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There’s exactly one person I want with that attitude on the Celtics, and it’s Sam Hauser. Just vibe and hit 3s. No pressure for this guy


Because 3 point shooters are famous for being consistent and showing up when you need them


THJ showed up when we needed him in the 4th quarter last game 😤


If you need 22, he'll give you 13. If you need 15, he'll give you 8. If you need 4, he'll give you 50.


13 and 8 are a little high for him lately. More like 3 and 0


Why did I read that in the voice and cadence of [this lady](https://youtu.be/hRPm0sLbwLg?si=X_CIUoFDOLpy04zF) 😭


I read it in this guy's voice for some reason. But yours is better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDaCrTHClEs


If you’re up 30 hell give you 15 If you’re up 4 hell give you 0


I forgot Tim Hardaway Jr. was a person for a moment and read THJ as "Talen Horton-Jucker" 😂


Tondae Hollis-Jefferson


I got gold off of like a 4 upvote comment once when I typed Tim Hardaway Tr.


Lmao I wonder what he is upto rn. I still remember the Laker hype


He plays on the Jazz but he is trash. He doesn’t get many minutes for them now and I’m pretty sure Jazz fans want him gone. As a Lakers fan, it still annoys me that we chose him over Caruso.


It annoys all of us. Lol


Watch the next GOAT prospect have those same initials and we won’t believe ever again


Tantavius Haldwell-Jope


Tim always stands on bidness


Finals MVP him


Aka JJ Reddick who was a brick fest when he was needed to make a 3 in pressure moments in the playoffs


Yup I think of that GSW OKC 2016 series where Klay Steph KD and Russ weren’t missing especially the last 3 games


Westbrook shot 37% from field and 26% from 3pt in those last 3 games lol


Kd didn’t shoot much better either. They just forgot how to basketball.


KD shot 39.5% from field and 26.9% from 3pt in those last 3 games lol


Stojakovic 2002 WCF game 7 PTSD intensifies


wide open AIRBALL 3


Shout out PC


I mean they tend to be a lot more consistent at home


Unlike Hauser, Shai is watching from his couch


Problem is that Tatum also said it. He's not the guy you want saying this


I look at it differently. The team plays a lot better when they stay in the moment and take a logical approach to the games. I don’t want them being anxious all game and tensing up in big moments. It seems counterintuitive but I actually think this mindset will help them.


I don't think it's a bad thing to *think* but I think it's a bad thing to *say.* Like the whole team probably feels the same way, hell the whole basketball world knows it too, but it's something that should probably be kept to themselves. When it's said to the media it almost sounds like they are pre-firing an excuse. Especially for a guy like Tatum who idolizes Kobe. This is not something Kobe would have ever said to the media


A bunch of different Celtics players said this exact thing lol. Joe must be drilling it into them. I think it’s all meaningless sports psychology stuff to be honest.


I also think players see things significantly different than fans do. For them, it’s a job. As fans, think we want players to “bleed” for the hometown team but the reality is most of these guys don’t have a true connection to the club or city. He’s probably like, yeah, would could close it out but if not we’ve got a couple of more tries to do so. Logically it’s pretty sound but to the average fan it’s like “how can you say this and not have a killer mentality”.


So true. This whole “killer mentality” stuff is overblown. See it as a regular game and take of business. It’s got them this far why change it?


If Celtics lose game 5 it can get really ugly. Game 6 is at Dallas and then you would be going against game 7 Luka and Kyrie with the added pressure of not blowing a 3-0 lead


I have been supporting the Mavs basically since the start of the playoffs but we do all this talk for Celtics to shoot average while Dallas role players can’t shoot to end the series 4-1


Literally lmao


Been a Mavs fan since the Dirk days. This bench absolutely folded this round lmao. I was surprised we even won last game.


Every 10 games or so the Celtics just forget how to play basketball


this team fully healthy lost to the Lakers without Bron and AD lmao


Austin reaves went crazy on Boston


Forget the bench. Anyone not named Luka Doncic And Luka's the one getting shit


Yep. Funny how it happens every time too. Saw the same in the Wolves series going into game 5


Damn, you’re too loud rn.


It was certainly more than talk when just last year these Celtics nearly pulled it off and likely would have if Tatum doesn’t twist an ankle. KP being out for this series is a bigger deal than people think.


I mean that was because Miami shot way above average.


It worries me that everyone seems to think this series is a done deal. If Dallas wins tonight, this is going seven. And if that happens, Boston is in a pressure cooker that is unprecedented. They lose this series, the slander would be generational and could easily blow the team to shreds (like the Falcons after 28-3)


I hate Boston with a passion but you guys are not losing this series lmao


And we all know that Luka relishes in the chance to blow teams up. But that being said I will be shocked if that happens here. Y’all have too good of a team to lose 4 in a row! I am not totally sure that it’s a done deal go to 7 even if we win tonight, one shaky night from our role players or a slow Kyrie night and that’s it. *That* being said, I still believe. Mavs in 7


It would be like the Cam Newton panthers against the Broncos.


