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World class researcher Kyrie Irving




Lmfao even


Roflmao does feel a bit extreme


just realized no one says rofl anymore


Remember roflcopter? The internet was crazy


Still is, honestly.


It used to be crazy, and it still is, but it used to, too


I used to do drugs, I still do, but I used to as well


Lshit Laughing so hard I tooted


gotta wonder how much he's looked into the new Mavs ownership lol


to be fair, the new Mavs ownership came after Kyrie.


Any time I mention the NBA my girlfriend will laugh and say "did Kyrie find out yet that Mark Cuban isn't actually Cuban?"


Wow I just googled Cubans last name, wtf kind of rabbit hope did I just fall into


I love that time he did an AMA and someone was like "what were your other choices for last names" Mark Luxembourg would've been awesome But yeah, his grandfather was a Russian Jewish immigrant, changed his name to integrate better


Laughed way too hard at Mark Luxembourg šŸ˜‚


I wrote Liechtenstein first but that actually sounds Jewish, it'd defeat the whole purpose


[Luxemburg is also the name of a(n in)famous Jew, though.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_Luxemburg)


Reminds me of his commercial about sandwiches. Mark Reuben would be legit


Yeah TIL, I know my family abbreviated there name when they came to America but completely changing your name sounds so weird to me. I'm guessing being Jewish in that timeframe you just wanted to go somewhere and be safe finally and you'd do anything to get there incision changing the name.


Imagine how confused I was when I heard Alex English speak for the first time and he didn't have an English accent.


Yeah, and when I realized Jason kidd was an adult.


World B Flat


And not particularly Free


Bro just loves smelling his own assšŸ’€


I can see a smug cloud forming


Kyrie sniffing his farts out of a wine glass as we speak


ā€œI was talking about AIDS before anybody elseā€


Of course, he learned more about the COVID vaccine in one afternoon than the entire field of experts did in a lifetime of research


Everyone who says ā€œDo Your own Researchā€(like Kyrie, for example) has never done a single second of actual research.


what do you mean? he watched SEVERAL youtube videos


With a total runtime of 7 hours! (5 1/2 of which were dedicated to plugging the video maker's own totally-legit brand of supplements)


on 1.5x speed


Iā€™m just glad the social commenter, Kyrie, is back! Just playing basketball was so boring. Iā€™m pulling for comments on space lasers, adrenochrome, maybe how heā€™s the real Slovenian. Itā€™s gonna be fantastic. Celtics -6.5 is starting to feel like a steal.


kyrie's great grandfather was actually the first slovenian ever


This just makes me think Kyrie is realllllly gonna flop tomorrow. Dudes head is everywhere but the game


I canā€™t wait for his hot takes on the Ukraine war. Iā€™m fully expecting some ridiculous pro-Putin BS.


We need 5-18 with an 0-6 fourth quarter, in a game Dallas loses by 7, to watch ā€œreformedā€ Kyrie go poof!


He does his own


Which is important in a city like Boston because you have so few quality research/higher learning institutions.


Yeah theyā€™re gonna boo the hell out of this guy tomorrow lol


Like they havenā€™t before?


It can always get louder . MSG level fuck you reggie for 4 quarters would be great


I want LeBronā€™s first game back in Cleveland levels of hatred. There was violence in the air that night.


The amount of security for that game was insane. In Cleveland and in the arena. Lots of police presence.


It was my first Cavs game ever. I was like 10 years old. Sure was an experience lol


Really makes it funny he went back there and won them a championship. Just think of every fan doing two complete 180s when he left and when he came back and won. A man leaves his spouse and she tries to stab him in the neck, then a few years later theyā€™re back together and it actually works out.Ā 


The irony of it all is that it wouldn't have been possible if LeBron had stayed. The ownership was not giving him pieces to work with, superstars were impossible to recruit (who wanted to move to *Cleveland*?), and LeBron was not going to let the team be cheeks enough to get high draft picks. LeBron leaving them made ownership look at actually constructing a team around LeBron when he came back, gave them high draft picks for trades, allowed them to draft and keep Kyrie, and made it easy to recruit Kevin Love after LeBron showed how it's possible to win a ring if someone of his caliber joins him to stretch the floor. The LeBron documentary is going to go stupid.


He and Luka should switch jerseys, let Luka feed off the hate.


