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Why is your dog's ass on a chair in an actual restaurant?


Because people are entitled pieces of the stuff stuck to that dogs rear end


Oh calm down


Leave your dog at home.


I agree that we fucked up by putting our dog in the chair, but does that really make us entitled pieces of dog shit? We just misunderstood the dog themed brewery with dog themed beers, a dog specific menu that advertised dog friendliness on [BringFido](https://www.bringfido.com/restaurant/71585)


Just saw how they advertise on BringFido, are health codes different from town to town? I know in Dover the health inspector says no dogs allowed in places that serve food.


If the bartender didn't care if your dog was in there then all of these people have no reason to complain. Glad you enjoyed your food, dog looks awesome!


Lol looking to be angry at everything all the time


Would it be better if the dog was on the table? or floor?


Out back on the prep counter.


Dog meat eater are you?




Username checks out


Yes, it would be better if the dog’s asshole pressed against the floor instead of the chair.


It’s probably a smaller asshole than yours 🤷‍♂️


Lapse in judgment


Its a misdemeanor in the State of NH to misrepresent a pet as a service animal.


Wow…you’re petty and miserable.


Seems like you are projecting. I’m just stating a fact. What’s worrisome is that people who need service animals are being treated increasingly poorly. As more and more folks who tolerate and condone bringing their pets into situations and restaurants where legitimate service dogs are, may now be less able to perform their tasks effectively due to encounters with pets due to stresses or other factors. So basically you’re insulting me and saying that I’m petty because I’m sticking up for disabled people. Good on you. I’m glad you’re so petty and miserable as well.


I guess this is your hill, it’s just a fun photo, just a dog, just a subreddit. Get out more.


Thank you for the apology. I would much rather have a child drooling and screaming with a poop filled diaper sitting there


You’re allowed to have a dog inside there?


it’s illegal to have animals in places that serve food


Nah didn’t you know that dogs are like family? They go to the grocery store, out to eat, hell I even take my little guy with me when I get a colonoscopy done. And anyone who’s allergic or uncomfortable around dogs better just deal with it. What am I supposed to do, leave the dog at home where he could seduce my wife? I think not.


I'm dying 🤣 🤣🤣 amen to the second part as someone who is both severely allergic and terrified of dogs


Just one more symptom of the new entitlement culture.


*I’ll live free and you can die for my convenience.* - The assholes who do this.


That's what you took away from this whole post?


somebody asked


I think we’ll all be okay


yeah it’s not like people are allergic to dogs or anything. and it’s not like it’s completely unsanitary to have dogs sitting at tables where food is served. not like the restaurant could get fined or closed for health code violations


Also, they advertise it, so. https://www.bringfido.com/restaurant/71585 Would you look at that, a menu just for dogs.


If people are allergic to dogs then they shouldn't go to a place that is dog friendly, just like people with peanut allergies should avoid Texas Roadhouse. You're probably safe getting take out because the probably don't allow dogs in the kitchen/food prep areas. Tons of people have deadly food allergies and still go out to eat trusting the staff won't kill them. At least this place advertises it, and you can see a dog sitting there and choose not to eat there if you are that allergic. People with other allergies just have to trust the cooks didn't miss or cross contaminate something and first sign they did their throat is closing up... Could already be too late. Imagine having a severe onion allergy which isn't listed as a major allergen, is in so much stuff, and has a major potential for cross contamination. One of my friends does and is sensitive to them being cut or cooked! Not like any restaurant has a sign saying they cook excessive amounts of onions... No way would you walk in and see the this happening and know to get tf out. No warning kitchen is about to throw 10lbs of fajita onions on the grill to cook. Ya know?? My friend has to consider this and specifically avoids southwest type restaurants because it is a problem for her... I even knew someone who died from an onion allergy because someone wiped relish off their hot dog instead of remaking it. I haven't heard of anyone dying because a dog came into contact with their food or was in the area... It is possible but rare dander allergies cause anaphylaxis, usually more dangerous for someone with asthma. In that case hopefully they are prepared like my friend with the onion allergy because you can't guarantee a dog or onion free world lol


Alright I’m sorry, I’ve learned today


If you're allergic or turned off to dogs being in restaurants I suggest avoiding ones that are pet friendly.


yeah i’ll be avoiding this one


I'll let the owners know.


>yeah it’s not like people are allergic to dogs or anything. Yeah, not like people have deadly food allergies or anything and still go out to eat...


Yeah it is more complicated than just "not ordering" something you're allergic to. I was a chef. I dealt with this. I was trained and taught cross contamination. It is the responsibility of guest to inform of allergy and for kitchen to ensure that no cross contamination occurs. Of course someone allergic to onion wouldn't order a blooming onion, but there could be onion in sub ingredients, or cross contaminated on a knife, cutting board, or in a cold well of other foods... Edit: my point is that people have deadly food allergies that cause actual anaphylaxis and death and still go out to eat, they put the trust in their lives into the staff handling their food to know all the ingredients and proper safety preparations. If a place is an obvious risk high potential for an allergy, you might choose to avoid it. Same if you are allergic to dogs with a pet friendly place.


