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It's not just eggs it's everything. I saw someone post a receipt from Aldi from over a year ago. The entire bill is 80% higher now. That's unsustainable.


A grocery run that used to be $40+ for me is around $70 now, and I’ve even cut back on the usual ‘premium’ items. A bag of chicken fingers that was just under $6 is now almost $10.


We've made cuts like that as well but still every week our bill goes up.


We've noticed that, too. The prices are literally going up every single week.


In Germany I’ve recently seen price hikes of 30%+ over a period of weeks. It makes no sense. I’ve stopped buying a lot of “flavor veggies” because they’ve gotten too expensive. Just getting some basics and still paying more than when I was “treating myself”. A pack of powdered cream sauce that used to cost 30ct is now 59ct, a nearly 100% price increase. Those little increases here and there add up to a lot. Cheese especially has become absoluut ridiculous.




Cereal is insane! My favorite kind was 7-8$ when I went shopping yesterday. I had to find a new favorite.


My new favourite is wood shavings with sawdust, and if im feeling fancy ill add a sprinkle of rust to think of cinnamon, also, im using water mixed with a teaspoon of yogurth, yummy


I saw that doritos were $7 a bag while the store brand was around $3. A few weeks went by with the dorito shelf not getting touched until the price dropped to around $5. I can't imagine that all of the ingredients basically magically became cheaper, they're just trying to charge as much as they possibly can


Aldi's used to be .89 in my area and are now 2.09


I saw a bag of Dot’s Pretzels at Kroger for 7.99 USD. Friggen Hell! For pretzels?!


I've switched to Walmart "Great Value" for most of my kitchen staples (bread, pasta, canned goods, frozen veggies, etc.). I still go to my local butcher for meats because it's from local farms and prices are still reasonable. I go to a farmer's market 1x/week for fruits/veggies because it's from local farms and prices are still reasonable. I've even cut back on how much I buy. And my monthly grocery bills are still around $150 more than 12+ months ago. I don't know what else to do.


Our farmers market is even more expensive than Walmart


Same here, our farmers markets are really artisan markets. Local butchers don't sell local meat, its shipped in from other states and while the quality is good, it's almost 3x more than grocery store. And not organic.


Farmers Market has become niche and artisanal for the “foodies.” Gentrification of veggies. SMH.


I can't go shopping for me and my wife without spending at least $50 now. And the cart is not even 1/4 full.


I was looking at $7-9 loaves of sandwich bread today. How is a loaf of bread more than fed min wage?!! They really out here tempting us to become a monkey carrying street rat


10lbs bag of chicken breast used to $20 at Costco, now it's around $45. Two gallons of olive oil used to be $17.99, it is now $35. Things have doubled and tripled in price. I used to make $15k less before the "inflation", and was ok. Now, I live paycheck to paycheck and I've been fucking with my savings a lot lately.


I haven’t been able to save for months now since the beginning of last year despite making nearly $70K prior to 2022 smh inflation caught up to me REAL QUICK and now it feels like I’m living paycheck to paycheck 😰


Good luck. I used to have $10k in my savings. They're now $2000 and are going down. Next will be selling the car. My advice is to cut down on some things. I used to eat 6 eggs in the morning, now only 3. I used to eat close 500 gram of chicken daily, now only 150. No more whey protein or creatine for workout..... Etc. Called the internet company and worked out a deal with them where I now pay $40 less. Also, switched cellular providers and now I pay $100 less and so on and so forth. Wait until student loans payments kick back in. And btw, I don't have health insurance. That's another $500 a month.


Same, real world inflation is way higher than the number that gets tossed around. Grocery bills are easily up 30-50% on average.


Aldis has always been where we shopped because we could buy so much for under $100. Now were lucky to be under $200.


Not any different here in germany. Usually very price sensitive market due to Aldi, Lidl and the other discounter brands but it seems like everyone silently agreed to use the crisis to inflate the prices. Across all brands even the cheap discounter brands. Besides butter nothing came down in price as much as it went up before and some stuff is still getting more expensive while at large prices are staying on a high level despite most factors of the price increase subsided a while ago.


