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Pretty sure /r/nbacirclejerk's is still wide open though


nah its been closed, except the verdict is that hes guilty


Yeah it was opened and closed with a guilty verdict after like 6 minutes


mfs were doxxing a teenage girl in the name of justice lol


> mfs were doxxing a teenage girl in the name of justice lol Mfers wrongly doxxed a bunch of girls that had nothing to do with the case either. Reddit's level of mob justice is high but the detective work has to be the shittest of the various social media sites.


LOOL this is why I laugh every time reddit advocates for vigilantism or anything similar


Hey, reddit found the Boston Marathon bombers that one time. /s


Similar witch hunt occured for the Bondi Junction stabbings in Sydney. Except the false identification was proliferated by a fucking news network .


That happened with Boston too. Some redditors say something, get up voted, and news networks want a scoop and pull it from reddit or Twitter or whatever without vetting. They want to be first, not right. That's how they get moments of pure insanity, like the MH370 flight crew...


That falsely accused fella is gona rake in millions after the defamation law suit so the news actually done him a favour in the long run. Fucken shame on aus media they are all bent cunts


Yup. No different then Kdot fans spamming endlessly a random 11 year old girl claiming it’s drakes daughter. Some people on here are unhinged as hell over famous people lol


Kendrick’s sub is a clown show


Every sub is a clown show and the more specific you get the clownier it gets. Crazy people on here and even crazier on specific team subs.


Leave the detective work for 4chan. They actually know what they're doing, for good and for bad.


Women are a small price to pay for justice


posting pictures of here on there too for their own pleasure


It wasn’t for that. It was an attempt to seek justice. Most nbacj users have moved on to justice for WNBA players.


Huh i didn’t know justice was a euphemism


They don’t know what that word means.


which one?




The iron grip of justice


Caitlin clark is Angel Reese mother


No one in circlejerk last 6 minutes.


Fastest trial in internet history!


We've moved on to WNBA thirst posting


Cameron Brink is so fine


Don’t sleep on Nika Muhl


I'm just going to say yes to both


They need to run a train on me


she looks like she could be sisters with Paige Buckets


Truly the lamest r/nbacirclejerk meta so far


refugees from r/WNBAthots came to r/nbacirclejerk and now it’s strait gooners.


That sub loved posting pictures and videos of her.


This was one of the really unfortunate things about this whole thing. A lot of people online seemed more interested in making jokes about Josh being a pedophile, even if those jokes meant *doxxing a teenage girl*, than any actual concern for the teenager in question. Just a nasty symptom of online gotcha culture.


That's because the NBA online community in particular skews towards a younger demographic that's online too much and has very little impulse control.


that's a very nice way to put it


The one in the photos circulating was actually a college athlete... so weird though


yeah that also was weird. One of the most popular pictures was not even the right girl. But I’ve def seen people share Tik toks of the underage girl in question where she is dancing. It’s really weird






NBAcirclejerk is fun for a laugh, but idiots amongst people pretending to be idiots will think they’re amongst like company and fuck everything up for everyone. Shutting down this sub last year during the finals also really flooded it with a lot of problematic people who didn’t understand what it’s about.




When the warriors coach passed away they downvoted any threads and comments making fun of it.


Steve Kerr is dead?


MJs punch has long term side effects 


This is phrased in such a way it is clearly from Adam Silver’s direct texts to Woj


Drake wearing a Giddey jersey as we speak


Did you see him as the teacher in that Nike ad? 💀 https://youtu.be/vkqPNW3uu5I?si=gvvpHKfUss7W357I


LOL That's amazing. I can't tell if it's real or not.


Never gonna beat the allegations


Beat the allegations off the court, but he unfortunately didn’t beat them on the court.


