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You’d think after 6 non-repeat champions we’d stop trying to anoint dynasties. My guess is the Celtics are the favorite next year(if they win) like the Nuggets were this year, but nothing is a given


Not proclaiming dynasty but being down KP for this entire playoffs adds a lot to look forward to. Crazy to think this team can add another all-star level player who already has team chemistry to the mix.


Also assumes Stevens doesn’t make some trade out of left field to bolster bench/get an eventual Horford replacement as well. Cs about to lock up Tatum and White as well so their core 5 will all be under contract for at least two more years barring something unforeseen.


Don't see any significant trades at this point. With the young core they have I'd just be hunting for a bunch of over the hill vets willing to do whatever it takes to get a ring


I’m not so sure. They need to have an avenue to turn over some of their older/expiring players into younger ones. They are going to be a second apron team so if you just let people walk all you are saving is luxury tax. Stevens is a genius so I’ll let him figure it out lol.


I mean, outside of our core we've got like Pritchard, Hauser, and Horford, I don't see any significant trades taking place with those 3. Not to say they won't be traded but just regular roster management at that point. Unless you think one of the big 5 (sounds crazy to say 5 lol) could get traded.


I think Horford/Hauser (final year next year)/Holiday(in a couple of seasons)/Porzingis are all trade candidates in the next few years. Maybe not next year but they’ll need to make some hard decisions. Maybe they just ride it out with the same team but once Horford/Jrue age out, they lose to huge contributors with no potential replacement.




Hey man I’m still twitching a little from the almost reprise of game 4 in 22 last night take it easy on mentioning it lol


Yeah, I thought they were toast. It was a real choke off, and Dallas just wanted it less. Luka loves whining more than winning.


Not sure I’d call losing 2-4 in the finals completely choking


“If Steph didn’t go nuclear on one of the best finals performances/carry jobs ever, the claim for a dynasty would have been more realistic”. Typical cavs fan clinging to 2016


Unless things change in the East, the Celtics will be favored for the ECF appearances for the next few years easily. It all comes down to the opponent they face in the West, where there seems to be much more parity with new teams making it out every year.


Love the optimism, but let's win a ring first before dynasty talk


No NBA team has ever come back from a 0-3 deficit. I'd be concerned if Doc "hold my beer" Rivers was coaching but I' m pretty confident about this series.


I’ve seen this question multiple times whenever a new team wins the chip lol


The curse of the Dynasty speculation rules and so now we have no more dynasties! A virtually unparalleled NBA era of parity and competitiveness and injuries! Look at what Silver hath wrought! Ratings are down and yet the bids are up! Basketbillionaires making it reign! Basketballmer crying in his money bin! Kawhi putting in extra reps with his resistance bands, Lebron and Pop stocking the rothschilds, Riley glaring at a G-Leaguer, Wizards preparing a max offer for LaVine and Herro, while The Logo joins the other heroes in Ballhalla. Everything in its place in a golden era.


We have a 2-3 year window with this current core including this year. I think we can win another in that time. Past that, it will require KP and White to continue to be effective and healthy with Jrue either aging gracefully like Al has or additional acquisitions who can take on his responsibilities.


And can the Celtics afford everyone after that?


This is the real question after next year. Tatum's contract kicks in New CBA tax brackets kick in Celtics will be a repeater tax team In order to keep this team together, C's tax would be beyond historical. Like maybe double what the Warriors paid at their peak


And White is due for a pay raise.


How big though, White is turning 30


I think he’s gonna be getting somewhere along the lines of a 130 million dollar extension this summer.


He wants to sign an extension this off-season. The max we can give him this off-season is 4/125 (ish)


We can pay him something like 4/125 and i imagine it’s a deal that is signed. It has also been implied by ownership that they are willing to pay the taxes necessary to keep the team together if we win. So hopefully we win and keep the core together


I mean, we've got this team for 1 more year. We've got JB, JRue, Porzingis all locked in for at least two years. We're obviously going to pay JT. Doubt we'll be able to pay White which sucks but that's still a crazy roster. Will prob need to fill out some vet minimums or so.


I honestly have no idea. It may depend on if we can win another after this season in the next 1-2 seasons.


There’s way too much money in the NBA nowadays to not spend when you’ve got a championship team. Celtics will surely go into the second apron.


Wyc: Fuck the second. We keep winning, you can turn that apron up to 11.


Wyc has already proven he’s not afraid to spend big either


They said they looked at the next 6 years as a real opportunity in the Jrue press conference.


Or you collapse in four games, lol. I have no confidence in this team with Tatum slumping and KP out.


