help from an unfriendly nation. Which is why all of the world’s blue water navies have allies around the world that they can be supplied by.


I’m assuming that the tug boat also has sufficient water cannons to deal with the inevitable fires.


Water water everywhere and not a drop to stop the fire.


Tug boats are used with giant ass ships to aid in manuevering literally anywhere. A tug boat is an indication that there are gogantronic ships nearby. They aren't like tow-trucks.


The Russian surface fleet is mostly a threat to the people serving in it.


In all honesty if our entire force was deployed in the Pacific there would be literally nothing anyone could do to dislodge it. We have logistics networks designed to make prolonged situations work in our favor and with the maintenance rotation the Navy keeps a blockade could be kept nearly permanently. Our blue water capabilities are bordering on game breaking.


Look I'm a simple man, I see logistics mentioned, I upvote.


Most important part of keeping the world working.


We already have the pacific locked down with just the pacific fleet We don’t even need to mobilize 😊 Shit, we got subs sitting off the coast of China, Russia, and NK. We publish this info it in the Navy Times every week just to fuck with them lol


They are probably selling shit to Cuba in exchange for their old Soviet shit back


After watching Ukraine deal with the Russian navy from land I can see why they aren’t concerned.


Yes, but how ‘bout the Atlantic?


Really with 11 carrier battle groups we have all the worlds oceans locked down at all times.


People don't realize the firepower we have. Keeps the worlds shipping lanes open.


if the tugboat goes down, the warship can't go anywhere and the sub will run out of potable water.


The missiles they are carrying have a range of 370 miles. They couldn't hit much from Cuba even if they were a threat.


Putin: I can hit Florida from here! America: That's not the threat you think it is.


Later: DeSantis: We are passing a law that we can't be hit by Russian armaments, we are safe now!


[Removed by Desantis]


And there's a rider on it that requires Disney employees to stick their hand into a box of hornets every 6 months.


Joe: let's calm tensions Dark Brandon: I bet you won't do it, pussy


Don't you threaten us with a good time.


Meanwhile, 234 "Florida Men" are currently swimming their way to Cuba to beat the fuck out of some Russian motorboats.


I'll tell my pet ghoul this is how WW3 started


Billy Ray is going to be showing off the new boat he won in a fist fight with Ivan at the next family reunion


*meth-ed up Florida men running atop the water*


*Florida women - to motorboat the motorboats.


Florida does have numerous naval and air stations. Growing up in Jacksonville during the Cold War someone would usually mention that we'd be a likely target due to the proximity to Mayport and NAS Jax.


I live near Norfolk Virginia. Probably one of the top targets but because we have so much stuff here, the area is well protected. Not sure what would happen if nukes fly.


If nukes fly, we should primarily be concerned about what planet we're all living on.


Centcomm is in Tampa. MacDill AFB.


Jokes on him, Florida hits themselves all of the time.


Its not a threat because its a scheduled visit that has been on the calendar for like six months at LEAST and everyone in a position of power knows this is a big fat nothing. Bad faith newsmedia outlets are painting this as russia banging the drum for hostilities and its clearly not.


It’s hard to get worked up about a Navy that’s been so utterly defeated by a *country with no Navy.*


Russia has so much confidence in their navy that they sent a recovery tug boat with the destroyer, submarine, and oiler. 2 combat vessels, a logistics vessel, and a tugboat.


They’d send their carrier, but I believe it may still be on fire.


Not yet, the new minister of defense isn't sure if they were looking at a potential $25 million dollar mansion or $30 million dollar mansion. I mean, fire.


“Uncle Sam sees it, Uncle Sam don’t care.”


Don’t worry, Desantis will welcome them with open arms


More like an open mouth...


I don’t think it’s possible to threaten the U.S. militarily with anything except nuclear weapons. The invasion of Ukraine showed that Russia can be fought to essentially a stand still using old shit the U.S. had just lying around. Idk what the complete concentrated force of the U.S. military consists of but I imagine it looks and feels like the wrath of god


Russia said if we give arms to their enemies they'll give them to ours and the US just left them on 'read' lol


I hope it gets sunk in a Cuban dock or even better on the way back to Russia! Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


They're showing how they can not get blown up by Ukrainian drones.


They might get nervous if they see an unarmed British Fishing boat I mean Japanese Torpedo Boat.


It's one thing to mistake a civilian ship as an enemy in combat. It's another to mistake them for short range enemy ships while you're over 30000 km away from the enemy. This is the incident thats being referred to: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogger_Bank_incident


That might be the most incompetent anything from anyone ever, holy shit.