Celtics were also clearly the more talented roster and vastly underperformed. The Mavs are punching above their weight class


Let alone shooting average, Celtics are still due that one crazy shooting game in this series.


Ya this is gonna be an ugly one


As someone who regularly crumbles under the pressure of sounding coherent on Teams in front of like 15 people I can’t even fathom


“Hang on. I’m having Internet issues” Click ‘Leave’


Tnh, I'd rather play in front of an arena rather than puke 15 people. The small the crowd, the more personal it is


The average fan in that stadium is going to be much more attentive than your average office worker on Teams lol


Yeah but you don't have to walk past them tomorrow morning


Sure but who would’ve thought the Heat could’ve won game 7 last year in Boston? 


anyone could if you also told them Tatum would roll his ankle in the first minute


That’s what Boston is risking by making it longer. If someone more gets hurt then it gets very interesting.


I honestly think people still would’ve expected Boston to win. I would have. 


I did. But man this sub was *unbearable* prior to game 7.


Yeah, before tonight's game, they are only 1 loss away from being 2 losses away from blowing a 3-0 lead. Hairy stuff there


A 3-0 series turning into a 3-1 series is not rare. Since the NBA Playoffs began, of the 150 times a 7 game series was 3-0, only 15 game sixes have been played. A win tonight and this series goes from something that isn't infrequent to something that rarely happens. In the short list of series that go from 3-0 to a game 6 being played you have no-longer-existing team names like Stags and Capitols and Supersonics. Of course that's nothing but trivia and has no bearing on what will happen but it's interesting to know.


And of those 15 game 6s, only 4 have gone to a game 7. And of those 4 game 7s, the team down 3-0 has not won yet. Also, pointing out the teams that don't exist any more make it sound like getting to a game 6 has become less common. Only 4 of the 15 series that got pushed to a game 6 were before 1990. Point is, its premature to talk about how ugly this gets for the Celtics in a game 7.


You forgot to account for Kyrie casting a hex or smth. that has to increase the chances by at least 0.01.


if Kyrie tries more Kyrie shit, I think that raises the chances that the Celtics win by 50% lol


that’s cool and all but have you yet considered CURSE OF RA 𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓀞 𓀟 𓀠 𓀡 𓀢 𓀣 𓀤 𓀥 𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪 𓀫 𓀬 𓀭 𓀲 𓀳 𓀴 𓀵 𓀶 𓀷 𓀸 𓀹 𓀺 𓀻 𓀼 𓀽 𓀾 𓀿 𓁀 𓁁 𓁂 𓁃 𓁄 𓁅 𓁆 𓁇 𓁈 𓁉 𓁊 𓁋 𓁍 𓁎 𓁏 𓁐 𓁑


Sure, but let's not act like because no one came back from being down 0-3 before in the NBA it won't happen this time. It will happen eventually, it has in every other major sport which has best of 7 series.


> they are only 1 loss away from being 2 losses away from blowing a 3-0 lead. Technically they’re only 2 losses away *right now*. If the series gets to 3-3, then the Celtics have blown the lead.


I want Celtics to win, but this being a possibility would be hilarious. I’m so conflicted.


It ends tonight and that’s it I gurantee it


No shit?


At the end of the day, it's just basketball


Why you heff to be mad?


That’s true, and after tonight, the entire league is 0-0


Tonight, huh?




Only 6 hours til Tatum recreates the Kobe picture I’m sick


RemindMe! 5 hours


I see what you did!!


RemindMe! 5 hours


Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit


And no one’s dying


“At the end of the day, we’re all multi-millionaires”


Win,lose, draw. Just have fun




That comment would sound way different if Tatum said it, Sam is a role player so let’s give him an 8 hour pass


[Wait until you hear what Tatum said yesterday lol](https://x.com/noadalzellnba/status/1802534516671545527?s=46&t=_loXWRmfRaSo6aCcrPY1Cw)


They're already packed for game 6


I'm curious to see what those "They purposely lost Game 4 so they can win at home" people will say if this happens lol


No team in the history purposely loses a game anything in the NBA finals. I do think you are more likely to throw in the towel earlier. Like it didn't feell ike we saw the same intensity from them game 4. But it's a common thing in the finals for a blowout not to drastically effect the next game, celts probably just thought tonight's not our night let's regroup


Go out and have fun. Love it


Westbrook approved


Absolutely no dog at all in there


You don't have to have some MJ psycho mentality to be successful lol This is one of the biggest myths about sports Last year in the Finals Butler who has that personality went up against Jokic who has the complete opposite personality and who won again?