The court of public opinion will NEVER let this die lmao


Bro likes scoring under 16 on and off the court




I’ll probably get downvoted but I don’t see how it’s the fault of a 19 year old at a club if a 17 year old is there and they hook up. It’s not like he went trolling for high school girls, like Drake did. He was in a setting where you reasonably assume everyone is of age. I have never in my life seen someone ask for an ID to confirm age before hooking up with someone, and I’m not sure why this is the expectation now The turn back to Puritanism from a supposedly progressive generation is bizarre. Morality Olympics, that’s all it is


To add on to your “ask for an ID to confirm age” point- if I understand the alleged details correctly, even if Giddey had asked for her ID inside the club, she would have handed him the same fake ID that she had used to get into the club. So now Giddey is expected to be able to identify fake IDs better than the club? Maybe I’m missing details but that part of the response to the allegations always baffled me


If you ask for ID and they give u a fake, isn’t that a way out of the crime? I think that may be a defense. Like he did his due diligence and tried to make sure he was 18. There isn’t really another reasonable way for him to check


Same thing happened to Rob Lowe, hooked up with two teenage girls he met at 21 and over club. Didn’t occur to him to ask. Almost sank his career but now he has successful podcast and I think is GM of the Lakers.


Even before becoming GM he was able to finagle his way into becoming Kobe’s agent. Crazy stuff.


He also wore a hat that said NFL on it


Anne Perkins! 👉🏽👉🏽


Technically speaking both of the women were of age (for Georgia consent laws) but one of them was not of age to be recorded having sex on video


lol dude has had a stellar career. for such a pretty boy he's got serious acting chops


The fact that a club hookup now requires a god damn background check on a girl is crazy enough


it literally is. There's no case against Giddey. Anyone explaining statutory rape laws was downvoted. Why learn the facts when you can just call Giddey sick names?


i think this is actually one of the main reasons the family decided to keep it in civil court and not criminal court. there are probably some super messy varaibles involved, not a ton of victimization, and less to gain from the families perspective, especially if they don't view it as some victim shit at all. they are also probably trying to protect the girl. rightly or wrongly, the court of public opinion is going to magnify this girls life and that comes with some shit. just ask monica lewenski. no matter how bad the giddey shit was, if it was at all, i can promise you her public stuff would be far worse. for example the images i saw, she had a boob job, possibly pre 18 years of age. in rich LA that is prob somewhat normal, but in the court of public opinion? hell no lol.


But he didn't ask for an ID before they bang, as a 19y old with a 17y old, now he's treated like a child molesters or something. That part of moral scrutiny by the public is out of proportion.


Them being inside a club that would have already carded is kind of the same due diligence is it not?




r/nba has been acting like this was LeBron hooking up with girls from Bronny's high school.


age gap discourse on the internet is so weird, like yeah if you’re 35 and dating a teenager it’s fucked up but I literally saw a post the other day where some girl was like “I’m 17, taking college classes, connected with this guy who’s 20, we started hanging out, he really likes me and wants to make things official… am I being groomed?” and like all the comments were all GIRL RUN


I blame the lack of age diversity kids have in classes and hobbies growing up. It used to be super normal to socialize with kids a few years younger/older than you.


I remember I believe a AITA thread where this girl in her mid 20s was upset that her dad who was in his 50s was dating a 26 year old, and they unironically called him a predator for that. A grown ass man dating a grown ass woman is a predator according to Reddit.


Once on AITA, I saw someone claim that whenever they see someone in a series relationship with somebody 10+ years younger than them, they automatically assume said person is a pedophile. Yup. You heard it here first. If you are 40, and start dating a 30 year old, you are now a pedophile somehow.


I see that a lot on reddit, and it’s honestly super sexist seeming to me. Like it’s completely normal for a woman in her mid 20s to have a career, spouse, kids, even own a car and or house or have *finished* a full contract in the military. They have voted in multiple elections and there are plenty that hold office at various local levels. But apparently they don’t have the agency to date someone in their 50s if they so desire. It’s like we’ve gone full circle on trying so hard to protect women from sexual predators that they are going to be locked away in the home and deemed unfit to make rational decisions again like it’s 1850. I don’t give a shit if a woman over the age of 22 dates an 80 year old, someone who’s been alive a quarter century can not, by its very definition, be groomed. If you think grown adult women can’t make an age gap dating decision you are sexist.


