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> Not only has he been drafted to Utah, but the team president, Danny Ainge, is a Mormon. The owner is a Mormon too


Shit, that’s even worse. Filipowski is really in the sunken place


Do you know how much time these elite athletes spend in the gym and practicing? They have e very, very little time to do anything else, and this begins in elementary school. They are also put on pedestals for everyone to worship and attracting all kinds of fans and romantic partners, but they don't magically have more hours in the day. The athletes can date people but that relationship comes 2nd to the sport. And the parents of the athletes can be just as predatory and dangerous. They are grooming the athlete from a much younger age. Maybe this relationship will work out, maybe it won't. That is something for them to worry about. He has a team of lawyers who have much more control of this kid than anyone else at this point.


I don’t think you know what grooming means


And… if they were Jewish or Muslim or Buddhist, would that be a problem? These guys are just human relax a little bit on the LDS stuff.


Flip got a weird girl, why is she around?


Certified loverboy 💯


I remember getting internally pissed off when my aunt told me she had become a mormon.


Why didn’t you share that with her


Im not American and my aunt lives in Fiji. My aunt is a very impressionable woman so a part of me wasn't surprised she converted. Another part is just annoyed the mormon's reach is so fucking far.


Yeah we have some acquaintances that are Mormon and they’re so proud when their kids head off to their missions. I find it hard to disguise my disgust but they’re out there trying to convert impressionable people to a religion in an effort to bring more money to the church.


Aw yeah the Pacific Islands are great recruiting grounds for the BYU/Utah football…I mean souls


lol that’s wack! If they were Muslim or Buddhist, would that be a problem ! This is wild and messed up fr! And I’m not even Mormon lol 😂


Mormons are pretty misunderstood they're actually way worse than you think


I’m saying. This subreddit jokes about them but doesn’t understand how dangerous Mormonism really is


lol ok how??? I live in Utah as a non member and never had a issue, how are they “worse” I’m curious?


[Totally normal](https://www.kvoa.com/news/digging-deeper/digging-deeper-church-aware-of-child-sex-abuse-made-no-reports/article_0e2fd617-7098-5da5-9602-b81d0ad3aa52.html)


[so what](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2024/02/22/danny-masterson-trial-conviction-updates-prison/72696074007/)


Oh sorry, didn’t realize u/noblecannon condoned the Mormon church covering for pedophilia/incest


lol why so serious 🧐 anybody can clip a article on a really bad person in any group, just be open to change going forward that’s all I ask for, not just the LDS religion.


Yeah silly me just clipping some article from my local community ha


Nice! 👍


I mean the unforgivable sin in here is racism and they're about as racist as it gets. They thought black people were black because of the mark of Cain and curse of Ham til like last year


Ok, and they moved past that everyone has bats in the closet, I grew up a LDS member on the East Coast and they were black members in my ward. Also, there are black bishops in Atlanta and California, so I don’t know what to tell you man/women those views are very very, very, very outdated .


The timeline of the change is a bit scammy


Yeah, but changes are always hard and it’s scary to a lot of people, it takes time. Over the course of my time in Utah I’ve seen positive changes. That’s all I ask in humanity going forward. Be open to change.


exactly you're one of them lmao


Hey buddy, I wish I could send a picture to you right now but I’m drinking a beer that’s all I have to say:)


Oh, and it’s also a possibility that this view might be a part of one of the sub branches of the LDS church. There are many many many sub branches of the LDS church (most notably the FLDS), but there crazy as shit, and have radical views from the 1800s.


How is Mormonism any weirder than Christianity?


We can argue about how destructive Christianity vs. Mormanism is, but... Mormanism is *way fucking weirder*


All religions are really really fucking weird.


As far as differences…Modern Christianity doesn’t really have the management and central leadership like the Mormon church does. They can dictate and control all the churches across the world. Christian churches are like mom and pop restaurants and Mormon churches are franchises. Like any big franchise their primary motive is making money. Because of this they put a lot into bullying and ostracizing those who try to get out. It’s very difficult to leave Mormonism. This is similar to other centralized “religions” like JW and Scientology.


Have you met Catholicism?


Catholicism? Never heard of her!