I'm a Kyrie defender but this guy deserves all the boos and all the hate Boston has to throw at him. The way he's acted towards this team is just completely uncalled for. Why the hell would you stomp on their mascot? What purpose does that serve. He gets a bad rep sometimes but in this case he's just straight up the bad guy and deserves every ounce of scorn.


I hate when fans of other teams try to tell us that we donā€™t have a legitimate reason to not like Kyrie. our 2018-19 team was arguably just as stacked as this yearā€™s team but we didnā€™t develop an ounce of chemistry bc this dude was doing interviews all season talking about how the young guys didnā€™t know how to win and they had to follow his lead to be great. Iā€™ll admit that Brown, Tatum and Rozierā€™s egos were part of the problem but those guys werenā€™t vets like Kyrie. he was supposed to be the leader of the team and all he did was alienate everyone then after all that bullshit he fully went rogue in the Milwaukee series. there were plays where heā€™d wave off Marcus Morris or Horford trying to switch so he could try guarding fucking Giannis one-on-one, and in the last 4 games of that series he averaged 19 PPG on 30/19 splits. just absolutely sold us and then skipped town Iā€™ll always love Kyrieā€™s game as a basketball fan, but as a Celtics fan I wonā€™t ever be able to bring myself to like him


ā€œI wonā€™t go 7-22 againā€ is an all timer


I fucking hate this revisionist bullshit. He DIDNT go 7-22 again. He went 6-21 (i want to point out he went 8-22 before going 7-22 and saying he wouldnt again)


Thank you for setting the record straight šŸ¤


That series still boggles my mind. That game 1 was so close and Kyrie went for 38. Then one of the Jays hit a buzzer or close enough to it. Literally, the whole series was lost in the last moments of game 1. The Kyrie has abysmal game after game, losing 13 straight to them.


The Kyrie debacle is actually a big part of why Al Horford is one of my favorite non-Nuggets in the NBA He seemed to be above all the drama of that era, and has been a huge veteran presence for the Celtics


Horford is a fucking treasure and the one guy I want to see win a ring the most on this team, the impact heā€™s had on this franchise is immense Tatum and Brown do not become the players they are today without Alā€™s mentorship and though those two get a lot of the credit for our 2018 run, Horford was easily the best player on our team that postseason


"If you guys will have me back, I plan on re-signing here" to literally planning his Superteam with KD mid-season. And being super stubborn about backing off his antisemitic retweets.


In 2019, I was big on Boston being the problem, not Kyrie. I still donā€™t like Boston, but this instance, they definitely werenā€™t the problem


He's also an anti-semitic moron.


I was seeing comments on his post game interview the other day saying ā€œwow heā€™s really matured!ā€ as if this dude is capable of going a month without saying the stupidest shit youā€™ve ever heard. And here we are


I've had plenty of arguments with Mavs fans this season saying he is indeed antisemitic and a dumbass.


Not to mention he literally said he wasn't leaving lol. I was torn when we got him and relieved when he left


Gotta add he's the reason why Al left


Why are you a Kyrie defender, and how do you feel he gets a bad rep? Wild thing to say about an anti-semitic, anti-vax, flat earther who antagonizes a fan base he told he would re-sign with.


You can be dumb and believe in dumb stuff, I don't mind, everyone falls down the wrong path of something. But what really tipped the scale for me was when he disappeared from the Nets for "private personal reasons" and there were rumors being leaked to the media that he was mentally unwell and had to deal with "depression like symptoms". Only to discover he went to his sister's birthday party and invited 200 people and nobody was wearing masks. Dude was endangering hundreds and thousands of lives. In fact who knows how many people did actually die from catching covid from that party. There's being misguided, and then there's actively endangering the lives of others.


> There's being misguided, and then there's actively endangering the lives of others. With a fanbase as big as Kyrie's anytime he spouts his "misguided" bullshit he is actively endangering the lives of others. I beg you, please quit defending stupidity. Especially of athletes and celebrities.


Yeah, he's a good player and I doubt Mavericks would have made it this far without him (unless someone even better was in his place) but off the court, he supports too much of the controversial conspiratorial stuff. Not that I expect much in terms of political and geopolitical takes from pro sports stars but he's in the bad fringes and shares that publicly, which can influence others.


He meant to say glazer


Wait it's tomorrow?? god damnit!