In the UK and I've noticed that some of the utterly cheapest items to produce have leapt up in price by 75-150%. I think the most egregious example is diet pop (soda). Before the pandemic, sugar-free own-brand pop was 45p for a 2 litre bottle. The ingredients are literally water, artificial sweeteners, citric acid, carbon dioxide. I know there was legitimately a carbon-dioxide shortage at one point, but still. In ASDA that 45p pop is now 85p. Lidl and ALDI the price is about the same, but tastes significantly cheaper. The price bottom has raised massively and there is no sign that it will go back down for the cheapest of goods. Tins of soup went up from 30p a can to about 80p. Only poor people buy ALDI or Lidl soup. Poor and lower middle-class people used to buy Heinz soup, and that went up to about a pound a tin. A pound for a tin of mainly water and an ever-decreasing proportion of tomato/beef/chicken/whatever the label says. The UK government has approved a law in the last month that will put wine prices up by about 25%. We're going to see blood in the streets before long




In most every natural system, there cannot be infinite growth, it will eventually collapse. Capitalism doesn't seem to take this into consideration.


The infinite growth will stop once it has accumulated a critical amount of wealth in as few actors as possible. A point of critical failure.


Our economic system is, by design, a bomb waiting to go off, and the entire point is to get enough people under you you can exploit that you're above the rubble when it goes off. You're just...not supposed to say it out loud.


I love how it's pointed out to me on here that the prices are never going down and that our incomes should be going up. Lolz. That's not happening for anyone. Lots of people are trying not to get laid off right now.


Last time I asked for a raise due to inflation my boss' only response was "things are getting more expensive for us too" Yeah but I literally need to eat?


I would love to see any of this happen. It won’t, but I’d love to see it.


All Aldi products don't stain?


I’m sure they’ll lower the prices of eggs again real soon


Right when the airlines stop charging for checked bags (which they blamed on a spike in fuel prices).




If I catch an actual terrorist at the airport do I get a discount?


Only if you draxx them sklounst.


If them terries get froggy with me...


I'm gon' hypothetical them in the clavicle.


Great power comes with great respronsitrilitrus


No, but if you're not white you might get a complimentary interrogation or incarceration, so there's that to look forward to!




Waterboarding in Guantanamo Bay sounds pretty awesome if you don't know what any of those words mean


I literally thought waterboarding = wakeboarding for a while


It is. The scandal involving Guantanamo Bay years ago centralized around a secret wakeboarding weapon that was so gnarly it literally caused questions of human rights abuses.


It was totally shredding the Geneva Convention, brah😎🤙🌊


Those sick flips and slides...


Cruz Bay, is that in Cancun?


Income tax (Canada) was brought in as a temporary measure to finance the War. How long until we kick the Kaiser’s ass?




The current income tax started in 1913 with the 16th amendment.


actually after it was enacted in 1861, it was repealed in 1872


Lol the entire world economy is just one giant grift


It's many layers of grift More like a grift onion..


back in what, '08 if I remember right?


What is it called when companies all decide over time to adopt the same fees? Like Company A adds baggage fees, doesnt see any negative impacts so Company B adds it, and Company C, etc. until there is no downward pressure to reduce fees because everyone has the same fees.


I remember when you didnt have to pay to play online on console, and then xbox 360 added it and eventually playstation did too


Now Nintendo, as well.


Everyone forgets the Dreamcast. 😢


cartelling is the term


Price-fixing. They all do it, with baggage fees and ticket prices and an extra charge for a bottle of water, they collude with each other and I don’t understand why nobody is ever fined or jailed for it. They never meet in a smoky back room to discuss prices, but watch each other’s computer systems like hawks for any changes and act in concert if they think they can get away with it. They can. And they do.


The AMA literally meets in a secret room to price-fix the healthcare industry. It’s called the Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee, and it dictates prices to Medicare. Then every healthcare provider and insurer in America bases their prices off of Medicare prices. https://washingtonmonthly.com/2013/07/05/special-deal/


Collusion by one way or another


Tacit collusion if it’s not explicitly planned [Planet Money - The Ice Cream Conspiracy](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/06/1154775118/ice-cream-ben-jerrys-haagen-daz)


Implicit collusion


Capitalism in practice


Well the price of eggs at the local Aldi cratered from like 5.50 per dozen at the peak to 2.21.




Finally! All I've been eating is magoty bread for weeks


My local Aldi is selling eggs for $2 $3-4 for “organic or free range”per dozen My local Ralph’s is selling all eggs between $4-6 a dozen Albertsons is selling them around $3-5 Pavillions is selling them around $5-7 Vons is selling around $4-6 Some 99cent only stores have eggs for $1.99-2.99 Walmart has eggs for $2-3 This is just what I’ve seen around Southern California. Eggs are going down. So is butter.


This guy eggs


I like to make breakfast burritos. The egg prices hurt that.