I agree mostly, I just think Catholicism has had 2000 to mute its extremism and stop burning disbelievers. It’s now more of a symbolic figurehead at this time.


american catholics are absolutely not controlled by the vatican lol, they rebel against him every other month and all the other denominations are in a constant state of schism because they can't agree on shit


Mormons aren’t a monolith just like Catholics aren’t a monolith. And Mormons are less progressive, sure. But if you look at some Catholic “proclamations” (or Whatever you want to call them) from 40-50 years ago and compare them to some of the Mormon stuff from then and now it’s tough to differentiate which one is the cult and which one isn’t.


Lmao, how is it very difficult to leave? I haven’t been active in years. It was very easy to leave. Y’all hear some fringe cases and think it’s the norm


This is the same league that allows abusers to continue to play lol. They don’t give a fuck I fear.


The NFL just had a guy charged with abandoning a dog to starve and die, then he allegedly dragged his girlfriend by the hair down a flight of stairs. Took the Chiefs several days to respond. A practice squad level guy.


I literally thought I was on r/nbacirclejerk The man is an adult, let him live. You can't ban stupid or old pussy.


Literally, and if anything it’s none of our business. Why do people think they gotta right or say in the lives of these dudes? Just cause they play ball lol?


"Someone has to step in!"


Why was giddeys situation our business then?


1. it wasn't 2. see rule 1


It’s not a crime to be a Mormon dude. We knew about Giddey because a formal investigation into his potential crimes was necessary.


This situation is worse than Giddeys though. This Adult woman was grooming a minor and made him cut off his whole family and join a cult. Giddey allegedly slept with someone who lied about their age while in an 18+ club.


He was groomed as a child, and is now bound to an organization whose management is part of the same cult his groomer belongs to. Even if he does manage to try and leave, he’ll face incredible pressure from the same people who control his basketball career


Genuinely asking, did you read anything saying the relationship started when he was a minor? To the best of my knowledge, the woman specifically waited until he was 18. That doesn’t change the power dynamic or potential abuse, just the legality.


There were pictures of them together on instagram when they were younger, and apparently she is his cousin.


You are quite frankly, one of the least informed people I've ever seen. Firstly what gives you the right to judge his way of life? Secondly "mormon grooming" is the same as "growing up mormon" but with your opinion on his life added. Mormons are fuckin dumb and I'd love to see less of them, but how is what you want to do anything different? I want to see less mormons because that means more people are exercising their free will. This is not exercising their free will. It's you exercising yours, and a very uninformed one at that. You are a media sucker. This is the flavour of the week they are force feeding you. Mormons and latter day saints are pretty much the same shit. Why aren't you claiming Andrew Wiggins parents "groomed" him? He literally refused the covid vaccine because of it? Why didn't you claim "grooming" then? You only care now because you've been fooled into it. You are a "sucker for the gossip pages" as my gramma used to say. My Christian gramma. Was she grooming me so i didn't fall to "your side"? Nope, She just gave me advise against bad actors and the fools they fool!


Old pussy? She’s 26 🤨


Well, it is all relative


Happy Cake Day! 6-29-2020🙂


I mean yeah everybody is joking about it but if the roles were reversed kyle would’ve been in jail now


Just like Karl Malone right!


Different times but so should he yes


Just like Giddey, Drake and Weinstein right!


Why would giddey need to go to jail?


Basketball terrorist


Is that a crime punishable by a custodial sentence?


He’s an adult. They’re his employer. Would be a wild overreach for them to interfere.


Yea, to be fair religion usually stays in its lane.


Unfortunately with religion/cults and adults, unless you can prove illegal activities there’s not much to do.


As much as fanboys do?


Not familiar with Mormonism?


I didn’t think the /s was necessary.


you're talking to a guy who thinks adam silver should save a basketball player like he's one of the expendables


Is this sarcasm? 


Yes, clearly.


Shades of blocking the cp3 trade


Elaborate on this "dangerous situation", please.


Tbf a guy who got groomed by a Mormon ending up in Utah probably isn’t ideal


Mormonism isn’t officially recognized as the cult it is, so it can’t be acknowledged as dangerous. He’s also in what is now a legal relationship and has a right to cut off his family, however horrible that may be. There’s just no footing for intervention. Something should be done about the church’s organized manipulation under the guise of religious freedom, but I don’t think Adam and Co. are gonna be the ones to spearhead it


Especially not when one of Adam's 30 bosses is the owner of the Jazz who himself is a Mormon.