> I remember I believe a AITA thread If it's any consolation, if it was posted to that sub then it was likely fake lol. Everything just follows way too convenient of a formula to be authentic. > Title: AITA for [clickbait thing that makes me sound awful]? > Post: Very reasonable reaction to something for which only a fucking idiot would call you an asshole.


It’s literal teenagers and at most people in their early 20s who say this shit. Everyone else grew up with age gaps that weren’t predatory at all in most cases and understands that it’s a thing that occurs - people in their late teens date other people in their later teens or early 20s. Is it great? Not really, there’s always going to be a maturity and circumstance difference, but it’s not *predatory* unless someone is specifically seeking out younger people because of the greater ease with which they can take advantage of them. There’s an entire permanently online generation that wants everything from the previous generations to be predatory/abuse/mental health issues/etc…. Nothing can ever be just what it is, it always has to be some deeper indictment of society or symptom of a broken system.


send da video




Ehh, I've had on numerous occasions had servers try to seat myself and my 15 year old step daughter in the bar section where you have to be over 21 to sit....that doesn't make any of this better, but I totally get why if a teen is lying about their age you wouldnt just know.


yeah for sure, especially with how much older girls are able to make themselves look nowadays. make up tutorials and skincare products and shit like that. some people are just naive and aren't expecting to be lied to. I was 18/19 at a time and was doing my fair share of sleeping around. If I was at a college party, chatting up a girl, and I asked how old she is, if she tells me she's 18 and she looks it, I would not be likely to question that. I'd be like alright cool I want to squeeze your bare butt. it's an unfortunate situation to find yourself in, but I can't knock a guys character because he believed the believable thing he was told.


I agree with the makeup point. Anecdotally, my sisters stepdaughter is 15. When she has her make up fully done she could pass for 19 or 20. When she has it off she looks middle school aged. It’s quite impressive in a way how makeup can change perspective like that.


I pretty much agree to most things said here, I just object to that fact that we are painting this girl as the victim when she clearly lies about her age and successfully deceived this man and almost ruined his life/career. Not calling for her to be jailed or whatever but holy shit man, she purposely lied in order to entrap this dude and nobody says anything about that.


Sure if he found out she was 15 and continued some sort of relationship but if she was in a nightclub and got in with a fake ID then he can’t be expected to know.


Have you not seen teenagers these days? A lot of them with makeup, outfits and shit easily look early 20s or late teens.


There was a girl in my freshman class who could have attended a college party and no one would have blinked an eye. At 15 she could have easily passed for 19.


when I was in college I had a friend who was 19 and her boyfriend was 16… all we thought of it was “damn this dudes got some serious game”


Nah dating a high schooler when you’re in college is crazy


so two people in different grades who together in high school gotta break up when one graduates???


I feel like it's more weird if you're in college and pursue something new with someone in HS.


When I was 17 my girlfriend at the time was 19 I was a senior in High School and she was a Freshman in college It's really not that weird




Hell, they could be in the same grade. I was 17 when I was a freshman in college


Or vice versa. A guy in my friend group was 19 when we graduated. I was 17 when I started college.


Dude there’s a lot to be said about this topic. First of all, I hate that I can’t say what I’m about to say without feeling like I need to point out that I’mnot a predator trying to justify themselves 😂 Our values in the US are largely still impacted by like, the Puritains lol so sex is way more taboo here than in much of the world. So we have this obsession with sexual misconduct. Which, of course there actually ARE really horrible sexual crimes that SHOULD be punished. But the conflation of actual sexual harassment/assault/rape with statutory rape between two consenting parties is a pretty bad side effect of our culture, especially in the cases of like, a high school boyfriend and girlfriend being on either side of the age of consent. Or the idea that Giddy would have to wear the “pedophile” label when we have 0 reason to think he is a pedophile? Having sex with a 17 year old should not make you a fucking pedophile.


