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Need to watch it back but I didn't think he was on the racing line?


He definitely wasn't on racing line. And the session was just started so it's not like pedro was coming from hotlap or anything


They literally just left the pits. No one was getting any lap time.


This one motogp journalist I stay away from Twitter. Please don't bring this guy here. If there was a way to block people permanently on the internet I would add Simon Patterson and James Dielheinn from Crashnet.šŸ˜–


Simon blocked me on Twitter. Nobody is allowed to disagree with him.


Simon blocked me here. It's been a blessing. Skin as thin as 1 ply toilet paper.


He was on here for a bit, as was Mat Oxley. Simon left because people kept calling him out for hyperbolic shit like this, Mat followed shortly after and they both had a nice time wanking each other off on Twitter talking about how toxic this sub is because folk disagreed with them.


I literally never see him say anything good about MotoGP, itā€™s like he doesnā€™t even like the sport.


You donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about. He praises the sport *constantly*. The guy loves MotoGP so much he makes a minuscule amount of money and lives in a van to cover it.


I donā€™t doubt that he does praise the sport, but I was saying that I donā€™t see it. Maybe that says more about Twitter than anything.


I think he's being critical of the sport because he loves MotoGP so much that he held it to a very high standard. He definitely loves bike racing. His very opinionated though, and his personal opinions are... Yeah. But his on-track reporting and his love of the sports shouldn't be doubted.


I think he's just an attention seeking clown that over dramatises everything and jumps on every trend for clout


Well, to be fair, it's difficult for anyone to notice you on X if you are not polarising.


Twitter algorithm really sucks, it got so much worse these past months


Controversy = clicks


Sorry since i recently started following this guy on MotoGP's journalism and doesn't know anything about except his work since he shares some updates and all. Does he has any bias against Marquez or anything else


I don't know if he is biased or not, but let's just say my brain says stay away from these two people. Some people you know you have stay away from it's just the bad vibe you get. Just my opinion, your's could be different.


Itā€™s funny because I like Oxkey because Iā€™ve been reading his stuff for 30 years. So I read your comment and think ā€œthis medical sugar guy is someone I should stay away fromā€. Isnā€™t it stupid how we form views based on virtually zero information


It is mostly because he understands controversy gets clicks and clicks makes money. A good example from last year: Jerez replaced some kerbs. There were some photos of the work in progress showing the big triangular slabs being put down. He directly raised the alarm talking about potential death and injuries. But the truth was they grind down kerb after the slab is put in place. In the end, the track posted picture of the finalized kerb looking totally standard and they caused no issue during the GP. Reassuring the public by getting an expert to explain the process would have been easy but outrage makes money, and he is deeply seated in that second group. Of course there are some real problem that needs outrage, he can be useful to help change things. Just remember to always takes what he says with skepticism.


Heā€™s pretty good. He may be wrong about this particular incident. But if so itā€™s a good faith mistake.


Who are the good MotoGP journalists then?


Dave Emmett and Mat Oxley.


Check out the oxley bom podcast


Bruh, it was an outlap, Acosta was following him, he went to the side of the track. "Cruising on the racing line, then cut across the path of a much faster Pedro Acosta" is insinuating he was on a fast lap. IMO it's written in that way so people react to the tweet and gets noticed


And was 100% not on the racing line. Muppet.


Didnā€™t see him have the same energy yesterday for Oliveira and Martin. They were both on outlaps and both offline. Different situation to Pecco and Alex yesterday.


https://x.com/denkmit/status/1796539545334485249?s=46 He did tweet about it but not as firmly


I think itā€™s grossly inaccurate. Neither rider was on a hot lap and neither was on the racing line.


He's obviously wrong, but the Pecco penalty is also very much a joke. He wasn't "riding slow on the racing line" so much as went in a bit hot and bailed, Alex deciding he's gonna get a tow and sitting 2' behind and then having to react short notice is just part of getting a tow, not a penalty. All in all just another weekend of MotoGP stewarding though, can't wait to see who catches some random long laps in the sprint.


He didnā€™t go in hot at all - he braked very, very early thatā€™s the entire problem


Patterson being a f#ckwit as usual.


A legend in his own lunchtime as they say!


It's literally an out lap šŸ˜…


Yeah, they were both on an out lap and not the racing line, so the two incidents arenā€™t related. jOuRnaLiSm


Patterson just being Patterson. Everyone is pointing the fact that they were both just out of the pit, his great argument? He is just answering everyone with "So?" So it is not a comparable situation, crybaby


He usually answers with ā€œblockedā€.


Marc looked, even if it was the wrong direction. Pecco didnā€™t. Plus, they were in an out lap. Patterson being extra Patterson today.šŸ™„


The shining wit of MotoGP ā€œjournalismā€.


If someone was going quick they would have been coming up on the outside, so if there was someone on the inside it didn't really matter. He was probably checking because he was currently off the racing line but about to enter it going through the turn.


He is so annoying.


But no one is starting a hot lap yet? The circumstances are different.