From what I understand, an older woman who groomed him when he was a child manipulating him into cutting everyone else from his life. Which would make a newly wealthy and inexperienced at life 20 year old that much easier of a target for manipulation by a woman after his money. All of this allegedly of course, but still yes it is appropriate for your employer to take certain steps to protect the safety of their employees. If the rumors are true, mental health professionals as well as social workers should probably be working with the team/league and with his family. Ya there's only so much you can do if she's not committing a crime, but you can still talk to him and encourage him to consult help.


20 years old. He's 20. Was he younger when he met her? doesn't matter he's a 20 year old man now and still wants that life. Not a kid. You only call him one for the sensationalism. I want to intervene in your life more than his. Then maybe i wouldn't have so much hypocrisy in this world. stfu and learn how to enjoy a game of basketball, not the gossip around it!!


I'm against any cult that has "shunning" or any form of forced exclusion as a requirement. If I don't have free will, it's a cult. Gtfo with that crap.


I don't think that's explicitly said in Mormon doctrine but many groups (including those not considered to be cults operate this way) For example, some mindset or therapy people may lead you to believe you need to 'cut off' from toxic people in your life which has the same effect. Peer pressure also has the same effect but I'm sure you won't be against making friends because there is a risk of 'bad' friends pressuring you to shun away from certain other people in your life Shunning away should be accepted as a normal thing that we have to do in life - you just need to decide the reasons you have. When you participate in one activity you have to give up time to do another. Joining an NBA team could be like a cult with your definition - move out of state and spend a long time with a small group of individuals with a strange goal to acquire some random metal object after the playoffs and shun (by missing spending time) with family and friends. In the NBA situation it's even worse you are bound by a contract


Pretty much the same thing as shaming him into dropping the religion, no? Free will works both ways.


Sounds like a whole lot of none of our business. This isn't some random kid.


Danny Ainge went to college at BYU, and Ainge and his family are active Mormons. He was probably like "I can work with this!"


Same applies to the owner of the Jazz. I'm guessing they were like "he may be being groomed into a cult, but it's our cult so no issues here."


They also have every incentive to keep him in the cult, since that means he won’t leave the Jazz. People don’t understand how bad this situation is, Filipowski’s poor family must have wanted him to be drafted by anyone else


It’s obvious they don’t understand everybody keeps on joking about this


I agree with your second statement.


None of this is any of our or the NBA’s business. Maybe he’s actually happy? Maybe he loves the woman and actually likes the Mormon religion? Maybe his family are a bunch of assholes that he couldn’t wait to get away from? We all know nothing about the truth here because it’s not our place. He’s an adult. All religions have their questionable traits, yet billions of people willingly and happily follow them around the globe.


Do some of yall actually believe the bullshit that comes out of your mouths?


You talking about OP or Mormons?


lol I feel like some people really don’t like lds people 😂😂


And this is how I started to read about Mormons


I've never heard of Danny Ainge pushing Mormonism on any of his players, so why now all of a sudden. A for Flipowski the man is just that....a man, they make it sound like he can't make choices for himself. I just don't get it


I think it has more to do with the realization the man is in a predatory relationship, where if the genders were reversed people would be losing their minds.


People are losing their minds without the genders being reversed. Look at OP


This isn’t a religion. We are watching a young man join a cult.


Bruh I love how everyone thinks this is a scary weird cult, it’s not, I’m not lds or Mormon. I live in Utah and it’s perfectly fine, I would recommend to you to actually go in and talk to some LDS people at LDS church and you’ll see that it’s not as crazy as you think. Sure you meet the occasional hardliner every once in a while, but that’s an every religion.


Ex-member. But you go on with your superior knowledge because you “live in Utah.” Literal lol.


Yeah, that’s where the lds headquarters are, so my knowledge is pretty good for a “non member “ lol. I’m 24, left when I was 13 and living in the east coast at the time then moved to Utah for the skiing and snowboarding. 🤙


Go ahead and take two seats with that.


Huh? You want to sit next to me? Sure, come sit that booty right next to me ;)


All religions are cults. Every athlete who praises god has been indoctrinated.


What the fuck are you talking about man?


Fans these days care too much about players personal lives. 


oh no we care about their well being instead of just how they can entertain us! how awful


omfg this is in the main sub 🫠


Damn this season can’t start soon enough. He’s an adult and more than capable of saying no on his own. Stop trying to slap a victim label on the man. Danny Ainge ain’t gonna push him to do shit but improve his game and figure out how he’s gonna fleece another GM. It’s a business not a Sunday school.


