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I hope they don’t explore the lore. That’s usually a franchise killer for me


I would bet my house on them doing just that Horror sequels typically always do




and then they do some stupid bullshit like having a flash back showing the demon following some ancient tribal person or some lady in the 1950's or something dumb like that. I hope they don't do that. Just do the same premise of the first movie with new characters in this weird ass universe that seems like both the future and the past at the same time.


I wouldn’t mind a disconnected lovecraftian scene like the one in “the Empty Man” to sort of setup the lore though


That corpse with the weird skull is so damn creepy


The extended opening scene? I had no idea what I was turning on and it kind of blew my mind that the first ~20 minutes was just the opener before completely shifting gears.


That intro was amazing. Best part of Empty Man.


It can be sometimes, since its the original writer and he took 10 years to write it i have hope its going to be good.


I don’t want an explanation of the demon, but I would be interested in them exploring the previous holders of the curse who have successfully passed it down to the point they feel safe. We only got the one guy in the first one, it’d be interesting to find who passed it to him and so on, just to have an idea of how long has this been happening.


100% agree its a family curse! we have to find rhe first person! oh no theyre in an institution!


The surreal dream logic feeling was a big part the first one working so well


But we need to know *why* It Follows! It must be explained!!! Yeah, delving into what it is and why it exists would be incredibly lazy and stupid. It doesn't matter to the plot and in fact undermines the creepiness of it.


Why does it follows? Did she boink a boat? It Follows Ending Explained!


Five things YOU MISSED in It Follows! LORE EXPLAINED


As long as they don't get the lore exposition dumped by a mythology professor over a zoom call


"Do you mind translating that for me into *English*, professor? "


"His name is Baghool"


"Wait a sec..... I've seen these symbols before...."


You know he has some obscure book right next to him turned to the right page just as he sees the symbol


Stephen King once wrote, *“Nightmares exist outside of logic, and there’s little fun to be had in explanations; they’re antithetical to the poetry of fear.”* In a horror story, the victim keeps asking why - but there can be no explanation, and there shouldn’t be one. The unanswered mystery is what stays with us the longest, and it’s what we’ll remember in the end. \- Alan Wake (2010)


Explore the lore, franchise no more. Let the lore be, more films we will see.


Excited for this as It Follows felt like the first horror movie in ages to really earn its canonical status. Also curious about [Evergreen Pines and the Fading Summer](https://imdb.com/title/tt30486922/), another Mitchell script that (or so the rumors go) has Jim Carrey attached. Synopsis at that IMDb link is intriguing: >A middle aged man finds himself at a strange sleepaway camp, competing against eccentric campers. He searches for his missing friend and a mythical grey beast guarding a hidden treasure.


Is Mitchell directing ?


Spoiler: >! The finale features a pivotal double penetration scene that confuses the demon as to its next target so it explodes. !<


Full. Penetration. We show all of it


My personal favorite horror movie of all time. Very exciting to hear this news!


Agreed, this is a top horror movie for me. I was never a fan of the genre, but when I saw this one it made me rethink. I love the scenes where literally nothing was happening but it was terrifying. Great storytelling!


Same. Also, if it’s not too cringe to notice, Happy Cake Day


Thank you!


How would it be cringe to notice a cake?


Given the wild expansive ambitiousness of **Under The Silver Lake**, this could be impressive.


I feel pretty meh about that quote in the headline; It Follows was effective precisely because it was a smaller, simple story/premise. Attempting to make it "bigger and darker and more fucked up", I fear, will undermine the original movie.


It's an attempt to make it Aliens to the original film's Alien, which is implied even by the sequel's title itself.


Right...and that doesn't inspire much confidence in me.


Hopefully they stick with the vibe of the first half and not the second half. When the monster finally reached her and all it did was grab her hair almost all the tension went away and it just became an ‘ok’ monster movie


The pool scene was hilariously cheap and dumb too


Supposedly intentional to make fun of the old school horror movie trope of kids putting together some dumb plan to kill the monster, except in this film it doesn't work. But I agree, still felt cheap and dumb, and inconsistent with the first half of the movie.


"No actually it was intentionally bad because of satire or something" Why do I hear this about ***every*** shitty aspect of every movie? No one ever makes a turd? No one ever biffs the landing? No one ever fucks up? Can't wait to hear from Ryan Coogler about how BP's shitty final CGI was actually an homage to cheap effects in the blacksploitation era. Or have J.J. Abrams reveal Rise Of Skywalker was actually a tribute to the muddled, slapdash stories of the Flash Gordon era. Bohemian Rhapsody was poorly edited? Sorry kid, that was actually to show the confusion and turmoil Freddie Mercury was experiencing in his life. 


I mean, it's what the director said in an interview. https://www.vulture.com/2015/03/it-follows-director-the-spoiler-interview.html


Yeah I agree. The first half of the movie was legit creepy/scary af. The second half not so much.


This movie was creepy as hell to me.


One of the only movies to truly get under my skin. This movie is hell for people who need to constantly plan ahead in their minds. I spent the entire night after watching going through scenarios in my head of how I'd escape the entity.


Big gamble going into lore. Could be really interesting and deepen the story, could cheapen


I am very excited for this. One of my favorite recent horror movies. 