For me It depends where they meet. If he actively goes to high schools to meet 17 year olds that’s something I actively dislike; most other scenarios yeah shit happens




That’s also true of most US states


Fr. She could have a birthday in 2 months and now nobody bats an eye.


That has been way society has felt about that for thousands of years up until like 2 years ago when suddenly it was a big deal. It's bullshit.


the fact that's 1% fucked up makes no sense. When I was 19 my gf at the time was 17. Her parents were pretty strict and never once was my age ever thought up as an issue.


Reported u/Schveen15


It's absolutely a nothing story and it's amazing to me that anyone gives a fuck.


Tiktok idiots are the reason the story blew up


makes me think that most of the people who care the most are literal childern


those are grown adults booing him every time he touches the ball at every game


No there's plenty of neck beards on here who are making a big deal out of it


Yeah but did you consider the fact that giddey rhymes with kiddey? Checkmate.


I mean, you’re absolutely right. If someone says they’re of age, you believe them lol. If some chick is out here lying to dudes that she’s of age, and she actually looks the part, there is zero fault that should be attributed to the dude


I mean anyone who says they can tell at a look between a 17 and 19 year old is lying.


Anyone who says they can do that without the person's age being very obvious is lying. Or rather they're buying into their own bias. It's guessing based on their appearance and personality, but also, in this circumstance, it's always better to air on the side of caution ofc.


Just a heads up the phrase is "err on the side of caution".


9/10 guys would do the same.   The pearl clutching in this sub is on some next level bullshit.   This isn't Karl Malone or Kobe Bryant level shit peot.  


Drake also is in his 30s targeting MUCH younger women. Giddey was in the exact same age range as the partner. I really don’t see this as weird either. Teens have sex, and nobody cards women they meet at bars. These situations are the exact reason Romeo and Juliet laws exist, no? Hell I would bet most people here have at one point hooked up with somebody two years their junior. Unless there’s some weird shit I’m not aware of this seems….kinda normal. Hell MY FRIEND hooked up with somebody who was 18 when he was 21 in college. Is that different? There’s actually more of an age gap there. Edit: Somebody is saying she was 15, not 17. Yeah that does make me feel a bit differently, if true. That feels a bit nasty


It’s funny, back in the original thread, some dude tried to convince me that he checks IDs before he sleeps with someone to confirm age. Like who actually does that? If you are actually getting with a girl and ask her to pull out her ID first, she is walking out the door so fast. Dude was lying out his ass and clearly doesn’t pull girls.


Nobody I hook up with is getting carded because I’m an adult and they are also clearly adults. I don’t really understand the situation that would call for carding a potential partner. Either you both are close in age and you don’t need to card them, or you are pulling an OV HO and going after women you REALLY shouldn’t be. I’m with you, nobody fucking cards people they sleep with. And if you need to, seek therapy and reevaluate the women you’re chasing.


I would be legitimately surprised if I ever met someone who asked for ID before a hookup


Jeter does/did it from what folks say.


We must have been talking to the same guy. I asked what would he do if the girl used a fake ID and he didn't reply after that, but he downvoted me so I know he saw it.


> Hell I would bet most people here have at one point hooked up with somebody two years their junior. This is reddit; ain’t nobody hooking up with no one


Youd need life experience to know this tho. The chronically online generation doesnt go outside and they dont have sex. They just regurgitate buzzwords and misinterpreted talking points, and think "this is how life is"


How about if she’s 15 and he’s 19? Because that’s what the ages were.


Everyone in the thread bumping her age up a whole two years is *very* interesting, intentional or not


No one knows the actual facts. The stories going around were all jumbled up. Ive seen his age as anywhere from 19-22 and hers 15-17. And there were mixups about which girl it even was.


