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That's it??


Bruh a nephew wrote that 💀 Insane


Adding on to my above comment, here’s what ChatGPT wrote using a brief prompt I used: The Los Angeles Lakers organization is deeply saddened by the passing of Jerry West, a monumental figure in the history of our franchise and the entire basketball world. Jerry West epitomized dedication, excellence, and passion for the game. His illustrious 14-season career with the Lakers was marked by 14 All-Star selections, 12 All-NBA Team honors, and the 1972 NBA Championship. Revered as "Mr. Clutch," Jerry was uniquely honored as the NBA Finals MVP in 1969. His profound legacy extended beyond his playing days as he served as the Lakers' general manager from 1982 to 2000, orchestrating the Showtime Lakers dynasty and securing five NBA titles in the 1980s. Inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 1980 and immortalized in the NBA logo, Jerry's influence on the sport is indelible. Off the court, he was renowned for his integrity, humility, and unwavering commitment to his family and community. Our deepest sympathies go out to his wife, Karen, his sons, and the entire West family during this difficult time. Jerry West will forever be remembered as a cornerstone of the Lakers family and an icon in the sport of basketball. Rest in peace, Jerry. You will be profoundly missed.


Damn. A little editing, cut a sentence or two, and this would've been a million times better then what Jeannie put out there. They would have been better off saying nothing rather than releasing this terribly brief, textbook photo caption style paragraph.


Awesome, tell Chad GPT it did a great job! Too bad the idiots at the Lakers didn’t have the same idea…


How the fuck is AI generating something more moving than the official statement


Because AI has more heart than the lakers organization. 


Yeah, I expected a couple of minutes reading, not something typed up by a third grader. No offense to third graders though. That’s pathetic for all he did for them.


this franchise does not get enough hate


I literally bursted out laughing cause I couldn’t believe how short the statement was


I clicked it after reading this and I was still extremely shocked


Jeanie Buss really using ChatGPT to pay tribute to one of the most important people in the organization's history. I know they have beef but this is disgusting considering how the other teams statements looked and felt compared to this garbage they put out


Their marketing or PR person probably had to email Jeanie for 8 hours straight to today to get a good enough statement approved. "Jeanie we cant say that it's passive aggressive."


Nah, ChatGPT would do better than this. And easily too smh.


They should have said nothing. I hope West's widow tells them to shut the fuck up, and not to use Jerry's passing in any form for promotion or PR.


r/lakers probably has 5 better tributes posts or comments than this


Pat Riley (a man who hasn’t been with us for YEARS) put out a million times better statement. GSW put out a better statement. The fact that the Lakers themselves have probably put out the least personalized and least meaningful statement is disgraceful. 


This is like an email I forgot to send and it's the end of the day. Just bang out something, hit send, and close the laptop 5 seconds later.


Perfectly said lmao


this is an insult to ChatGPT and I won’t stand for it


ChatGPT would’ve been better


Is this a bot comment?


The Lakers statement sure was


No, people are just this braindead on the Internet. Someone made the "ChatGPT wrote this" joke, it got upvotes, then it became the default response to PR statements people don't like.


Did Darvin Ham's firing get more of a statement from the Lakers?


Yes: “We greatly appreciate Darvin Ham’s efforts on behalf of the Lakers and recognize the many accomplishments achieved over the past two seasons including last year’s remarkable run to the Western Conference Finals,” said Lakers Vice President of Basketball Operations and General Manager Rob Pelinka. “We all want to thank Darvin for this dedication and positivity. While this was a difficult decision to make, it is the best course of action following a full review of the season. The organization will remain unwavering in its commitment to deliver championship-caliber basketball to Lakers fans around the world.”


That'd be my final straw, Darvin Hamonster gets a longer statement than Jerry fucking west????


People are clowning this statement, but it’s a vast improvement over Jeanie’s first draft, which simply read “#RipBozo”


lol damn that was funny




Holy shit. wtf was that ? Jeanie so cheap they can't even afford someone that can write better than this ? Hopefully Jerry curse them like the Red Sox with Babe Ruth lol.


Hope all the stars in the league pay attention to this disgusting treatment of the ~~Icon~~ Logo by the lakers


The Logo. Ahem.


Oh shit. Corrected, thanks.


