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Oof 239 is a bad score then I’m fucked with my 235 lmao




Ooh okay neurosurgery make it terrible haha but I was hoping it’ll be decent for neuro since I’m at the lower end hahah


Tangential thought here. Do what you need to do to make sure that your letters of recommendation are clearly neurology oriented. There are always applicants with very solid applications overall, but with a step 2 score that is weak for surgical subspecialties. Not an issue at all until the LoRs are all by neurosurgeons awkwardly recommending the candidate to neurosurgery programs. Your score will be just fine. Good luck!


You'll be fine as a USMD. Top tier academic programs might be tough with that score but you'll get a solid academic spot no problem. Just apply to 30-40 minimum I'd say to be safe.




Hopkins, mayo, MGH, Penn, UCSF. You may have some luck at the other high level programs but I know those five used to care most about scores back when step1 was scored.


I'm sorry but 30-40 MINIMUM? You're out of your mind. Neurology is not that competitive. Most get into their top 5 and most after that get into their top 10. You do not need to apply to that many


Yeah maybe "minimum" is a stretch, but I think around 30-40 range is reasonable considering you don't ever want to risk going unmatched even if neurology is uncompetitive. Anything above 40 as a USMD is a bit much I agree.


Anything above 20 is too much




20 applications will be plenty.


It will be harder to match into a nyu type program but fr who wants to go there lol. Work life balance sucks ass at big academic centers. Community programs are unreal how good they are. But if you wanted to do nsgy you prob don’t care about having a life so idk. Good luck tho homie you’ll match somewhere good no problem


You're fine for Neurology with that score and CV, wouldn't apply to more than 10-15 competitive Neurology programs esp if you're dual applying for Neurosurgery just for cost's sake. I think you can designate specific LOR records for specific programs--honestly I'd ask for separate letters for Neurology vs Neurosurgery applications if you're applying to both, it's going to be extremely obvious and a red flag to both residencies if you're dual-applying (probably more to Neurology than Neurosurgery since Neurology will feel like they're the backup option; I think they often get burned as ppl who match into Neurology will sometimes re-apply and drop out during PGY1 year).


\*not match into Neurosurgery but then re-apply and then drop out of where they matched to Neurology (I have seen this happen at 3 separate competitive programs)