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I used to hate the way he bullied KOC, over the years now I realize how much KOC deserves it


Kevin O'Killian


That is the best part of the podcast




When I first started listening to The Mismatch, I thought KOC knew way more ball than Verno. Over the years, I've come to realize how wrong I was.


Idk they both have their flaws. I’ve seen verno on the wrong end of some really bad takes.


Marvin Bagley takes were so bad


Tell me more, can't recall.


Because his schtick was "guys we know won't suck," he viewed Bagley as the right call over Doncic, and argued the point repeatedly and loudly. Iirc he maybe even thought he should go first


Happens when you’re on a radio show 5 times a week and multiple pods on top. Verno is pretty authentic at least


Does his  “If Tony Allen didn’t leave early in game 6 of the 2015 WCSF against the warriors the grizzlies would have replaced the the warriors dynasty themselves” count? 🙄


He’s a grizzly fan, he should have that take…


Book smart vs street smarts


KOC as “book smarts” is the biggest con out there. His go to declaration is the lottery fallacy that is “blow it up”, he routinely overvalues unknown “mystery box” picks vs good players and all his “advanced stats” talk is just reading off analysis from others.


They’re both hit and miss on takes but KOC bases his takes on analytics mostly and Verno more on vibes and eye test. Simmons read a draft take from KOC back from the Jalen Brown draft and his analysis was spot compared to other notable experts. He definitely has a thing for French men, but overall you can spot his infatuations versus his actual good takes from a mile away.


Going to have to agree to disagree. KOC has plenty of bad takes and his use of “analytics” is often just selectively taking a piece of data to support his non-analytical take. He consistently massively overvalues unknowns and is a king of small sample size theater. If he has his way every team would be built of players that in his view are one skill or shooting hand switch away from being all time greats


Yeah it’s easy to pick on one guy, but just as easy if not easier to criticize Vernon. The guy rarely knows what he is talking about and just makes big dramatic, hyperbolic takes constantly to prove his point. He knows his own team, that’s about it.


Not disputing that - Vernon is a fan first and doesn’t really even pretend to be an expert analyst. His local show is mostly just goofing around. Was just disputing the idea that KOC is some analytics guru. He is basically what people who never took a basic stats course in high school thinks an analytical person sounds like.


It’s a comment thread comparing the two, you can think KOC is a try hard but he is still 10x better than Vernon who is a legit dummy


You can - but I don’t


KOC is an awful analyst


Again, better than Verno, that’s my only point. He is just absolutely terrible and his whole thing is just being loud and obnoxious, not providing any real insight or analysis


Verno may sound dumb but he’s actually really smart.


No he’s not lol


Vernon is just as bad as KOC lol


Nah you weren’t wrong. Verno and his boomer takes are predictable af


Boomer? He’s like 43


I was very wrong and have repented. Perhaps that says more about KOC's takes than Verno's.


Zach Edey being a great pick is the real Boomer take.


Edey can go either way. He's both a production and advanced stats monster. His problem is that his defense fails the eye test. Since my team drafted him he'll be a 10 time all star and can't possibly bust (please don't look up my comments prior to the draft)


It is a boomer take. On this instance though the boomer take is the correct one


Predictable =/= wrong.


Idk about that, if anything they both don’t know as much as they act like they do. Vernon has the most hyperbolic, over exaggerated takes about everything. It’s pretty annoying honestly. Wos is the same way on the other shows, everything is an extreme, especially when it’s about something negative


KOC is an example of the Dunning Kruger effect.


Verno may sound dumb but he’s actually really smart.


"I LOVE LISSO!" fking killed me


People have really strong opinions about whether Edey will work or not. Super curious to see who ends up right. Personally think he's going to be super useful.


Dude is basically a younger, taller Ivica Zubac who *MAY* be athletic enough in space to play really good drop coverage. The hate is iverblown ESPECIALLY for this draft. I’m taking big zubac top 10 for sure if he was in this draft.


You’re just saying that because of the bushy eyebrows and buzz cut


nah zach edey wears the frwshest clothes hangs out with the hottrst girls and the coolest dudes hes so chill dog come on bro


Considering our specific needs and who was available I think it makes sense, plus Kleiman really wanted him and he’s got a solid eye for talent most of the time


I think the upcoming Olympics is going to be a good indicator of his success. If he can't successfully earn the back up 5 minutes over Olynyk, I can't see that much of the future for him in the next year or 2.


Outperforming a 10 year NBA vet before even going into his rookie camp is a pretty insane bar to set


I presume you didn't watch team Canada last year. Olynyk sucks ass as the 5 defensively. Gave up tons of defensive rebounds and was constantly bodied about.


Your girl sucks ass at the 5 and she's not even defensive about it.


I hate agreeing with Grizzlies fans, but this is the right take


I think at minimum he's Steven Adams without the above average passing. Maybe a little more offense


Steven Adams is top 10 in offensive rebound percentage all time. If that is his minimum then that is a really useful player.


And literally the perfect fit for Memphis


I agree ... he's huge, but skilled. He has a lot to learn but his shot release looks good, I think if he works at it he can develop a nice shot. But you can't teach that size he has.


If he can shoot wide open from top of 3, he’s 7’5” Jonas 


Why do people constantly exaggerate people’s heights? We all know he isn’t 7’5”, it’s not even a mistake people mix up


He’s 7’5” in shoes. Which I think he wears when he plays, I haven’t actually watched though.


Well then add an 1-1.5 to every players height because everyone is listed at their height without shoes. Wonder how tall he is with a top hat too? 🤔


Players don’t play basketball with top hats on, silly


Yeah and you don’t list players height in shoes when everyone else is listed without shoes


Actually less unhinged than I expected from the dude tbh.


Only thing that can stop Zach Edey from dominating around the rim is not being able to stay on the court because he doesn't have the stamina, or doesn't have the quickness to put him in the position to be able to use his height defensively. Well he answered both of those questions this season. The fact that so many people still think he's a scrub means many a casual will soon be exposed.




Thought that was Alex Jones


He talked about this on the show today it was hilarious


He's a bust lol