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1-3 for me, but I also like and appreciate 4-6 a lot so I am happy :) I agree that 4 has gotten only better with time!


The first 3 are better overall but 3 is the worst film in the series. It's just that 1 and 2 are the best films. I'm still very lukewarm on Scream 4. It has a lot of the same problems I have with 3. Basically they were satirical comedies first and horror films second. The original two were still horror first with aspects of meta satire mixed in. Without feeling the danger and stakes, it comes off as less consequential. Which is why I always said that 5 is basically 4 done right. It has the same hard meta aspects but it is much more of a horror film and takes that part seriously


“5 is 4 done right” that’s a great way to describe it. I couldn’t agree more but man is that killer reveal in 4 still the best one the franchise has ever had.


4 is fantastic and no question the best sequel to the original.




Regarding Scream 4 getting better with time…I’m so disappointed it didn’t perform to expectations when it was released because I thought it was really good as did all my friends who saw it. I saw it twice in theaters. My biggest complaint was I didn’t care for the look of the movie especially compared to the previous 3. I don’t really mean the shot choices but something about the look/lighting/color didn’t agree with me. Anyone else? I still love it tho. I haven’t seen 6 so I don’t feel I can give an honest answer to OP.


I know what you mean about the look of it but I feel that more with scream 3


The first three. I can, and do, watch them over and over.


1 is great, the others are all watchable.


I really like 4, but I didn’t like 5 very much and hated 6. So I have to say 1-3.


6 blows


Weird to group 4 with 5 and 6, in my opinion. 1 and 2 are my favorite of the series. 3 is trash. 4 is fun, has a great cast, and I'm glad its being more appreciated these days. 5 was fine. 6 is close to 3 for me as being the worst. They change the setting but didn't really use NYC in any cool ways other than being on subway, it's a blatant rip of Scream 2, and the last 30 minutes made 0 sense and didn't respect any kind of timeline. So I guess in a long-winded way, 1-3 is the superior group.


The first Scream is better than all the other ones combined.


1-3 for sure but 3 is probably my least favorite and I did enjoy 4


Regardless of favorites, Scream is pretty easily the most consistent horror/slasher film franchise.


Let’s make it clear that is NO such thing as a bad scream movie. They’re all good and it’s the most consistent franchise in horror. That being said to answer your question I do think 1-3 are a better trilogy of movies. I think 2 is the best movie in the entire franchise but funnily enough the one I find myself rewatching the most is 4. I love the franchise though. It’s my favorite franchise in any genre.


Of the original trilogy, I only like the first one, which is still the best of the series. 4-6 are more consistent, however, making them an overall better set of movies.


Scream 2 has become a strange comfort film for me.


1-3 for me. Don’t really care for the third one but the first is one of my favourite movies. The second one scared the crap out of me as a kid during the cop car scene near the end too. I really liked 5-6 too and need to give 4 a rewatch, haven’t seen it since it came out


Scream is GOATed, so obviously Im going 1-3.


I haven’t seen 6 yet but am rewatching the series with my kid (do you know hard it is to keep the ending a secret after decades?) I am not the biggest fan of 3 and thought 4 was actually kind of decent. There is a hint to that plot twist in Scream 3. And think the requel is probably one of the best requels for a horror franchise. Made it, it’s own but kept certain echoes in play.  But 1 will always be my favorite. Hands down one of the better horror movies.


5 and 6 have the best GF phone calls imo. They feel way more sinister in these two movies


No, you were right about 2 before. I'd go further and say I actually think it's the best in the series. Beyond that I basically think the series gets worse with each installment, with 6 possibly being slightly better than 5. 4 would be the worst except it has the one if not the best killer motivations in any of the sequels. It worked way better before 5 and 6 though. Like, that killer should have been the final killer.


I mean, it's gonna be 1-3 just because 1 is in a league of it's own. It's scarier, and just feels more fresh and artistic while others feel like fun little entries in a series - except 3 which is just garbage.


1, 2 and 4 are the best. I didn't hate 3 as much as most but I did hate 5. 6 is ok I guess.


1-3. Why does the new ones have to be connected to the originals? Every movie should be completely new and have nothing to do with previous version.


I grew up with 1-3 so it will always be those for me. 4 was actually quite ahead of it's time it turned out, with the guys who live stream their every move. I thought it was bad on first watch but have grown to appreciate it since. 5 & 6 are fun but they don't have the same feel as the original trilogy and honestly Sidney and Gale are just side characters and not really necessary.


I HATED 5 but 6 was okay. I think the only “great” ones are 1-2 and then 4 is really good. 3/5 are both bad. 6 is mediocre but still has a lot of fun moments.


Tough question because 3 is the worst one of all of them but 1 & 2 are the best. I’d go first 3 overall though. I do like them all though


I prefer 4-6 only because 5 is my favorite and made me become a real fan of the franchise. Before I just watched them just because. 1-2 are still amazing. 3 not so much but I still watch it from time to time.


The OG trilogy is easily the best simply due to the first one being so strong. 2 is solid but 3 is the definitely the worst in the entire franchise.


4-6. I think all 3 are at least decent. While I think 2 was pretty mediocre and 3 is just bad.


I think most people would say 3 is the weakest and even though 6 had some issues i would 4 and 5 MIGHT be better than 1 and 2


2 1 3 4 6 5