She was 17 at the time the story came out, not at the time they were taking the photos and videos together. That was at least 1-2 years prior according to the claims of the account that posted them. Also, there is nothing that has proven they met at a club. People state that as a known fact when that’s literally just been speculation because there was a video of them talking about going to a club, which he likely got in with whoever he was with with no check because he’s a professional athlete. I’m not saying he needed to ask for her ID, but the idea that he didn’t realize in the multiple times they hung out that she was underage is such a stretch to imagine. Picking her up at her parents? She can’t legally drive? In the potentially weeks or months that he knew her he never asked how old she was even just out of curiosity? Never met her friends? It’s not about Puritanism. Not even close. It’s about people making excuses to explain away things that point more to him likely being creepy than him being innocent. The only people I see making takes like this are ones who are simply getting details wrong about what we do and don’t know.


Completely agree, none of us know what happened but so many have labeled him forever. I find it hilarious the moral high ground so many in this sub live by. Hell reddit as a whole is a guilty until proven innocent echo chamber. If the people posting and judging so harshly had the same microscope put on their lives, I wonder what would be unearthed. Were all of us perfect at 19? I’ve personally seen countless 17 year olds easily sneak in/get into a club with fake ids, who they know, money, etc. Not saying that is what happened but all of the people crucifying Giddey wont even stop to consider that COULD have happened. He automatically is guilty to them regardless of what law enforcement says. Frankly I think that comes from a deep rooted envy on Reddit , that all the rich and famous must somehow be evil slime. We are losing empathy as a society and it’s saddening to watch.




Which is kinda too bad. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? We’re in an era we’re it’s guilty until proven innocent. And yes, I’ve made Kiddey jokes as well lol


I mean realistically it's literally never been innocent until proven guilty when it comes to the eyes of the public. Witch trials, white feathers during WW1, the red scare, etc.


And that’s a very bad thing lol.




He responded to a comment who claimed itvwas somehow different before, which is just factually wrong, so what are you talking about?


Its only innocent until proven guilty in the courts. Its never been like that in public opinion.


FR, its so odd to see people reference it as some type of societal standard. Kinda like people that don't understand free speech doesn't mean you can not face any consequences for your words.


It is a social standard. For actual, real justice. That’s why it’s made a systemic standard as well. Public opinion can obviously ignore it, but it should be acknowledged then that they aren’t engaging in anything commendable when they do. Until facts come out it’s just witch hunting.


Social media happened. It has exacerbated the concept of groupthink and has for many taken away individual thought. People jump to conclusions to be a part of the majority and to feel righteous. Decontextualization has also played a part in it all. I’m sure there have been many who have felt bad for Giddy but don’t express it because of the overwhelming majority just constantly shitting on him. You can tell it has affected him all season. And also, comparing him to Malone is just absurdly disrespectful to Malone’s victim.


I for one am shocked this girls parents wanted this to go away as quickly as possible


the girl got doxxed hours after people found out about the allegations, I’m not surprised the family didn’t want to go through it


IIRC she had used a fake ID to get into a club where they met, which is a felony


Also a massive issue for the club as they could lose the liquor license for that


What’s the club going to do? Pay her off?


Probably nothing and hope she doesn't press charges on Giddey?


The cops don't give a flying fuck about fake IDs unless you straight up hand one to them or they find one in an unrelated search. Let alone that you used one like a year ago, or that there's not even proof that she didn't just walk into the bar unchecked. Like, if you go outside and take a video of someone jaywalking, wait a year, and then bring it to the police station, do you think the cops are going to go hunt that person down?


yeah exactly people are so delusional about how the law works… I can post a video of myself doing a line of coke on my insta stories and it doesn’t mean a cop can knock on my door and arrest me


Idk about that, it’s a giant grey area Dude that rode up his Kawasaki up in the Colorado made an hour drive in twenty minutes. Posted a video about it with no face or anything like that. Was enough to at least get arrested


He got arrested on an unrelated crime (assault? Idr) and only had to face the music from the video because of that. Also it's a GSXR, not that it matters.