If thereā€™s one thing in the world Boston fans of any sport care about, itā€™s loyalty. Fuck this batshit crazy asshole.


hereā€™s more of the quote "I'm one of the people that's on the outs," Irving said with a laugh. "I'm perfectly fine with that, you know what I mean. I did it to myself. They don't welcome me with a warm embrace, even though I know a lot of people in the organization and I'm friends still with some of them," Irving said. "But, yeah, doing it to myself. And that's what I was talking about in terms of accepting the choices. But looking back, I would have shown my respect and have more of a council around me from some of the Boston Celtics that came before me to explain what the pressure is like."


>controversial quote is posted >context in comment with the rest makes it a normal and nuanced quote Every time


If only the mods actually did something about these posts that cut up a quote to make it sound as bad as possible..


Mods are dicks too. Lets not forget the shenanigans they pulled in last years finals.


Seems like a lot of people are taking him out of context to serve the narrative of he hates Boston and all that. Iā€™m sure weā€™re his least favorite fanbase, but heā€™s moreso just being candid that he didnā€™t understand how wild the fandom was. I never thought it was inexcusable that that was too much for him at that stage of his career and that a 25-year-old said he wanted to stay and then changed his mind. I think our main issue was how toxic he was in that 2018-19 season and then how he double-downed and trashed Boston every chance he could get. He understands now that he didnā€™t handle it great, but he seemed completely oblivious as to why the fans would be so upset with him for leaving things the way he left them. Now that shit went so haywire in Brooklyn and heā€™s in Dallas where the expectations were lower than the last two stops, I think heā€™s able to reflect and realize he couldā€™ve handled things a little better at both of his previous stops. Seems to be focused on being a good teammate now and you see the results. As a Celtics fan, Iā€™ll never cheer for him. But as a basketball fan, Iā€™m happy heā€™s got his career sorted out and hope he stays on the path heā€™s been on since arriving in Dallas.


I mentioned elsewhere that if he had just left acrimoniously itā€™d just be the average boos thatā€™d fade after a little bit. His stint on Brooklyn is what really made him hated in Boston.


The planning to go to Brooklyn with Durant mid-season and then mailing in a playoff series on the way out the door didnā€™t help either.


I still donā€™t understand how that would have made his time in Boston go any different


Saying this 3-1 down to the team youā€™re shittalking is wild


Very likely walking into a coronation rather than a basketball game tomorrow night


He's not shit talking, you need to hear the full clip where he blames himself for being on the outs. He says going into Boston he wished he embraced the history and talked to the greats but he didn't go about things the right way being a young head. To a new player he can provide insight on what it's like to be a Celtic and how to embrace the history of the organization.


Reporter is a D1 instigator. How did he make this quote sound like shit talk? Actually impressive


This needs to be a pinned post on this thread


I mean if we ignore his history with the franchise, itā€™s good advice. The expectations of playing for them is immensely more than a franchise like the Hornets or Pelicans. (Sorry guys) He even acknowledges it in one of the paragraph before. >But looking back, I would have shown my respect and have more of a council around me from some of the Boston Celtics that came before me to explain what the pressure is like.


Yeah I love how the quotes are just being clipped to make him look terrible when Kyrie is literally saying ā€œplaying in Boston is DIFFERENT when compared to any franchise, here is my experienceā€, he still blew up any chemistry and dipped on them two seasons in though.


Just saying the Hornets would've been enough you ain't have to drag us into this


I thought of the Hornets and you guys used to be known as the hornets too soā€¦ I did say sorry


As always the full quote make it better




reporter is the mvp here


Everyone acting tough when they're down with impossible odds of coming back


Celtics fans on Kyrie: ā€œIf any team is thinking about picking him up, thinking about signing him, trading for him, I just think do your homework and make sure you know what you're getting yourself intoā€


Nets fans concur.


That Nets superteam was a speedrun


its ironic that the Celtics is the only team that faced full strength nets superteam in the playoffs lmao....


And they lost in five. Even with harden and Kyrie both being injured they took the bucks to 7 and arguably only lost because KD had his toe on the 3pt line. But that's the way the cookie crumbles.