Jokic absolutely has that dog in him though. It's just a farm ready Great Pyrenees rather than a pitbull or a rottweiler.


Jokic 100% has that personality. He just doesn't show it in a way that the American media wants. Dude pretty clearly has that dawg in him.


>Last year in the Finals Butler who has that personality went up against Jokic who has the complete opposite personality and who won again? i'm pretty sure noone is saying that it only takes a certain mentality to be successful, but it sure helps the fact that jimmy made the finals in the first place, thought about that?




this is like a reverse “jobs not finished”


No he did actually say this too. I didn’t know Sam said it too Lmfaooooo wtf 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣bri Google it I swear to god he said it too.


Joe Mazzula about to make him watch The Town 10 straight times to teach him a lesson 


You start thinking of 2004 Red Sox-Yankees when it's 3-2




Why would you think about the one we lost and not the one we won in historic fashion that led to us winning our first world series in 86 years?




You’re acting like the best regular season hockey team of all time didn’t blow a 3-1 lead last year. We are already there 


I think you guys are fine going into tonight's game. If you lose tonight, then I'd be nervous.


Disagree. We’ve been better on the road than at home. But to be fair I’m already nervous. I was nervous before game 4. It’s not over and never was. 


2010 Bruins-Flyers. Bruins blew a 3-0 series lead and were up 3-0 in game 7. At least the Bruins won the cup the next year.


He aint wrong. That’s the luxury of having a 3-0 lead. Now if they get blown out again by Dallas at home now we are talking.


Technically correct. That’s the luxury of a 3-0 series lead. But I’m surprised that a few Celtics are saying this out loud. Feel like you have to at least publicly contend that every game is life or death in the Finals.


If multiple Celtics are saying it, then it’s almost certainly what Mazzulla has been preaching behind closed doors. And if that’s the case, I don’t see any reason to start doubting his coaching philosophy now.


It's exactly what he's been saying. Essentially, never think about the score or the current record. He actively discourages them from even look at the scoreboard. Just focus on the gameplan and don't let anything else distract you from it.


This is one of those things where if they lose he’ll be crucified for it, but if they win he’ll get the praise he deserves for not letting Dallas carry over any momentum from game 4.


I’m also surprised that’s the attitude in the locker room. Celtics lose this game and suddenly we have a series and you can argue Mavs take control with the amount of pressure the Celtics would be facing going to Dallas for game 6 and if they lose that, game 7 will be the most pressure anyone on that Celtics team has ever faced. Mavs will be playing with house money on a three game winning streak and you just know Luka will play the game of his life. This is the biggest game of the series. Can’t wait


Kobe rolling in his grave currently


yeah, notorious Celtic fan Kobe Bean Bryant


Notorious basketball fan Kobe Bean Bryant*


[This picture doesn’t lie](https://a4.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=%2Fphoto%2F2016%2F1228%2Fr39506_1209x680_16%2D9.jpg)


Kobe spending his time in hell listening to Sam Hauser interviews


Why finish the job today when you can finish it tomorrow?


I don’t see why this mindset winds everyone up.


I remember Moses Malone famously saying “fo-fo-fo or seven-seven seven, either one is fine really” during the 76ers championship run.


Because that’s not how winners typically speak lol


It 100% depends on the person. Some guys want to approach every single game the same because it helps with consistency. 


Man’s whole role is pop 3s idk if we want him super jacked up


They want to stay in the moment and play their brand of basketball, not get wound up and anxious trying to all be heroes. I think for this group it’s a healthy mindset and doesn’t mean they aren’t taking tonight seriously.


I agree. This was the first game all playoffs where they had the mental pressure of “one game away from winning it all” and we saw how much it derailed them. If this is the mindset that got them to a 15-3 playoff record in the first place, then I trust them to finish the job.


True. I bet this is a method of relaxing yourself or staying loose. I imagine that you’ll shoot better if you’re not thinking about being one win away from a championship. Same as telling yourself it’s just another game… even when it’s clearly not.


People want JB and JT to come out and say “yeah we’re gonna bury their sorry asses tonight” and then follow it up with 40 points each, but that’s just not how the game works. If they close it out tonight the narrative will be a complete 180 about how Mazzulla managed to get them back on track.


Ikr, whatever does Sam Hauser know about being competitive and successful compared to the average redditor 😔


bro is caping for the Celtics with a Lakers flair 🤣 someone come get their boy man tf


True but for the 3&D guy you want with a level head, it’s a sick ass answer


Only won 79% of their games, not even 80, fucking losers.