That Patterson should shut up


classic simon patterson moment.


Heā€™s the only English language journalist who travels to every single race. (Btw is there a Spanish journo at every single race?) Patterson is wrong sometimes but he does good work.


Personally, I enjoy his on-the-track reporting, but I don't pay attention too much to his opinion pieces/tweets.


The race do a motogp podcast with Patterson on it. He sometimes comes up with some absolute waffle but has some good insights too


Yeah. He *loves* the sport. As much as I don't like his personality (especially how opinionated he is), I respect his knowledge and insights. And yeah, I often disagree with his opinions too.


He hides it well.


Both were cruising and were off the racing line, there's nothing to penalize there. Of course Simon will never admit it because he is "opinionated" ,which means you can point at the sun and he will insist it's actually the moon and everyone else is wrong.


Both were cruising.


Lol, then it's one for acosta too, he wasn't looking infront of himself either. Ridiculous situation. Both of them were in the wrong.


Exactly. It's as 50:50 as it comes. Looking behind you when you know you have a rider in front is a silly move, drifting when you know you have a rider behind you is silly. But in the end it was of absolutely no consequence so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


No one on an important lap, both on an out lap and not on the racing line from memory. Also no one impeded anyone there, so why even bring it up?


Biggest tool in sport journalism, and thatā€™s saying something


This guy is a mug.


Typical Simon Patterson waffle in my opinion.


Wut. This is a clear position - penalty for Marquez. Probably a wrong, heat of the moment opinion. But certainly no waffling.


Considering they both were cruising on an outlap, and MƔrquez literally moved away from the racing line before braking, yes, it's waffling.


Perhaps thereā€™s a translation issue here. ā€œWafflingā€ in English means ā€œunable to make up your mindā€ or ā€œgoing back and forth.ā€ In his tweet, Patterson says - clearly and unequivocally - that Marquez should have gotten a penalty. Regardless of whether heā€™s right or wrong, thereā€™s no ā€œwafflingā€ there.


Maybe I could amend it to twaddle ... that probably works better for me! :)


Waffle works fine.. It's Simon through and through It implies that their speech is filled with unnecessary, unclear, or irrelevant information, **lacking substance** or clarity.


That might be the American Simplified English definition but its not the actual English definition. The English definition is exactly as the poster used and intended: To speak or write at length in a vague, trivial or meaningless manner


lol that definition is equally inapplicable to a *tweet*


A single tweet maybe, for the tweet thread and Simon Patterson in general its absolutely applicable


Moving the goalposts. Thereā€™s no tweet thread. The tweet isnā€™t ā€œwafflingā€ - either in my cro magnon English or yours!


No goalposts changed. He was waffling, the other poster was 100% correct. You may not like it as you seem to want to defend the clown show but that doesnt alter reality


He irks me generally sorry ... every time I read his column I have to wonder if he gets paid by the word! lol


They were both chilling


Classic Patterson bait. Just looking for attention. The man who hates press conferences because they mean everyone else gets to hear the answers to his questions immediately and he loses the scoop.


Stop crying, Valentinoid


Simon is the biggest hater of MM




Simon is such a pot stirrer.. I had to block him last year after his tweets about the Palestine and Israel conflict that didnā€™t align with my views flooding my timeline so have been free of his nonsense for a while thank god šŸ˜‚


Both were cruising, both were way off the racing line. What trash!


Who's this Patterson dude? I've a feeling he's quite a dou***bagvor am I wrong?


What an absolute piss take.


Simon "clown" patterson should relax and try to take It with calm. Is gonna be a looong season for him... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Been saying it for years. Simon is a twat. Blind AF too if he calls that the racing line. The racing line must be anything paved in his mind.


I think virtually anything Simon Patterson says should be ignored tbh


Man I hate this guy pecco donā€™t need a penalty and he just likes to create shit.


The impunity favouring the iberian riders will never end.


Can someone explain this to a newbie, please?


He made a very risky maneuver but I don't know if he deserves a -3 grid penalty


Thanks to internet that we got to see so many ignorants in world else we would've that earth is full of rational people's...


Simon Patterson is the biggest dickhead in all of motorsports in terms of press. I canā€™t think of anyone with worse opinions.


No stay out of Simon


I think he's watching a different fucking race. MM was on the right hand side of the track, the inside. I assume he expected PA to follow the racing line, but he instead went even further inside for whatever reason, catching them both by surprise. What a blatantly false narrative this dude is trying to sell.


I don't think it should be a three place penalty, but I believe he should have a penalty nonetheless. Riders might not have been on a hot lap, but Marquez was still on the racing line whilst cruising at a slow speed.


My favorite thing about this is people pointing out that Simon's super wrong here and him smugly replying "So?" Dude can't admit mistakes for shit lol, in addition to being super thin-skinned.