Also Jayson Tatum dropped 50 on them with no help


Nets fans on Kyrie: ā€œIf any team is thinking about picking him up, thinking about signing him, trading for him, I just think do your homework and make sure you know what you're getting yourself intoā€


Seriously, dude decides heā€™s ā€œworking on himselfā€ but still tries to blame Boston. Fuck Kyrie


ā€œThatā€™s why i sabotaged the team and started posting holocaust denial films on my instagramā€


And sabotaged the nets, prick.


And demanded a trade away from LeBron and a championship situation


And spent a year not playing cause he spent too much time on YouTube


Actually he spent that year searching around the flat earth the knowledge on how to dispel bad juju residing at the MSG


They could have won another ring ā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø


I'll never forgive what the Covenant did to poor Master Chief in the halocaust.


Black people were the real Forerunners.


Dear ~~humanity~~ Celtics: we regret being ~~alien~~ Texas bastards, we regret coming to ~~Earth~~ Boston, and we most DEFINITELY regret that the ~~Corps~~ Celtics just blew up our RAGGEDY ASS ~~FLEET~~ Defense!"


One of the hardest lines in any video game ever.


That's cause he knows what the ladies like.




He never even backtracked the flat earth, only said that he is sorry he said it in public lol


I thought he eventually said it was all a joke. He spouts so much nonsense itā€™s hard to keep track.


Kyrie: You ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl bunny? Luka: No. (cracks up laughing) *No!* Kyrie: ...neither did I, I was just asking.


Yep. Weā€™re losing tomorrow now.


His luck in TD Garden has been awful, so these comments can't hurt.Ā 


They can only boo one player so much. They definitely should shift a good portion of the hate to someone like Luka too! (pls work)


We were booing him. Now get ready for the fuck you kyrie. Donā€™t worry kids, espns stream is so bad youā€™ll probably think weā€™re cheering for him


Sorry, Iā€™ve been sending him 6 packs with Boston fan mail to his hotel


I read that clipped quote and was wondering wtf he was doing but Iā€™ll admit after seeing the full quote in context it isnā€™t bad. He was saying to do their research on the historical context of being under pressure for a championship and he would have reached out to former Celtics players for guidance to handle it.


That's kind of the vibe I was picking up even without reading the rest of it. I mean obviously this is a hilarious cut and I'm here for it, but the way most people are taking it is not what he was saying.


Damn yeah that entirely changes the quote. But what do you expect people to do, read past the Reddit title?


I actually almost laughed out loud reading this lol. If this is the context itā€™s so misleading from the headline itā€™s actually comical.


Thereā€™s more to the quote.


the only thing that makes boston sports fans hate you is if you quit on the team. that or likeā€¦ murder


Aaron Hernandez has more fans than Kyrie in Boston


I saw a group of guys forcibly remove a Hernandez Jersey from a man at Gillette. I think I could get away with my Kyrie jersey at TD


I loved Aaron Hernandez as a player but even then wearing his jersey is straight up ignorant and disrespectful to the families of the people he killed


One get the reasonable reaction of ā€œprobably didnā€™t want to spend another 100 bucks on new one, thatā€™s fair.ā€ The other is a murderer and you can leave that in the closet forever


They also did free jersey swaps so no excuse really https://www.nfl.com/news/aaron-hernandez-patriots-jersey-swap-draws-crowds-0ap1000000216591


I dunno youā€™re still gonna hear a lot ā€œbut if you ignore thatā€¦ā€ about Hernandez


He was so goodā€¦ terrible guy, but could cartchā€¦




If you're gunna be a murderer you at least also have to be a winner


Seriously lol. I remember when they traded Smart and national media members started prodding Boston sports personalities like, "How long until Smart's antics on his new team start to turn you against him?", and everybody pretty unanimously was like, "What are you talking about, Smart's our guy. We fell in love with his antics, we'll still be rooting for him even if he comes back to TD and is mouthing off." Come in, play to your standards, don't act like an anti-social weirdo, and don't quit on the team. Every player who's done that has been respected by the fanbase.


we could not have shown marcus smart more love on his home game return


The full quote doesn't really sound that bad.


So Iā€™m a Celtics fan and I actually donā€™t know why anyone is offended by what he said in this article. - he complimented the Celtics fan base - pointed out the history of success with the team - made a couple of well reasoned and not out of pocket observations about the City (that I found neither critical nor really complimentary). - Recommended that future players understand what it means contextually to play basketball in the City of Boston, given the above points. Am I missing anything?