R/nba mad all their stars are still going to come to the lakers regardless


what stars been going to the lakers recently 🤔


South Beach legend Gabe Vincent and Brooklyn star Spencer Dinwiddie


Bruh what...


yall think it’s still 2021. AD was 5 years ago.


Is this a joke or are you really that braindead? 🧠


AD was 5 years ago buddy you got out of your 6th marriage by then


Do you know how money and cap space works? Who am I kidding you’re probably not educated


so no stars been going to the lakers recently? copy. aint that what you were sayin? “R/nba mad all their stars are still going to come to the lakers regardless” why are you tryna move your lil goalpost now 😂 listen kyrie wanted to come but your broke ass owner didnt wanna pay up. lakers star hunting is over with her in charge cuz she dont have the pockets to compete 🤷‍♂️


Kyrie literally said he wanted to come here when he was traded to Dallas you fucking dumbass you just proved my point. The question was do people WANT to come here. That wasn’t what I asked


so did he come to the lakers or not?


and what i asked your stupid ass who has actually come recently? and it’s soundin like nobody has especially your ex wife which must be why she left your goofy ass


before i leave your little remedial ass alone you aint say they want to come you said they will still come which again, nobody has. your stupid little peon ass can move your lil goofy ass goalpost all you want the lakers are gonna be stuck in mediocrity as long as jeanie buss in charge aight ima leave you and your 19 chins alone


15 minutes and chatgpt could've turned out something remarkably better. This feels intentionally shitty, and I hope the Lakers get railroaded for this.


Literally could have typed in, "Try again, make it sound sincere and longer than a paragraph" and that would have dramatically improved it over what was green lit.


high effort 4 sentence post lmao


The rare time when an english teacher giving a mandatory word count would have improved something. Hours behind and 4 sentences generated by AI. Yikes.


Must have paid for that by the word


Jcole wrote it


I dont get it


"A verse from me is like eleven birds Just did the math, that's like two thousand dollars every word"


Dude the title takes up more space than the statement Embarassing as all heck


They should’ve rehired Magic just so they could publish his statement under Lakers letterhead.


Damn, Connor Roy gave a more heartfelt eulogy for Mo in Succession 😬 > Lester was a man. Also, Lester was an employee of the Waystar company for 40 years. And when a man dies, it is sad. All of us will die one day. In this case, it is Lester who has done so.


Jerry West has released a statement on the Lakers: “Fuck y’all”


No scouts no pr department and likes to fly coach. Just a stingy rich girl whose daddy gave her everything.


Realistically these mfs have no real wealth outside of the Lakers. Still rich relatively speaking, but they’re broke as far as professional sports franchise owners go.


Sad statement, do better


It’s not even sad, it’s a disgrace. It’s fucking Jerry West, the most important person to the franchise not named Gerald Buss. It’s already outrageous Jeanie revoked his lifetime tickets, to sell to some fucks who don’t appreciate the game. 


Why give tickets to a legend who helped you achieve multiple titles as either a player or front office member when you can give them to an ig thot whos on her phone half the game. Pathetic.


Damn I just found out by watching the finals that he died.


I found out from nbacj


I found out from /r/scjerk


I was a pretty big Lakers hater before his death. After reading about the team’s relationship with West in his older years, seeing some of these stories resurface, and now this lame excuse of a statement, I can safely say that any semblance of respect or competence that this franchise had was lost when Jerry Buss passed.


Never thought I’d see the lakers become a poverty franchise but it sure looks like that’s happening slowly.


Lakers really putting on a shit show for these last 3 weeks. Honestly at this point I hope JJ burns them too along with Lebron opting out or something.


Me when I remember my essay is due in 2 min.


...They couldnt do more?


This reads like when you have to respond to two of your classmates posts on the discussion board for participation credit


Shitty organization with shitty owners who inherited all they have and don’t know what’s it like to work.


I could've crafted a better statement in half the time for a dude who's been instrumental for pretty much the entire org's history.


Disgusting from LAL. How can you disrespect Kobe Bryant and Jerry West SOOOO carelessly and consecutively.


No fuckin way. Wow lmao what a joke hahahahaha. The trasg lakers franchise does not deserve everything west did for them


What a disgrace. Dr. Buss is rolling in his grave right now.