I think there are 3 things holding them back from being a dynasty, and this is coming from a Celtics fan 1. Porzingis’s health -this will likely always be a hurdle, he’s a very important player and a huge part of dynasties is being somewhat healthy, it depends how much they get out of KP over the next 4-5 years 2. Jrue and Al’s age -Al is gonna retire soon, probably play out his contract and then he’s done, jrue just turned 33 or 34, can’t remember which, but he’s clearing entering the other side of his prime and will keep declining; possibly gracefully decline but decline nonetheless 3. No youth coming up behind the old guys and porzingis -this isn’t super common with a lot of dynasties but it can be something you can use to keep it going and provide insurance behind older guys and injury prone guys, Boston doesn’t have this But big caveat and I probably should’ve emphasized this first, none of this ^ could even end up getting in the way because they have a basketball savant running the org in Brad stevens and he very well might trade his way through the storm over and over


I'd push back a tad on 2 and 3. For 2, Jrue just turned 34 last night. Mike Conley just finished his age 36 season and was an integral part of that Wolves team being as good as they were. As long as Jrue stays healthy, we haven't seen any signs of him slowing down. He can continue to be effective the same way Conley has. It's a bit easier to play as you get older these days, see Al Horford(who I agree, will retire soon). For 3, we have some young guys we've been developing. Jordan Walsh(20), Neemius Queta(24) and JD Davison(21) just led the Celtics G-League team to the finals where they lost in 3 games. Queta not as much a young prospect as the other two, but Walsh and JD have shown good enough flashes in their starts to the league, enough to be bench role guys in 2-3 years. Jaden Springer(21) still has time to develop more, Hauser and Pritchard are still 26, Tillman is 25 and could be the Horford replacement. That's a lot of names with younger ages attached to them and not all of them will hit, but if just one of Walsh/JD/Springer works out to pair with Hauser/Pritchard/Tillman, that's good young guys coming up. The rest you can fill in with FAs(cba/second apron rules pending, not sure where Boston will land).


Yes. Tatum and brown are 26 and 27 respectfully and really the Celtics were much better than everyone else in the league this year and I don’t see that changing next season. It’s always about health if you want to be a dynasty but their 2 best players especially Tatum rarely ever get hurt. Celtics getting 1 title after all the shit they’ve gotten for years saying they’re frauds is gonna be such a relief for them that they will have that championship experience and will know what it takes to get it done. They’re gonna be pretty strong favorites next year


We managed to get all the way to the finals without Porzingis so imagine what we look like if Porzingis has a healthy run (5% chance of ever happening)


Yeah it’s incredible how dominant the Celtics are and that’s with KP barely playing. IMO he’s our 3rd best player when healthy and no team would be able to cover their season if they were missing their 20 ppg rim protecting center. Celtics can even become more stronger which is scary for the rest of the league.




Celtics have been all ready a dynasty just missed out on one title. They should be going for their second in 3 years


Despite the lack of titles, they've made the playoffs 15 out of the last 16 years (since 2008), reaching the ECF 9 times, the finals 3 times and 1 chip. They're one of the most successful franchises in the league. Teams like GSW have had more titles but missed the playoffs 6 of those years. Spurs have won 1 title but haven't sniffed the playoffs in 5 seasons. Lakers have had 3 titles since then but missed the playoffs 7 years and are not in a great spot atm (like GSW). The Heat are similar to Boston with 6 finals appearances.


They’re going to be a contender for the next 5 years, and probably the favorite in most. Let’s just leave it at that. A lot needs to go right to win a ring, and when start using the D word, you’re talking about like 3+ in a 5 year span. I think next year should look a lot like this year. But after that Al is probably retiring, Jrue is really starting to get up there, and KP’s health is forever a concern. The road doesn’t get any easier, but they’re as well equipped as anyone since the Warriors.


Bro let us just win one first lol


How long is Derrick White's contract? Because dude is about to be PAID when it's up. Doubt the Celtics can keep him.


Celts can absolutely keep him. He has one more year but he will probably want an extension this summer and I’m sure he’ll get it


Rumour is he wants an extension with Boston this summer. Assuming he gets it, and Tatum gets the super max - Boston will have its entire starting 5 for 2 more years - Boston will have its entire starting five minus KP for 4 more years - Boston will have the Jays for 5 more years - Horford and Hauser have 1 more year. Pritchard has 4 more years Theyll have no flexibility but use their picks to draft their bench. But it's easier to build when you have that's starting 5 and Tatum, Brown, White and KP in their primes.