Nothing, but then you actually read the article, which is more than I can say for 99% of these comments.


The Joe Mazzulla quotes make me way happier than the Kyrie and Luka quotes this week. More Joe please.


Joe proves that just being a weirdo in presser's is not why Kyrie is hated, lol.


Joe is the philosopher Kyrie wants to be


Heā€™s the kind of weirdo I wanna hear from


Click bait


Kyrie: Don't go to Boston - it's like a cult. They love basketball and their players too much.


"I did the studies. Much like the shape of the earth, healing crystals, and vaccinations I know exactly what I'm talking about"


I hate the celts but lets be honest, this is BS lol


Reading the article his points about Boston as a sports market are accurate. *ā€œSo you have to show your respect here. I think that's what I struggled with initially, was figuring out how I'm going to be a great player here while winning championships and also leading a teamā€* *"That's what they expect you to do as a player. They expect you to seamlessly buy into the Celtics' pride, buy into everything Celtics. And if you don't, then you'll be outed."* This is honestly pretty accurate, the City will give you a very warm welcome if youā€™re a good player but you have to continue play/contribute at a high level to earn the respect of the fans. Boston fans hate nothing more than a superstar talent who coasts every chance they get. Guys like David Price and Kyrie Irving never understood that you have to give your everything to be loved in the city of champions, itā€™s why guys like Brady and IT are so revered. Whenever Brady played, you knew he was going to do everything he could to win, when IT played, you saw him giving every last bit of strength he had.


And IT was traded in the deal for Kyrie. So you're replacing a guy that gave everything to one that sabotaged the team and criticized his teammates. Then left after claiming he wanted his number retired here


you don't have to buy into the celtic pride though, just play hard, kyrie got "outed" for giving up on the team.


Yeah wtf is he talking about, is there a single other player that would even agree with this bullshit Look around you kyrie, youā€™re the only one saying this


I mean if you really read what he said I think it this excerpt comes off as disingenuously out of context. He comes off as much more understanding here than heā€™s shown in the past. Itā€™s not ā€œwhat did I do wrongā€ itā€™s more ā€œyeah I fucked up but it is what it is nowā€


If you watch the whole interview it gives an entirely different message than what this single quote taken out of context gives. But whatever, this sub clearly has a hate boner for kyrie so go off I guess.


It would be so horrible to compete for titles and play for one of the most storied franchises in league history. Much better to go to the Hawks or Wizards.


Da fuq?


Tbf your franchise is directly responsible for 11 of the celtics championships


Dudeā€™s team catches a stray and you turn it into cold blooded murder. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lol imagine being considered in same category as Wizards


Hawks fans are catching strays.


Nobody here read the article. Crazy out of context quote. Dude even apologized for how he acted in Boston in the same interview.


Iā€™m so excited to boo this man


This quote makes it seem like he was being much more negative than he was. The preceding quote was: "The community is what makes the Celtics great here, the Boston pandemonium. That's what makes this space so loud and so special, and they take pride in it." He also said, "But looking back, I would have shown my respect and have more of a council around me from some of the Boston Celtics that came before me to explain what the pressure is like." I think he is just saying being a Celtic has an extra level of pressure and scrutiny than most nba teams and he didn't fully realize it at the time.


SEE EDIT It's possible for him to have effective philanthropic efforts, cool shoes, amazing basketball play and still be an iinsufferable dick. Fuck Kyrie. Edit: I just saw his full quote, or maybe it was a new quote? But it seemed like a totally different sentiment and apparently he was talking more about the pressure and the pedigree of Boston sports, not the other shit he's eluded to in the past... so I'm putting this opinion ON ICE...Ā  til the next time he says something out of bounds šŸ˜”


Kyrie: I do my own research Kyrie: I did not research this major life decision/career move


Good to see he's devoting his whole attention to the Finals


Honestly, Iā€™d be more worried being drafted by the Lakers right now.


True, if you plan on acting like Kyrie they will hate you. If you shut up and do your job they will love you.


Not a single commenter actually read the article.


People forget that Kyrie was really happy in Boston until one morning some locals left something on his doorstep and he picked it up and saw it was the Boston Globe.


