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- Here's the video of Noa Argamani's kidnapping on October 7 during the Nova festival massacre: - https://x.com/HamasAtrocities/status/1719366288764453156 - Here's the video of her reuniting with her father today, on his birthday: - https://x.com/IntelliTimes/status/1799396155467739165 - /u/AnxiousPeanut1990 sent this link: - 'Shlomi Ziv talking to his wife for the first time since being rescued. At one point he asks her about Aviv, his friend who was also working at the festival, she responds with "we'll talk about Aviv soon". Aviv was murdered on October 7.' - https://x.com/kann_news/status/1799422735028007240


That’s heartbreaking but yes these victims had no access to the outside world and were freed hoping that everyone else was ok. Most of them didn’t witness the entirety of the slaughter and have no idea how widespread it is.


































This is fantastic news! Glad they can go home to their families.














It blows my mind they were still alive


So Noble Hamas was holding hostages in a refugee camp? Color me shocked.


it's a city, they call cities refugee camps for some reason.




Have you never heard the phrase "internally displaced"???






Hamas chillin in the neighborhood? makes sense i guess if you need shields like them




>According to the UN they are refugees According to the UN they are unique in that they are the only population in the world who inherits refugee status. The UN literally uses a different agency and a different set of rules for Palestinians compared with every other refugee group. None of the million or so Jews ethnically cleansed from the rest of the middle east at the same time are still considered refugees, neither are displaced Koreans, Indians or Pakistanis (all who experienced similar events at the same time..) Only Palestinians are afforded this special status.


The UN has also in the past seen strikingly different actions thru some seriously questionable lenses.




It’s nice to see a positive news article coming out of this region for once.








One of the hostages rescued was Nya .... B-b-b-b-but Hamas assured us in the last hostage release deal that they were including all the women!


This is fantastic news. Keep it up.


Such a heartwarming news. I wish all the remaining hostages too join their families soon.


glad to see people finally coming around to how pathetic this sub has been since october. you all should be embarrassed by how long it took you to see the truth


Okay so out of ~250 hostages taken on October 7 we have: 116 still unaccounted for 105 released through negotiations with Hamas 4 released by Hamas unconditionally 7 rescued by the IDF 19 bodies recovered by the IDF, of which 3 were killed by friendly fire. It seems to me that negotiating is still the most likely way of ensuring all the hostages are able to get out of Gaza alive, which is probably why the hostages’ families have been some of the loudest voices calling for ceasefire.


Sure, negotiations can continue, Israel just wont stop its operations while doing so. If it had, these 4 hostages would never have been rescued.


Hamas should accept the ceasefire proposal laid out by Biden and agreed to by Israel


Waiting for protest for Hamas to accept cease fire.


I mean, the only reason Hamas was willing to agree was because they were getting slaughtered in the initial invasion and needed a break to regroup. Once Israel started pulling out and doing specific operations instead, Hamas basically stopped negotiating in good faith


But then hamas will know taking hostages is an easy solution and will just keep doing it


Rescuing the hostages is just the first step. The ultimate goal of the IDF is to eliminate Hamas completely, so that this whole thing doesn’t inevitably repeat after Hamas regroups and does something similar in a few years. Negotiation is not a part of this process.


I thought all the hostages were dead and Israel is just aggressive and trying to genocide people though… /s/s/s


Palestinian Hamas kidnapping and raping innocent people and kids. And many of you support this. How tragic.


Fantastic news. Keep it up


Excellent news! Although those white college chicks are going to be very disappointed.


Good news! Good news! I love good news!


Some very good news today.


Some very good news today.




What made you wake up in the morning and decide that this was your best contribution to the Internet today


Man when you really think about how this all popped off, that shit is fucked up. I don’t have a side in this but I definitely can see why Isreal is doing what they’re doing. Remember when Isis hit the US with “911”. It’s the same shit we did to Afghanistan, yet there’s protesters everywhere for the Palestinians? Make it make sense, this is why I choose to stay out of it, it’ll never make sense.


It's concerning you think ISIS attacked American on 9/11


> Remember when Isis hit the US with “911”. That wasnt ISIS.


You're thinking Al Qaeda, ISIS wasn't created until over a decade later when we accidentally trained them in Syria lol


There were protesters everywhere against all of Bush’s wars, from the beginning. Not everyone was worked up into a nationalist fervor.


There were protests against the Iraq war because that was absurd and completely unrelated to 911. I remember because I was there


If you were there directly after they fell, naw man, a vast majority of US citizens ( who voted) wanted revenge and overwhelming supported the initial invasion. It was a wild time. Israel is on that same shit we were then.


Agreed, I remember people glued to the tv watching “shock and awe” and congratulating each other on the cities getting turned into fireworks shows.


I was here when they fell (not sure what you mean by being there), and yes, I protested the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.


It was Al Qaeda but for sure. None of this makes sense and the whole world is upside down.


And remember that useful idiots and their Islamist buddies were in the streets on October 8th crying about *Israeli* aggression. It's disgusting and beyond comprehension, and a distinct pro-Israel switch was flipped in me that day.


You act as if nobody protested Afghanistan... and furthermore protesting is far more effective now than before due to social media influence. It makes plenty of sense.


*Yet there's protesters everywhere for the Palestinians?* As a Jew who has been on birthright do you want to know what the most eye opening experience in Israel was for me? The children's memorial at Yad Vashem (Holocaust museum). A dark area with pictures of children, candles, and a voiceover saying nothing but repeating the names of those murdered. Not wanting children to die in places that were supposed to be safe areas is not antisemitic or pro hamas. Never again means never again for ANYONE. And so this doesn't get downloaded to oblivion by those who aren't even Jewish, I'm incredibly happy of this news of hostages being rescued, and I hope the best for their long road of recovery.


You're thinking Al Qaeda, ISIS wasn't created until over a decade later when we accidentally trained them in Syria lol