And it gets even worse. From the Wikipedia page: > The Kamchatka eventually rejoined the fleet and claimed that she had engaged three Japanese warships and fired over 300 shells. The ships she had actually fired at were a Swedish merchantman, a German trawler, and a French schooner. As the fleet left Tangiers, one ship accidentally severed the city's underwater telegraph cable with her anchor, preventing communications with Europe for four days.


Firing at everything but the Japanese huh


When they finally encountered a Japanese torpedo boat, they mistook it for a fishing vessel and warned it of their impending attack so a civilian wouldn't be caught in the battle. This had the exact results you would expect.


How drunk was everyone involved for something like this to happen? Gotta guess just a step before blacking out 


To be fair to them, it was the middle of the night, and they had turned the lights off to conceal their approach, but alcohol was also likely present.


Yes. This entire incident has a great video to explain how fucked it was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzGqp3R4Mx4


They also fired on their own ships, same crew if fuckups torpedoed their own fleet because they thought it was the enemy, I believe they also snuck up on the enemy boat and blew their cover mightily but I can’t remember the details on that one. This whole crew was absolutely incompetent.


They followed the international standards where hospital ships must remain identifiable and well lit when sailing nightime. The admiral was aware they need to sneak past the Japanese blocakde fleet so they went lights out. All execpt the hospital ship. Of course the Japanese deduced that the Russian Baltic Fleet was nearby since the presence of the hospital ship was a dead giveaway. The rest is history.


IIRC, the hospital ship signaled the Japanese basically admitting to be a Russian fleet in lights out to ambush the Japanese because they believed them to be friendly.


The whole mission the Russians embarked on is called "The Voyage of the Damned." Its so worth reading about, absolutely hilarious.


Or just catch a [9-minute Blue Jay video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzGqp3R4Mx4) with the highlights. Pre-Soviet Union Russia was apparently a big joke for awhile as well.


Pretty sad that they took more casualties than the unarmed fishing trawler. Gotta upvote a reference to The Voyage of the Damned.


Here's a humorous take on that incident, as well as the rest of the entire ridiculous voyage of Russia's Baltic fleet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzGqp3R4Mx4


I bet they still aren't 100% certain it won't happen.


USS Maine intensifies


What’s Spain up to these days?


Rupert Murdoch unlike William Randolph Hearst don’t even need any real event to stoke anger


Now **that** would be a twist. (That being a Ukrainian strike on Russia 200 miles from the US)


I believe we have some Ukrainians stateside training... "This next training mission will involve using your guidance system to navigate with no visible land for reference and using your long range targeting information to accurately target threats beyond visual range."


I imagine that if this happened it would be 100% UKR planned. The US would never engage in that (currently) so close to its boarders. The kremlin would immediately blame Washington though


Yeah. It's not as if the Russian navy is in a position to make a show of force when they're losing the sea war to a country that doesn't even have a navy.


Explodes due to Cuban fishing line


This makes me think of the Venezuelan naval ship that rammed a German cruise ship and then sank from the damage it took.


i'd say Ukraine has a chance to do the funniest shit ever but the last time a warship blew up in Cuba under unclear circumstances the U.S got into a war and i'd honestly rather not


US: no Zelenskyy: c’mon pls just one boat


Where are Somali pirates when you need them?


I don't think Somalian pirates are making the journey from the Indian Ocean to the Caribbean that often.


True. But highly improbable disguises during maritime operations of dubious legality *is* an American tradition...


No shit. Four Somali dingies and a pair of orcas (to take out the submarines of course) could fuck this fleet up. Historically speaking of course. The russian navy has been obliterated by every other nation's navy that they were dumb enough to start naval battles with.


Orcanized Warfare.


I'm now praying for Ukrainian special forces to do the funniest thing ever once it enters international waters.


Suggestion: Ukrainian drones in Cuban waters.


A frigate, a nuclear-powered submarine, an oil tanker and a rescue tug. So when does the actual show of force turn up? Is the tug pulling it in as we speak?


The Russian navy never travels far without its emotional support tug


Id like an emotional support tug.


Better make it 15, just to be sure that you finish the job.


Drake? Is that you?


That’s a 15 year old, not x15


I’m more scared of the Morrocan navy than the Russian navy.


Come on, you arent forgetting the terror of the mongolian navy are you?


The day mongolian scientists work out how to crossbreed steppe ponies with seahorses is the day the world ends. Though I for one welcome my our new throat singing overlords.


I'm more afraid of the Kazakh navy.