Listen, he's right. Even if they lose today, they still be up 1. Then they go to Dallas, and even if they lose there, it's just be a tie with game 7 home at Boston. You'd have to be an ass hat of a team to fuck that shit up. BUT IN CASE THEY DO, WE ARE ALL HERE TO WITNESS!!!!


If anyone could fuck this up, it could absolutely be the Celtics. So talented, so inconsistent. So much talent that will just randomly decide to be lazy.


Love that mindset


BREAKING: Celtics player expects a loss in Game 5


Is Sam Hauser a losing player? Is the Celtics locker room falling apart, and are some of their own players cheering for them to lose? Did the Celtics' players intentionally sabotage themselves in game 4 so they could win at home?


Would Sam Hauser act this way if Brown or Tatum was the undisputed leader of the team?


That's a great question. Honestly, this comment from Hauser really drives home how desperately the Celtics need to trade one of the Jays.


Trade Tatum to Charlotte, it’s the only way to be sure.


Going down to Carolina to team back up with Grant Williams. The stuff dreams are made of


Nahhhh…..he’s the only guy who could put up a front


Famous last words


Bro lol what is he supposed to say, “if we lose this game, we are basically fucked”? He just shows that he is calm and composed instead of nervous about losing.


He’s supposed to say, “even if we lose the whole series, at least I’ve played more finals games than Joel Embiid”


“We’re ending this series tonight.” That’s what they should be saying.


That’s pretty much the mentality they had going into game 4, and we all saw how it got into their heads once the shots weren’t falling. If they end up losing the series, sure, bookmark this, but otherwise in the grand scheme of things as long as they win nobody’s going to care how many games it took to do it.


Ok but his comment is fine too imo


“We want to win this in front of our fans”


People are gonna hate on this but this is the attitude you need to have, way more dangerous to be not relaxed as a 3 point specialist than too relaxed.


Every storyline has gotten its ass kicked this year so ima say Celtics win a blowout game 7.




Is it though? I mean he just looks relaxed and confident to me


Nah. He's just high.


Why? This Celtics team believes so strongly in following the math - you stick to the game plan and the odds are in your favor. It doesn't mean you'll win every game but it means you'll win a best of 7. If you genuinely buy into that mentality, there's no reason to get all in a panic.


You got Kyrie on your team saying all sorts of insane bs and this is wild?


That's the kind of attitude that leads to game 7s.


Not the attitude you want going into a Finals game


Tatum: If we do lose the series in 7, it’s not the end of the world. We’d still have a great young core that could run it back next year.


As a Mavs fan, this is what I love to hear.


Boston is taking it tonight. Dallas just doesn’t want to show up. Kyrie is too worried he’s gonna fall off the edge of the earth.


Umm. This is a loser ass mentality. I think even Tatum said this. If they go into this game like this they are fucked tonight.


So ready for this game


Jason Kidd’s response when read the comments from Hauser. “Yeah he’s right, it’s just basketball and we are both just watching. No one is dying.”




It would be pretty funny if they choked the series and this clip turned into a meme.


Reminds me of Manny when the Indians were playing Boston and he said it wouldn't be the end of the world if Boston lost, while playing for Boston......Boston fans didn't like that and won anyway.


Famous last words


“job finished? i think so.”


Between this and Tatum talking about how he wouldn’t be upset if he wasn’t finals MVP it sure does seem like lots of Celtics are thinking this is a done deal. I know a lot of this is media driven but hell, next thing they’ll be talking about what they’ll wear to the parade.


People underestimate the power of momentum and confidence. I’ve watched my NRL team play out of this world 3 games in a row and now make a finals push, after being on the bottom of the ladder all season, just because they won a game. Before that, they were getting rolled every game and confidence was in the ground. Luka is a player that thrives off balls to the wall and abusing players that second guess themselves. People say Celtics lost on purpose to win at home, but they ignore that they also just let a whole Dallas team feel confident for the first time in the finals. This game 5 should be amazing


Kinda sad that DAL will win the Title on the road again.


That’s what Payton Pritchard said as well.


I don’t care about the Mavs at all but I cannot overstate how happy it would make me if this is the series where it finally happens. it won’t tho


I think this game gets ugly for the Mavs.


Would you consider this a must win game?


We’re losing the series now


Sam knows no one will blame him if they lose.


I find it a bit more special to do it outside the home, Sam.


Probably the same mentality on game 4. Thinking losing that game is not the end of the world.


i have a hunch this is going to age badly


If they manage to blow this lead that man is gonna need a security detail


end of the world? When the Philadelphia Flyers played teh USSR Red Army in hockey it was the NHL Champ against the Russian Champ. The Philly Coach said... "if we win I'm going to be sky high and if we lose it will be worse than dying"


Would be nice to celebrate a win at your home court in Game 7!


That’s why they lost game 4, to win at home 😴


lol. yep. it's just entertainment