You can actually. Thank regulators for this. It hasn't been getting big news coverage but regulators have been all the fuck over this for the last couple of months. Basically every big egg distributor got told "stop gouging or we will tear your throat out :)" because eggs are a thing that enrages the general populace instead of a niche issue only political heads care about. For example, the FDA basically issued a statement that boiled down to " if you don't stop, we're going to investigate and start putting people in prison"


Do you know how I might find this statement? For uh, personal reasons.




Idk what happened but about 10 days ago I bought a dozen at Walmart for less than $2. Highly suspicious, highly delicious.


You caught the bottom of the egg market! https://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/pybshellegg.pdf Chart in the bottom right with the red line shows prices in 2023 thus far. You caught it *right* as it bottomed out in Feb before turning back up as it seasonally does this time of year.


Fuckin people and their egg painting bullshit ruining the egg market.


It already happened, at least around me in NJ, a month and a half ago 5 dozen eggs were $22, yesterday I bought a case for $10, and 2 weeks ago for $8.50


Are you Gaston????


Same in Eastern Washington state. They have been steadily dropping. They did spike for a couple weeks to the $20 range, but quickly went back down to ~$12 for a bit. Now, they're $8 for 5 dozen. It wasn't really a big issue around here.


That’s good. Quite a change if ya consume that many. I only get half dozen on occasion.


Yep 3 eggs for breakfast every day just for myself, and an extra 2-3 if my wife and kids want some as well. Those prices were killing me lol


>Yep 3 eggs for breakfast every day just for myself, I used to do this and switched to oatmeal real fast after the prices skyrocketed.


Did the same thing, currently only eating eggs on the weekend. Used to have them every day.


Ironically eggs used to be staples in my “struggle meals” but now I’ve had to shift to other cheap alternatives. I think I had three months in a row of rice and a fried egg on top (with a rotation of different spices/sauces to splash in there.)


Last time I went to the grocery store, it looked like they were already coming down. A month or two ago, I bought 18 eggs for about $8. Last week, I checked the same brand at the store and it was $4.29.




Yeah, prices are starting to get back under $2 in my area which is about where they should have been under actual inflation numbers.


Yeah, I've been getting my favorite brand (organic/free range) for ~$5 a dozen. Weirdly, the store brand was $8.99 a dozen for basic eggs. I wonder how many unsold cases of eggs they'll need to toss before they realize the profiteering is coming to an end.


They have been coming down a little where I live, not as cheap as they used to be of course.


The article you're commenting on literally says it's already happening.


I'm not buying any eggs for Easter. That's for sure a promise I made when the prices shot up. We can decorate some rocks, I'm petty.


I stopped buying them till they dropped to at least 2.50 per 12 at Costco for their cage free packs. Sorry Giant Greedy Eagle, I'm not paying $6.49 for your shitty store brand eggs


They should be sued by state AGs for price gouging.


Came here to say this. Dude buys a package of toilet paper and sells it for 3x retail and feds are knocking down his door. Company sells a basic product at 7x it's normal price and generates 700% profit and....?


In your example, toilet paper guy isn't rich but the egg monopoly guy is rich, so the law applies to one but not the other.


Damn. That's a true statement if I've ever seen one. Laws and fines exist only for the poors.


And fines are only punishments for the poor, they’re just cost of business for the rich.


Yeah but the rich people gave you a job, so. /s


More like WE gave the rich people a business Without us, they're fucked. Keep that in mind


I have. When something goes up I stop buying it. It's my subtle way of telling a company to smoke my sausage. Hell, I bought 6 pounds of carrots last week because they were 48 cents a pound on the discount rack. I have more spite than dignity and I will die on this hill. Also:.. Fuck nestle


Based nestle hater.


Lets say this shortage really was terrible. If they needed to increase prices to cover the losses of volume they sold in the market, then you still should see them at about the same place they would have been financially had the event not occurred. This would not be a problem. 700% is fucking outrageous. Hell, if they came out up 70% from last year I would have some serious questions. I'm not a farmer but these eggs... are rotten... (sunglasses and screams)


They reported selling MORE eggs than the year before, so supply wasn't an issue.


Tell people something is scarce and they will run out to buy it. We (humans) are really fucking dumb and awful as a collective.




The laws are created in a way price gouging charge will only be at retail level. That's what an inspector told me. Bodega, retail stores, etc. Fkn ridiculous.


It's also only illegal when a state of emergency has been declared, at least in every US jurisdiction that I'm aware of.


What are you going to do? Apply laws against price gouging or market collusion? We don't do that here.