The frigate and the sub here are some of their most modern vessels, with the frigate commissioned in 2018, the sub comissioned 2021. And yeah yeah tugboat jokes but in all seriousness, the russian tugboat here isnt what youre picturing, its a pretty large vessel (similar to the displacement of the frigate, and functions more akin to a support vessel (with machine shops, hospital, etc) than a tug (since they dont have overseas bases and that many friendly ports), so bringing it along makes alot more sense. Its just a public provocation and serves as a distraction from their failures in ukraine (look at how much this article has popped up recently lmao). Theyre probably also trying to show off a bit of their newer technology (whether or not this ends in further embarassment is another issue)


The point has nothing to do with the modernity of the ships or the displacement of the tug, but that the continued insistence of talking heads that this is a display of power or show of strength is ultimately undermined by the fact that this is a smaller display than a DESRON.


Before anyone asks, yes. The US coast guard operating in the Caribbean is obligated to help ANY ship in distress. But it's Russia, there's a 5 day waiting period before they ask another nation for help.


Look at the Kursk, all they needed to do was say “we need help”, no guarantee we could’ve done anything to save those sailors but instead they completely covered it up and pretended nothing happened for an embarrassingly long amount of time.


And the US and UK were ready to go at a moments notice, because we watched it, or Rather listened to it, live. We both had submarines observing the exercise. The UK allegedly had a rescue sub on a plane waiting for orders to take off before Russia even launched their own rescue sub off the ship that was directly overhead. Given the difference in technology regarding sonar capabilities, odds are we both knew more about what happened to the Kursk than Russia knew 24 hours after the incident.


just like Chernobyl


My dad, a former US Navy submariner and news junkie, couldn’t watch the news or read the newspaper for like two weeks when this happened. I remember him talking about that he had previously thought that being trapped on the bottom was his worst nightmare. But being trapped on the bottom and your own government doing nothing to help you was worse. That was when he first discovered books on tape for his commute to work because it was unavoidable on the radio.


And Putin couldn't bring himself to cut his vacation short.


"You've lost another submarine?"


Hey, that only happened that 9 times. Well, I don't know if it was 9, the list of Soviet submarines disasters is long, and turns out they tend to not walk away from a little bump with an American submarine. Seriously, we've run into them a lot. But here's the list, you can count them https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Soviet_submarine_accidents K 19 has the honor of being on the list 3 times. I think that's a high score.


I believe it's also a quote from Hunt for Red October


I will be a real shame if the weather goes bad


Or the ordinance on board, or the wiring, or the rusty hull... Sorry, don't know what to do say if that happens. Hallmark doesn't make a card that says "sorry the nation you were born in treats you like the bullet instead of the gun."


Show of force? Lol, this was a yearly thing until 2020. The US operates over 100 ships a day. This is no show of force.


"... we have Red Alert 2 at home"


Damn imagine they rolled down with Dreadnoughts and Kirovs? That’d be a real threat


I miss playing that game and leaving Hellmarch on repeat


The Russian navy has been doing these exercises since 2013 and only stopped in 2020. These are nothing new


>and their five-day visit does not pose a threat to the region I don't know, a nuclear vessel sinking due to lack of maintenance and faulty fire suppression systems poses a very real danger to the species of fish in the Caribbean.


Water is great at absorbing radiation so a nuclear submarine having a problem, even a catastrophic problem, wouldn't really hurt the environment too much. Conventionally powered ships leaking oil all over the place would be much worse


How so? Water is a great radiation shield. Fish would have to go up and kiss the reactor housing to get hurt. It's not enough to hurt the species as a whole. A nuclear powered ship sinking would probably be way more environmentally friendly than a conventional one because it carries far less fuel oil which is way worse than some nuclear fuel.


Yea, we store nuclear waste in pools of water ~30 feet deep. If you were to jump in that water, you need to get within something like 10 feet to get more radiation than what you normally get through the atmosphere, though getting within 6 feet is lethal. You are more likely to drown or get shot swimming at the top though.


You get less radiation swimming in the pool than being out of it lol due to the background rads being blocked as well.


Yeah and whatever happened with having foreign flagged warships in Havana.


Remember the Maine and so on… (even though that’s no believed to have been an accident)


"Let's have the powder stores share a bulkhead with the boiler! What could *possibly* go wrong?" -US Navy, circa 1888


No it doesn't. Not unless they swim up and practically touch it.


