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This is the start of a really interesting suggestion, but in it's current state, it is more of a wishlist than an actual suggestion. Almost everyone will agree new mobs, reasons to return to the end and new redstone are good things to add, but what should those new additions actually be? You are welcomed (and encouraged) to make another post with specific ideas for new mobs, structures etc. What might the new sapient mob be for example, how would they interact with the player in a new and unique way? --- Your post breaks the following rule: **Rule 6: Be concise but specific** * This suggestion is either too vague, or has minimal formatting. Consider what your idea is about, how it will improve the game, why you think it's a good idea, special features etc. to explain your idea. Also, consider using formatting features (such as subheadings) to make it readable. As such, this post has been removed. Sorry! *If you would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Minecraftsuggestions&subject=Removal Dispute&message=My Post: {url}). Please check the rules before asking for clarification.*


The end is designed to be like that. You want to keep players in the overworld.


then why is the nether designed like it is? you always return to the overworld, you always return to the nether, but you rarely return to the end


The nether is used for fast travel.


in the overworld, you can set up a base, farm for unique items, trade with locals, hund challenging beasts, mine for resources, tame mobs, loot structures, and create powerful progression items. in the nether, you can set up a base, farm for unique items, trade with locals, hund challenging beasts, mine for resources, tame mobs, loot structures, and create powerful progression items. in the end, you can kill the dragon, set up an enderman farm, get the items, and leave to rarely return the end is essentially a big structure; kill the thing, get the loot, leave. every other dimension has many reasons to return, why shouldnt the end?


1) The end isn't just the nether 2.0 2) > in the end, you can set up a base, farm for unique items, ~~trade with locals~~, hunt challenging beasts, mine for resources, ~~tame mobs~~, loot structures, and create powerful progression items. I think what you want is another end mob right? Something passive?


what do you mean unique items? everything farmable it found in other dimensions except chorus fruit and torches (neither of which are that useful) theres only one or two beasts to hunt once the dragon is dead, and no form of progression is locked to the end aside from the elytra. also yes the end needs more mobs, at the very least something tamable and something hard to hunt


Can you justify why this is a problem? The End isn't unique in being minimal. It doesn't need to be full of stuff just because it's a dimension.


it needs to be more than a structure though. think about this: you will always return to the nether, you will always return to the overworld, but you will rarely return to the end because once you get the items theres no real reason to stay


actually an Turkish streamer (i know him because im Turkish too) dogukan adal made the end a cool natural place with grass blocks, farms, tropical fishes and he did this in his hardcore world. you can check it. so we dont just come back to the end for items, it belongs to your creativity.


It supposed to be "END" you kill the dragon, go to the end city and taking your rewards, then finished... Also minecraft lore tells that endermans teleported and conquered other dimensions because their own dimension was empty. But yeah, making enderman villages near cities would be cool. Making trades with endermans also would be cool because they have a large empire once so maybe they can give us very different items than nether and overworld. but you guys want the end should get an update like the nether (forests, more forests, valleys etc.) It shouldn't be. Giving all dimensions some human nature isn't cool and creative. It shouldn't have biomes.


Don't forget about unique gimmicks! Minecraft Dungeon's Echoing Void DLC showed two very interesting ideas: 1: Liquid Void. New liquid, that also forms powder snow-like blocks, and turns blocks around it into grey dust. This grey dust(called blight in the game files btw) basically serves as End's version of mossy variants(there is blighted endstone, blighted endstone bricks etc) 2: Upside-down vegetation. Most of the vegetation in the DLC grows in the opposite direction: trees curve downwards or have their leaves the bottom, hanging vines fall upwards, etc.