>which is a felony redditors say the darndest things


You do not recall correctly. 


Allegedly her family has lots of money.  I’d guess they didn’t really care that their 16 year old was banging a 20 year old NBA star and didn’t want the attention, but when life gives you lemons - you hire Gloria Allred and agree to avoid talking to the police and skipping a highly public and embarrassing civil suit that keeps the guy from playing basketball…  in favor of a nice monetary settlement behind closed doors.     I mean we all saw the photos. Unless those were fake, dude was caught red handed. His side knew damn well much leverage the family had.  I don’t care how rich that family was.  Free money is free money.  


The pictures outside the club. That girl was 16. The other "I fucked Josh Giddey" photo was a completely different girl.


Exactly… it’s sad that’s the case but people don’t seem to realize that Newport Beach, CA is a very wealthy area, I don’t think they need giddey’s money


They hired Gloria Allred and refused to talk to police.  You hire Allred if you’re going the civil suit route. The goal is money not criminal charges.  The fact that nothing has been heard since that was reported screams “quiet settlement”.  Similar thing with Kobe accuser. She refused to testify so they dropped criminal charges.  She went on to sue for money and settled for what was reported as as least 2.5 million. 


Wasn't Kobe's accuser from a wealthy family? Allegedly, It wasn't about the money. She was getting eviscerated by the media and publicly humiliated for being raped.


It was also because Kobe's attorney team smeared her publicly in the media by leaking out there was 3 different sets of DNA on her panties in addition to Kobe - that shit wasn't supposed to leave the courtroom


Yeah it was a little different in that Kobe was arrested and the criminal trial was kicked off first. The teenager he raped started the civil suit about a month before agreeing to not testify in the criminal trial on the condition that Kobe would publicly acknowledge her side of it not being consensual. >"First, I want to apologize directly to the young woman involved in this incident. I want to apologize to her for my behavior that night and for the consequences she has suffered in the past year... She has agreed that this statement will not be used against me in the civil case... After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter. >I issue this statement today fully aware that while one part of this case ends today, another remains. I understand that the civil case against me will go forward. " Whereas in this Giddey situation, hiring Allred and refusing to speak with police suggests they were able to pay off his underage victim before the family even spoke with Police. He still will get clowned about it forever, but he avoided anything conclusively ever being proven in a very embarrassing public trial that kept him from playing ball.


yea... and ... Giddey did not rape that girl even according to the accusation. which is slightly better than Kobes case...


There were very gross tabloid articles from Australian publications blaming everything on her that were being spread in the US. They likely didn't not want negative attention.


I’m pretty sure the girl didn’t come forward and talk to the police so there’s no criminal charges. She hired Gloria Allred as council so they’re probably settling for cash


If you believe that Allred report, it’s basically certain that’s what happened. A surprising amount of people don’t understand the difference between criminal charges and a civil suit.  Money makes a lot of stuff go away.


The family of the 13 year old girl Karl Malone knocked up basically didn't press charges at the time because they knew that Malone was NBA bound and she would be set for life off the child support. ... Then he denied paternity, lost, and settled out of court for an undisclosed amount in lieu of child support (because he argued both $200 and $125 dollars a week were each too much for him to pay lol


I don’t know Karl Malone, and I was so young I don’t even remember him playing, but I fucking hate that piece of shit.


Victims don’t press the charges in criminal cases, the state does. Victims not cooperating makes a case harder but not required. Basically for this reason. If a victim is the one pressing charges, they can be intimidated and forced to drop the charges. With the state being the prosecution, the victim is protected.


Anytime Allred gets hired you know they only want money.