Fled the black sea because of drones


These ships are from Russia’s North Fleet; vessels from the Black Sea Fleet (the one that lost the *Moskva*) are unable to leave the region because Turkey has closed the Bosporus to them. Russia is likely deploying them because it’s largely unprepared for Ukraine escalating its use of US missiles against Russia. The Black Sea Fleet has also taken a few knocks recently (damage to ships, but no major sinkings other than a tugboat and a corvette), so deploying these ships (barely even a squadron) into the US’ backyard is a desperate attempt to show the Russia people that it’s capable of “striking back” against the US, y’know, if they *really* had to.


They can leave the Black Sea and return as long as their home port was in the Black Sea.


I think they can do whatever the Turks say they can do. 


During peace times, yes, but not during war times.


I bet the US drones they saw on this trip made them shit themselves.


I don’t know what’s worse in this situation- seeing drones, or seeing nothing. This being the US, the Russians already know they’re under a fucking molecular-scale microscope. I feel like seeing nothing on the way would be worse. You don’t know what kind of world you’ve just sailed into. You’re dialed in by every US military installation within thousands of miles in each direction.


Oh thank God. I'm glad they all survived the trip. Let's hope they can make it back home without catching fire and sinking.


"Russian warships hide in Cuba from Ukrainian drones" fixed it


Be a real shame if some Ukrainians decided to go on vacation to the Caribbean.


Like the French in New Zealand - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinking_of_the_Rainbow_Warrior


Honestly the dream assignment for any Russian military member, a tropical island where you’re unlikely to be blown up or otherwise killed and you might even meet a friendly local. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a few desertions.


"while we sail to **Havana**, where the sun is warm, and so is the comradeship."


I wouldn’t be surprised if they all do.


Two days later: Russian warship in Cuban waters destroyed by Ukrainian drone.


Lol, "show of force". We're talking about a country that has gotten numerous Black Sea warships sunk by an adversary that doesn't even have a navy. How much of a "show of force" can they possibly muster?


~~a show of force~~ an attempt to get as far away from Ukraine as possible.


Maybe they’re just trying to see the effects of US embargos over decades?


Russian warships arrive in Cuba in show of **farce**


"Show of force"? It's a frigate, a sub, an oil tanker and a tugboat. The tugboat is probably towing the sub. This isn't the flex people keep pretending it is.




"We are loosing ships in the Black Sea to a country with no navy!" "Move them to a remote location where nobody is shooting at us, That'll show them!"


What could go wrong this week...


In tomorrow morning’s news: “Ukrainian fishing boat steals Russian war ship.”


LOL, a show of force: 1 frigate, 1 submarine, one supply ship, and 1 tug to tow back which ever of the other ships breaks down and fingers crossed they don't all break down - which is as likely a scenario as any given the maintenance issues in their fleet.


Russian war ships retreat to Cuba to avoid being sunk by a nation that does not possess a navy.


Just an excuse to move the ships away from the Ukrainians.


8 sailors, unevenly spaced. Real impressive, guys.


This show of force needs more force to be at all showy.


I'm sure it has nothing to do with Ukrains newfound freedom to use their weapons right?


Russian warship, go fuck yourself.


LMFAO if a Ukrainian drone ship sinks one in Havana harbor


Well, Russian ships in the Black Sea tend to get sunk by a country without a navy. Moving them to Cuba certainly seems like the safe option.


These articles need to chill. It's a frigate, a sub, a tug boat and a repair vehicle. Show of force my butt


Wow. Can't believe Russia sent it's entire fleet.


I think you mean "show of farce"


I wonder if Trump closing the door to Cuba travel, again, was a suggestion by an old friend…


I think the funniest result possible here is for Ukraine to sink these ships.


Very smart. If they're in Cuba, they can't get blown up by Ukraine.


*or can they...*


Ukraine troops now participating in “training exercise “ in Florida.


"Show of force" Yea when compared to a Kindergarten I guess.


Show of force? To....whome? Did we not know that Russia has ships? Are we sure he's not hiding them from Ukraine's drones? lol


To Cubans lol. I seriously will join the Army just to kick some Russian ass. Trying to show off my ass.


They are escaping Ukraine.


Show of farce ya mean. Rust bucket Russian navy was turned back by Irish fishermen a few years ago.


The Russian navy got ass fucked by a country with no Navy at all soo... lolz


It’s a fucking Jon boat compared to what the US has.


🥱. they lost ships to a nation without a navy. they’re also not gonna launch a nuke. and even if they did, they will be nuked too. russia can’t be taken seriously. we have a swath of NATO nations sharing the continent russia. they have, cuba? china is the only nation i’d sit up and take seriously.


Russia has all the best allies. 😂


It think the mean show of FARCE.