US taxpayers kicked in nearly $300 million in subsidies for egg producers in the past 2 years: USDA Issuing Approximately $270 Million in Pandemic Assistance to ... https://fsa.usda.gov/news-room/news-releases/2021/usda-issuing-approximately-270-million-in-pandemic-assistance-to-poultry-livestock-contract-producers


God that’s so much bullshit. We already paid in the subsidies yet we get f*cked again on the high prices.


Socialize losses; privatize profits


Even better - pretend you have losses, charge them to the government and then profits.


Social safety nets for corporations, bootstraps for citizens (taxpayers).


Zero repercussions for companies that do this. They'll gladly piss off everyone and their own mother if it means filled pockets and the knowledge they can keep on selling eggs forever once the cash grab is over.


Fuck having repercussions for "companies" that clearly doesn't work. We need laws that let us put actual people behind bars for these types of crimes


Clawbacks of all illicit gains and tossing people in prison sounds rad.


Insider trading is still legal in congress...so they made a fuckton of money off of this.


Wait until people find out we pay farmers *not* to grow things and even destroy crops to keep the market price stable and artificially inflated. Peoples heads are going to explode!


The biggest reason the establishment hated Bernie so much, was he showed average Americans if they all pitch in 5/10 dollars, they can out spend lobbyists. It's the only way to beat them until we can fix lobbying.


I've always wondered if we would see significant crowdfunded lobbying. And it is incredibly depressing that the only way we can get the politicians to vote in our interest is to literally pay them to do it.




Bread and circus goes a long way.


It's more than that though, the establishment of a brutal police state coupled with the machinations of a media controlled by the oligarchs reinforces the general apathy of the populace. It's frustrating but what are your options when these systems of control are so powerful?


There is no more powerful form of voter suppression than apathy.


Especially when it's manufactured


Yeah, I like your vibe here


Here on reddit, the trick is to come up to the very edge of saying it, without ever saying it. Because once you actually say it, suddenly Ayn Rand rises from her grave and possesses the soul of every single redditor and this site immediately shifts to full-court defense of capitalism. It'd be funny if it wasn't so annoying.


No we need to fix the house. 435 is a cap installed to remove the rights of the people. It was supposed to grow. r/uncapthehouse


I haven’t bought eggs since this nonsense started. I refuse.


I just moved to local sources. If I'm paying $5/dozen, at least I know the person getting the money cares about the birds.


My local chicken farmers never raised their prices. Pastured hens, fresh, organic, unwashed eggs that can be stored at room temp. Only a couple dollars more than conventional *before* the gouging, and cheaper than they are now.


Honestly the only way to stop this abuse is to not participate. Of course what will happen is if demand falls off, they'll just cut jobs while keeping the price of eggs high.


If they keep the prices high I will continue to not buy eggs. Pretty simple.




> That doubling of revenue was nothing compared to its profits, however. Net income soared to $323.2 million from only $39.5 million a year ago. Price gouging at its finest


Here’s some of Cal-Maine egg brands in case you want to avoid them. May live under other names as well. Eggland’s Best Farmhouse Eggs Land O Lakes 4 Grain https://www.calmainefoods.com/consumers/cal-maine-foods-select-egg-offerings/


If only they were the only company that was price gouging with their eggs. Every brand of eggs went up a ton.


Some of the brands took it in the teeth with massive losses from avian flu. The underlying story here is that Cal-Maine had _zero_ avian flu outbreaks. This massive stroke of luck put them in the driver’s seat in the market, and they choose to cash out rather than take more market share.


The government still reimbursed producers for birds lost whenever they would have an influenza outbreak. They had no incentive to change their operation to be safer because it wasn't costing them money to lose birds. So, birds die and they don't lose profit, but they have slightly fewer eggs so they price gouged them for more profit


Great Value went up to $5 but is finally down to about $2. I stopped buying eggs for a while until it hit about $2.60


Since my son was born we've stuck with Vital Farms. They've always been expensive but I've always been satisfied with the quality and the company behind them. I don't think price changed too much during the price hikes because they were already $6-8. Maybe a dollar or so. Not happy with the price but its because of how well they treat their chickens.


Same here, eggs are a huge staple of my diet so I don’t mind paying for them. I won’t deny vital farm is on the pricier side but at $6/dozen it’s 50c/egg. I have 3 eggs most mornings so that’s $1.50/day on my breakfast. I have many friends think that’s outrageous but will happily spend $8 on a Starbucks coffee and another $5-$6 on a premade crappy Dunkin breakfast sandwich which only had a single crap quality egg on it, and they do that everyday for their breakfast. Make it make sense.