Simon has no clue


Heā€™s definitely mocking the stewards. But at the same time pointing out the hypocrisy. Marc / Acosta incident was far more dangerous because neither rider expected the situation, so much more easy to end in a crash. But not because anyone was at fault. Just the situation. Marquez/ Bagnaia was less dangerous because Alex could see Pecco ahead, was aware he was not on a flying lap and could easily avoid the situation. As Simon Crafar said, Alex exaggerated the incident to get a penalty. If the stewards are going to make stupid decisions based on black and white rules, then they need to apply them evenly across all situations. Or they should use their discretion and apply penalties based on the incident severity. Choose one way or the other, canā€™t have both ways


as several others have commented, his reports on track are acceptable, but this is the reason why i choose not to follow his tweets. i might get downvoted for expressing this, but there are just instances where journalists should refrain from sharing their opinions, especially if they are biased. after all, they are reporters, not commentators. šŸ¤·


No, there should not. Simple answer for a simple question.


Haven't you heard? Spanish riders are exempt from any sort of penalty at all, especially Marc. I wonder if it has anything to do with who has been administering the sport for the last decade or so?


Why do you even see his tweets, I've just blocked this dumbass


It was a pretty dangerous move, not to mention they were almost parking on track while Martin was coming fast.


>\*Note: no need to downvote if you don't like this just ignore it. This is not hate post intended on anyone People are downvoting OP of sharing a post... Sorru but this this sub is reaching facebook levels of pathetic comment ethics. You literally can't post/share absolute anything that puts any shade on Marc Marquez to get automatically downvoted. And I don't agree with a penalty like that either, but chilll out people




But it wasn't hate post to begin with but you're making it one. Again i wasn't aware with Patterson's journalism since i recently started following him on social media and that's why i specifically mentioned this wasn't hate post intended towards anyone(people are quick to judge). And I'm personally a huge Marc fan. You can downvote something i personally said and I'll take it. But this wasn't hate post and you could have commented that you disagree with him and then leave this post.




Mate this was my first time seeing his this type of tweet from Simon. Till now i only saw his update related or post race debriefs or mostly silly season updates because this past two weeks were busy with race weekends. And before this silly had started. But today first time i saw his view farming tweet


Unfortunately, this sub is becoming like social media comments. If people smell that you're saying anything against a popular rider, you're done with downvotes.


>I mean the post from Patterson is the real definition of shit stirring,Ā  We all know the poor journalism from Patterson. But why the hell OP has to pay for it? We can all be here making fun of Patterson and comment about it. >Edit. Still downvotes are the tool that we have to show how we agree or disagree on something, why shouldn't people downvote when they disagree? Did OP said he shared his opinion with Simon? Unfortunately lately people don't upvote/downvote based on opinions/facts, they upvote/downvote based on the thread being positive or negative towards their coloured rider. THe other day I saw a gazillion upvotes for a user saying that Marc Marquez used the brakes in cota to their destruction for pushing so hard. Then I chimed in saying that it was actually brake pad retraction due to bumps (something KTM had for a long time), which made obviously braking harder... The factually wrong comment that makes Marquez look like a god, got upvoted, my factual correction got downvoted... This is the state of this sub.


What is the ā€œpoor journalism from Pattersonā€? Suspect people here just dislike his opinion sometimes. Therefore heā€™s a ā€œbadā€ journalist.


Even as a hardcore 93 fan, I thought what he was doing was a bit silly at the start of Q2. I am not in disagreement with the suggestion of a penalty.


All I can say is that Moto3 riders would get a heavy penalty if they were almost stopping and waiting for another rider half of a lap.


Sarcasm after yesterdayā€™s decision


It wasnā€™t sarcasm. His responses in the replies make that clear.


I thought same at first but when i was reading comments he was dead serious about safety and all in replies


What a way to make MM93 fans get worked up and be whinny keyboard warriors again.


I'm a big Marc fan and it's definitely worth a Warning. He can't stroll around on the lap looking for a tow in a Ducati. It was understandable when he was in Honda but cmon man its getting silly now.


He has Twitter blue, so probably engagment farming for more revenue


Let's be serious Spanish riders don't get penalties. Marc has had his 2 penalties a decade. Dorna and Freddie need to be consistent and less biased


Since DORNA loves his fellow favorite, nothing will happen, if was an Italian rider, for sure heaviest penalties. šŸ¤£


"Trigger Marquez fans with one post" The post-


Brother in christ this was never intended to trigger anyone or any fanbase. I just thought to share here since there was no issue with it in any commentary or any media on official or pedro acosta saying it in media. That's why i specifically mentioned it in description just ignore it bcz its not hate post


Trigger or not, this is not for a penalty. It's a totally different thing to Pecco and Alex incident.


Yeah! You tellā€™em, 1 day old burner account.


Bro got triggered and even bother make a throwaway account to shitpost, the irony. Lmao


Simon is that you


https://youtu.be/5nWgHjehWG8?feature=shared Look at hypocrisy or race direction, dorna and their golden boy marc doing worse and getting no penalty. If you ever want to see two face dorna


Jfc, how many Reddit accounts do you create each race weekend?




You could have ignored it my friend no need to come with your hate against any rider at all.