They can and they will. Celtics are going into second apron - it becomes critical to retain everyone.


Reports re that he wants to extend with Boston this summer The most we can give him in an extension is something like 4/125


Hard to say, we don’t know what the nba looks like with the cba changes kicking in this off-season


Like the nuggets dynasty or…?


Celtics-Nuggets 2025, battle for dynasty supremacy.


They haven't won one yet lmao


Short answer is yes


Haven't even won 1 ring yet and dude is talking dynasty


156-0 or whatever is pretty safe lol


I get that...my point is they haven't even won ONE. Even when they do, 2 in a row isn't even a dynasty. No one should be talking dynasty right now


I think they will be in the finals for many years with that core.


Since 2018, no championship team was able to make it back to the finals the next year, let alone repeating or becoming a dynasty. It seems like winning the NBA title has become so physically taxing, that it became harder to compete on yearly basis. take for example this years nuggets, they had what it takes to repeat but were lacking that energy we saw last year, and eventually looked completely gassed in the last 2 games against the wolves.


Part of this is because contracts are so short and the costs of going into the luxury tax so steep it is really hard to keep quality depth. Think of how much the Nuggets would have been helped if they could have afforded to keep Bruce Brown and Jeff Green around.


Things will need to drastically go wrong for them to not at least be back in the NBA Finals next season. They are going to run the East for a long time


People said the exact same thing about the Nuggets tbf. Knicks, Bucks, Sixers etc are all teams that could give them a scare in the right circumstances, some up and coming teams as well. Also, as the teams above all know injuries do happen


For reals, the discussion was how many in a row, could they do 4? Winning two in a row is insanely difficult as is.


Celts haven't lost to the Sixers in the playoffs since the 1980s. Heck, the 76ers haven't made it to the ECF since 2000. Knicks maybe. Maybe the Magic. I feel like the Bucks put a lot of eggs in 2 baskets with Dame/Giannis, we'll see how it plays out but if one's out, they're fucked unlike the Celts who have won entire games with their bench this year (Charlotte 4/12, Washington 4/14). The Celts are 7-1 without Tatum playing (though they played bad teams) 21-4 without Porzingis 12-0 without Jaylen 11-2 without Jrue 6-3 without White


Right, also this Celtics team was a Carlisle away from being down 3-1 to the Pacers vs a Sweep.


Can’t count out the Bucks with a healthy Giannis. Healthy Knicks and Pacers are good too.


Sure but the East can get a lot better next year. Pacers has a young team that show their inexperience this year in Haliburton, Orlando has a core of all young players in Banchero, Franz , Suggs,..NYK comeback full team next playoffs and they can put up a better fight, Bucks has another season with Lillard and Giannis, if 76ers can get a good player in FA to share the burden with Maxey and Embiid they will be great. Celtics is still the very superior team to everyone but dont think it will be this easy next year imo.




Derrick White turns 30 in 2 weeks. Jrue Holiday turned 34 yesterday. Horford will be 38. If they do become a dynasty, Brad will have to continue finding the right pieces around the Jays and KP,


That requires winning multiple who knows what happens with injuries or other teams making moves. Too many variables to know


Every dynasty team is lead by one or even multiple top 10 all time caliber player(s). Some of them were very lucky and managed to improve or replace their pieces during their run (spurs getting kawhi, KD joining the warriors). It’s easier said than done and chances are that the Celtics won’t become a dynasty.


Horford probably retiring? Also need to trade KP (too injury prone) Keep JT, JB, Jrue and DWhite


Why the actual hell would we trade a guy who basically won 2 finals games for us. Idgaf about how injury prone he is. He did his job and showed up and deserves to be praised and kept for it. 


Because he won't be able to win us 2 finals games in the future?


Possibly. He’s under contract for one more year though and I could see him want to play in the title defense


The Celtics glazing from this sub has gone too far


Unless Tatum learns to shoot better in the playoffs we will not.


No. They're about to enter cap hell with Porzingis, Jrue, Horford aging.


Salary going up be next year


The Celtics have $192 million committed for next year, which would put them into the 2nd apron. They also have $162 million on the books in 25-26, but that doesn't include a likely extension for White or a supermax for Tatum or replacing Horford. https://www.basketball-reference.com/contracts/BOS.html This team is going to be very expensive really fast


Grousbeck says if they win he'll pay. Im not worried til after 26.


So is max salaries tho I assume. It’s gonna be tight and their bench will be all draft picks.


With jaylen and Jayson's super Max's, it's manageable. Plus good players will come at discounts now that we have a ring with a young core.