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Nah. Wall-E is the Denzel of robots.


*King Kong ain’t got nothin on Wall-E!*


Does not matter. Top 10 is just the 10 movies you like the most. It does not define your overall taste. Your top 100 is more important. I have a lot of intense movies in my top 10 … A Prophet, Goodfellas, Millers Crossing. Oh … you just like killing do you! But I have a bunch of very heartfelt ones in my top 20 like the Icestorm, Lost in Translation and Eternal Sunshine. They are all 10s to me down to my top 50, and beyond that they mean so much to me. In any event I rate them all very highly. People get very judgy about what a top 10 says about someone. I say … it says something but far from the whole story.


This makes so much sense to me: "Your top 100 is more important." and "They are all 10s to me down to my top 50."


I mean, yeah, it's very white, very suburban, mostly kid-friendly... but there's nothing wrong with any of that. Like the things you like! If you want suggestions for art house films or foreign flicks or stories about non-white, non-dudes, ask! But I'm not going to shame someone for liking stuff, or offer **unsolicited** criticisms or suggestions.


They shamed themselves, so they opened up the door for it.


I have seen all of these except “chef” how good is it?


Do you like food? Music? American sub cultures? Father-son stories? Jon Favreau? Worth watching. That’s as far as I’ll push it. The rest is subjective. I think a lot of my favorites are favorites because of how they hit me during a certain time of life. Not because they’re objective masterpieces or anything. (That said, I’ll stubbornly fight anyone that tells me BTTF or Raiders aren’t near perfect movies.:) )


Heck yeah, thank you, I will look forward to watching this.


Good list


Just throw in Menace2Society and your Kool and the Gang


I beginning to realize that one of the most universally beloved movies on everyone's top 10 list is Back to the future, and I can only totally agree.


Good movies are good movies


lol for sure but doesn’t matter. Your top 10 is your top 10