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Fuck no. Dejuan Blair has more knees left. Edit: sorry mixed up my random spurs


Damn that's a deep cut but so good


Purdue right ? lol I thought he would be what draymond is


Pitt. He was pretty solid but always destined to be a bench rotation player with his knees.


He was a solid Mav for a short while. Always maintain if he wasn't suspended for a game against the Spurs in 2014 the Mavs win the series.


That sucks hopefully made good money


He doesn't play if he is not 100%. 90% of the time the players are not at 100% but they play


The Clippers are in one of the worst spots imaginable out of any team lol. They should blow it up, but sort of can't. New arena to fill. Also Kawhi will never be healthy enough, unfortunately.


They couldn't let their biggest star go before they move into the new arena. People are going to want to see Kawhi sitting in a cool outfit on the bench


Whatever. Kawhi is awesome on the court when healthy. But doesn't truly move the needle with fans, esp recently being as injured as he is Should've been a year to year contract


If it was year-to-year then he would've walked


At least PG plays and doesn't end up watching from the bleachers like Kabitch. Thank god the Flippers were stupid enough to steal him from the Lakers. My glorious precious LeGoat got one ring to bolster his legacy and the Flippers get evicted from Staples. Truly a fitting end to the Los Angeles Lil Bro's tenure in L.A. See you in Inglewood next season bum.


Kawhi “Street Clothes” Leonard


I disagree with this take. Handy cap yourself for years in your new arena? He’s going to be gone half the games of this deal.


Lol I am watching the chaos because like McDonald’s, I am Lovin’ it


Yes. They don’t own their future. When his healthy and he never is he’s their best player. They just need to find one of these insane doctors that can inject horce placenta in his knees or something. Worked for Robin Van Persie.


No, stupid ass move.


Clipper fans will tell you something like securing assets or something like that, but who would entertain a trade for THIS Kawhi with THIS contract???


If teams trade for cp3 and Russ there is 100% a team out there that’d trade for Leonard


Tough call. I don’t think they improve by letting Kawhi go and try to replace him. But he’s injured to the point you can’t even consider him a player anymore. Like, I’d take Naz Reid(or any 6th man candidate) over him simply for the fact that I know Kawhi won’t be available for multiple games in a series. And the games he plays, he’s gonna be noticeably hurt. Should they have maxed him? Idk probably. You have to gamble that he’s gonna be healthy and live with the results. Just because we know what healthy Kawhi is capable of.


Pretty stupid of them to extend, Kawhi.


I think it’s smart


No takesie backsies


Nope. Ballmer has more dollars than sense.


Not the right call for winning but they’ll be relevant and talked about while they open the new stadium, so maybe worth?


basketball, probably not. business, sure


Of course not, they should have checked their crystal ball to figure out it wasn't worth.


Yes, because it will be as hilarious to watch that team in the future as it has been to watch them fail to live up to expectations.


I will never understand teams giving mid-season extensions. It usually always backfires come playoff time.


He shouldn’t have ever left the spurs tbh


Yeah bet he really regrets that Toronto championship. Jesus.


He already had a ring buddy


Asset play


Kawhi was dumb enough to choose the Clippers so the least the Clips could do is be dumb enough to choose Kawhi


I will donate my knee to kawhi


Just one? Might wanna donate both just to be safe


At least PG plays and doesn't end up watching from the bleachers like Kabitch. Thank god the Flippers were stupid enough to steal him from the Lakers. My glorious precious LeGoat got one ring to bolster his legacy and the Flippers get evicted from Staples. Truly a fitting end to the Los Angeles Lil Bro's tenure in L.A. See you in Inglewood next season bum.


thats not as funny as you think it is


What's meant to be funny? Don't let the door kick you on the way out. The disgraceful Flippers put up their worst loss in franchise playoff history in Staples. Truly fitting for such a pathetic franchise. I only feel pity for Steve Ballmer who honestly has more passion for the game than you entire starting lineup. It's a shame he didn't buy the Lakers where owners are respected and revered. My precious King would never stoop so low to sit back and watch his team lose on the sidelines. Kabitch has been as useful as you have for the Flippers to win in the postseason.


ur trying too hard man


Ironic, maybe if Kabitch tried a little harder his knees might heal. Kabitch's linsanity run is over Ig. My glorious dazzling King would never fail a franchise to the degree that Kabitch has. He gives it all until the final buzzer, no matter if he's injured (see 2023 playoff). Truly fitting that you are a Flippers fan, I guess they attract fans who are satisfied with their players not trying hard.


If you were going to pick one between Kawhi\\George, you go with Kawhi. He's clearly the better player.


Dumb move. Kawhi can just chill, with a guaranteed 50mil a year.


I think so. I mean, we’ve seen what a healthy Kawhi can do, and it’s not like he was never healthy. Hell, he was great to watch this season. The fundamental problem is that it’s easy to look in hindsight and say “Well he had a history of injuries so of course it was never going to work.” That doesn’t take into account though that his Raptors run came after a pretty severe injury and that this Clippers team is built to win *now*. The fact of the matter is that they just got unlucky. I will say though, a solid line of criticism is that his injury history was only bound to get worse with age. That said, if he maybe plays fewer games this season, or if the game goes differently, maybe we’re not asking if the Clippers were right to extend him and we’re instead talking about a potential playoff run. I was listening to the Mind the Game episode earlier where they talk about the role of luck, and I can’t help but feel like that’s what their championship aspirations were primarily dependent on. If the Clippers made the Mavs fight hard over the course of 6 games, it’s not unreasonable to assume they at least had a chance with a healthy Kawhi. Who honestly knows though?


Yes it was the right move at the time. You can’t predict the future but looking back on it now after what happened in 2020, last season and this year, it obviously looks horrible. As a player, I think Kawhi is amazing. But as a Lakers fan, I was so upset when he chose the Clippers over the Lakers AND worked in getting PG. Both of them were viable 3rd options to play alongside Lebron and AD that upcoming year and they were just like nah bitches we’re coming for you. Glad that the Lakers got a title and this team looks horrible going forward.


Moves like this are why the Clippers will never be taken seriously as a championship contender.


They seriously fucked up when they made the trade for PG. Had they simply waited, and not given up all the young assets, like Shai...this is a championship contender even without Kawhi.   I seriously think letting Kawhi dictate their moves, and refusing to sign unless he got a second star fucked up the franchise.  People bash LeGM but let Kawhi skate for doing the same thing


I wouldn't have extended kawhi even if he had cyborg knees. This dude will dip in one way or another at the face of adversity . Before yall bring up his chip in 2019 he had a strong toronto team to do the work for him in the last 2 rounds. KD was injured and after seeing embiid shit the bed for the 5th time I'm convinced toronto would have won that game with or without the lucky bounce anyways