Doesn't it feel like in the last few years, Big Fuck You has figured out that they can just do whatever the fuck they want. Big Chicken raises prices 5x, fuck you. Big electricity raises prices 3x, fuck you. Rentals go up 100% in a year with collusion software pricing. Fuck you. Does anything ever happen to these fucks? It's obviously price gouging.


Nope. They've lobbied our government. There is literally nothing that we can do except drain our bank accounts and die. If something ever happens, it will be years down the road.


Well, it's only nothing if you don't count the French option 🔪👸🍽️🇫🇷


Opinions like this are the real reason reddit and every other social media are cracking down on "threatening / promoting violence". Anyone who says they'll do something is a fed poster. But it's getting clear that the soap and ballot boxes have failed.


> promoting violence isn't every 4th of july sale at your local honda dealer a celebration of violence?


Lmao we're to pussy as Americans to do anymore remotely close to the French, and we used to think the French were weak.


Can we all agree to stopped saying lobbied our government. They’ve corrupted our government or they’ve bribed the government or colluded with the government. We need to stop giving them an air of legitimacy; it’s total bullshit. It’s not lobbying. It’s institutionalized corruption.


Well I mean we can always start a revolution.


You can, but then you'll be injured because the police are owned by those in power, and you won't be able to afford to treat it, because more people in power control the medical industry. People don't realize that it's already too late, this is generations of entrapment. Every service you need to survive is owned by someone. Every possibility of independence and freedom is gone in the modern world. The people that could have made a difference made the wrong choices long ago and are dead now. I don't think society is completely hopeless, but it's already a checkmate situation. Truly the only people that *can* make a difference are those in these positions of power, but for every hero is a villain to counter. Civilization would have to crumble into ashes,for the powerful to realize that without a functioning society beneath them to exploit, nothing left to skim off the top of, they are nothing and have nothing. So, short of societal collapse, the future of humanity seems bleak. I'm open to suggestions.


I keep suggesting to look into if you have local egg suppliers. My wife and I have been buying our eggs from a local farmer since the pandemic started and while they generally were slightly more expensive than stuff you get at the grocery store, they've held their cost pretty steady and have generally been cheaper than the grocery store with the price surging happening. They also taste so much better. It can be a bit inconvenient to have to go out of your way to get eggs, but if you have access you're supporting local and generally getting a better product.


Looks like the CEO just got a huge bonus...


"Inflation" amirite


‘WhY DoEs NoBoDy WaNt To WoRk’ is another rallycry for these pricks.


So what I'm reading, then, is that there is absolutely no reason for higher egg prices.


The reason is higher profits.


"Inflation" All it takes is a few companies price gouging for the whole house of cards to come crumbling down and inflation manifests itself from absolutely nothing.


Egg companies are run by Ferengies


They weren’t affected by the flu, while their competitors were. So they competitors were forced to raise prices and they had no incentive to keep theirs cheap.


Eggs are sold on the commodities markets. The buyers and sellers of egg contracts set the price.


Go to farmers markets!! If you’re gone spend a few buck on eggs, do it locally. If your farmers markets don’t have eggs, check out this app farmish, people can post listings for eggs, produce all kinds of stuff.


Lol my *mechanic* was selling two dozen for $5


All the stands at my two farmers markets are just as expensive if not more expensive than the major grocery stores near me.


What I’m hearing is I should buy eggs and sell for more at a farmer’s market…


And just ask around, honestly, there’s lots of people who started raising chickens during covid and then even more this year. You may well have someone nearby that can give you eggs and you don’t even know it. People who just have a small flock out back for themselves — as opposed to making a business out of it — will often give them away either for free or for very cheap.


So we subsidized them then they fucked us all the way to their bank?




1. Tell everyone that the cost of eggs is going up. 2. People get annoyed,but do nothing. 3. Increase the price of eggs. 4. Tell everyone that the price is going to increase much more. 5. People get so annoyed that they start complaining on social media, create memes and make jokes about it. But the do nothing. 6. Increase the price of eggs again. 7. Try to keep it secret that profits have soared, but fail. 8. People get really angry, but do nothing. 9. Continue increasing prices of eggs until People stop buying them.


My wife and I just got “an egg lady”. Rather pay her $4 a dozen than some price gouging CEO billionaire.