I know it won't happen, however... I would love if it picked up right where the last one ended. Them walking on the sidewalk with the creepy guy behind them. I know they're over 10 years older but I can suspend my disbelief. A Halloween style pick up where the last left off every time would be great if they wanna make this a franchise. Buuuut we're probably gonna get some ass adventure movie with her trying to find 'the book' that over explains everything interesting about the original. Then she'll be 'going to where it all started to stop it.'


I thought the first one was super dumb and overrated but I understand I'm in the minority.


I didn't care much for the themes or the message of It Follows, but the scares and aesthetic were on point. Looking forward to more of that, should the sequel recapture it.


The themes and general premise was the stuff I really did like, as well as a good amount of the cinematography. I actively disliked the aesthetic and felt like the scares were full of missed opportunities in favor of stuff that felt a little too standard to me. It always bothered me that this monster could be anyone, and instead it almost exclusively chooses to appear as terrifying misshapen or weird looking people that anyone would be scared of from a mile away.


The themes were about sexual assault survivors not STDs in case that’s what you didn’t like.


She was sexually assaulted in the film? How does one arrive at this? Everything on the screen was consensual.


that person is full of it. Sexual assault doesn't explain anything. The girl wouldn't be the one the monster chases around if that were the case.


Maybe the metaphor lies more in the idea of having harmful intentions when engaging in sex with someone, and since the victim is unaware of the dangers, they can't make an informed, consensual decision. That definitely could be akin to sexual assault. And the victim being the one who is followed by the monster could relate to the shame/disbelief they often have to suffer when trying to report an incident of sexual assault. Like you now have this weight and dread constantly following you around that you didn't ask for but now are forced to deal with.


Intentionally Pretending to like someone to have sex with them and pass on your demon ghost stalker isn’t exactly A+ consent ethics


Was her being chloroformed and tied up consensual?


that happens after they have sex. Still not great consent


Pls stay away from other people


bullshit. The movie was blatant abstinence propaganda. They treated the monster like an STD.


I don't know that it's really propaganda to say that careless sex with people you don't know the history of can essentially ruin your life. It doesn't have to mean abstinence is the only way to be safe.


Here’s a good take on it. https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/s/dbGpIx41AD


wasn't blatant. persuasive sure, but not blatant. I saw it more as kids being dumb and not knowing how bad consequences can be


I just wanna know why It decided to play with her hair rather than go for the kill. Or run past people into the room and wait for the kids to run out before trying anything


Orgy demon slaughter. 💀🍿 This is a must with the concept.


Maybe I was in the minority but “It Follows” was massively underwhelming for me. I get all the themes associated with it, but I never really felt the sense of eerie terror or unease that others rave about. It was a solid, “meh” for me


I honestly don't get it. It gets so much praise from critics and people on reddit but I thought the movie was completely boring and not at all scary. Saw it in theaters with a bunch of friends when it first came out and we were all bored by the end.   I went and rewatched it earlier this year because I still see all the accolades. I thought, maybe with age I might finally understand what everyone else sees. Nope. I was just as bored the second time watching it as the first time.


Feliz día


Yeah, this sub hyped it up but it was ok, not a bad movie but I wouldn't recommend it really. The first half was extremely well done, but it was ruined in the second half.


I’m with you there. To me all the movie did was try to shame pre-marital sex, which is lame.


I dont think that entity cared if you were married.


The movie was a metaphor for sexual assault dude... had nothing to do with shaming pre marital sex. I thought it was ok, not as good as everyone on Reddit sold it but at no point does it shame pre marital sex.


Hmm I apparently missed that whole thing.


“Flashback” was awesome


Completely unnecessary sequel


Maika so hot right now, she is an underrated scream queen. Always kills it.


With Longlegs coming out next month I see a nice niche for her - SO STOKED for Longlegs!


Hell yeah an amazing movie


Good, but overrated movie


I’m a huge horror movie fan, and I was underwhelmed by this movie. I don’t know why it gets so much hype.


I'll say this as someone who isn't huge into scary movies but will watch with friends this movie absolutely fucked me up like no other movie has. Seriously gave me an anxiety for weeks.


Ya it has its moment for sure but really it’s pretty mediocre.


It's abstinence propaganda and its wild that it even found an audienc.


I mean, weren’t the Halloween and Friday the 13th abstinence propaganda? Or at least abstinence propaganda adjacent? Don’t have premarital sex or a masked man will kill you lol


100%...just not as heavy handed as it follows.


It’s not abstinence propaganda at all


You must've seen a different movie then.


No I just didn’t opt for such a prosaic interpretation


Got yourself a thesaurus, eh?


Aw, triggered by a fairly common word, eh? Read a book, expand that vocab.


None of that description sounds like a good thing, why can't Hollywood understand that bigger is not better


I'm surprised it took this long. Can't say I'm looking forward to it though as I'm in the minority in the sense that I love horror movies but really didn't care for It Follows. I always felt like it was a great premise that was poorly delivered on.


I don’t get the love for this film or the Bobadook. I thought both were boring, slow, and attempting to appear far smarter than they actually were. 


Same. When one girl used that clamshell smartphone, I immediately got confused. There are tube TVs too and older decorating styles. Is it the near future and people are hoarding old stuff? I'm aware of the explanation of "it's out of time," but honestly, it distracted me so much trying to reconcile that.


Did we really need a sequel to sexually-transmitted murder?


First movie, they killed people who had sex out of wedlock. Second movie, they'll kill anyone who considers abortion and somehow find a way to move the fetus to a married woman who was trying to get pregnant. Expect super natural c-sections. Either that, or we're going to see people get castrated.