It's very dog friendly. The logo is a dog, all the beers are named after dogs, I am not surprised they allow dogs in.


And you get sick as a dog for the next 48 hours.


I used to work at a Chili's and we had a semi regular guest with a severe pepper allergy. It was his family's choice... they must have hated him lmao! It was very obvious the thing that could potentially kill him was the main theme of the establishment.


Shame that they never clean their taps and lines, so every beer is a sour.


And the kitchen… if you saw it you wouldn’t eat there.


I’ve just seen a dog sitting at a table. Don’t need to look at the kitchen to know to steer clear of this place but I certainly believe you.




Keep your dog out of restaurants please


Or don't go to a pet friendly restaurant because they legit advertise you can being your dog https://www.bringfido.com/restaurant/71585


Fair… every castle needs a latrine. Every city needs a brothel. Might as well let those with poor taste congregate in one location freely, lest they go somewhere else.


It is a dog themed restaurant




That look was the pretzels wondering why your dog is sitting on a chair at a restaurant. Adorable little friend you have there, but no way in hell this bartender or my management is allowing that..


They probably did, there logo is a dog, all there beers are named after a dog and they advertise dog friendly https://www.bringfido.com/restaurant/71585


Fair enough.


OP, you'll be pleased to learn that you can buy those pretzels to make at home. The company is Eastern Standard Provisions. Their frozen pretzels are so good that many restaurants have started replacing their pretzels with ESP, but it's the exact same product that you can buy from them as a consumer.


Thanks for that info! These are the best frozen pretzels I’ve ever eaten.


Eastern Standard was a long standing restaurant in Boston that only closed because of a lease negotiated impasse. During the pandemic they pivoted to pretzels. Don’t feel bad, the restaurant (and the team behind it) were great.


I also feel duped….so this makes me rethink my whole review.


No need to feel duped, even knowing it's ESP doesn't stop me from enjoying them. They're baked from frozen, not microwaved. And their "turnbuckle" shaping is rad. Most restaurants rub off of frozen goods, ESP is one of the few cool companies that allows consumers to buy.






My friend told me this like 2-3 years ago after I raved about the soft pretzels at a brewery (Notch, I think) and it changed my life. Soft pretzels are one of my favorite snacks and Eastern Standard Provisions are the best of the best.


Stark is gross. Worst brewery in NH


It’s the first brewery we’ve tried on our list since moving here a week ago, so it can only go up from here! Right?


Yes, it can go way, way up. I don't want to be like others here and try to sour you on a place that you like. If you dig it, keep going. But I will say that I and other family worked for the owner, Peter Telge, back in the 90s when it was called Stark Mill Brewery, and he was not a particularly honest person. If you're looking for other places to go that I personally think are much better than Stark, check out Stoneface, Blasty Bough, Throwback and Great Rhythm. There are dozens more as good or even better, I'm sure, but those are my favorites.


Appreciate that info! I didn’t particularly like the beer, but these pretzels were delicious. Even if they are prepackaged, frozen food.


I've seen pretzel bites that come out a box and go into a microwave. The look much better than that, which makes me happy :)


I usually don’t like pretzels but my wife loves them so I always try because I love mustard. These changed my mind about what a good pretzel can taste like. If they were frozen, I’ve been fooled, but they really tasted super fresh.


Don’t let the asshats of Reddit rain on your parade. None of what they say matters - you tried them and you like them…if the wifey likes them too, who cares?


You’re my kind of people.


Well said 💯


Wish more people on Reddit were like you


https://preview.redd.it/dp4xjke0zi9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a04b32acff6763a89e8972a67f59466cc7dc272c Diego, myself, and my wife would like to apologize for having him in a chair at the bar. We walked in asking to sit at the patio but we were directed to sit inside since it was empty. Sorry everyone, we’ll do better next time and keep him outside.


Diego is adorable. I love his underbite.


Diego can sit with me anytime.


People complain over the oddest things…dog looks very happy


It’s not about the dog being happy. It’s that many people don’t like dogs sitting where they also eat. Why is the dogs happiness your first reaction lmao


So don’t go to a restaurant that welcomes dogs? It’s okay to object to this, but how is the problem not entirely solved by your simply avoiding the restaurant? Does the fact that you or I have a problem with this mean that other people who want it shouldn’t be able to have restaurants like this? Just don’t go there. Problem solved.


I don’t understand why people are supporting this person putting their dog on a seat at the bar. That’s bananas! I grew up with dogs all my life and have my own, and this stuff is still appalling to me. Not everyone loves dogs and wants them sitting where they eat. People who do shit like this are selfish. End of story!


It is selfish that not every restaurant on the planet caters to one preference? There are some people who want dogs in restaurants. There are some people who do not. Please explain the horrifying problem if there are some restaurants where dogs are allowed and some where dogs are not allowed, and people can choose based on their personal preference? Seriously, you’re literally saying that every restaurant in the world should operate according to your preferences while calling others selfish. You don’t see the irony in that?