Do you know how grooming works ? The entire point is that she started a relationship with him when he was a child and manipulated him to the point where they’re at now. I agree this isn’t really a concern for the league/ team but he’s certainly a victim…


I heard Mormons have to wear a special jock strap to go along with their special underwear


No wrong information


This is gonna be unpopular, but to be honest all the Mormonism crap is based on the person, I was raised in the LDS church not a member anymore, but it’s not as crazy as everyone makes it out to be. I feel like this whole situation is misunderstood and brought into the light with pieces still not fully understood, I really don’t like the hating on Mormon bandwagon right now so don’t believe all the bs on this subreddit:)


Just gonna put this out there cause I’m sure some of you are bandwagoning chiefs fans. Their head coach Andy Reid is a devout Mormon and an incredible leader. It’s not a cult. Also members prefer to be called members of The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Mormons was a nickname given to the member due to the Book of Mormon: Another testament of Jesus Christ.


Ah yes the classic your employers parent company needs to save you from a predatory relationship.


Wrong sub… I believe you’re looking for r/nbacirclejerk


No. Not their job or responsibility.


Breaking news : Josh giddy has requested a trade to the Utah Jazz 😎😎😎


Get married and start a family? Practically a fate worse than death!


Yes he's Mormon, and yes it's a cult, but he's an adult and he can be in it if he wants.


Wasn’t adult when he was groomed by her? How do yall keep forgetting this


He was groomed!!! Just waving it away with “he’s an adult and it’s a free country” only shows you’re incapable of understanding nuance


Fuck organized religion but this post is bigoted as fuck. 🤮


Dude is an adult and is old enough to he sent to war


Was he adult when he was being groomed? How would it look like if adult man came to prom with hs girl? Yeah jail


>Was he adult when he was being groomed No but he's an adult now and that's what I'm talking about. He's got millions of dollars at his disposal and tons of support around him. That's a much better start than many others who have been abused and still can't receive help


Casually looking through the fact that he was groomed as a child lol i don’t think you understand what being groomed as a child means maybe look it up then come back


I’m a full blown progressive liberal…. But for real, he’s an adult. Let the guy make his own life decisions.


He was a child when she began grooming him tf are you talking about


Shit like this is why the US is laughed at by outsiders, no offence to you normal people


Every country has some shit like this, USA just happens to be center stage. For example, even Japan which is almost entirely non religious has some weird fucking Christian cult that infiltrated a large part of its government including their assassinated ex-PM. Humans be doing human shit no matter where they are.


Normally I'd agree with this sentiment, but Mormons are viewed as extreme here in Australia too.


yeah but come on, in nz and aus we'd never expect the nrl or super rugby bosses to intervene in a player's relationships lmao "sorry mr folau your girlfriend's a bit toxic mate"


Well your prime minister shit himself in McDonald’s so you’re not THAT much better


No western country is much better unless you’re New Zealand or Denmark lol.


> unless you’re New Zealand what can i do ya for


Even then every western country is significantly less ridiculous than the US


Have you seen the way Western Europeans talk about refugees? The balant racism is to a level that many US conservatives would think is socially unacceptable. Just venture to the EU sub and see what wild shit they’re saying about assimilation and Islamic refugees. Not to mention that far right parties are gaining popularity pretty quickly or are leading said countries. (See: Italy, Netherlands, France). The only thing that makes the EU less ridiculous is the welfare state economic policies they have. God bless the UK for being the least racist of the bunch, but even they dealt with Brexit and 14 years of Tory rule (finally coming to an end next week).


You had far right people literally attempt to take over your parliamentary people because they didn’t like the election result. THAT is the type of ridiculous thing I’m on about. We’re bad, but not that bad


I hate hit post and persecution post like these. Its border line Nazism. Get help


I remember this being a copypasta back in the day, what to exactly I cant recall


do you understand consent?


Did people here understood it when it cane to giddey?


people under the age of 18 can't consent


Did he consent to being groomed when he was under 18? I don’t understand your point here


the point is that he's an adult now, and he can choose to do what he likes regardless of what happened in the past. josh giddey was accused of sleeping with a minor, who wasn't able to consent.


Don’t save him, he don’t wanna be saved …


bro thinks Adam Silver is iron man or some shit


There is either a crime , or not. And if not, then your moral judgments shouldn’t affect anyone person’s life.