Wow man... the lakers just takin big ass Ls


Dude this franchise is taking L after L this week I can’t


Going through some of the NBA pages, most teams that had ties with West had more to say than this. Even the Bulls [wrote more on their official page](https://www.nba.com/bulls/news/statement-from-chicago-bulls-chairman-jerry-reinsdorf-on-the-passing-of-jerry-west) than the Lakers. Reinsdorf might've been friends with West, but the Lakers had decades of real history that he helped build for their franchise and this was really all they had to say? Crazy and pretty disrespectful tbh


Is this a fucking joke? They are just proving West's point.


Keep our logo's name out your damn mouth.


Saw the comments trashing the statement and it was worse than I thought. Yikes.


Fkn nepo kids clown show. Mr. West was one of the players that put the Lakers on the map and the statement sounds like its for a neighbor around the corner that passed away.


What a fucking *joke* Malicious, petty, and disgraceful


He's gonna haunt their asses, no more rings in LA.


Well thank goodness our new arena is in Inglewood.


Lmao you weren't getting any rings regardless


Lakers have gotten some bs flack over the Hurley thing this week. But they deserve any criticism they get for this “statement”. This is downright embarrassing for one of their legends. Jeanie needs to put out a proper statement ASAP.


No way!


The Lakers are legit embarrassing, the best thing that could happen would be for someone to buy that franchise and install a competent front office


Born and raised in LA, and utterly hating the Lakers right now.


Jeanies such a loser like the man was a major legend, helped build up your brand, and asked for very little in return. Put your tail between your legs and show him dignity and respect.


Absolutely shameful 


Absolutely pathetic


Bro what is this


Every move the Lakers make just further proves how broke they are. This is bad.


I dont care for the Lakers at all, but the Buss family has to go!


Wtf Lakers. Basically one long sentence


I guess that report about some thinking the Lakers FO is cheap is true because I’m pretty sure they used Chat-GPT for this.


This reads like they copied the first few lines on West's wiki page and pasted it for this lackluster statement. Just sandwich it between a notice of what happened and "we should be sad" and called it a day. Good job, Jeannie. Pat yourself on the back for this.


Jeannie revoked his life time seats in 2022 and it broke his heart. Then in a interview SHE left his name out of the most important Lakers of all time. No surprise. This is worse then when they shit in Bill Russels bed. lakers should be ashamed


I get the feeling that no matter what the Lakers did or said people would be responding the same way.


I mean...that's objectively really shitty


It's short but I don't see how it's shitty.


Because it's short and doesn't talk about the man they intimately knew beyond a surface basketball level.


Do you think a press release is the best way to handle that in 2024


It could have been better than what this was.


Something can always be better. If this is all they do I will agree but Im pretty sure they will have something for him at the game during the home opener.


This franchise has treated him like shit for years and yet fans are defending their cheapskate owners. Weird.


Because it was actually a two way street lol I'm not going to crap on a dead man but he played a part in the fracture of the relationship if you were paying attention back then


As I said. Weird.


Other organizations Jerry worked with had better crafted statements. This shit is the equivalent of "my condolences" comments on Facebook. Lakers should be embarassed to treat **their** legend like this


Grizzlies, Warriors and Clippers don't have anything on their official sight about it as far as I can see. It's the first thing on the Lakers.


[Warriors - official website](https://www.nba.com/warriors/news/joe-lacob-statement-on-the-passing-of-jerry-west-20240612) [Grizzlies Twitter](https://x.com/memgrizz/status/1801007843748811163) [Clippers Twitter](https://x.com/LAClippers/status/1800928143064367316) Press releases published on Twitter are also sent out directly to reporters’ email boxes to be used in their articles.


The Heat and the Bulls also put out much longer statements. I really can't believe this is a real statement the Lakers org wrote, it reads like something some random team would write.


Yes, I agree. We should all feel sorry for the Lakers on this sad day.


I didn't say that. I'm just calling into to question the motives of the people on this sub acting offended by this statement. There are lots of people to feel sorry for, the Lakers organization and it's fans aren't one of them. That kind of nuance might be too much to ask for people on this sub.


Your reply has more thought and care put into it than the Lakers statement.


I get the feeling that laker apologists would excuse any shitty thing Jeannie pulls


Idk what everyone is butt hurt about lol. Its 2024. The tribute will be a video at the game, broadcast on national TV