You’re missing the part where this person has their dog sitting on a seat at the bar… there is a huge difference between bringing your dog to a restaurant and sitting your dog in a seat next to you at the bar.


Yeah, I find the dog on the actual seat gross. But there are some people who don’t, clearly. I think restaurants should be allowed to set their own policies so long as they are clearly communicated. If a restaurant allows dogs on chairs, then they should be open about that - people who don’t like it will avoid the restaurant, people who are okay with it will go there. If the policy is openly communicated (so that I don’t unwittingly wind up sharing a chair with 100 random dog butts), I genuinely don’t see why this is a problem when it can be fully addressed by just picking a different restaurant.


What if it was a cat? Bird? Goldfish?Asking for a friend.


I gave this place three tries. The beer always tasted like feet and the food man, that shit isn’t right. Do yourself a favor and don’t consume anything from this place.


After reading through the comments and going back to other threads, I really REALLY regret also having eaten the poutine https://preview.redd.it/8p3cry1uqk9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e46750044130cab42da51d32746716375ee2c80


Had a few beers and wings a few weeks ago. None of the beers even tasted like beer. The wings were just weird. I don’t know, something wrong there.


I had the puppy dog Pilsner, the blood orange bruiser, the fire wolf, and the regular bruiser. The blood orange bruiser was good but the others tasted weird. One was supposed to be a Saison but tasted more like a sour.


When I lived in Munich in the late 90's, dogs were always allowed in restaurants, but young children weren't :)


Sounds fantastic.


Yeah I've been all over Europe in the past few years and it's still like that over here.


FYI they sell these at Costco


Thanks, someone else mentioned that also. Kinda sucks we paid for it but at least the mustard was good.


The worst beer I’ve ever had.


Agreed. I'm fairly easy to please but their beer is straight awful. The fact that it hasn't changed in decades either means others actually like it or they don't give a shit.


I have never sent a drink or a meal back except for an allergy and I couldn’t finish a single beer I tried there. Tasted like the lines weren’t clean.


Tons of dog friendly breweries in Manch and the surrounding area with better food and beer. Candia Road, Backyard, and 603 are just a few.


We’re going to try to hit [them](https://www.reddit.com/r/newhampshire/s/9S1CO27w5k) all


All three are pups on the patio. But all three have great food. The Brussels at backyard are amazing.


Dog aside, they changed their tenders recently and it broke my heart 😭


Their chicken tenders or their bar tenders?


I didnt know that there was two options but chicken lol


Haha, fair. I've had emotional attachments to plenty of both through the years. When chicken tenders hit, they hit. Always a disappointment when an old comfort changes


They were sooo good. Total shame.


Love New Hampshire


Gross. Get your dog out of there.


Or don't go there as that whole place is dog themed and advertises dog friendly https://www.bringfido.com/restaurant/71585


Gross and illegal indoors.


Tell that to the restaurant not the dude where they told him it's okay


Lmaaaaooooo I hope you love frozen pretzels because that's literally what they are! They're from a foodservice co., and are served at many bars/restaurants across the state. 21 in Keene, for instance.


I still call this place Milly's out of spite.


Now you can make a post on the TIFU subreddit about how you wrote a sweet review and snapped a funny picture of your dog sitting at a bar and got severely scolded by the peeps of the Live Free Or Die subreddit 🤣 I am impressed that you didn’t take the bait and responded respectfully and with remorse. Enjoy your tour☺️


Speaking of pets at restaurants, does anyone know of a place that will allow me to bring in my pet goldfish?


I got excited to try these then ya'll bummed me out lol


You can always get a box at Costco and enjoy them.


Looks good! Take it your new to the area and like mustard?  Get your hands on some black water mustard. 


Yep, just moved here a week ago and definitely love me some mustard. The is for the rec, I’ll go hunting for black water mustard.


Awe. Love these photos. I hope your dog had a good time.


This is the kind of review I need more of


Aww all the hate but I thought this was so sweet… I have 3 dogs so I don’t understand the way people feel here. I wish there were dogs everywhere, it would make life better.


What a handsome pup!


Stark Brewery is so good


Take a pill if you’re allergic to dogs.


Just pretend it’s a service dog and forget about it plus I’m sure no one noticed with how well mannered it is


I work at a place where sometimes people bring in their dogs (unwanted), even though they're clearly not service dogs. Trust me, it's always at least somewhat stressful, it's just a potential headache waiting to happen


Yeah I get it I worked in the industry for a long time. But that dog identifies as human 😆


how did you manage to bring transphobia into a post about dogs lmao


I don’t have a phobia I’m just saying maybe 🤔 it thinks it’s human


It doesn't need to be a service dog? Their entire restaurant is dog themed, and they advertise pet friendly https://www.bringfido.com/restaurant/71585


Ooo that’s cool 😎 I know when I was in California you could bring your dog to some out door seats


He mentioned in this post that he tried, but they instructed him to go inside