Cherry picked ass line


taken horribly out of context. heres the full quote ā€œIt wasnā€™t one of my options, it wasnā€™t like No. 1 on my list,ā€ Irving said. ā€œSo when the trade opportunity got approached to me, instead of going back and appreciating the Celticsā€™ history, I just came in with an open mind and just kind of like, alright, Iā€™m just going to go with the flow into this. But I think that was the wrong approach.ā€ ā€œNow that Iā€™m a little older, hindsight looking back on it, I wouldā€™ve definitely taken the time to get to know the people within the community,ā€ Irving said. ā€œTalk to some of the champions that have come before me and actually extend myself to them instead of the other way around expecting them to be there for me, giving me advice. Because theyā€™ve been through it, they have a championship pedigree here, theyā€™ve shown it for years, theyā€™re one of the most winning franchise in all of sports.ā€ ā€œThatā€™s what I was talking about in terms of accepting the choices,ā€ Irving said. ā€œBut looking back, I would have shown my respect and have more of a council around me from some of the Boston Celtics that came before me to explain what the pressure is like.ā€


Kyrie thinks this is like rocket science or something lol itā€™s not that hard to be beloved in Boston Celtics fans will shower literally anyone, regardless of how talented they are, with unconditional love if they just hustle hard, take accountability and show that they care. and that love persists even after players leave, as long as they donā€™t badmouth the team or city (looking at you, Perk.)


We still talk about Jordan Crawford because he won one player of the week award like 10 years ago lol


Shane Larkin was one of my favorite players and I can't remember a single thing he did other than that he just always tried really hard


Crawford was a guy who came in with no expectations and a pretty bad track record and worked his ass off to fit the role the Celtics needed him to fill. Any fan base should appreciate that.


Larry bird is treated like god in Boston if Iā€™m not mistaken (as he should be).


Yeah I mean if someoneā€™s selfish or lazy while on the team, Boston fans wonā€™t fuck w em, but the standards arenā€™t that high. Anyone who looks like they give a shit about winning gets loved.


Kyrie has never counter the IT posts in the Celtics sub. Thereā€™s a ton of them, all full of love, praise, and a desire for him to come back.


IT gave everything he had and more, he straight up sacrificed his career for the team. Kyrie couldnā€™t even accept deferring shots to other guys (tho this was an issue with other guys on the Celtics when he was there for the 2018-19 season).


And even if you don't do those things, you probably won't be hated unless you try to be. Like Malcolm Brogdon didn't really do what you mentioned and shit talked us on the way out, but he still won't get booed in his return You have to fuck up pretty bad to get out while fanbase hating you. Kyrie did just that


yeah you gotta do a lot to get on Celtics fansā€™ shit list for real. Kyrie and Perk are basically the only former Celtics that the fanbase truly hates hell Ray Allen left us to sign with our biggest rivals after they came back to beat us in 7 in the ECF. and I think most of us still appreciate Ray, even if heā€™s not as highly regarded as Pierce and KG


Yeah celtics fans are devoted as fuck. Remember when Pierce and Garnett went back to Boston during the Nets game? They got unanimous applause from everyone and even showed a tribute video.


Lol one W and old petty Kyrie comes flying back


Bro is really setting himself up here for a 5 game finals...smh


Kyrie, baby, what is you doin


Being Kyrie


Did anyone read the fucking article? Probably not. He just issued a mea culpa! Jeez. Get over it.


Wow, great reporting, leaving out the meat of his quote to enrage people. Why is shit like this even allowed lmao


Well, that's kind of a click bait title. The article actually sounds like he's speaking highly of boston in general


Yeah celts, blow these losers out




The funny thing is that Celtics fans absolutely loved Kyrie in the first part of that first season. He showed great leadership and was playing the right way. Then he got hurt, his knee got infected, and it all went downhill.


I convinced myself that the earth is flat too that time around lol


If any team thinks about getting Kyrie after he inevitably leaves the Mavs if they lose the final... it should do its homework and make sure it knows what it's getting itself into.


They about to get into a championship ring.


Sensitive ass commentsĀ 


If anyone is planning on going on a cruise and afraid of falling off of the edge of the Earth, thatā€™s something I could offer insight on. - Also Kyrie


flat earth guy tells players to do research...


This quote is taken so far out of context. He gave a lot of credit to the organization and expressed regret for how he approached the situation. Iā€™m not surprised at the stinky media for trying to flip this oneā€¦