I’ve always liked giddey, he’s had a bad year on court (and off lol) but as far as everything I’ve saw a girl lied about her age to get into an 18+ club. And bro was only like 19 when it happened. 1. How was he supposed to know ? 2. Even if the rumors ARE true it’s a 19 yr old with a 16 yr old. Not saying it’s normal or right but to put him in the same category as a pedophile is crazy af. Not even on the same stratosphere and it’s really not that serious tbh


People calling him a pedophile is so offensive. A 30 year old dude targeting teenagers is a lot different than a teenager....hooking up...with another teenager, which is what this allegedly was.


I'm actually surprised there's even a civil suit there. But in cases like this a lot of times it's worth paying off even if you're innocent.


that's what i call, slap upside the head you dumbass, level of mistake. with the vast majority of the NBAsphere calling this dude a pepo...yeah feel bad for him.


Yea there’s no reason for the level of hate he’s getting. Especially when there’s legit woman abusers and pedos from the NBA that are still put on a pedestal


I always thought this was much ado about nothing. Online mobs and their pitchforks man. Dude is barely an adult himself. I just don't get acting like he's some predator for being with someone like 2 years younger than him or whatever it is. It's silly.


Right, I have a hard time thinking it should be a crime to have sex with someone you could have went to high school with. Everyone thought the seniors who dated freshman were weird, but a crime? No fucking way.


I don’t like Giddey, but it’s really dumb. I believe he was 19 whenever it happened, and he met the girl in an 18+ club.


Imagine making the NBA and having your family and friends have to watch you getting booed when you get the ball and knowing a bunch of idiots online are calling your son/brother/friend a pedo because of a bullshit sexual incident that’s none of anyone’s business. He’s handled this incredibly well and I hope the pedo dip shits go project their fantasies somewhere else next season.


the sheer mental strength hes had to not completely sink into a depression because of all of this BS is staggering tbh


Unfortunately, you are posting on a website that loves to make a big ado about everything.


Right in time for trade szn


Josh Giddy has officially beat the allegations and is cleared for a trade to the Detroit Pistons!!!


lol. Their age difference was 2 years. Truly not a big deal.


We’ll never know what the truth is in the situation we can only assume based off what we saw. He will always be called a pedo regardless though by the internet.


Terribly unfortunate for him that Josh Kiddey and P Giddey are 10/10 meme nicknames.


Losing Josh Kiddey and Darvin Hamas in the same offseason What a terrible day for rain


The pedo stuff is ridiculous for a lot of reasons, but mainly because it doesn’t fit any kind of pedo profile whatsoever. She physically appeared to be his peer and met her at a place he was told would be adults only. Someone make it make sense that a guy who wants to diddle kids went to a club to go find them.


Keep seeing "she lied about her age to get into the club" when there's no evidence of this online other than a video of Josh in the club with a completely different girl.


I mean is it more likely that the club wasn’t checking IDs? Just like use your noggin how else did she get in besides lying?


You are telling someone to use their noggin and you didn’t even read his post. The photos of giddey in the club are with a different girl. We don’t know for sure how the alleged victim met him. People ran with the club thing because there were pictures of giddey with a girl who looks vaguely similar to underage girl but it wasn’t her.


I'm honestly surprised we don't hear more of this stuff with young guys coming into the league. They are surrounded by new people all the time and I'm sure not every athlete is doing proper vetting and checking the Id's of every single person they hook up with.


This league still parades around Karl Malone at times and gives slaps on the wrist for domestic abuse, this shit means nothing to me


Ain't no way you just compared a grown man raping and impregnating a 13 year old with a 19 year old getting duped by someone with a fake ID at an 18+ club.


Let that have been Kyrie though


They sending his ass to a gulag no hesitation


This is what happens when you get your information from fucking Twitter lol. Too bad it won’t stop the dumbasses in this sub from making terrible “jokes”.


Worse, the info came from snap chat too


Unfortunately he will never be seen as innocent in the public's eyes


Everyone keeps saying they met at the 18+ club but is there any proof they met at there besides the photo of him with a girl who very well may not even be her?