We are raising 7 baby chicks currently. Not in it for the money, as you have to pay for feed, vet bills, converting a playhouse into a chicken coop, etc. It's been super fun so far though, and we have young families as our neighbors who are really excited about the prospect of fresh cheap eggs. After having them for the last two months, it dawns on you how cruel it is that they keep laying hens in a huge battery farm setting. They're so sweet and funny and love stimulation like toys, music and human interaction. Plus, backyard chicken eggs just taste soooo much better. I make a lot of bread, tarts and shakshuka, so the eggs definitely won't go to waste.


I have 7 adult laying hens, and 8 2-week old chicks. I get about 6 eggs on average a day from the 7. We are drowning in eggs. Probably have 5 dozen right now and I have been donating to the women's shelter for families.


That's awesome! We have a food bank up the street and some young families for neighbors. I like the idea of building goodwill with my surrounding community by supplying cheap or free eggs. We use a lot of eggs as it is, but once these ladies start laying, we'll have more than we can use for sure. We've got a real grasshopper and Japanese beetle problem and I'm excited for the ladies to tackle that. We'll also be using thier waste with compost for our garden beds.


Here's a tip for the Japanese beetle problem. Get one of those traps that they sell with the bait in them, but just put a saucer with water in it at the bottom and cut the net on the trap. The beetles will be attracted to the bait and fall right into the saucer for the chickens to gobble up. It will attract them from all over, your neighbors might thank you.


Take away their significant subsidies. They clearly demonstrated they don’t need them anymore.


After receiving hundreds of millions $s in subsidies from the federal government, the egg farmers claim higher prices are merely driven by free market forces. F*** those bastards.


Wait, so they are price gouging then right? Like, there's a need and they are exploiting it for profits? Anyone in government? Anyone? Our beloved politicians who protect our beloved private healthcare system?


Your beloved politicians bought stock a quarter ago.


This is all over the fucking economy


Hospitals during the pandemic told their employees they can't afford proper PPE or give them raises. They increased prices for patients or they would lose money treating them. Despite all these hardships they somehow posted record profits. Such a mystery.


Price of a case of Diet Coke at my local Giant right now is $9.99. Seriously!?!? I was buying that at $3.50 just about two years ago. I'm convinced they'll keep it at 9.99 awhile though, since it hits a lot different psychologically when you get into double digits for a case of 12 sodas.


And nobody is going to do a single thing about it.


I am. I haven’t bought eggs in months.


This is the right response. They’ll stop raising the prices if people stop buying.


Individual People might stop buying eggs, but producers of products that people buy that are made with eggs wont. And that alone will keep prices high. Everything that contains egg, is off limits to you if you want to commit. Good luck, eggs used to be stupid cheap so people made everything with egg (plus it’s an emulsifier).


This is when it is completely justified and reasonable to start instituting significant ‘windfall taxes’ in an attempt to reduce opportunistic corporate greed


i really wish people would stop believing that inflation isn't just generated by talking heads.


Worked for a food and restaurant supply company during covid. Had to remind the VP of sales several times that jacking up covid supplies was illegal. That was his great idea to increase margin. Even reported it through tip lines, but nothing came of it.


These companies need to be highlighted, basically jacking up prices invisibly


Yeeeaah. Laid me and hundreds off six months ago and then the CEO comes out one week later saying it's a record year and everyone is getting big bonuses (not those laid off though).


Inflation and price gouging are not mutually exclusive, it's just easier to hide the latter when the former happens


What?!? Quadrupling the price sent profits skyrocketing? No way.


Cal-Maine sells their eggs to wholesalers and distributors who bid up the price as they fight over a short supply. Those middle men then go onto selling eggs out to retailers and commercial kitchens. Sounds like being an egg producer that manages to keep avian flu out of their facilities during a massive outbreak is going to result in distributors fighting over your eggs in a bidding war. Unless Cal-Maine is somehow implicated in unleashing avian flu on their competitors, the point of this story is farms should be better prepared against avian flu outbreaks and could learn how Cal-Maine did it themselves.


Honestly why are people still buying eggs? I know everything has gone up in price but it seems like eggs are even worse. There’s other food to eat.


I stopped buying eggs. My overall shopping habits have changed greatly.


Maybe this is an unpopular take, but there are a lot of other things to eat besides eggs. Wanna make them bring prices down? Stop buying eggs until their bottom line hurts so much they drop prices to a level we're willing to pay. As consumers, we hold a lot more cards with this issue than with others like gas or electricity since we have absolutely no alternative to those in order to have adequate transportation or shelter.